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Keyword: intrepid

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  • Obama's Intercepted Email: His Worries about the Naval Threat from USS Intrepid Trump

    02/05/2016 3:55:06 PM PST · by poconopundit · 5 replies
    A Pictorial Satire, Free Republic ^ | 2/5/2016 | PoconoPundit
    <p>The 19th century Barbary pirates of Tripoli had it all wrong.</p> <p>It's foolish to attack the Judeo-Christian infidels with pirates and armies.</p> <p>The secret is very simple: steadily poison the roots of their society from within.</p>
  • Space Shuttle Enterprise On Its Way To New York City [flyover expected bet 9:30 & 11:30AM today!]

    04/27/2012 4:52:03 AM PDT · by ETL · 27 replies ^ | April 27, 2012
    NEW YORK (CBS-New York) -- Space shuttle Enterprise will soon begin its final voyage to its new home in New York City. The shuttle is being airlifted on the back of a 747 from Washington’s Dulles Airport. It will then fly over New York City before landing at John F. Kennedy International Airport. Enterprise was the first shuttle ever to be built by NASA. It never flew into space, but Enterprise paved the way for others that did. NASA engineers used the Enterprise to figure out how to land a shuttle, launching the glider from the back of a modified...

    04/17/2012 1:40:41 PM PDT · by topher · 19 replies
    SPACE SHUTTLE Enterprise ARRIVES IN NEW YORK CITY Landing at JFK Airport Marks First Leg of Historic Trip to New Home at Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum The Space Shuttle Enterprise, the original NASA orbiter that paved the way for America’s successful space shuttle program, will officially arrive in New York City and mark the start of its historic journey to its new home at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum when it touches down at John F. Kennedy Airport on Monday, April 23. The shuttle will be welcomed by an assembled gathering of invited guests, including school...
  • Ted Poe tells Chuck Schumer where he can stuff his big apple

    04/19/2011 1:52:58 PM PDT · by smokingfrog · 28 replies ^ | 16 Apr 2011 | Richard Dunham
    The battle over those retired space shuttle orbiters is getting nasty. And personal. That's good news for the news business. The most recent combatants are New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, a liberal Democrat who is considered one of the leading "camera hogs" on Capitol Hil", and Texas Rep. Ted Poe, a conservative Republican who spent more time at the House microphone than any other lawmaker in 2010. This latest tiff started when Schumer had a one-word response to Texans (and their allies) who are pushing legislation to overturn NASA director Charles Bolden's decision to award New York City (and not...
  • U.S. Navy Reserve Capt. Greg Miller of Berea restoring U.S. tombs in Libyan cemetery

    08/18/2009 2:51:35 PM PDT · by BGHater · 18 replies · 1,395+ views
    The Plains Dealer ^ | 15 Aug 2009 | Brian Albrecht
    Five fallen U.S. sailors from what has been described as America's first war on terrorism lie in a crumbling cemetery in Libya, their graves identified only by their heroism on a night more than 200 years ago. They represent a lingering legacy of the Intrepid -- a small ship used in a daring raid in 1804 to destroy the captured American frigate Philadelphia anchored in Tripoli Harbor, denying the enemy use of the former U.S. warship. Much the same tactic was attempted six months later when the Intrepid sailed into the same harbor, packed with gunpowder for use as a...
  • The Calm After the Storm

    06/16/2009 12:41:28 PM PDT · by La Enchiladita · 5 replies · 509+ views
    Zac's Blog ^ | June 15, 2009 | Zac Sunderland
    Position: 06/15/09 at 1525Z 17 01.419N 103 37.779W Still making slow steady progress up the Mexican coast with light winds forecasted for the next 24 hours. This morning I was woken up early by my radar alarm showing a squall 4 miles away. I haven't had a squall in a couple of days and I thought it would probably be low in intensity. The squall swooped down on Intrepid fast and the wind went from 10 knots to 40 in a few minutes. I furled up the genoa and put two reefs in the main. The winds built into the...
  • The Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum is restored

    01/15/2009 1:32:34 PM PST · by Erik Latranyi · 15 replies · 545+ views
    Metal Architecture ^ | January 2009 | Erik Latranyi (Freeper)
    Working to refurbish a historic landmark is a daunting task for any architect. Redesigning a historic landmark that weighs over 27,000 tons (24,300 metric tons) and floats could be considered a nightmare! Fortunately, the right architect,coupled with a skilled fabricator and supplier, equate to innovative solutions and aesthetically successful results. Only four of the original 24 Essex-Class aircraft carriers exist today. One calls New York City its home, the USS Intrepid. Known as the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum since its founding in 1982, the attraction is a staple for tourists visiting the Big Apple.
  • 'On the Road in Iraq With Our Troops and Gary Sinise' - FNC, Sat., 1-10-09

    01/09/2009 10:45:43 AM PST · by STARWISE · 51 replies · 3,379+ views
    Fox News ^ | 1-9-09
    In this exclusive FOX News documentary, actor and activist Gary Sinise shares the "on the road" experiences he had last summer in Iraq while visiting American troops. Some 25 hours of his adventure was captured verite style with a handheld camera. Sinise does his best to meet his goal of what he says is "5000 handshakes, 2000 miles in seven days." The personal footage captures heartfelt meetings between Sinise and the troops in Kuwait and the Iraqi cities of Al Qaim, Al Asad, Ramadi and Baghdad.
  • Bush honors veterans at aircraft carrier Intrepid

    11/11/2008 12:11:24 PM PST · by SwinneySwitch · 1 replies · 193+ views
    Yahoo News/AP ^ | November 11, 2008 | Devlin Barrett
    NEW YORK – President Bush thanked veterans Tuesday for serving their country, noting wistfully that he'll "miss being commander in chief of such a fabulous group." Bush marked his last Veterans Day as president with a visit to a New York pier that is home to the World War II aircraft carrier Intrepid, appearing before a crowd of thousands bundled on a pier against the windy November chill for the rededication ceremony of the USS Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum. The president praised veterans in the crowd, including those who served aboard the Intrepid in its long history of...
  • Racing the Clock to Bring Back the Intrepid

    05/21/2008 3:14:04 PM PDT · by neverdem · 28 replies · 118+ views
    NY Times ^ | May 21, 2008 | PATRICK McGEEHAN
    Getting stuck in the mud on its first attempt to leave Manhattan was not the last or the least of the troubles that the aircraft carrier Intrepid has encountered in the past 18 months. The military museum the ship houses was at risk of going out of business last year, as the costs of overhauling the carrier and rebuilding its home pier spiraled past $100 million, almost double the original estimate, said Bill White, president of the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. To keep the work going and to stay on schedule to reopen this fall, the museum’s directors...
  • Iwo Jima Sculpture, Model for Marine War Memorial, Is Losing Its Home on Floating Museum

    08/01/2007 8:27:18 PM PDT · by neverdem · 14 replies · 765+ views
    NY Times ^ | August 1, 2007 | PATRICK McGEEHAN
    A 62-year-old sculpture of the flag-raising on Iwo Jima is getting the heave-ho from the museum on the aircraft carrier Intrepid while the ship is docked in Staten Island for an overhaul, museum officials and the sculpture’s owner said yesterday. The five-ton sculpture, which served as a model for the United States Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, Va., has been on display at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum since 1995. But museum officials, who are starting to renovate the ship’s interior, said they declined to buy the sculpture from its owner, Rodney Hilton Brown, and asked him...
  • USS Intrepid Returns to NYC on D-Day

    06/06/2007 6:03:57 PM PDT · by george76 · 12 replies · 1,199+ views
    AP ^ | Jun 6, 2007 | PAT MILTON,
    The USS Intrepid aircraft carrier, glistening from a full-body makeover, arrived in style at Staten Island on Wednesday to the cheers, hoots and hollers of former crew members and World War II veterans. "It's like running into an old girlfriend who had a facelift," said 82-year-old Ray Stone, a former Navy radar man who served on board the Intrepid from 1943 to 1945. "I nearly broke down in tears when I saw her," said Stone. "Her bottom has been scraped of barnacles and she looks just like she did way back when." Stone was among about 400 people who attended...
  • Historic aircraft carrier Intrepid out of water for body makeover

    04/10/2007 3:00:01 AM PDT · by Stoat · 26 replies · 4,001+ views
    Forbes ^ | April 10, 2007 | PAT MILTON
    Historic aircraft carrier Intrepid out of water for body makeover By PAT MILTON Associated Press Writer   NEW YORK (AP) -- The World War II aircraft carrier USS Intrepid is coming out of the water for its full-body makeover and a little "boatox."The war veteran turned floating military museum was to be placed Tuesday in dry dock, where it will be perched on 212 custom-made pine blocks while crews scrape and power-wash its salt and weather corroded keel, then paint it the traditional battleship gray.It took a complex engineering feat just to have the blocks milled to mimic each...
  • Burn Patients Tour Center for Intrepid

    03/23/2007 7:14:46 PM PDT · by SandRat · 1 replies · 278+ views
    FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas, March 23, 2007 – When Army Sgt. Antonio Autrey was burned in Iraq by a blast that destroyed his Bradley fighting vehicle almost a year ago, all the former high school football receiver wanted to do was to be able to hold a football again. Army Sgt. Antonio Autrey checks out the weightlifting equipment at the Center for the Intrepid. Photo by Nelia Schrum  (Click photo for screen-resolution image);high-resolution image available. Now, after almost a year in recovery at the Burn Center here, the 4th Infantry Division soldier has set his sights on bench pressing, with...
  • Intrepid Underway

    12/05/2006 6:01:35 AM PST · by Robe · 22 replies · 1,467+ views | 12/05/06 | Robe
    Shes underway at last Have a look on Earthcam
  • Tugs to Try Budging Intrepid Again, With Less Pomp

    12/04/2006 11:55:35 AM PST · by neverdem · 17 replies · 1,110+ views
    NY Times ^ | December 2, 2006 | PATRICK McGEEHAN
    A month after failing to budge the aircraft carrier Intrepid from its muddy berth, a team of tugboats will try again on Tuesday morning to tow it across the Hudson River to New Jersey for repairs and refurbishment. The next attempt to move the Intrepid, which has housed a military museum on the West Side of Manhattan since 1982, is scheduled to begin between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m., during high tide, Bill White, the president of the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, said yesterday. The five-mile voyage to a dry dock in Bayonne, N.J., will take several hours, but...
  • Word For The Day, Monday June 07, 2004 -- A Tribute to Ronald Reagan

    06/07/2004 4:40:33 AM PDT · by NeoCaveman · 329 replies · 396+ views
    6/7/04 | The Verbivores
    In order that we might all raise the level of discourse and expand our language abilities, here is the daily post of “word for the day”. Rules: Everyone must leave a post using the “word of the day”; in a sentence. The sentence must, in some way, relate to the news of the day. ;-) Practice makes on.... As we all know the 40th President of the United States slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of God Saturday June 5th. So feel free to post your pics, stories, etc. about the Gipper. Today's word is...
  • Military Supporter Elizabeth Fisher Dies

    01/25/2004 2:31:26 PM PST · by BykrBayb · 32 replies · 429+ views
    Navy NewsStand ^ | 1/16/2004 | Journalist 2nd Class Kimberly Rodgers, Navy NewsStand Staff
    WASHINGTON (NNS) -- Philanthropist Elizabeth Kenowsky Fisher, co-founder of the Intrepid Museum, Fisher House and Fisher Armed Services Foundations passed away Jan. 15. At 90, Elizabeth was most known for her lifetime support and commitment to improving the quality of life for the benefit of members of the armed forces, veterans and their families, in company with her late husband Zachary. Born in Allegheny County, Pa., Elizabeth served overseas with the United Services Organization in World War II, entertaining troops, volunteering for the Veterans Bedside Network and visiting the wounded in field hospitals. The Fishers were instrumental in transforming the...
  • Information, but not answers (very liberal editorial on 7 "child" thieves killed in car in N.C.)

    12/30/2003 10:58:32 AM PST · by DCBryan1 · 54 replies · 369+ views
    The Charlotte Observer ( ^ | 30 DEC 03 | DANNYE ROMINE POWELL
    <p>At the heart of it, there's only one thing to say: Seven Iredell County teens are dead.Of course I drive to Statesville and keep my eyes and ears open. And, yes, I pick up some information. But it's not information that satisfies. The information we want, you and I, I wasn't able to get.</p>
  • UPDATE: Seven Teenagers Killed in NC car wreck fleeing from police. (1 suspected of home invasion)

    12/30/2003 10:17:44 AM PST · by DCBryan1 · 98 replies · 1,944+ views
    The Charlotte Observer ( ^ | 30 DEC 03 | ERICA BESHEARS, ROBERT MOORE & KATHRYN WELLIN
    Police: Chase followed policy 7 teens die in wreck speeding on U.S. 21 ERICA BESHEARS, ROBERT MOORE & KATHRYN WELLIN Top row: Antoinette Griffin, 13; Antonio Miller, 13; David Summers, 14 Second row: Dominique Hurtt, 15, Quentin Reed, 18 Not pictured: John Lindsey Meyers Jr., 15 (DRIVER); Erica Stevenson, 15 A 15-year-old boy at the wheel of a stolen car lost control and crashed as he sped from a police officer early Monday, killing himself and six other Statesville teenagers in the car, authorities said. Troutman police Officer Keith Bills tried to stop the northbound white 2001 Dodge Intrepid just...