Keyword: foundingfathers
What an important release this one is. Today, Benson Lossing's "Biographical Sketches of the Signers of the Declaration of American Independence" is ready for a listen. This book has some really important sections in it which are not biographies at all, but a 1-by-1 explanation of what each grievance in the Declaration is in reference to. That makes this audio book surely one of a kind in that regard. As for the biographies, most as audio are inbetween 5 to 10 minutes, giving a brief overview of all of these wonderful people. Some Founding Fathers never received a major biographical...
The Sommersett Case and the Slave Trade (1) It is said that some generous humane persons subscribed to the expence of obtaining liberty by law for Somerset the Negro.(2) It is to be wished that the same humanity may extend itself among numbers; if not to the procuring liberty for those that remain in our Colonies, at least to obtain a law for abolishing the African commerce in Slaves, and declaring the children of present Slaves free after they become of age. By a late computation made in America, it appears that there are now eight hundred and fifty thousand...
In the efforts of the Progressive Left to destroy the legacy and monumental contributions of Thomas Jefferson, a centerpiece has been the focus on his presumed relationship with Sally Hemings, a slave at Monticello. The charge goes that Jefferson had a long-term relationship with Sally Hemings, and had six children with her. In spite of the fact that there is very little evidence to support this rather dubious hypothesis, the tours at Monticello and the University of Virginia state this as a fact. As it turns out, this is probably not at all true.One of the problems with the fact...
Dear Friends, In light of our EXPONENTIALLY deteriorating and growing godless nation, where pith parties are abandoning the God of nature and natures laws; let us hear from the ghosts of our American Founding Fathers and their prophetic warnings to us in 2024 and about this year’s Presidential Elections; One of the most remarkable observations in the study of history is the caution and warnings that are always given by Founders of great civilizations. It seems that those who lay foundations for great civilizations are quite aware of the seeds of pride, selfishness, and contention in human nature which over...
Thomas Jefferson, as the American Minister to the Court of Versailles, witnessed the opening chapters of the French Revolution in the late 1780s. In September 1789, he returned to the United States, but, assuming the position of Secretary of State, he continued his involvement in American foreign policy. The French Revolution, continuing into the 1790s, would have an ongoing effect on Jefferson's career. When French revolutionaries violently stormed the "Bastille" in mid-July, Jefferson was taken aback by the "astonishing train of events."[7] By August, however, he was ready to defend the actions of the mob...He was certain too that the...
There was no difference between July 3, 1776, and July 5. By all outward appearances, the American colonies were no more free and no more independent. Practically speaking, the governing structures were not different. So what makes the Fourth of July so special? Think about it. We do not celebrate October 19, 1781, the date the war for American independence ended. There are no parades commemorating September 3, 1783, when the Treaty of Paris formally concluded the war. No, we celebrate July 4, 1776. That is the day when our Founding Fathers firmly, finally, and officially committed themselves—their lives, their...
Despire their closeness, Jefferson and Adams fought often over their political views. The two disagreed about how the country should be goverened. As a Democratic –Republican, Jefferson advocated for the rights of states, while Adams, a Federalist, supported a strong national government. Both friends ran for president in the 1796 election, and Adams beat Jefferson by just 3 electoral votes. Still, the two remained friends. After receiving the second highest number of votes, Jefferson served as vice-president to Adams for the next four years. How do you think competition like this could hurt a friendship? Four years later, these friends...
Dear Friends, In light of our EXPONENTIALLY growing godless nation, let us hear from the ghosts of our American Founding Fathers and their prophetic warnings to us in 2024! One of the most remarkable observations in the study of history is the caution and warnings that are always given by Founders of great civilizations. It seems that those who lay foundations for great civilizations are quite aware of the seeds of pride, selfishness, and contention in human nature which over time usually begin to manifest themselves in society--even good societies. These Founders, realizing the tendency of human nature to degenerate,...
The incredible teaching of the minds of America’s founding fathers seeking moral and natural law. A powerful and very insightful 10 minute YouTube video. How far we have fallen as a people and nation.
During patriotic holidays, the news media applaud the Founding Fathers. But rarely does anyone mention some important facts about them: that they were smugglers, tax evaders, and traitors. Not only is this important, it is also praiseworthy; it produced the most advanced civilization ever known. The Revolution is often said to have begun in 1775 at the Battle of Lexgton [sic]. In truth, it began in the 16th century when the first colonists began traveling to the New World. Consider the hardships these people faced. Abandoning their relatives and friends, they boarded small leaky boats like the Mayflower—which was only...
The teaching of history has become a flashpoint in the culture wars. But while the battle is fierce, it’s not new. An earlier round in the conflict in the 1920s — over the teaching of the American Revolution — indicates that it will be crucial for historians to weigh in loudly and forcefully during the current debate. That will give them the space to continue to teach the most accurate, up-to-date version of U.S. History and prevent forces that fundamentally don’t understand the job of historians from shaping what American children learn about the past. In the late 19th century,...
There are a lot of people out there who think I have a lost my marbles for coming to the conclusion that a large percentage of books written prior to the 1900s are the only books you can trust when it comes to American History. What people fail to understand, is that the 1619 Project is actually not new. Sure, it's relatively "new" to use racial issues as the focal point, but manipulating U.S. history to advance progressivism goes back to the Progressive Era itself. In his book "American inquisitors; a commentary on Dayton and Chicago", Walter Lippmann wrote the...
What Values Are On The Ballot In 2024? by John F. Di Leo We hear candidates talk about their values – their parties’ values – their supporters’ values – and of course, America’s values – all the time. We used to be able to reasonably sure what those values were, by listening to their speeches and reading their party platforms, but it’s not always that easy anymore. In recent years, particularly since the twin assaults of the sexual revolution and the carbon dioxide fantasy overwhelmed the Democratic party, it has been harder to get a clear reading on the values...
The news media, radical leftists, and the Democratic Party are labeling conservative Christians as new Nazis. The direct term is “Christian Nationalists,” a radical brand of Christianity that is detrimental to the “state” because it believes the values of the Christian faith should be represented in government. Politico investigative reporter Heidi Przybyla said on February 22nd’s edition of MSNBC’s “All In” that Christian nationalists, not Christians, believe rights come from God. She said they are problematic because “they believe that our rights as Americans, as all human beings, don’t come from any earthly authority; they don’t come from Congress; they...
If the contents of The 1619 Project are getting under your skin, here's a new audiobook for you. Nothing else need be said, book speaks for itself. An Historical Research Respecting the Opinions of the Founders of the Republic on Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers, by George LivermoreBook summary: Collects the speeches, writings, public statements and legislative acts of the Founding Fathers and Framers of the United States against slavery. (Summary by progressingamerica)
For several years now, the news from Israel has included reports on judicial battles between the Knesset and Israel’s supreme court. The supreme court strikes down laws passed by the Knesset, supports an explosion of harassment cases against the legislature and the Prime Minister himself… and generally acts as a partisan political body would. So, after much debate and considerable public outcry, the Knesset finally passed a set of judicial reforms on July 24, 2023, to curtail some of the powers of the supreme court. It is difficult for us in the United States to appropriately judge this action, until...
Republican 2024 presidential candidate and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott said Tuesday that citizens should celebrate instead of cancel the nation's founding fathers for their wisdom in creating the system of government we have."We are blessed to live in the greatest nation on God's green earth," Scott said Tuesday in a video on his campaign site celebrating Independence Day. "Our founding fathers were geniuses who should be celebrated, not canceled."The National Review reported in August 2022 that the University of Virginia's student newspaper called for the likeness and name of founder, and former President Thomas Jefferson, to be stripped from...
For the first time, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has criticized former President Donald Trump for refusing to concede power following the 2020 election – in a generalized comment referencing events more than 200 years ago. DeSantis, who condemned rioters inside the Capitol where he once served, but has said little about Trump's push to have courts and allies toss out the results, made remarks during an interview with Piers Morgan, where he also blasted Trump administration chaos.
The world’s central planners meet, speak, plan and party together. Whether they do so in Davos or New York, Paris or Washington D.C.; whether in the name of the WEF or UN or Congress or EU, these central planners share the same goal: to repeat so many seemingly-unrelated lies, so often and so vigorously, that they can get the public to believe that statism is the solution. Well, their solution will never be right, because their premises will never be right. Facts are facts, no matter what the dictators of Davos may say. For example, a few truths: 1. Carbon...
This is super simple. In our ongoing struggle against the New York Times' 1619 Project, how valuable is a free/open source audiobook that highlights American abolitionism, going back to 1619, with 1619 in the title? Enjoy! Text in the link for those who prefer to read the words than to listen to an audio book presentation. Anti-slavery in America from the Introduction of African Slaves to the Prohibition of the Slave Trade (1619-1808)I've done the heavy lifting. The only question now is - will conservatives actually listen?(or read) American history gives us the upper hand against the progressives. Our Founding...