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Keyword: thirdarmy

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  • Belgian veteran remembers US Army's WWII sacrifice (Battle of the Bulge ended 80 years ago today)

    01/25/2025 12:07:51 PM PST · by Borges · 24 replies ^ | 1/22/25 | Jonathan Austin
    WASHINGTON — Paul Goffin has spent much of his adult life solemnly remembering the American Army Soldiers who fought to free his home country, Belgium, during World War II. Yet, it wasn’t until Goffin retired in 1990 from the World Bank in the Washington, D.C., area that he could dedicate serious time to help recognize the men who fought during the Battle of the Bulge, the largest and deadliest conflict of the war. “They represented everything,” said Goffin, now 100, during an interview at his northern Virginia home. "They brought back the freedom which we didn't have, the hope for...
  • Why General McAuliffe Could Say “Nuts”

    12/13/2024 12:07:06 PM PST · by Retain Mike · 67 replies
    self | 12/13/24 | Self
    Eighty years ago, on December 16, the Germans launched the Ardennes Offensive, which proved the bloodiest American battle of WW II with 89,000 casualties including 19,000 dead. At the center of the offensive beleaguered Bastogne featured the 101st Airborne withstanding a German siege.However, these 10,000 paratroopers did not alone forge the severe impediment presented to 500,000 Germans troops attacking with tanks. Contributions from the 9th and 10th Armored Divisions, and the 28th Division’s 109th and 687th Field Artillery Battalions provided needed firepower. Remnants of the 9th Armored CCR including the 73rd Armored Field Artillery retreated into the town. The CCB...
  • General George Patton's Prayer

    03/03/2003 10:20:56 AM PST · by joesnuffy · 6 replies · 268+ views
    Bible Devotional Web Site ^ | 2001 | Patton Society Excerpts
    Let us not forget to pray. You are about to read excerpts of a call to prayer by one of the most remarkable Generals of our time, General Patton.   This call to prayer has never rung any truer than it has today in lieu of recent events. The photo to the right was taken by Patton's wife, Beatrice Ayer Patton.   The following is an excerpt between General Patton and the Chief Chaplain in 1944 which took place shortly before the glorious Battle of the Bulge. "Chaplain, sit down for a moment; I want to talk to you about this business...
  • The True Story of The Patton Prayer ("...we humbly beseech Thee...Grant us fair weather for Battle")

    04/12/2004 8:10:23 AM PDT · by yankeedame · 15 replies · 612+ views
    Patton ^ | From the Review of the News 6 October 1971 | Msgr. James H. O'Neill
    The True Story of The Patton Prayer by Msgr. James H. O'Neill (From the Review of the News 6 October 1971) Many conflicting and some untrue stories have been printed about General George S. Patton and the Third Army Prayer. Some have had the tinge of blasphemy and disrespect for the Deity. Even in "War As I Knew It" by General Patton, the footnote on the Prayer by Colonel Paul D. Harkins, Patton's Deputy Chief of Staff, while containing the elements of a funny story about the General and his Chaplain, is not the true account of the prayer Incident...
  • For Faith In Action: Patton, the Priest, and the Power of Prayer

    01/20/2011 8:48:54 AM PST · by markomalley · 3 replies
    -Feast of St. Sebastian I've been a bit martial in this space lately. Don't let it scare you. Yesterday, in a post on the Jesus Prayer, I mentioned that in combat, there is no time for analysis or planning. True, to a point.  But in leading up to the fighting, there is time for this activity. Sometimes hours, days, and even weeks of it. It is vital to the success of military operations that this time be used wisely. And as this story will attest to, here also, the power of prayer is necessary. We may have forgotten how powerful...
  • Patton on Prayer

    12/19/2014 6:49:54 AM PST · by NKP_Vet · 26 replies ^ | December 18, 2014 | Donald R. McClarey
    Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate rains with which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies and establish Thy justice among men and nations.” The famous “weather prayer” of General Patton was written by a Catholic Chaplain, Colonel James H. O’Neill, Chief Chaplain of the Third Army. Here is his article on the incident...
  • AMERICA Prayer Vigil - (12/20/2019) [Prayer]

    12/19/2019 9:40:24 PM PST · by NEWwoman · 37 replies
    The “Donald Trump/Mike Pence Prayer Vigil” and “Heroes and Nation Prayer Thread” have combined to form the AMERICA PRAYER VIGIL prayer thread! Join with fellow FREEPERS to pray for our President and Vice President and for AMERICA: Government, Family, Military, Business, Education, Churches, and the Media. This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 1 JOHN 5:14 Religion Forum threads labeled [Prayer] are closed to debate of any kind. December 1944 Band Of Brothers - Response to offer of surrender: Nuts! Deliver me, my God, from...
  • AMERICA Prayer Vigil – 16 December 2022 [Prayer]

    12/15/2022 8:14:14 PM PST · by NEWwoman · 27 replies
    Free Republic ^ | 16 December 2022 | NEWwoman
    Join with fellow FREEPERS to pray for AMERICA: For those in Authority in Government, Family, Military, Business, Healthcare, Education, Churches, and the Media. I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for everyone: for kings and all those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. ~ 1 Timothy 2:1-2 Religion Forum threads labeled [Prayer] are closed to debate of any kind. Christmas 1776 Washington Crossing the Delaware Christmas 1776 The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the LORD....
  • Andy Rooney says George Patton had little to do with winning war in Europe!

    12/01/2002 12:55:49 AM PST · by sonofatpatcher2 · 80 replies · 829+ views | 12/1/02 | sonofatpatcher2
    Was just channel surfing and caught Andy Rooney on a late nigth repeat of Larry King Weekend as he said that George Patton has little to do with the liberation of France and defeat of Nazi Germany! He then went into a ramble about Omar Bradley being the commander of Third Army...
  • Americans and Belgians mark 70th anniversary of Battle of the Bulge

    12/13/2014 12:15:44 PM PST · by DeaconBenjamin · 22 replies ^ | Saturday 13 December 2014 11.43 EST
    Belgium’s King Philippe, right, and Queen Mathilde throw nuts to the public, during the 70th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, in Bastogne, Belgium, on Saturday. The tradition dates from when the Germans asked for the US surrender in Bastogne, to which General Anthony McAuliffe answered: ‘Nuts!’ Photograph: Yves Logghe/AP Braving snowy weather, Americans and Belgians gathered in the Ardennes on Saturday to mark the 70th anniversary of one of the biggest and bloodiest US battles of the second world war, the Battle of the Bulge. Jean-Claude Klepper, 62, of Virton, Belgium, said “we must never forget what...
  • Christmas 1944, when we said NUTS to the enemy

    12/18/2011 5:50:58 PM PST · by NEWwoman · 43 replies ^ | December 17, 2011 | smithsk
    December 1944 World War Two was in overdrive. The major powers were slugging it out about the world - in Europe, Africa, and in the Pacific for 5 long years already- since 1939. The United States had entered the fray when the US Congress had declared war on Japan (December 8, 1941) for attacking Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941). Then on December 11, 1941, Germany and Italy had declared war on the United States. We were in the war for the long haul. Early December 1944, we had thought the war, at least in Europe, would be over in a...
  • U.S. Honors Belgian Nurse for Valor in World War II (Angel of Bastogne finally located)

    12/13/2011 2:01:22 PM PST · by TigerLikesRooster · 26 replies
    NYT ^ | 12/13/11
    U.S. Honors Belgian Nurse for Valor in World War II BRUSSELS (AP) — A Belgian nurse who saved the lives of hundreds of American soldiers during the Battle of the Bulge at the end of World War II was given an American award for valor on Monday. The nurse, Augusta Chiwy, who is 93, received the Civilian Award for Humanitarian Service medal from the American ambassador, Howard Gutman, in a ceremony at the military museum in Brussels. “She helped, she helped and she helped,” Mr. Gutman said. He explained the long delay — 67 years — in presenting the award...
  • Belgians, Americans to Celebrate Anniversary of Landmark Victory

    12/01/2009 5:44:42 PM PST · by SandRat · 5 replies · 428+ views
    America Supports You ^ | Kevin Downey
    CHIÈVRES, Belgium, Dec. 1, 2009 – Sixty-five years after World War II's landmark Battle of the Bulge, U.S. and Belgian troops will again march side by side in Bastogne on Dec. 12 and 13. Veterans and servicemembers from both nations are scheduled to join thousands of well-wishers, including town officials, dignitaries and local residents, in commemorating the Allied forces' victory in the famous World War II battle. "The traditional carnival-like atmosphere in Bastogne over the weekend celebrates the historic grit and determination of our two nations' veterans 65 years ago, and the solemn ceremony at the Mardasson Memorial overlooking the...
  • Officer behind 'nuts' response in WWII dies

    01/12/2009 7:59:57 AM PST · by Borges · 29 replies · 2,771+ views ^ | 01/12/09
    His death was announced by his family. Kinnard parachuted into Normandy in the first hours of D-Day. He received the Distinguished Service Cross for heroism during Operation Market Garden, the airborne attack in the German-occupied Netherlands. And he helped pioneer the airmobile concept, sending troops into combat aboard helicopters during the Vietnam War. But he was perhaps best remembered for what happened in December 1944 at the Belgian town of Bastogne, where the 101st Airborne Division, short on clothing and boots in a snowstorm and bitter cold, was surrounded by German troops. Bastogne, at the intersection of important roads, was...
  • General Patton's Prayer at Bastogne

    03/24/2003 1:42:45 PM PST · by TheKurgan · 20 replies · 462+ views
    PattonHQ ^ | This article appeared as a government document in 1950 | Msgr. James H. O'Neill
    Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate rains with which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory, and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies and establish Thy justice among men and nations.
  • Happy 121st Birthday General Patton! We Miss You!

    11/10/2006 6:40:39 PM PST · by eleni121 · 110 replies · 1,987+ views
    General Geoge Patton website ^ | November 10, 2006 | me
    November 11th is the general's birthday and he like Donald Rumsfeld, resigned during war. General Patton was relieved of his command and decided to resign and Rumsfeld ...well few know the real reason for his resignation...
  • The True Story of The Patton Prayer

    07/19/2004 5:04:30 PM PDT · by flowerjoyfun · 65 replies · 7,984+ views
    The Patton Society ^ | 6 October 1971 | Msgr. James H. O'Neill
    The True Story of The Patton Prayer by Msgr. James H. O'Neill (From the Review of the News 6 October 1971) Many conflicting and some untrue stories have been printed about General George S. Patton and the Third Army Prayer. Some have had the tinge of blasphemy and disrespect for the Deity. Even in "War As I Knew It" by General Patton, the footnote on the Prayer by Colonel Paul D. Harkins, Patton's Deputy Chief of Staff, while containing the elements of a funny story about the General and his Chaplain, is not the true account of the prayer Incident...
  • US veterans, Belgian king recall Hitler's last gamble

    12/18/2004 9:41:53 AM PST · by yonif · 8 replies · 1,048+ views
    Turkish Press ^ | 12-18-2004 | AFP
    BASTOGNE, Belgium (AFP) - In snow and a chilling wind, US veterans and the king of Belgium paid tribute to Allied forces who, in a freezing winter 60 years ago, repulsed the last big German counter-attack of World War II. The Battle of the Bulge, fought in the towns and densely forested hills of the Ardennes, was according to one veteran here, "hell all the way through." With a blanket of snow underfoot -- just as it was in late 1944, one of the worst European winters in memory -- and a chilling wind which blew across the hilltop, King...
  • WWII vet: "We were the bulge"

    12/04/2006 5:28:30 PM PST · by SJackson · 86 replies · 2,193+ views
    Portage Daily Register ^ | 12-4-06 | Jen McCoy
    Twenty-three American soldiers ran through cold mud behind Pvt. Don Hentz as he led the way through the Battle of the Bulge. Adrenaline pumped through Hentz as German soldiers followed close behind. He was blind to the single strand of barbed wire that pierced his thighs. "I took the fence with me and it ripped my legs open," Hentz said. "We were the bulge. I think it was a set-up to draw the Germans. We were the bait. I'm disappointed that so many young men died for that. I saw a lot of men disappear in the bulge." At 90...
  • The Siege of Bastogne: A Personal Perspective; December 23, 1944

    12/22/2015 11:08:06 AM PST · by WhiskeyX · 16 replies
    The Siege of Bastogne ^ | 2015 | Stephanie Schmeling
    By December 23rd holding the line around Bastogne was less of an issue compared to the crisis of dwindling supplies. Not only were troops short on food and medical supplies but ammunition was frighteningly low. Rounds were rationed and soldiers were ordered not to fire unless attacked directly and even then to only fire two rounds. Colonel Thomas L. Sherburn, the artillery commander, was intentionally reporting overestimates of supply levels simply to maintain morale.