Keyword: whiskersvanity
I was waiting eagerly for Trump’s Mar-A-Lago announcement tonight. After the enormous energy of the promised Red Wave, and having Trump’s election night rally end up without any announcement, and then the painful anticlimax of watching victory after victory slip away in a week of “extended counting,” (*) followed by a increasing stream of both Washington insiders and supposed grass-roots right-of-center influencers, solemnly intoning the mantra, “Trump is over. It’s his fault” I was eager to hear what The Donald would have to say. Surely he would have some choice words, and energy to rally the GOP grass roots. And...
To everything (purr, purr, purr) There is a season (purr, purr, purr) And a time to every purpose, under heaven A time to be born, a time to die A time to faceplant, a time to leap A time to kill, a time to play A time to ignore, a time to prey To everything (purr, purr, purr) There is a season (purr, purr, purr) And a time to every purpose, under heaven A time to climb up, a time to knock down A time to prance, a time to curl up A time to cast away litter, a time...
“IF you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or being hated, don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise: If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and...
So the much anticipated 2018 election is over. Scott and DeSantis squeaked out wins in Florida; Beto (barely) got veto'd; McCaskill and Heitkamp are out; Menendez survived; and Keith Ellison won AG in Minnesota. And Occasional-Cortex won her House seat, in a Dem district. And, the Democrats eked out a win in the House; but it took the combined efforts of 24x7 Trump derangement in the MSM, censorship from social media, hundreds of millions of dollars from liberal billionaires, and backstabbing from the late John McCain and the retiring Paul Ryan, and around 40 GOP resignations, as well as (may...
Goes Down Easy by Damn Fogeyberg Christine lost her Justice in the early part of autumn And she moved out of the country Hoping all would be forgotten. The last time that I saw her She was makin' sure the FBI Wouldn't come through that old door frame Where the story is several miles from the truth, The cold hard truth. (Chorus) And it's hard when she goes down easy; And it's hard to keep from cryin'; And it's hard to lose a Justice In the early part of autumn. Well, she learned to cook the tales And she learned...
____ 28, 201_ CONFIDENTIAL Senator _______ ___________ Dear Senator _________: I am writing to you with information concerning the background of the current nominee to ____________. As I am a loyal Democrat, I trust that you will keep this confidential from Republicans, especially Senator _________, until we can spring this on them at the last minute with no chance for rebuttal or fact checking. Also, may I ask that our colleagues in the usual social media companies carefully scrub my posting history for the past ____ years. ________ physically __________ me and sexually __________ during ___________ in the time frame...
By now, even those without two brain cells to rub together, have heard the news that President Trump's Chief of Strategy, Steve Bannon, is out of the White House. Initial reports were that he was fired; later, reports came out that he tendered his resignation some ten or eleven days ago, and that he and Gen. Kelly (the new chief of staff) mutually agreed that this would be his last day. (Not to worry about Bannon, though; by the early evening, it was announced that he had landed back at Breitbart News from whence he came.) Reaction from the usual...
I'm sure that most of us to the right of center grew awfully tired of the propaganda put out by the Obama campaign. One of the worst was the execrable "The Life of Julia" YouTube piece contrasting the idyllic life under glorious Soviet multiracial healer Obama, as opposed to that known purveyor of"binders full of women" Romney. I give a synopsis, followed by corrections, with the benefits of hindsight: Slide 1: Julia goes to Head Start to help prepare for kindergarten under Obama. Under Romney/Ryan the budget would be cut. Correction: Ryan as replacement GOP chair for Weepy Boehner, gave...
It's in the bag for Trump. Nobody among the intelligent, sophisticated coastal elites thought he would do it. Final reports differ, but when the smoke clears, it looks like Trump will have over 300 electoral votes -- during an election when most people were expecting a Hillary landslide. It's a stunning rebuke. How did he do it? The Deplorables. Trump won over 50% of white women, and won in every age bracket. As an internet commenter observed, You can only piss on people for so long before they figure out it's not raining. But here's why Trump's victory was a...
Of Wikileaks, and Project Veritas, The Enquirer, and Things. So, by now almost everyone has heard of the Wikileaks emails. Julian Assange has been holed up in the Ecuadorian embassy overseas, fighting extradition on a charge of sexual assault up in Sweden. There have been a steady stream of drips of emails from Wikileaks, involving John Pedestal (Hillary heavy) and various-and-sundry. The Obama administration, and the Clinton campaign, have been going crazy trying to figure out how to suppress, discredit, or stop the leaks, or at least change the subject. They figured with the Octopussy scandal hitting Trump, the election...
By now, everyone has heard of the bombshell of the leaked Trump-Bush tape, in which Donald spoke of "grabbing them right in the ..." well, you know. It was wildly hailed as the end of the world; the more so, as a number of leading Republicans (Paul Ryan and John McCain among them) loudly pulled aside their skirts, and said they could not support Trump, urging the rest of the GOP to follow them. Within a day, however, Trump had recovered his poise; holding a press conference before the scheduled debate the next day, with women who had been sexually...
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all RINOs doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or being hated, don’t give way to hating, And your hair don’t look too good, nor talk too wise: If you can dream—and not make dreams your master; If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Hillary and Paul Ryan And...
"You are old, Mrs. Clinton," the young voter said, "And have to pretend to be strong; And yet you incessantly sit on a stool -- Do you think, you'll keep up, the act long?" "In my youth," Mrs. Clinton replied to the pup, "I was always afraid of a fall; But, it's more than a stool, for the Press holds me up, (and my Poll numbers, too!) through it all." “'You are old,' ” said the youth, “as that old poem went, "And have grown most uncommonly fat; Yet you still wear those pants suits that look like a tent...
In A.D. 2015 Election was beginning. Captain: What happen? Mechanic: Somebody set up us the TRUMP. Operator: We get Twitter. Captain: What ! Operator: Fox News turn on. Captain: It's you !! DONALD: How are you gentlemen !! DONALD: All your base are belong to us. DONALD: You are on the way to destruction. Captain: What you say !! DONALD: You have no chance to elect make your time. DONALD: It's YUGE. Ha ha ha ha ... Operator: Captain !! Captain: Take off every 'Cruz'!! Captain: You know what you doing. Captain: Move 'Cruz'. Captain: (...)For great Conservatism.
With all of the furor surround the rise of Donald Trump, Republicans have missed a chance for a little drama concerning an upcoming rift in the (normally monolithic) Democrat party. For out of nowhere, Senator Bernie Sanders has been making an actual attempt at running for the Democrat nomination. Some may say this is a fool's errand, for the following reasons. 1) Name recognition. Despite its placement in the liberal northeast, Vermont, where Sanders hails from, is known for little more than Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream to the rest of the country. It is not an oil state like...
By now, everyone with an IQ above that of roofing tar has heard of the allegations of sexual infidelity by Sen. Ted Cruz (Cuban - TX (by way of Canada)). I do not intend to review the entire timeline of this controversy, nor to engage in rumor mongering against Cruz, nor against Trump; still less to attribute the stories to any other candidate's campaign or shadow cabal or conspiracy. I just wish to note that last night, Sen. Cruz held a press conference with Carly Fiorina (ex-CEO, Lucent) in which he was asked to affirm that he had never had...
Let’s be honest – Donald Trump is a loser. You couldn't even come clean about your ethnicity. He's worth billions. Count all his failed businesses. Let's count his successful businesses. Now let's look at Hillary. There's the Rose Law Firm, I guess. See how he kept his father’s empire afloat by cheating people with scams like Trump University and by using strategic corporate bankruptcy (excuse me, bankruptcies) to skip out on debt. Huh, yeah. Speaking of scams, don't you get paid $350,000 a year to teach *one* class? And let's listen to the people who were ripped off by Bill...
Do not go gentle into that GOP-e night, Glenn Beck should rant and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the Right. Though Trolls at their end know not left from right, Because their words had sporked no weasel they Do not go gentle into that GOP-e night. Good Freepers, the last wave by, crying how bright Their candidates might have danced with a Free Press, Rage, rage against the dying of the Right. Independents who caught and sang the Trump in flight, And learned, so late, to cheer him on his way, Do not go...
"These are the times that try men's souls," wrote Thomas Paine. Surely, we are living in times of similar upheaval. Just consider: Going from 2008, when the United States first elected Barack Obama, who campaigned simultaneously on "Hope and Change" and "Fundamentally Transforming the United States of America" today, when (for a while) the candidates favored by the two parties to run for President, were Jeb Bush, which would have been three members of the Bush family in the Oval Office (move over, Roosevelts; move over, Adams!)...and Hillary Clinton, spouse of the disgraced Bill Clinton. But this is America: we...
This morning I woke up and decided to pray the Rosary before everyone else woke up. During the Rosary I had some unusual thoughts... First, let me note that despite the fact it is Christmas Day (at least, for the non-Orthodox out there), it is Friday. And Friday is for the Sorrowful Mysteries. For the non-Rosary prayers out there, there are a number of themes when praying the Rosary. Each one is a set of Five Mysteries: elements or episodes from the life of Christ or the Apostles. The Rosary consists of recitations of the Lord's prayer, followed by 10...