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Keyword: rbg

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  • RBG’s legacy one year after the liberal icon’s death

    12/22/2024 9:30:40 AM PST · by DallasBiff · 29 replies
    CNN ^ | 9/18/21 | Joan Biskupic
    CNN — One year after the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, schools and hospitals have been christened for her, scholarly awards created in her name and artworks designed with her visage. Ginsburg’s pioneering women’s rights legacy endures, along with the signature lace-collar motif on T-shirts and trinkets. But there’s another vestige of Ginsburg’s legacy that has captured national attention over the past year, the one left by her September 18, 2020, death that allowed President Donald Trump to name a third conservative justice – the one that now threatens Roe v. Wade and that lingers as 83-year-old...
  • Ruth Bader Biden

    07/01/2024 5:57:43 PM PDT · by DoodleBob · 18 replies
    The Atlantic via MSN ^ | June 7, 2024 | Mark Leibovich
    ..But here is a broader thematic reality for the president: Bad vibes have been the persistent feature of his campaign. No matter the obstacles Trump creates for himself, Biden remains a comprehensively weak incumbent, weighed down by the same liabilities that burdened him from the start, beginning with the largest, and completely unfixable, one: At 81, he is much too old to run for president. Durable supermajorities of voters still do not want any part of Biden at this age. His bullheaded insistence on doing something no one has ever done (Ronald Reagan, then the oldest president in American history,...
  • Progressives are trying to pester liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, 69, into RETIRING over fears she could die on the job like Ruth Bader-Ginsburg while conservative president is in office

    02/03/2024 2:22:19 AM PST · by Libloather · 86 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | 2/02/24 | Dominic Yeatman
    Liberal Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor is under pressure from fellow liberals to retire amid growing fears she might enable a Republican president to appoint a conservative successor. CNN commentator Josh Barrow became the latest to demand the 69-year-old step down lest she follow in the footsteps liberal Ruth Bader Ginsburg who died while serving at 87 in 2020. That death allowed then-president Donald Trump to cement the court's conservative majority with the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett, and some liberals are determined it will not happen again. 'I'm not saying I think Justice Sotomayor is on death's door,' Barrow...
  • Preterm babies given certain fatty acids found to have better vision (DHA and AA fatty acids)

    09/02/2023 9:43:21 PM PDT · by ConservativeMind · 2 replies
    Preterm babies given a supplement with a combination of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids have better visual function by the age of two and a half. This has been shown by a study. The study covers 178 extremely preterm babies at the neonatal units of the university hospitals in Gothenburg, Lund, and Stockholm between 2016 and 2019. Extremely preterm babies are those born before the 28th week of pregnancy. Around half of the children were given preventive oral nutritional supplements containing the omega-6 fatty acid AA (arachidonic acid) and the omega-3 fatty acid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). Neither AA nor DHA...
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Mysterious $1 Million Prize

    07/19/2023 8:10:35 AM PDT · by CFW · 13 replies
    Free Beacon ^ | 7/12/22 | Andrew Kerr
    When the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg accepted a $1 million prize from a liberal billionaire’s foundation, she pledged to pass the money to a list of designated charities. Four years later, it is unclear where Ginsburg sent that money—an ambiguity that experts say raises conflict of interest concerns. The Berggruen Institute, a private foundation founded by billionaire investor Nicolas Berggruen, awarded Ginsburg its annual $1 million Philosophy & Culture award during a swanky star-studded event in December 2019. At the time, ethics experts raised red flags over Ginsburg’s acceptance of the prize, noting that the bounty far...
  • Satanic statue honoring pro-abortion Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg to go on display in Texas

    02/02/2023 8:11:06 PM PST · by Golden Eagle · 43 replies
    Life Site News ^ | February 2, 2023 | Ashley Sadler
    The grotesque and apparently satanic pro-abortion statue exhibit infamously erected in New York City last month will reportedly be moved to the pro-life state of Texas this year. LifeSiteNews previously reported that the seven-foot bronze statue, depicting a nude woman with twisted cables for limbs and goat horns instead of hair, drew outrage after it was erected on top of the Appellate Division of the State Supreme Court in New York. The work pays homage to pro-abortion Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and features a representation of the lace collar Ginsburg often wore. A second statue, nearly identical but...
  • Now the Left turns on RBG: Radicals point blame at late Supreme Court judge for DYING in 2020 as they say it paved way for Amy Coney Barrett

    06/24/2022 5:05:31 PM PDT · by RummyChick · 74 replies
    dailymail ^ | 6/24/2022 | james gordon
    Liberal Twitter users have taken to the platform to blast the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg following the court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade on Friday. While a number of journalist lay the blame at former President Trump who got to appoint three conservative justices during his time in the White House, things took a surprising turn when attention shifted to RBG. Several users saw it fit to blame the late Supreme Court Justice for the court's landmark decision on abortion with some suggesting that had she decided to step down sooner while President Obama was in...
  • Janet Morana: Jane Didn’t Want Revenge and Ruth Didn’t Send You

    06/11/2022 10:46:04 AM PDT · by conservative98 · 17 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 10 Jun 2022 | JANET MORANA
    To the pro-choice lunatics causing mayhem around the country: Ruth would never have sent you, and Jane didn’t want revenge.
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg's 'Cult of Personality' Doomed Roe v. Wade—Experts

    05/07/2022 2:32:41 PM PDT · by DoodleBob · 39 replies
    Newsweek ^ | May 4, 2022 | Darragh Roche
    The late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's failure to retire from the Supreme Court may lead some of her admirers to reassess her legacy if the landmark abortion rights decision Roe v. Wade is overturned. Political scientists who spoke to Newsweek about the leak of a draft Supreme Court majority opinion that would strike down the 1973 ruling suggested that a "cult of personality" around Ginsburg contributed to the current threat to Roe. Ginsburg was an iconic figure who is still widely admired, particularly by progressives, but her decision not to retire from the nation's highest court has been criticized in...
  • Leftists Cancel Ruth Bader Ginsburg Over SCOTUS Abortion Ruling [LOL! Alert]

    09/03/2021 7:45:36 AM PDT · by fwdude · 46 replies
    PJ Media ^ | Sept 2, 2021 | Lincoln Brown
    Remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg? Of course you do. The heroine, the pioneer, the voice of reason. The Notorious RBG. And, it would appear, a traitor to the cause of abortion. It is a typical leftist move. Things don’t go the way you want, find someone to blame. Along with the usual suspects such as Republicans, pro-lifers, Texans, you, me, Grand Moff Tarkin and the republic of Gilead, the Left is eating its own by claiming that the SCOTUS abortion decision would have been avoided had Ginsburg retired during the Obama years, allowing him to name her replacement. And they are...
  • FLASHBACK: Ruth Bader Ginsburg opposed court packing, said 'nine seems to be a good number'

    04/15/2021 6:41:38 AM PDT · by McGruff · 12 replies
    Fox News ^ | 4/15/2021 | Ronn Blitzer
    House and Senate Democrats are poised to introduce legislation to expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court so President Biden can add several of his own picks -- a practice known as court-packing -- but the late liberal icon Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg once firmly came out against the idea. In a 2019 interview with NPR, Ginsburg addressed the idea that has gained momentum among Democrats in recent years. "I have heard that there are some people on the Democratic side who would like to increase the number of judges," Ginsburg said. "I think that was a bad...
  • Mazie Hirono told Ruth Bader Ginsburg to 'live forever' after Kavanaugh confirmation

    04/04/2021 6:19:00 PM PDT · by Stravinsky · 30 replies
    Washington Examiner ^ | April 3, 2021 | Nicholas Rowan
    Mazie Hirono told Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to "live forever" shortly after Justice Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court. Hirono, who serves on the Senate Judiciary Committee, recalled in her forthcoming memoir, Heart of Fire, how a month after Senate Republicans confirmed Kavanaugh to the high court, the "troubled" Hirono sat herself next to Ginsburg at a dinner party and offered her regrets. "You have to live forever," Hirono whispered to Ginsburg, noting that she felt "some small comfort" as long as the octogenarian justice sat on the court. Ginsburg did not respond to Hirono's entreaty directly, only...
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg's statue unveiled in her native Brooklyn, N.Y.

    03/12/2021 1:27:42 PM PST · by Responsibility2nd · 70 replies
    Yahoo/NBC ^ | 03/12/2012 | Randi Richardson
    A statue of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was unveiled Friday morning in her native Brooklyn borough of New York City.The unveiling comes during Women's History Month and just days before Ginsburg would have turned 88 on March 15, which Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams has declared Justice Ginsburg Day."RBG was clearly a symbol of what's great about this country and how, when we are inclusive, we can stop the level of exclusiveness that is pervasive throughout this country," he said.
  • Was This the Real 2020 Democratic Plan, which got Blown Up with Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Death?

    11/02/2020 9:01:36 AM PST · by BeauBo · 73 replies
    Town Hall ^ | Oct 31, 2020 | Matt Vespa
    Larry Schweikart has been tracking the early vote totals. He’s been signaling a Trump win for a bit now... Schweikart's recent (Oct 27, 1:51 PM) thread on Twitter didn’t have to do with the early vote totals. It delved into the real 2020 Democratic playbook, and how they knew two years ago that they probably didn’t have a chance in hell of beating Trump due to the booming economy and frankly a real depth chart issue... So, what does Schweikart think was the Democrats' plan before COVID? He feels that with the Democrats knowing they would be beaten, they wanted...
  • Opinion: Dianne Feinstein made a mess of the Barrett hearings, but there is a better way

    10/19/2020 3:23:10 AM PDT · by Oldeconomybuyer · 11 replies
    The Washington Post via SF Gate ^ | October 18, 2020 | by Rebecca Kirszner Katz, The Washington Post
    For the past month, Democrats have been sounding the alarm over Judge Amy Coney Barrett's hurried nomination to the Supreme Court, calling it a hypocritical power grab by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.; a likely death sentence for the Affordable Care Act, Roe v. Wade, environmental regulations, voting rights, LGBTQ rights and gun control; the end of the legitimacy of the Supreme Court; and a potentially vital assist in President Donald Trump's effort to steal the election. But watching Sen. Dianne Feinstein during Barrett's confirmation hearing, you'd think it was just another week at the office. As the Judiciary...
  • Barrett and Ginsburg Shine, Harris Pretty Dim

    10/12/2020 11:51:03 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 19 replies ^ | October 12, 2020 | Katie Kiefer
    Many women—and some men—feel a sense of obligation to vote for the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris ticket and thereby help a woman achieve the presidency. Today, I make the case that we must wait—out of respect for all little girls in America who need and deserve a more authentic role model as the first female president of the United States.  Technically, Harris is running for vice president. However, both Biden and Harris have referred to themselves as the aspiring “Harris administration.” We can take their word for it: the ultimate plan is for Harris to take the reins. Is she worthy...
  • Take a Guess What This Massive RBG Portrait in D.C.'s New 'Female Empowerment' Hotel Is Made Of!

    10/11/2020 8:28:30 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 59 replies
    PJ Media ^ | 10/11/2020 | Paula Bolyard
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg tampon portrait at Hotel Zena (Instagram screenshot @HotelZena) A new hotel on the outskirts of Washington, D.C., apparently hopes to somehow turn a profit by catering to embittered third-wave feminists and the self-hating men who enable their fits and endure their incessant complaining. According to a press release, Hotel Zena, which opened on October 8, offers “a bold new cultural hub celebrating the accomplishments of women and recognizing their enduring struggle for gender equality.”The “thoughtfully designed and curated” hotel exists “to send a message of female empowerment.” The artwork in the building works to “create a message...
  • WATCH: Joe's Babbling About the Supreme Court Proves He Knows Nothing About the Constitution

    10/10/2020 4:34:57 PM PDT · by Kaslin · 25 replies ^ | October 10, 2020 | Beth Bauman
    Former Vice President Joe Biden on Friday said Americans don't deserve to know whether or not he would attempt to pack the Supreme Court should he win the White House next month. He doubled down on that statement on Saturday when a reporter asked why he doesn't make his stance on the High Court known. "The only court packing going on right now is going on with Republicans packing the court right now. It's not constitutional what they're doing. We need to focus on what's happening right now," Biden said before coughing. "The fact is the only packing going on is...
  • FLASHBACK: Democrats Demand Merrick Garland Get Senate Vote in Election Year

    10/05/2020 1:18:42 AM PDT · by MarvinStinson · 10 replies
    freebeacon ^ | SEPTEMBER 19, 2020 | David Rutz
    Democrats in 2016 demanded Senate Republicans "do their job" and give a hearing and vote to President Barack Obama's Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland, in spite of it being a presidential election year. Obama, then-vice president Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, then-Senate minority leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) and Senate Democrats ripped Republicans, who were in control of the Senate, for their decision not to consider Garland. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D., Vt.) said the Senate had approved judges as late as "September" in election years, and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) said the notion that Obama could not nominate a judge...
  • AMA Joins Planned Parenthood to Ask Supreme Court to Block Trump Rule Keeping Abortion Separate from Family Planning

    10/04/2020 7:32:32 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 35 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 4 Oct 2020 | Dr. Susan Berry
    The American Medical Association (AMA) has joined with Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) to ask the U.S. Supreme Court to block a Trump administration rule that marks a clear boundary between abortion and family planning. The groups filed the petition Thursday following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and before Senate confirmation hearings begin for President Donald Trump’s nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, to fill the vacancy. The abortion rights groups are asking the Supreme Court to “correct” the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit’s decision to uphold the Trump administration rule. According to...