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Keyword: progressiveviolence

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  • Antifa Celebrates Chauvin Verdict by Smashing Up Starbucks, Punching Police: Guilty verdict didn’t stop more rioting.

    04/21/2021 9:24:20 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 26 replies
    Summit News ^ | 04/21/2021 | Paul Joseph Watson
    Antifa extremists in Portland celebrated the guilty conviction of Derek Chauvin by smashing up Starbucks and punching a police officer in yet another night of chaos.More bedlam unfolded on the streets of America’s most “progressive” city following the news that Chauvin had been found guilty on all counts in the George Floyd case.Within hours of the verdict, crowds gathered near the Mark O. Hatfield Federal Courthouse and Multnomah County Justice Center and began spray painting the building.They subsequently smashed up a Starbucks as police declared an unlawful assembly.#Antifa smashed up another Starbucks in their Portland riot celebrating Chauvin’s murder conviction....
  • Man and woman are arrested for attacking MAGA hat-wearing Trump supporter who was on a date night

    08/26/2019 1:14:50 PM PDT · by Red Badger · 112 replies ^ | Published: 11:19 EDT, 26 August 2019 | Updated: 15:44 EDT, 26 August 2019 | By Lauren Fruen
    Luke Lenzner says he was 'sucker punched' outside an Oregon bar on Saturday Pictures show Lenzner in the Make America Great Again cap with cuts to his face He says he was 'mobbed' outside the bar by people who 'circled me and my wife' Adebisi A. Okuneye, 23, and Leopold A. Hauser, 22, were arrested nearby They have been charged with third-degree assault after leaving the scene Lenzner appears to point at his hat and say something before the altercation ========================================================================== A man and woman have been arrested accused of attacking a MAGA hat-wearing Trump supporter who was on a...
  • Leftists doxx and threaten Dayton nurse who saved lives for appearing in picture with Trump

    08/10/2019 8:20:51 PM PDT · by Ken H · 50 replies
    American Thinker ^ | Aug 10, 2019 | Monica Showalter
    Full Title=> Sick: Leftists doxx and threaten Dayton nurse who saved lives for appearing in picture with President Trump Need any proof that the left has gone crazed with hate and malice? Try this: [copy of instagram post follows] "PLEASE READ: I’d like you all to meet Rita. She’s an ICU Nurse at Miami Valley Hospital. She was one of the many heroes that helped save lives in Dayton following the mass shooting. While President Trump was visiting the hospital, he was told about her hard work. He personally approached her, thanked her and asked for a photo. She was...
  • The Dayton Murderer Is Proof We Need To Take Left-Wing Violence Seriously

    08/06/2019 2:48:49 PM PDT · by Magnatron · 27 replies
    Forward ^ | 6 August 2019 | Cathy Young
    Amidst the disturbing trend of political conflict in the United States escalating into violence, it has been a staple of conventional wisdom that the real danger comes almost entirely from the far right. Thus, after journalist Andy Ngo was beaten up by activists from the militant left-wing “Antifascist” movement at a protest in late June, commentators such as Vox’s Zack Beauchamp cautioned against attempts to portray Antifa’s record of violent behavior as even remotely comparable to that of far-right extremists. Beauchamp quoted an Anti-Defamation League primer on Antifa which said, “To date, there have not been any known Antifa-related murders.”...
  • Man, 29, is charged with assault after being caught on video punching a protester, 61, at...

    08/03/2019 7:40:58 PM PDT · by Morgana · 37 replies
    DAILY MAIL UK ^ | AUG 2, 2019 | Snejana Farberov For
    FULL TITLE: Man, 29, is charged with assault after being caught on video punching a protester, 61, at Donald Trump's Ohio rally and has his bond set at $10,000 A Kentucky man has been charged with assault after he was caught on video repeatedly punching a protester more than 30 years his senior outside an Ohio rally for President Donald Trump. Dallas Frazier, 29, of Georgetown, was arrested on Thursday night and charged with misdemeanor assault in connection to the attack on an anti-Trump protester in Cincinnati. Frazier appeared in court on Friday and had his bond set at $10,000....
  • Far more Democrats than Republicans see violence approaching

    07/19/2019 12:14:12 PM PDT · by HogsBreath · 44 replies
    The Washington Examiner ^ | 7-19-2019 | Paul Bedard
    'Nearly 8 of 10 Americans told the Pew Research Center that supporters for both sides could “act” on the politically charged rhetoric with violence. It was higher for Democrats, 91%, than Republicans, 61%'
  • Police Investigate Death Threats to Movie Theater Owners Screening Pro-Life Film ‘Unplanned’

    07/07/2019 12:34:21 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 15 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 05 July 2019 | DR. SUSAN BERRY
    Police have been called in to investigate allegations of death threats made to cinema theater owners in Canada who had scheduled to screen the pro-life movie Unplanned. B.J. McKelvie, president of Cinedicon, the Canadian distributor of the film that tells the story of Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood manager-turned pro-life activist, confirmed two Canadian independent cinema owners reported threats that caused them to be “fearful for their families,” said LifeSiteNews. Yet another independent theater owner was reportedly “harassed to the extreme.” Chuck Konzelman, one of the film’s producer-directors, reportedly said McKelvie requested, for the sake of safety, the film’s...
  • 'Mini AOC' Parody Accounts Are Gone Thanks To Lefties Doxxing And Threatening An 8-Year-Old

    07/04/2019 3:26:31 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 44 replies
    Townhall ^ | 07/04/2019 | Beth Baumann
    The Left has, once again, proven how truly disgusting they are. Their nasty tactics have hit a new low. Ava Martinez, known to most of us as "Mini AOC," frequently recorded parody videos and took photos making fun of the real Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). Apparently AOC fans didn't like the 8-year-old's content so they started doxxing and threatening Martinez and her family.The girl's stepfather, Salvatore Schachter, took to Twitter to explain why all of Martinez's accounts were suddenly deactivated and all content was removed: Ava will not being doing any more MINI AOC content. The Left's Harassment and...
  • BREAKING: 'Mini-AOC' Done Doing Videos Because of 'Death Threats,' 'Left's Harassment'

    07/03/2019 1:05:19 PM PDT · by Maceman · 51 replies
    MRCtv ^ | June 3, 2019 | Nick Kangadis
    The viral video machine that was Ava "Mini AOC" Martinez will no longer be making videos mocking socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), because reports are surfacing that supporters of Ocasio-Cortez have allegedly repeatedly harassed, doxxed and made "death threats" against the child and her family. A Twitter account that is supposedly a family member of Martinez tweeted out that the family has deleted "all Mini AOC accounts" in order to attempt to preserve the safety of both the child and the family. Here's that tweet, of which the only tweet available to view on an account with almost 91,000 followers...
  • NEW THREAT: Antifa Plans Acid Attack on D.C. Free Speech Rally, Promises To Blind Attendees

    06/29/2019 8:57:28 PM PDT · by Valk Rider · 103 replies
    Big League Politics ^ | Jun 29, 2019 | Tom Pappert
    NEW THREAT: Antifa Plans Acid Attack on D.C. Free Speech Rally, Promises To Blind Attendees
  • Journalist Andy Ngo waiting for ambulance after being attacked by Antifa protesters in Portland

    06/29/2019 4:49:42 PM PDT · by grayboots · 47 replies
    Twitchy ^ | 6/29/2019 | Brett T.
    Of course, it’s Portland. The city’s mayor has essentially handed over control of the streets from the police force to Antifa; they’ll tell you if you’re allowed to assemble, allowed to speak, and where you can and cannot drive. On Saturday, Antifa had organized what it called “Community Self-Defense Against Proud-Boy Attack” and specifically called out “far-right Islamophobic journalist” Andy Ngo.
  • Journalist Andy Ngo Beaten Up By Antifa Activists At Portland Protest

    06/29/2019 4:53:57 PM PDT · by truthkeeper · 95 replies
    The Washington Times ^ | 6/29/2019 | Valerie Richardson
    An Oregon photojournalist who covers Portland’s frequently violent protest scene was taken to the hospital Saturday after being attacked by black-masked antifa activists. Andy Ngo, an editor at the online platform Quillette, said he was struck on the head and face “multiple times” by antifa protesters, who also threw objects and a milkshake at him as he tried to walk away. The attack, recorded in part by the Oregonian and posted on Twitter, came during Saturday’s Rose City Antifa counter-protest against a rally held by the far-right group Proud Boys in downtown Portland...
  • Antifa Beats Up Andy Ngo (video at site)

    06/29/2019 8:17:40 PM PDT · by NRx · 43 replies
    The American Conservative ^ | 06-29-2019 | Rod Dreher
    Andy Ngo is a Portland-based journalist (for Quillette) who has made it his business to document the violence and insanity of Antifa in his city. Today they got him. They beat him up and stole his camera equipment. One gets the impression that Antifa rules Portland with the same impunity that the Ku Klux Klan ruled Birmingham in the 1960s. Do they actually have police in Portland? Do they have functioning government there? A reporter for the Portland Oregonian recorded some footage of those masked cowards attacking Ngo:
  • Justice with Judge Jeanine 06/29/2019

    06/29/2019 8:49:14 PM PDT · by Oscar in Batangas · 13 replies
    Fox News ^ | June 29,2019 | Fox News Channel
    Watch Eric Trump discusses the incident in Chicago where he was the target of a spitting attack The judge's segment with Eric starts at ~38:30
  • Red Hen Restaurant Owner: Maybe Trump’s People Deserve To Be Spit On

    06/29/2019 8:53:15 PM PDT · by DeweyCA · 107 replies ^ | 6-29-19 | John Sexton
    Stephanie Wilkinson is the owner of the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, VA. That’s the restaurant that refused service to White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders last June. Friday, the Washington Post published a piece in which Wilkinson offers her thoughts on the recent spitting incident involving Eric Trump. You’ll be shocked to learn that Wilkinson is for it (or at least willing to defend it) though it takes her a while to admit it. After recounting what happened to Trump, she writes, “no one in the industry condones the physical assault of a patron.” That seems sensible but we’re...
  • Biden Suggests Starting ‘Physical Revolution’ To Deal With Republicans

    06/18/2019 2:06:30 PM PDT · by Pollard · 135 replies
    Daily Wire ^ | 6/18/19 | Ryan seevedra
    Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden appeared to suggest using violence against Republicans on Monday in response to a question about how he as president would deal with opposition to his agenda in the Senate from Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Biden, currently the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination, made the remarks at the Moral Action Congress of the Poor People's Campaign in Washington, D.C. MSNBC's Joy Reid asked Biden: "How would you get past either a majority Republican Senate in which Mitch McConnell was determined to kill all of these ideas or even a Mitch McConnell in the minority who...
  • Abortion activist accuses Biden of assault in viral encounter: 'I thought he was going to hit me'

    06/12/2019 4:57:00 PM PDT · by chief lee runamok · 28 replies
    fox ^ | 06/12/2019 | Greg Re
    A left-wing activist has accused Democrat presidential frontrunner Joe Biden of assault after an event in Iowa on Tuesday, alleging that the former vice president "leaned forward, raised his voice, tried to grab my arm with his free hand."
  • THIS is the horrifying moment an elderly Trump fan was dragged to the floor ...

    06/10/2019 2:51:40 PM PDT · by Eagles Field · 18 replies
    The Sun ^ | Updated: 5 Jun 2019, 17:32 | By Molly Rose Pike and Ellie Cambridge
    A group of protesters charged at the man before they pushed and pulled him to the ground in Parliament Square.
  • Rap Sheet: 76 Acts of Violence and Harassment Against Conservatives on Campus

    06/05/2019 3:37:12 PM PDT · by detective · 6 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 5 Jun 2019 | ALANA MASTRANGELO
    Whether perpetrated by students or school faculty, instances of violence or threats against conservative students — and sometimes even conservative professors — are becoming commonplace on America’s college campuses. This trend is also expanding to the high school level. Here is a list of violent instances or threats made against conservatives on campus — or made by leftists in academia — that have been reported since 2016. This list will be updated as needed. Back-filling it will be an ongoing project. Please contact Breitbart News with any updates or incidents you think deserve to be added to this list.
  • Liberal student arrested for punching pro life student

    05/09/2019 6:08:20 PM PDT · by Midwesterner53 · 40 replies ^ | 5/9/19 | Caleb Parke
    A liberal college student was arrested for assaulting a representative of the pro-life group Created Equal after she attacked him at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill - and it was all caught on camera. Jillian Ward, 19, a pro-choice feminist and aspiring journalist, said she was triggered by graphic photographs depicting aborted children put up by Created Equal. The group uses the images to show "the gruesome reality of abortion and to engage students in conversation about this human injustice."