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Keyword: liberalfascism

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  • Fascists All the Way Down

    11/04/2024 7:24:22 AM PST · by SJackson · 37 replies
    Frontpagemagazine ^ | November 4, 2024 | Bruce Thornton
    Meet historical fascism’s true heirs.In the famous anecdote usually attributed to Bertrand Russel, a scientist lecturing on the earth’s position in the solar system is corrected an old lady who says the earth is actually supported by a giant turtle. When the scientist asked what supports the turtle, she triumphally answered, “It’s turtles all the way down!”Since the Twenties and the rise of Italian Fascism and German Nazism––which eventually become the main referent of the word––the term has become an all-purpose question-begging epithet so promiscuously abused in the Thirties that, as George Orwell said in 1944, “The word Fascism has...
  • California Senate passes bill to require speed governors in new cars

    05/22/2024 12:06:50 PM PDT · by KingofZion · 52 replies
    The San Francisco Chronicle ^ | May 21, 2024 | Ricardo Cano
    The California State Senate passed a bill on Tuesday that would require new vehicles to come equipped with a function that warns motorists when they’re driving 10 mph over the speed limit. If passed by the state Assembly and signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, SB961 by San Francisco state Sen. Scott Wiener would make California the first state with such a requirement for new vehicles. The bill cleared a significant hurdle Tuesday, passing the state Senate on a 22-13 vote. Specifically, SB961 would require new vehicles built or sold in California to include what’s known as “passive speed governors” that...
  • CUNY law school dean who applauded ‘hate-filled’ speaker advocated ‘social-justice lawyering’ [racist Sudha Setty]

    06/08/2023 2:34:22 PM PDT · by Conservat1 · 7 replies
    NYPost ^ | May 30, 2023 | Emily Crane
    In her role there as dean, Setty was behind the establishment of the “Antiracism and Cultural Competency” graduation requirement for the university’s students. The graduation requirement, which was adopted by the law school in April 2021, included courses that were titled “Race, Racism & the Law” and “Business Law from an Antiracist Perspective.”
  • Dr. Taub (former Haaretz columnist) '"Haaretz" is an anti-Semitic newspaper'

    01/31/2023 3:41:01 AM PST · by Conservat1 · 28 replies
    Tov News ^ | 01/26/2023
    Dr. Gadi Taub: "Haaretz" is an anti-Semitic newspaper Dr. Gadi Taub in an interview with Orna Yashar a day after the Haaretz newspaper decided to stop publishing his column Tov News Staff, 01/26/2023 "It was like an admission of weakness," says Dr. Gadi Taub, "I wouldn't have expected a newspaper to want to do something like that, instead of answering - you are excommunicating. The newspaper "Haaretz" worked on a massive deception of the public. He set up a wall of lies within which his big pages will hide the reality, they cannot afford someone to make a hole in...
  • Opinion: Clueless Joe Biden's "Fascist" Demagoguery

    09/29/2022 1:53:26 PM PDT · by DogByte6RER · 4 replies
    Valley News ^ | September 16, 2022 | Rick Reiss
    President Joe Biden's demagoguery has no limits, nor even a grain of logic. His clueless and knee-jerk reflex just reverts to labeling political opponents and dissenters as embracing "semi-fascism," and so-called "MAGA Republicans" as "thriving on chaos." Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You would be hard pressed to find any American joyfully thriving on the chaos created by Joe Biden's utterly contemptible and chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan one year ago; or the blatant chaos created by Biden's un-enforced southern border; or the chaos of the fentanyl epidemic created by Biden's feckless border and national security policies; or...
  • Left-Wing Activist Group Suggests Deflating SUV Tires To Fight Climate Change

    04/11/2022 6:58:51 PM PDT · by Subcutaneous Fishstick Blues · 79 replies
    The Daily Wire ^ | Apr 11, 2022 | John Rigolizzo
    A left-wing environmental activist group proposed deflating the tires of sports utility vehicles as a radical act of protest against climate change. Adbusters, an activist group that describes itself as a “collective of artists, designers, writers, musicians, poets, punks, philosophers and wild hearts has been smashing ads, fighting corruption and speaking truth to power,” and has been tied to the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011, called for activists to deflate SUV tires in a Twitter thread on Wednesday. “So here’s what we do: Wedge gravel in the tire valves, leaflet the SUV to let them know the tires are...
  • Judge in Kyle Rittenhouse case receives threatening emails

    11/12/2021 10:54:18 PM PST · by blueplum · 47 replies
    Washington Examiner ^ | 12 November 2021 | Asher Notheis, Breaking News Reporter
    The judge presiding over Kyle Rittenhouse's homicide trial is receiving hundreds of emails threatening him and even his children. The Kenosha County Courthouse received threatening emails, letters, postcards, and faxes accusing Wisconsin Judge Bruce Schroeder of racism and asking him to resign in addition to warnings about Rittenhouse's safety if he is acquitted by a jury. There were also threats against the judge's children, according to the Daily Mail ... ...Schroeder noted earlier this week there were "thousands of communications" he and his staff have received in the course of the trial. He promised he would "deal with" the senders....
  • History Suggests that America is Ripe for a Conservative Resurgence

    05/16/2021 4:07:21 AM PDT · by MtnClimber · 22 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 16 May, 2021 | William Sullivan
    If the people can speak, history tells us that they’re not going to settle for another leftist revolution. Aging hippies have a penchant for recalling the 1960s as some amazing, idyllic moment in time. As Jonah Goldberg writes in Liberal Fascism, it’s “bizarre how many people remember the 1960s as a time of ‘unity’ and ‘hope’ when it was, in reality, a time of rampant domestic terrorism, campus tumult, assassinations, and riots.” Goldberg hits the nail squarely on the head when appraising why aging hippies feel that way. Their “liberal nostalgia” for the 1960s is more about a longing “for...
  • “Out Nazis!” – Pastor BANISHES Police Trying To Stop Easter Services For Covid Violation (Video)

    04/04/2021 10:44:01 AM PDT · by USA Conservative · 34 replies
    Red State Nation ^ | 04.04.2021 | Ann Stossel
    A Canadian pastor stood up to police who disrupted his service and shamed them into leaving. Nazis are not welcome here! Do not come back you Nazi psychopaths. Unbelievable sick, evil people. Intimidating people in a church during the Passover! You Gestapo, Nazi, communist fascists! Don’t you dare come back here!” “Can you imagine those psychopaths? Passover. The holiest Christian festival of the year and they’re coming to intimidate Christians during the holiest festival? Unbelievable. What is wrong with those sick psychopaths. It’s beyond me. How dare they,” he continued. The police appear completely cowed by the force of his...
  • Left-leaning groups pressure companies not to hire ex-Trump officials

    01/27/2021 5:14:04 PM PST · by lowbridge · 26 replies
    Fox News ^ | January 26, 2021 | Thomas Barrabi
    A left-leaning advocacy group launched a campaign Tuesday which calls for major corporations to pledge not to hire former senior Trump administration officials who helped to implement what it described as "cruel and anti-democratic policies." Dubbed the "Campaign against Corporate Complicity," the initiative is a collaboration between the public interest groups American Oversight and The campaign will keep a rolling list of former Trump administration officials and track their career moves following their exits from the White House. The campaign’s website features a section entitled "The Trump administration’s greatest transgressions," including the alleged complicity of officials in inciting the...
  • As Students Protest Police Brutality, Cornell University Chemistry Professor Fans Flames By Defending Cops in Incident Gov. Cuomo Called ‘Disgraceful’

    06/06/2020 6:21:28 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 28 replies
    The Cornell Sun ^ | 06/06/2020 | By Johnathan Stimpson and Meghna Maharishi
    Prof. David Collum ’77, chemistry, has come under fire from both students and administrators for a series of Thursday night tweets defending police officers that pushed and severely injured an elderly man. In a graphic film that has since become viral, a 75-year-old white man could be seen lightly brushing up against Buffalo police — who donned heavy tactical gear — as he approaches them. In response, two of the cops shoved the man, causing him to fall and hit his head. As the man lays bleeding and unresponsive, over a dozen officers appear to simply walk away, failing to...
  • Barack Obama's Civilian Army

    06/06/2020 8:49:20 AM PDT · by Candor7 · 38 replies
    Fox News ^ | Published August 27, 2009 Last Update May 16, 2015 | Glenn Beck
    THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” I don’t know how anyone will respond to the facts I am going to present, because they really haven’t responded to any of our questions or challenged any of the facts in our last few shows other than “Hey, don’t call him a ‘czar!’” But I can’t make this piece of the puzzle fit, unless this piece is about...
  • Matt Gurney: The Liberals' useless 'assault weapons' ban ( Canada)

    05/02/2020 3:08:21 AM PDT · by Candor7 · 19 replies
    National Post ^ | 1 May 2020 | Matt Gurney
    The crackdown on legal firearms ownership, which was announced by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on May 1, is another shining moment in the long history of dysfunctional Canadian gun control proposals. It will accomplish nothing in particular, but will come at considerable public expense. It will not improve public safety, nor will it will please either side of this contentious debate. What it will do is give both Liberals and Conservatives an opportunity to fundraise off the issue — one could be forgiven for wondering if that’s literally the only point to any of this. So, again: a textbook example...
  • True Liberals Are Leaving the Left. It's Time to Welcome Them to the Side Conserving Liberty

    03/12/2020 9:58:43 PM PDT · by CheshireTheCat · 44 replies
    NOQ Report ^ | March 12, 2020 | D. Parker
    ...True liberals are leaving the authoritarian left in droves. We are witnessing a movement in real time of people who used to consider themselves to be part of the left leaving it and becoming politically homeless. They have varying reasons for this, but it’s primarily because the authoritarian left has lost the plot. Many in the #WalkAway movement leaving the left find themselves politically homeless because they don’t see our side as any better. Focusing on pragmatic populism only works for a little while, then many start questioning where we are going. This is why we need to have a...
  • Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. -- A Hollywood Pro-Trump Casualty?

    03/12/2020 6:24:56 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 15 replies ^ | March 20, 2020 | Larry Elder
    In 2016, I was in the greenroom for a Fox News segment, where I met a charismatic actor named Antonio Sabato Jr. I had never heard of him. Born in Italy, he became, he told me, a "proud American citizen." He called himself a "Christian conservative" and said that he recently came out in favor of presidential candidate Donald Trump and planned to speak at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. Given Hollywood's hostility toward Republicans, let alone pro-Trump Republicans, I assumed Sabato's career was likely in decline, if, in fact, he ever really had one. Why else would...
  • ‘Trump’s Chernobyl’: Media Wuhan Virus Hysteria Stokes Public Panic

    03/11/2020 8:31:43 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 72 replies
    The Federalist ^ | 03/11/2020 | Joy Pullmann
    Since the coronavirus came on the horizon, media figures have been stoking panic, leading to mass shortages of basic health supplies, business travel cancellations, and market drops, all while the confirmed disease number hiked yesterday to around 0.000002 percent of the U.S. population.So far, U.S. cases of the basic seasonal flu outnumber coronavirus cases by a factor of 45,000 (using federal stats for this year’s flu and real-time tracking of coronavirus confirmations). The flu season has even been especially bad this year, with between 20,000 and 52,000 deaths, compared to 29 so far from coronavirus.According to infectious disease expert...
  • Hollywood in the Trump Era: Conservatives Not Welcome

    03/05/2020 9:22:29 AM PST · by Kaslin · 11 replies ^ | March 6, 2020 | Larry Elder
    Hollywood is one leg of the Axis of Indoctrination, with media and academia completing the trifecta. There are some outspoken nonliberals in Hollywood. Self-described "libertarian" Clint Eastwood comes to mind. But the list is short. A month before the 2016 election, I met a young actress at a party. She just arrived in Los Angeles from Michigan and excitedly told me about a meeting scheduled the following morning with one of the major agencies in Hollywood, an agency she hoped would represent her. For an actor, getting an agent -- especially with one of the major firms -- is...
  • Charlottesville won’t be celebrating Jefferson’s birthday

    03/02/2020 7:17:31 PM PST · by Altura Ct. · 73 replies ^ | 3/2/20
    The city of Charlottesville, Virginia, will not honor the birthday of Thomas Jefferson this spring for the first time since World War II. The Washington Post reports that the city will instead celebrate the demise of slavery this coming Tuesday. The holiday is known as Liberation and Freedom Day. It will commemorate when Union troops arrived in the city in March 1865 and freed enslaved people. The change is the latest example of this southern city reckoning with its history. It began when the city tried to remove its Confederate monuments. That inspired white supremacists to stage the deadly 2017...
  • Antonio Sabato Jr. says supporting Trump ended his career in Hollywood

    03/04/2020 11:08:15 PM PST · by knighthawk · 26 replies
    Fox News ^ | March 04 2020 | Mariah Haas
    Following his public support for Donald Trump in the 2016 election, Antonio Sabato Jr. says Hollywood ousted him. “I had to sell everything,” Sabato, 48, told Variety -- in an interview published on Tuesday -- about leaving Tinseltown not too long after Trump won the presidential bid. "I had to pay all my debts," he continued. "I was blacklisted. All my representatives left me, from agents to managers to commercial agents. I literally had to move, find a new job to survive and take care of my kids.
  • 'Miracle on Ice' team captain says he's getting fierce criticism for wearing 'Keep America Great' hat

    02/25/2020 8:56:09 AM PST · by yesthatjallen · 50 replies
    The Hill ^ | 02 25 2020 | Kaelan Deese
    Members of the 1980 "Miracle on Ice" U.S. Olympic ice hockey team are under fire for sporting "Keep America Great" hats at a recent rally for President Trump in Las Vegas. The team initially was invited to be in a separate photo line with the president at last week's rally, but they later appeared onstage, according to The Washington Post, with many wearing the hats. Trump had invited team captain Mike Eruzione, 65, along with other players to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the "Miracle on Ice" game in which they beat the four-time defending gold medalist Soviet Union team...