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  • Brits Say “We Want Our Country Back” in a March in Central London [Tommy Robinson]

    07/27/2024 8:57:48 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 36 replies
    EuroWeekly News ^ | 7/27 | Harry Sinclair
    Central London saw thousands of protestors backing Tommy Robinson in a rally, chanting “We want our country back”. “Biggest patriotic rally” Waving flags and singing songs, the demonstrators gathered at the Royal Courts of Justice as the starting point of their march to Trafalgar Square Tommy Robinson has declared this rally, entitled the ‘Uniting the Kingdom’ event, to be the “biggest patriotic rally the UK has ever seen”. The crowd has been heard singing “Rule Britannia” before their march in London. Metropolitan Police in action In response to the protest, the Metropolitan Police have descended onto central London, with over...
  • Our Nation Is Dying Because Of Idle Shepherds Who Refuse To Get Involved In ‘Political Issues’

    06/04/2024 5:31:33 PM PDT · by Roman_War_Criminal · 37 replies
    Harbingers Daily ^ | 6/4/24 | Jack Hibbs
    Abortion is one of the driving political forces of this current election cycle. Sadly, many ill-informed pastors and Christians refuse to get involved in things like the sanctity of life because of their politics. “That’s political stuff,” they say. Really? Do you know how that happened? Politicians ran into the church, took the topic of abortion, and declared it to be a political issue, knowing that a weak, worthless, wimpy church would bow down and leave the scene. The political world ran in and said, “Marriage is not a church issue; it’s a political issue!” And the church just collapsed...
  • Obama is never going away

    12/09/2023 6:26:25 AM PST · by MtnClimber · 40 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 9 Dec, 2023 | James L. Beam
    I suspect that Barack Obama consciously chose not to allow the world to see his full communist, socialist, leftist leanings while he was still POTUS. And so I fear that many have become convinced that he is a real American. That is the crux of the matter: don’t you ever wonder about anyone who is so totally dedicated to the destruction of America? And how many still consider him an American? A professional politician can be very good at being a politician while not being very good at being an American. There are three things that motivate every professional politician:...
  • Harvard’s Shocking Admission: Affirmative Action and Critical Race Theory Killed South Africa

    11/30/2023 4:52:05 AM PST · by george76 · 41 replies
    Revolver News ^ | November 29, 2023
    On those bleak corners of the Internet that fret about economic growth, social cohesion, and other boring stuff, there’s a common question: What the heck happened in 1971? On one chart after another for the United States, there is a pattern of steady growth and improvement in life that suddenly goes haywire right around 1971. Wage growth stagnated for all but the richest Americans. Inequality explodes. Housing prices began a long upward march that has yet to level out. Fertility rates crashed while illegitimacy surged. And so on, and so on. Many other nations have data that tells a similar...
  • Muslim Stabs Children at Dublin Catholic School, Media Covers It Up

    11/25/2023 6:12:01 AM PST · by Rev M. Bresciani · 13 replies
    New American Prophet ^ | November 25, 2023 | Daniel Greenfield
    A 5-year-old girl was receiving emergency medical treatment What. Where. Why. You won’t find any of those ‘Ws’ in any story that the media is interested in covering up, rather than covering.
  • Victor Davis Hanson: Can Europe Become Western Again?

    11/23/2023 5:31:03 AM PST · by MtnClimber · 24 replies
    American Greatness ^ | 22 Nov, 2023 | Victor Davis Hanson
    For the first time in a millennium, Europe no longer plays a critical role in promoting Western civilization nor in world history at large. Ostensibly it should. Some 750 million people live on the European subcontinent. Europe still remains the most popular tourist spot on earth. Its hallowed architecture, art, infrastructure, and natural beauty still remind millions of visitors of the world’s once most dynamic and grandiose civilization. Even now, European nations, in and out of the Europe Union, still produce a combined gross domestic product of $24 trillion, second only to the United States. Europe’s exports are among the...
  • Our Parasitic New Elite Despises the Working Class. Culture Wars & The Decline of the West. Video— 35 min

    09/23/2023 4:04:51 AM PDT · by Phoenix8 · 15 replies
    YouTube ^ | 9/10/2023 | Whittle
    On today's #NCFWhittle we are joined once again by Professor Doug Stokes, Professor of International Relations at the University of Exeter, and author of the new book "Against Decolonisation: Campus Culture Wars & The Decline of the West". Following the killing of George Floyd in 2020, a moral panic gripped the US and UK. To atone for an alleged history of racism, statues were torn down and symbols of national identity attacked. Across universities, fringe theories became the new orthodoxy, with a cadre of activists backed by university technocrats adopting a binary worldview of moral certainty, sin and deconstructive redemption...
  • German Gov’t Considers Allowing ‘Body Exploration Rooms’ for Children and Pedophiles

    08/25/2023 7:46:51 AM PDT · by Roman_War_Criminal · 22 replies
    The Peoples Voice ^ | 8/24/23 | Sean Adl-Tabatabai
    The German government are considering proposals to open “body exploration rooms” for young children who wish to explore their sexuality with adults. Germany’s top professional association on sexuality and partnership, Pro Familia, is lobbying the government to force daycare centers to implement “body exploration rooms” and “sexual games” for young children. The issue was first reported by news outlet BILD who revealed that parents were sent an e-mail from an Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO) daycare center in the Hanover region which presented a list of ten rules explaining how children in the “body exploration room” would be encouraged to “pet and examine”...

    08/22/2023 4:18:01 PM PDT · by Rummyfan · 16 replies
    Powerline ^ | 21 Aug 2023 | John Hinderaker
    It is hard to believe, but Germany is on its way to becoming a post-industrial country. What its economy will look like at that point is anyone’s guess, but it won’t be pretty. ... But it is all right. Who needs to make products, anyway? More broadly, the 61-year-old academic said Germany was “too reliant on car manufacturing.” Around 800,000 people work for car makers in Germany, many in highly-paid jobs. The country is home to Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, BMW and Porsche, and produces around 25pc of all passenger cars manufactured in Europe. However, the industry has been slow to...
  • Chanel Lewis’ conviction for killing Queens jogger Karina Vetrano should be scrapped over ‘racial dragnet’: lawyers

    08/22/2023 3:58:30 PM PDT · by thegagline · 13 replies
    The New York Post ^ | 08/22/2023 | Pricilla DeGregiry
    Chanel Lewis — the man serving a life sentence for the murder of Queens jogger Karina Vetrano — should have his conviction overturned because cops used an unfair “racial dragnet” targeting black men before landing on him as their prime suspect, his attorneys argued in new court papers. Prosecutors allegedly failed to disclose the use of the so-called dragnet — in which the NYPD conducted DNA testing on “hundreds of black men” — before arresting Lewis, now 27, in the high-profile 2016 slaying, according to the documents filed Monday. Detectives used the controversial testing method all because Parabon Nanolabs —...
  • 'Thousands' of migrants have been 'shot to pieces' and killed by Saudi border guards this year as they tried to enter the kingdom, report claims

    08/22/2023 2:35:04 PM PDT · by dynachrome · 51 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | 8-21-23 | CHRISTIAN OLIVER
    Thousands of migrants have been slaughtered by Saudi border guards this year after they opened fire on them 'like rain' as they tried to cross through Yemen into the Gulf kingdom, a major report has found. The Human Rights Watch report, released Monday, said some migrants, many of them from Ethiopia, were attacked at close range while others were fired on by mortar projectiles. Many of the migrants reportedly had their legs severed and fingers shot off as their bodies were strewn across the trail. The allegations, described as 'unfounded' by a Saudi government source, point to a significant escalation...
  • NJ Teacher “Lavender’ Fired for Snuff Videos and Mannequins

    07/20/2023 4:45:12 PM PDT · by yesthatjallen · 37 replies
    Independent Sentinel ^ | 07 20 2023 | M Dowling
    James O’Keefe tried to interview a former transgender teacher in New Jersey named Austin McCaffey, also known as Lavender. He was recently fired from a Roselle Park, New Jersey school district for posting videos of him pretending to eat babies and having sex with mannequins. He also posted violent songs. Lavender claims he was fired for being transgender, although nothing about “Lavender” looks like he’s trying to be a woman. Outside groups are coming in to defend him because he’s transgender, claiming the school administrators are anti-trans. I hope the police are investigating him for potential crimes. SNIP VIDEO AT...
  • Miss Nederland 2023: Miss Universe Netherlands 2023 is Rikkie Valerie Kollé

    07/09/2023 2:56:30 PM PDT · by Phoenix8 · 60 replies
    Pageant Circle ^ | 7/9/2023 | Rutten/Nederland?
    Rikkie Valerie Kollé was crowned Miss Nederland 2023 (Miss Universe Netherlands 2023) on Saturday, July 8 at the AFAS Theater in Leusden. The 22-year-old Dutch-Moluccan model and actress living in Breda succeeds Ona Moody and will now prepare to represent the Netherlands at the 72nd Miss Universe (Miss Universe 2023) in El Salvador. Nathalie Mogbelzada, 26, from Amsterdam, was named first runner-up while Habiba Mostafa and Lou Dirchs were awarded Miss Congeniality and Miss Social Media, respectively. Reigning Miss Universe R'Bonney Gabriel of the USA graced the glittering event as a special guest. The new Miss Universe Netherlands made history...
  • It's Over! South Africa is F*&$d - Failed State Video-20 min

    06/09/2023 4:13:13 AM PDT · by Phoenix8 · 59 replies
    YouTube ^ | 6/8/2023 | Serpentza
    None offered
  • Five transgender youths file suit saying Oklahoma health care ban is unconstitutional

    05/04/2023 11:10:30 PM PDT · by DallasBiff · 25 replies
    Yahoo ^ | 5/3/23 | Ben Felder
    Five Oklahoma transgender youths and their families have sued the state over a ban on gender-affirming health care, alleging the halt of puberty-blocking drugs, surgery and hormone treatments is a violation of their constitutional rights. The families filed the lawsuit in a Tulsa federal court Tuesday, one day after Gov. Kevin Stitt signed Senate Bill 613, which immediately banned gender transition surgeries, along with a six-month phase-out of other drug and hormone treatments. “We wanted to make sure we were ready as soon as possible because access to care changed immediately (with the governor’s signature),” said Megan Lambert, legal director...
  • Restricting transgender rights now a focal point in GOP politics

    05/04/2023 10:53:01 PM PDT · by DallasBiff · 32 replies
    Scripps News ^ | 5/4/23 | Ava Joye-Burnett
    It's a scene becoming more common outside state capitol buildings across the country: Protesters outraged as legislators inside move to pass new laws restricting transgender rights. So far this year, 54 bills restricting transgender rights have passed in 18 states, according to the Trans Legislation Tracker. Most of those bills limit gender-affirming care for transgender youth and restrict their participation in school activities, like sports. Despite the viral scenes of protest, a new Scripps News/YouGov poll shows Americans largely support these types of laws. The poll found 44% of Americans support laws restricting transgender care for minors, compared with 34%...
  • AOC now brands Jordan Neely's NYC subway chokehold death a 'public execution' and hits back at NYC Mayor Eric Adams for saying it was 'irresponsible' of her to call it 'murder'

    05/04/2023 3:32:43 PM PDT · by Angelino97 · 36 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | May 4, 2023 | Harriet Alexander
    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has described the killing of a man suffering a mental breakdown on the New York City subway as 'a public execution', as calls mount for those responsible to be criminally charged. Jordan Neely, 30, died on Monday on the subway after being put in a chokehold by a U.S. Marine veteran. Neely, who was well known as a Michael Jackson impersonator entertaining passengers on the train, was in the midst of a mental health episode, and was reportedly marching up and down the train carriage ranting. Neely had autism and schizophrenia and had been arrested 42 times in...
  • Black Independent New Yorker goes OFF on Dems claiming Jordan Neely was lynched in powerful thread(long thread)

    05/04/2023 9:48:57 AM PDT · by rktman · 4 replies ^ | 5/4/2023 1019 hrs edt | Sam Janney
    As our readers now(sic), every once in a while we come across exceptional, powerful threads that don’t need much introduction from us, and this thread from ‘BlackWestchesterite’ about Jordan Neely, Democrats, Tommy Bailey, and the soft bigotry of low expectations is one of those threads. Seriously, he’s got this. Take a look:
  • Death of homeless man placed in chokehold on NYC subway is formally ruled a HOMICIDE: Protesters take to platforms demanding Marine who tackled him is charged

    05/03/2023 9:21:25 PM PDT · by Angelino97 · 98 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | May 3, 2023 | Paul Farrell
    A homeless man's death has been ruled a homicide as protesters took to New York City's subway system to demonstrate his death at the hands of Marine veteran. Jordan Neely, 30, was shouting and pacing aboard an F train in Manhattan on Monday afternoon, witnesses and police said, when he was taken to the floor by a 24-year-old US Marine veteran from Long Island who is between deployments. His death has now been ruled a homicide caused by compression of the neck. The decision of whether or not to charge the Marine will be made by the district attorney's office....
  • Losing Custody of Your 'Trans' Daughter | Guest: Jeannette Cooper | Ep 653

    05/03/2023 8:44:23 PM PDT · by Morgana · 3 replies
    Allie Beth Stuckey ^ | Aug 2, 2022 | Allie Beth Stuckey
    Today, we have a fascinating interview with Jeannette Cooper, a mom who lost custody of her child three years ago for not fully, unquestioningly accepting her daughter's claim that she was transgender. We discuss Jeannette's experience, and she talks about how she believes there is a social aspect to the sudden surge in kids who claim not to be the gender they were born as and what it was like to have to basically be excised from her daughter's life over this issue. Jeannette also tells us how she's been working over the past three years to raise awareness about...