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Keyword: darwinism

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  • Video: Answers in Genesis: Evolutionists, YOU Support Systemic Racism

    12/31/2023 1:34:56 AM PST · by spirited irish · 11 replies
    PatriotandLiberty ^ | 12/23 | Answers in Genesis
    Calvin Smith explores the unsettling ties between some interpretations of evolution and systemic racism. Highlighting misrepresentations that linked ethnic groups to primates, he advocates for a biblical worldview, emphasizing that all humans are divinely created in God’s image, promoting unity and respect across races.
  • 2 Cor. 10:5…What Kind of God Do You Believe In?

    11/11/2023 1:17:33 AM PST · by spirited irish · 35 replies
    PatriotandLiberty ^ | 2023 | Linda Kimball
    Today, large numbers of Christians and seculars believe that modern secular science has proven the earth and cosmos to be billions of years old, and that every living thing, from fish to dogs, apes and humans, evolved from a single cell which itself is the result of chance combination of chemicals. Most believe that primordial matter resulted from the Big Bang. Certain high profile evolutionary theists and the influential Evangelical theologians and scholars who support them, teach that God is both the energizing force behind the Big Bang and the director of evolutionary process.Against this way of thinking, the Word...
  • Who Is Intolerant Because Ashamed: Creationists or Evolutionary Theists?

    07/29/2023 1:30:23 AM PDT · by spirited irish · 89 replies
    PatriotandLiberty ^ | 2023 | Linda Kimball
    “The intimidation to remain silent is insidious and growing…what American Christians are facing is the 21st century version of the question, ‘Am I ashamed of the Gospel?”If anything, some heterodox evolutionary theologians and their gullible Christian flocks, both evolutionary theist and progressive creationist, are at least as hostile if not more so toward orthodox defenders of the Genesis origin account than are their evolutionary atheist and occult pantheist counterparts: evolutionary materialists, Darwinists, Teilhardians, Luciferians, god-men, goddesses, shaman, Satanists, witches, necromancers, and astrologers.
  • Rape and Evolution: Evolution Shows its True Colors

    07/24/2023 1:20:30 AM PDT · by spirited irish · 25 replies
    PatriotandLiberty ^ | 2023 |
    It’s not often that we ask to reproduce an article that has already appeared elsewhere, but this one is exceptional. John Lofton, a Christian, here interviews Craig Palmer, who, along with Randy Thornhill, is one of two evolutionist academic authors of the book, A Natural History Of Rape: Biological Bases Of Sexual Coercion (MIT Press). The book argues that rape is to be expected on the basis of our alleged evolutionary heritage. Many other evolutionists have attacked the book’s thesis; this interview brilliantly spotlights the inconsistency between evolution and the idea of moral values in a society. We do not...
  • The Progressive Ideas That Fueled America’s Eugenics Movement

    04/21/2023 2:24:14 AM PDT · by spirited irish · 33 replies
    PatriotandLiberty ^ | Mar 2019 | Bradley Thomas
    Progressive ideology focuses on the “common good” while devaluing individual rights. This mindset, however, has disturbing consequences: when you elevate the “common good” over the rights of individuals, individuals become expendable.Such a mindset can lead to some disturbing practices.Eugenics and the Progressive EraIndeed, American progressives in the Progressive Era had quite an affinity for eugenics as a means to improve the stock of society by “scientific” means of control.
  • Global and Ruling Class Criminal Elitists: Their Pact with the Spirit of Death and Hell

    04/19/2023 1:49:19 AM PDT · by spirited irish · 17 replies
    PatriotandLiberty ^ | 2023 | Linda Kimball
    The culprits behind a long-term plan devised specifically to de-Christianize America and create a dehumanizing climate polluted by raw sex, sodomy, and violence, is a global and national criminal elite, a parasitic confederacy of global demoniacs and their managerial class.
  • Genesis 1-11 Versus Darwinism: God and Liberty or Antichrist Man and Tyranny

    04/09/2023 2:42:26 AM PDT · by spirited irish · 8 replies
    PatriotandLiberty ^ | Apr 2023 | Linda Kimball
    “…the biological theorists don’t know that Kant has analyzed why one cannot have an immanentist theory of evolution. One can have empirical observation but no general theory of evolution because the sequence of forms is a mystery; it just is there and you cannot explain it by any theory. The world cannot be explained. It is a mythical problem, so you have a strong element of myth in the theory of evolution.” (Eric Voegelin, CW Vol. 33, The Drama of Humanity Conversations, III, Myth as Environment, p. 307)
  • The Return Of The Divine Temporal Sphere, Baal, Transgender And Why Christians Are Exiles In Modern Babylon

    03/25/2023 5:54:16 AM PDT · by spirited irish · 23 replies
    PatriotandLIberty Blog ^ | Mar 2023 | Linda Kimball
    The return to Babylon presupposes the re-divinization of man and society. In this ancient way of viewing reality, the cosmos is god (the androgynous divine One Substance, Divine Mens, Super Consciousness, etc), earth is Goddess Gaia, the totalitarian State is likewise divine, earthly rulers are divine representatives, or Baals, of ‘god’ (Divine Mens, etc) and the sexual ideal is the two-in-one, meaning transgender. In this way of thinking about reality, everything–including all humans—belong to divine Baals to keep or dispose of as they see fit.
  • Darwinian Materialism: License To Kill, Steal, And Destroy

    02/23/2023 1:38:56 AM PST · by spirited irish · 3 replies
    PatriotandLiberty Blog ^ | Feb. 2023 | Linda Kimball
    Though far from perfect, Christendom and Protestant America were nevertheless the freest, most enlightened and advanced civilizations ever known to man.Both civilizations fell into the abyss on the God and human hating toxins of anti-creation new pagan Darwinism, materialism, and other poisonous ideologies.
  • The Devil’s Magic Formula For Eliminating The Soul For The New World Order

    02/20/2023 1:55:18 AM PST · by spirited irish · 31 replies
    PatriotandLiberty Blog ^ | Feb. 2023 | Linda Kimball
    Today a majority of Westerners, especially the corrupt Luciferian rulers of our post-Christian nations, accept that the Christian God is dead, that science, Darwinism, and revolutionary Enlightenment philosophers disproved His existence long ago.
  • Who Is Intolerant Because Ashamed: Creationists Or Evolutionary Theists?

    02/01/2023 3:09:25 AM PST · by spirited irish · 17 replies
    PatriotandLiberty blog ^ | Feb. 1, 2023 | Linda Kimball
    “The intimidation to remain silent is insidious and growing…what American Christians are facing is the 21st century version of the question, ‘Am I ashamed of the Gospel?”If anything, some heterodox evolutionary theologians and their gullible Christian flocks, both evolutionary theist and progressive creationist, are at least as hostile if not more so toward orthodox defenders of the Genesis origin account than are their evolutionary atheist and occult pantheist counterparts: Luciferians, god-men, goddesses, shaman, Satanists, witches, necromancers, and astrologers.
  • They're Not 'Woke.' They're 'Spiteful Mutants.' VIDEO-7 min

    01/22/2023 5:40:32 AM PST · by Phoenix8 · 14 replies
    YouTube ^ | 1/18/2022 | Dutton
    None given—VIDEO
  • New Zealand: Massey University’s Queer Fat Studies Lecturer and ‘Fatlicious Feminist’ Dies Suddenly in Her Sleep at 42

    03/27/2022 1:50:31 AM PDT · by Trillian · 78 replies
    Gateway Pundit ^ | March 26, 2022 | Cristina Laila
    New Zealand – Dr. Cat Pausé, a Massey University ‘fat studies’ lecturer died suddenly in her sleep this weekend. Cat Pausé’s work focused on the impacts of “fat stigma” and made it her life’s mission to spread ‘body positivity’ and health at every size. Dr. Pausé, 42, described herself and her mission in her Twitter bio: “Fatlicious. Feminist. Glorifying obesity since ’09. Tearing down white supremacy w/my fat fingers. Friend of Marilyn pod. Sociology, Public Health, Fat Studies” reported: Cat Pause,​ an academic whose research explored the impacts of “fat stigma”, has died. A fat studies researcher, Pause’s work...
  • QAnon Star Who Said Only ‘Idiots’ Get Vax Dies of COVID

    01/09/2022 8:44:56 AM PST · by David Chase · 252 replies
    Daily Beast ^ | January 7th, 2022 | Will Sommer
    A leading QAnon promoter who urged both her followers and strangers she passed on the street not to take the COVID vaccine died Thursday of the coronavirus, making her just the latest vaccine opponent killed by the disease. Cirsten Weldon had amassed tens of thousands of followers across right-wing social media networks by promoting the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy under the screenname “CirstenW.” She was prominent enough to become a sort of QAnon interpreter for comedian conspiracy theorist Roseanne Barr and started recording videos about QAnon with her. In late December, however, Weldon started showing symptoms of coronavirus infection. In her...
  • Whitman: Republicans Have Blood on Their Hands — ‘This is Darwinism’

    07/26/2021 11:36:10 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 91 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 07/26/2021 | Pam Key
    Former Gov. Christine Todd Whitman (R-NJ) said Sunday night on MSNBC’s “The Mehdi Hasan Show” that Republican leaders had blood on their hands over how they have managed the coronavirus pandemic. Hasan said, “You have GOP governors like DeSantis and Abbott who have allowed COVID to run rampant in their states. You have Sarah Huckabee Sanders running for governor of Arkansas and saying stuff like this.”
  • Irreducible Complexity: The Challenge to Darwinian Evolutionary Explanations of Many Biochemical Structures

    05/10/2021 7:10:21 AM PDT · by sevinufnine · 15 replies
    The Idea Center ^ | Not Provided | Not Indicated
    "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down." -Charles Darwin, Origin of Species With this statement, Charles Darwin provided a criterion by which his theory of evolution could be falsified. The logic was simple: since evolution is a gradual process in which slight modifications produce advantages for survival, it cannot produce complex structures in a short amount of time. It's a step-by-step process which may gradually build up and modify complex structures, but it cannot produce them suddenly.
  • Flubros and Flubras! Day 9 (open to flubros and flubras only)

    03/27/2020 8:47:18 AM PDT · by impimp · 40 replies
    vanity | 27 March 2020 | Impimp
    It’s just the flu, bro! Things to watch for: 1. Overstatement of deaths due to Corona 2. Democrat Governors maintaining strict lockdown rules after it is clear the virus is manageable 3. Pork being added to stimulus (too late on this stimulus but maybe not too late for any future things passed at federal or state level). 4. Tax hikes. 5. Mandatory Corona vaccines - I don’t want them and as I have said before I would rather my infant get Corona than get a common cold. Watch for politicians to be lobbied by big pharma for this and similar...
  • Flubros are right! Day 8 (Vanity for Flubros only)

    03/26/2020 5:42:10 AM PDT · by impimp · 116 replies ^ | 26 March 2020 | impimp
    It’s just the flu, bro. Some good news - Trump’s rhetoric lately seems to be recognizing that this Coronavirus is overblown, relative to the economic damage of a lockdown. He is discussing suicides, apparently. Noteworthy that suicides per 100000 went up by about 4 or 5 (17 to 21, approximately) when the Great Depression started. If he thinks economy first he might save 10000 lives from suicide relative to a cost of a few thousand extra deaths due to Coronavirus. Also note the next trick - almost all deaths will be attributed to Coronavirus over the next year but the...
  • Flubros and flubras unite! Day 2 thread (closed thread)

    03/20/2020 8:54:49 PM PDT · by impimp · 45 replies
    Freerepublic ^ | 20 March 2020 | Impimp
    You know the rules. Only flubros and flubras. “Oh-no” FReepers (AKA Fearpers) are banned. Freeper Preppers who fear the virus’ impact on the world are also not permitted but Freeper Preppers who fear the panic and government intervention and toilet paper shortages are permitted in the thread. This government/media panic destroys our economy and kills more than the Coronavirus, which is barely worse than a bad flu. I know there is trouble when one of those 4 Democrat witches (I get them mixed up and can’t remember which) said she supported Trump.
  • Evolutionist Admits Darwin’s Connection to Racism

    02/28/2020 1:29:07 PM PST · by fishtank · 66 replies
    Creation Evolution Headlines ^ | 2-26-2020 | Jerry Bergman, PhD
    Evolutionist Admits Darwin’s Connection to Racism February 26, 2020 | Jerry Bergman Finally, Some Honesty about Darwin’s Direct Connection to Racism: One AAAS Scientist Admits Evolution’s Sordid Past by Jerry Bergman, PhD Although often ignored, some science organizations that embrace evolution acknowledge the close causative connection between Darwinism and racism. ""...Despite some inaccuracies and fierce opposition, Darwin’s blend of novel hypotheses … and good rhetoric transformed the scientific world within a few decades. By the late-nineteenth century …scientific racism that had made polygenism so popular was soon drawing people to a new cause: eugenics."" So says John P. Slattery, Ph.D.,...