Keyword: eschatology
The central bank of Syria in Damascus - was looted a few minutes ago. Armed jihadists entered and looted boxes of money.
Hal Lindsey, a teacher of biblical prophecy who wrote the bestselling book The Late Great Planet Earth, has died two days after turning 95.The home page of Lindsey’s news and commentary website, known as “The Hal Lindsey Report,” posted a photo of the author and End Times expert, noting that he died on Monday.Multiple people posted their condolences on social media, among them the Facebook page for Prophecy Update, a site dedicated to End Times topics and discussion.“Hal was a long time mentor and encouraging friend,” stated the page. “From a humble tugboat skipper to a giant in the Bible...
Israel and Lebanon’s Hezbollah on Tuesday agreed to a permanent ceasefire in cross-border hostilities, following a year-long conflict between the Jewish state and Iranian-backed groups. President Joe Biden announced the deal, which was brokered by France and the U.S. “Under the deal reached today, effective at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow, local time, the fighting across the Lebanese Israeli border will end,” Biden said in the White House Rose Garden. “This is designed to be a permanent cessation of hostilities,” he added. “What is left of Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations will not be allowed, I emphasize, will not be allowed, to...
Just curious FReeper poll…. Are you Pre-Trib? Post-Trib? Pre-Mil? Ah-Mil? Post-Mil? If you don’t understand the question you may not have studied eschatology at all. No “wrong answers” or debate just polling.
The individuals listed below are Christians (past and present) who are passionate about their faith. Some are recognized pastors, scholars and teachers of Bible prophecy and eschatology (study of end-times) who also belong to various denominations. Also listed here are those from pseudo-Christian organizations (so-called Christian groups that adhere to doctrines outside mainstream Christianity). This comprehensive list of individuals is meant to help you identify sound teaching on Bible prophecy and prophecy topics only. Some have devoted their entire lives to teaching Bible prophecy. Not all are always in agreement, and not all are sound in their doctrines. Therefore, study...
Perhaps the biggest challenge against Christians from skeptics, Jews, Muslims, and others is that the prophecies of Jesus and the writers of the New Testament failed. So, if Jesus and his followers were false prophets, Christianity falls. Consider these quotes: “Say what you like, we shall be told, the apocalyptic beliefs of the first Christians have been proved to be false. It is clear from the New Testament that they all expected the Second Coming in their own lifetime. And, worse still, they had a reason, and one which you will find very embarrassing. Their Master had told them so....
Hal Lindsey’s book “The Late Great Planet Earth,” written in 1970, sold over 28 million copies. Gullible Christians got sucked into Lindsey’s soon end-of-the world poppycock. As time has passed without his version of Armageddon taking place, we can now objectively analyze where Lindsey went wrong: • Lindsey (p. 54, 181), like other dispensationalists, placed the beginning of the end with Israel becoming a nation in 1948. He thought all prophecy would be fulfilled within a 40-year generation (Matthew 24:34). But 1988 came and went, proving him to be a false prophet. (This should be adequate proof that 1948 has...
The biggest error of dispensationalists is the confusion over who is Israel. The New Testament uses the term “the Israel of God” (Galatians 6:16). How is this different from Old Covenant Israel? Answer: The Israel of God is no longer ethnic Israel. Believers in Christ, that is the church (including both Jewish and Gentile believers) are the new spiritual Israel through faith—the Israel of God. Jesus told the Jewish leaders of his day that the blessings of the covenant kingdom were being taken from them and given to another group—obviously Christians (Matthew 21:33-45). The text says that the Jews knew...
To me, one of the strangest oddities of the year 2020 was the call for safety in the face of COVID-19. “Stay safe,” we were cautioned. Here in Wisconsin, our governor even issued an order titled “Safer at Home.” This seemed to me to be an extraordinary choice of wording—because COVID-19 results from a virus. I’m sure that experts disagree on the best methodologies for warding off infection from a virus. But one thing that you certainly cannot do to escape it is to stay safe. Your only hope is to stay healthy. So, the expression itself was bizarre but...
I can almost hear the question from so long ago, “Where’s the beef?” This inquiry came from a Wendy’s advertising campaign emphasizing that their burgers had more meat than other fast-food chains. There’s a similar question that many of us are asking based upon our recent experience of attending churches, “Where is the hope?” If there’s anything people need today, it’s hope. We are immersed in a culture of violence, deceit, and death. In the U.S., mass shootings have become commonplace. The horrors of Hamas’ massacre shocked those not drawn into the demonic lies spread by the Palestinians. Anti-Semitic rants...
Preterism is one of today’s popular views of the end times; its adherents among church staff continue to rapidly grow in number. Below is a list of its basic beliefs: Nero was the Antichrist. There will be no future individual Antichrist. The Tribulation Period is already over. It occurred when the Roman army besieged Jerusalem in AD 66-70. Christ “returned” in the clouds in AD 70 to witness the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman army. God replaced Old Testament Israel with the Church. Therefore, all the biblical promises to Israel belong to the Church. Armageddon already happened in AD...
On the 5th episode of Gerald Apologizes Apologetics, hosted by Gerald Morgan, sat down with Alex Jones. The duo discuss Eschatology, faith, religion, and the "end of humanity."
I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel, which is not another; but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received, let him be accursed. Galatians 1:6-9 I spend a...
That day started out like any other. The morning hustle and bustle of modern people living in a modern age began as they boarded their motorized chariots and underwent the hellish voyage into the urban sprawl amidst a sea of red lights. Tens of thousands of their fellow citizens made their way to each of their respective livelihoods, all thinking today was likely to be identical to the day before. The normalcy bias of the modern era was not so much indicative of the lack of perspective this generation held too, but that the overload of daily information made it...
I [previously] did a Facebook/YouTube live presentation with my colleagues, Amir Tsarfati and Pastor Barry Stagner. It was titled “Doctrine Matters.” And indeed, it does! We considered a number of theologies that do not allow their followers to understand the times or become watchmen on the wall. I thought I would summarize that discussion in this magazine format. Please understand that not every church in a particular denomination or stream of theology holds to some of this aberrant theology! A good illustration of this is many in the Assemblies of God are pushing back against Kingdom Now/ Dominion Theology, so...
On December 7, 1941, Japan caught America by surprise when it attacked the U.S. naval base in Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii. Japan sought to destroy the U.S. Pacific Fleet. Fortunately, that attack didn’t destroy the United States. But the future may not be so kind. Why? Because the U.S. is setting itself up for a modern-day Pearl Harbor – one from which it will never recover. And it won’t be the result of a military strike. It will be the result of an economic one. To understand what’s coming (this attack is already underway), we need to understand our...
It's that time of year when everyone likes to be spooked and frightened by ghouls and goblins for some unknown reason. Well, we know the reason. Satan has taken one of man's basest fears and marketed back upon us through the occult, the paranormal, the unknown, and the bizarre. People want to be frightened, but not too much...just enough to feel alive again. Little do they know, that there is a time coming that will make the most terrifying horror movie seem like a walk in the park. It is a time the Bible calls by several names, all of...
After two years of global turmoil, people are starting to realize we aren’t going to “return to normal.” We’ve endured a global pandemic, widespread social unrest, vaccine passports, and compounding global supply chain issues. Now, we have a major war in Eastern Europe, fuel and food price inflation, and rumors of an impending global financial crisis. Everywhere you look, it seems as though the end is near. Is it? What does the Bible say? How close are the end times, the Tribulation, and the rapture of the church? Fortunately, we don’t have to guess. Jesus Himself told us how to...
Since the second century A.D., there have been numerous movements within greater "Christendom" that sought to supplant and replace national and ethnic Israel as God's chosen people. The early church fathers, some of whom were complicit in promoting this, also believed Jerusalem's destruction and the Jewish diaspora was a clear sign that the Jews were no longer God's elect. Moreover, this absence, of both the temple and the people, created a vacuum for the title of "God's chosen people," which, many Gentiles have since come to claim. Miraculously, Israel was restored as a people and a nation in 1948. It...
To fully appreciate “The Revelation of Jesus Christ”, one must read it in conjunction with passages from other books of the Bible. Specifically, but not exclusively, Scriptures found in Daniel, Zechariah, Ezekiel, and various verses found in the New Testament. I also believe having an understanding of world history, economics, and politics is a must to get a proper perspective of the end times. However, even with all these tools at ones disposal we find no shortage of opinions as to what these visions of John represents. A quick search on Google shows that there are almost 100 million sites...