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  • Democrats’ Statue Toppling Is A Dress Rehearsal For Going After Actual People

    01/09/2024 10:15:26 AM PST · by SeekAndFind · 20 replies
    The Federalist ^ | 01/09/2024 | John Daniel Davidson
    It’s time to stop debating history and facts with people who only care about the exercise of raw political power.div class="article-content"> The news that the Biden administration planned to remove a statue of William Penn in a federal park in Philadelphia that commemorates the founding of Pennsylvania, and that the purpose of the removal was to “provide a more welcoming, accurate, and inclusive experience for visitors,” should at this point not come as a surprise.Once the removals and destruction of Confederate statues and memorials began a few years ago, it was inevitable that all historical figures from America’s past, even...
  • Trump-Appointed Judge Halts Removal Of Confederate Monument At Arlington Cemetery

    12/18/2023 11:34:36 AM PST · by NorthMountain · 49 replies
    The Daily Caller ^ | December 18, 2023 | MICAELA BURROW
    A Trump-appointed federal judge has temporarily halted removal proceedings for the Confederate memorial at Arlington National Cemetery that began Monday, the Associated Press reported. Defend Arlington filed a lawsuit in a federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, on Sunday for a temporary restraining order, the AP reported. Work had already begun to remove the bronze elements of the memorial in accordance with recommendations in the Congressionally-mandated Naming Commission’s final report to scrub Department of Defense (DOD) assets of any symbolism that could be seen to honor the Confederacy. A hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, according to the AP. The memorial has...
  • Judge issues order keeping Confederate memorial at Arlington Cemetery

    12/18/2023 2:28:02 PM PST · by yesthatjallen · 52 replies
    AP via Yahoo ^ | 12 18 2023 | Matthew Barakat
    FALLS CHURCH, Va. — A federal judge on Monday issued a temporary restraining order barring removal of a memorial to Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery. A group called Defend Arlington, affiliated with a group called Save Southern Heritage Florida, filed a lawsuit Sunday in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, seeking the restraining order. A hearing has been scheduled for Wednesday. Work to remove the memorial had begun Monday before the restraining order was issued, but the memorial remains in place on cemetery grounds. A cemetery spokesperson said Monday that Arlington is complying with the restraining order, but referred all...
  • Judge allows the removal of a Confederate memorial at Arlington Cemetery

    12/20/2023 8:30:01 AM PST · by devane617 · 54 replies
    NPR ^ | 12/20/2023
    ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A federal judge on Tuesday allowed the Arlington National Cemetery to remove a century-old Confederate memorial one day after blocking the removal over a report that gravesites were disturbed. At a hearing in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia, U.S. District Judge Rossie Alston said he issued the temporary injunction Monday after receiving an urgent phone call from the memorial's supporters saying that gravesites adjacent to the memorial were being desecrated as contractors began work to remove the memorial.
  • Crane Moved into Arlington Cemetery for Removal and Destruction of Civil War Reconciliation Memorial this Week

    12/18/2023 7:53:36 AM PST · by fwdude · 76 replies
    The Gateway Pundit ^ | Dec. 17, 2023 | Jim Hoft
    The Biden regime has moved in the demolition crews to remove the Confederate statue in Arlington Cemetery in Washington DC. John Reid from Richmond’s Morning News with John Reid posted photos on Sunday of the demolition crew moving into the cemetery to remove the monument. John posted video from Arlington Cemetery this morning where he reported on the destruction of the famous statue. The crane was moved in and the removal is expected to take place on Monday.
  • Within the next several days, barring intervention from Congress, the Biden Regime, in violation of the law, will remove the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery

    12/16/2023 9:27:14 AM PST · by E. Pluribus Unum · 311 replies ^ | December 15, 2023 | Jeremy Carl @jeremycarl4
    1/ Within the next several days, barring intervention from Congress, the Biden Regime, in violation of the law, will remove the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, commissioned to celebrate the reconciliation of North and South. @blueandgray1864 @oilfieldRando 2/ The memorial is considered the masterwork of the renowned Jewish-American sculptor Sir Moses Ezekiel (a former Confederate soldier who was described by his biographer as “adamantly opposed to slavery") who is buried at its base. 3/ Ezekiel, knighted by the King of Italy, was so dedicated to North-South reconciliation that he would later host commanding Union General Ulysses S. Grant at...
  • Pentagon To Remove Memorial To Confederate Dead From Arlington National Cemetery , GOP Lawmakers Try To Stop It

    12/14/2023 8:48:43 AM PST · by Enlightened1 · 191 replies
    Post Millennial ^ | 12/14/23 | Darian Douraghy
    A group of Republican lawmakers are attempting to stop the Pentagon from taking out a Confederate monument belonging to Arlington National Cemetery.Led by Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-GA), the group of lawmakers penned a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Monday that demands he leaves the Reconciliation Monument, also known as the Confederate Memorial untouched until at least the conclusion of the fiscal year 2024 appropriations process.The monument was set to be taken out by the Pentagon’s Naming Commission, a group formed to rename and remove military installations named after the Confederacy. This came in the wake of the 2020...
  • Removing the Reconciliation Monument From Arlington Cemetery-Illegal and a disgrace

    09/12/2023 6:48:54 AM PDT · by SJackson · 32 replies
    Frontpagemagazine ^ | September 12, 2023 | Scott S. Powell and Ann H. McLean
    Why should Americans oppose the decision of the now disbanded “Congressional Naming Commission” to remove from Arlington Cemetery the Moses Ezekiel Reconciliation Monument—one of the greatest works of art in that hallowed ground?A fundamental reason to halt the monument’s removal is found in its 1914 unveiling proclamation by President Woodrow Wilson who said, “the monument represented the best of America—a spirit of reconciliation, democracy, freedom, heroism and patriotism.”Two contemporary strategic reasons to oppose removal is that such an act validates the communist agenda to erase Americans’ connection with their virtuous history, and destroy the American military fighting capability.That radical agenda...
  • Has America Surrendered to Marxism? Reconciliation Memorial Slated for Demolition After House Republicans Fail to Defend Civil War Monument in Arlington National Cemetery

    07/18/2023 11:38:47 AM PDT · by spirited irish · 68 replies
    Gateway Pundit ^ | 7/18/23 | Shawn Bradley Witzemann
    As the Marxist Democrat revolution pushes forward, House Republicans have once again failed to take legislative action, and the Reconciliation Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery is scheduled for demolition no later than January 1, 2024.An amendment to the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act was recently presented by Representative Bob Good (R-VA).Unfortunately for defenders of the Reconciliation Memorial, Rep. Good’s addition to the defense spending bill was rejected four days ago in a late-night vote that saw 41 Republicans break away after Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R – AL), who spoke in favor of the amendment.
  • Arlington Memorial Destruction

    02/04/2023 8:57:55 PM PST · by Segovia · 36 replies
    Abbeville Institute ^ | 02/01/2023 | Gene Kiser, Jr.
    The names, below, are a few of the 375,000 Confederate soldiers about whom Union soldier and president of the United States, William McKinley, said: . . . every soldier’s grave made during our unfortunate civil war is a tribute to American valor . . . And the time has now come . . . when in the spirit of fraternity we should share in the care of the graves of the Confederate soldiers . . . The cordial feeling now happily existing between the North and South prompts this gracious act and if it needed further justification it is found...
  • A Jewish Perspective on the Arlington Confederate Monument

    11/16/2022 11:02:03 AM PST · by robowombat · 150 replies
    Abbeville Institute ^ | Nov 15, 2022 | Jack Schewel
    Abbeville Institute A Jewish Perspective on the Arlington Confederate Monument By Jack SchewelNovember 15, 2022Blog The Advisory Committee on Arlington National Cemetery has recommended the removal of the 32-foot-tall memorial to Confederate veterans buried there on the grounds that it is “riddled with racist iconography” and perpetuates the Lost Cause narrative. The following letter was sent today to the Committee. — JAB On March 19, 1841, at the consecration of its new synagogue in Charleston, Rabbi Gustavus Poznanski of the Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim congregation rose to speak to a throng of temple members and Charlestonians of many faiths who...
  • No resting in peace: Now Arlington National Cemetery goes woke

    09/15/2022 6:00:38 AM PDT · by Bon of Babble · 34 replies
    WND ^ | 9/14/2022 | WND Staff
    A commission set up to evaluate the political correctness of the names of military bases and other sites around the nation says a memorial in Arlington National Cemetery has to go because it recognizes the Confederacy.
  • Arlington Confederate Memorial Should Be Removed and USS Chancellorsville Renamed, Panel Says

    09/14/2022 4:52:18 PM PDT · by Mr. Mojo · 84 replies ^ | Sept. 14, 2022 | Travis Tritten
    A towering bronze and granite monument to the Confederacy in Arlington National Cemetery depicts Southerners gallantly marching off to the Civil War -- and their Black slaves holding a white soldier's baby and following troops obediently. Ringing the memorial, built in 1914, are shields listing the states that violently rebelled against the U.S. in an attempt to break away and keep about 4 million people in bondage. "It is problematic from the top to the bottom," retired Brig. Gen. Ty Seidule, the vice chair of the Naming Commission, told a press gathering on Tuesday. The 108-year-old monument should be stripped...
  • Court Ruling Could Banish Memorial Crosses from Arlington Cemetery

    03/05/2018 10:45:28 PM PST · by Zakeet · 33 replies
    Todd ^ | March 4, 2018 | Todd Starnes
    There is a very real possibility that war memorial crosses at Arlington National Cemetery could be in jeopardy, a federal judge warned in a chilling dissent to a court case involving the fate of a 90-year-old monument honoring soldiers in Bladensburg, Maryland. The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday refused to revisit an October decision that declared the 90-year-old "Peace Cross" was unconstitutional because it rests on public property. The monument is a memorial to the 49 men from Prince George's County, Maryland who died fighting for liberty in World War I. The memorial, paid for by the...
  • As Arlington Cemetery's fills up, should Confederates make room? [yes, barf alert]

    08/17/2017 5:52:07 PM PDT · by markomalley · 31 replies
    Orlando Sentinel ^ | 6/27/17 | Dan K. Thomasson
    Arlington National Cemetery, it seems, is running out of space. A bugler might need to play taps for the holiest and most visited of the nation's military resting places sometime around midcentury if the burial ground isn't further expanded. But oh yes, I forgot. Some space could be made in Section 16, where one can find buried Confederate dead and a memorial to those who fell trying to form a separate union. With today's full-out mania to wipe away visible Civil War history, at least the tributes to the South's heroes, perhaps some plots could be freed up by removing...
  • Arlington National Cemetery considers options as it nears capacity

    02/03/2018 10:15:45 AM PST · by COBOL2Java · 50 replies
    WTOP News [Washington DC] ^ | February 3, 2018 5:19 am | Kristi King | @KingWTOP
    At the current rate, the cemetery will run out of room for burials in the early 2040s. It's raising some tough questions about eligibility WASHINGTON — Tough choices lie ahead for the caretakers of Arlington National Cemetery — the hallowed grounds are beginning to reach capacity, and options are being considered to preserve available space. At the current rate, the cemetery will run out of room for burials in the early 2040s. “There are some things that can be done that would significantly restrict who is eligible and therefore extend the life of the cemetery … over 100 years,” said...
  • Arlington Cemetery, nearly full, may become more exclusive

    05/28/2018 5:40:09 PM PDT · by shove_it · 37 replies
    NYT, WRAL ^ | 28 May 2018 | DAVE PHILIPPS and DAMON WINTER, New York Times
    The solemn ritual of a burial with military honors is repeated dozens of times a day, in foul weather or fair, at Arlington National Cemetery, honoring service members from privates to presidents. But in order to preserve the tradition of burial at the nation’s foremost military cemetery for future generations, the Army, which runs Arlington, says it may have to deny it to nearly all veterans who are living today. 10 Arlington is running out of room. Already the final resting place for more than 420,000 veterans and their relatives, the cemetery has been adding about 7,000 each year. At...
  • The Meltdown of the Old Order Foretells a New Crisis

    11/05/2023 6:31:48 AM PST · by Twotone · 42 replies
    American Greatness ^ | November 3, 2023 | Josiah Lippincott
    This week, the left-wing organization Swords into Plowshares began the process of melting down the statue of Robert E. Lee that stood in Charlottesville, Virginia. The images from the ordeal contain deep spiritual significance. A profound sense of foreboding washed over my heart when I saw the bronze face of the Southern hero, glowing red hot moments before annihilation. What the Leftists did to the statue of Lee is a vision of what they want to do to the rest of the country. The destruction of a nation’s symbols, the elimination of the reminders of its past, is a key...
  • Charlottesville’s Robert E. Lee statue has met its end, in a 2,250-degree furnace.

    10/26/2023 4:40:54 PM PDT · by Ennis85 · 193 replies
    Washington Post ^ | October 26th 2023 | By Teo Armus and Hadley Green
    It was a choice to melt down Robert E. Lee. But it would have been a choice to keep him intact, too. So the statue of the Confederate general that once stood in Charlottesville — the one that prompted the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in 2017 — was now being cut into fragments and dropped into a furnace, dissolving into a sludge of glowing bronze. Six years ago, groups with ties to the Confederacy had sued to stop the monument from being taken down. Torch-bearing white nationalists descended on the Virginia college town to protest its removal, and one...
  • 1865 magazine clipping, Bible removed from second time capsule found at former site of Robert E. Lee statue

    12/29/2021 12:35:57 AM PST · by blueplum · 13 replies
    CNN ^ | 28 December 2021 | Sara Smart, CNN
    (CNN)A second time capsule recently found buried beneath the pedestal of the Robert E. Lee statue in Richmond, Virginia, was opened Tuesday. Items inside included an 1865 edition of Harper's Weekly magazine with an clear image of a figure weeping over Abraham Lincoln's grave; a Bible with a coin stuck to it; and a Richmond directory. Also found were more newspapers, books, coins, and letters. A minié ball, a type of bullet commonly used in the American Civil War, was also discovered. Conservators from the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (DHR) carefully opened the box and worked with caution. Water...