Keyword: communistgoals
A Dutch museum had to pick artwork out of the bin after a member of staff thought that the display, which consisted of two empty beer cans, was leftover rubbish. All The Good Times We Spent Together by French artist Alexandre Lavet shows two dented beer cans on the floor. They were exhibited inside the museum’s lift as if left behind by construction workers. However, a closer look "reveals that these dented cans were meticulously hand-painted with acrylics", the LAM museum in Lisse said. But a lift technician thought the art was simply the leftovers of lazy visitors and threw...
Communists are burning flags in Chicago. If you will, they were “trying that in a large town” in their protests at a Jason Aldean concert in the Windy City. Aldean is best known for his hit, “Try That in a Small Town.”
Nary a single Democrat in the USA can see it. To them, it’s just one big conspiracy theory. How could America possibly become a communist country, and how is it already transforming, with their voluntary (brainwashed) help, into one? Take a good look at communist theories and principles, and any laymen can see, without a doubt, that the US government is attempting to control 100 percent of all means of wealth, resources, media, and healthcare, in an attempt to make the nation classless and stateless. Pay close attention, and you will see the forest for the trees. Here are the...
I used to know of a very concise and worrisome list on (I know, dumb website name), though it is since no longer there.
In a response to Mitt Romney, former Attorney General Eric Holder tweeted “this is not about principle” and that progressives “need to be comfortable with the acquisition-and use-of power” to “create systems reflecting the interests of the people”: Twitter Eric Holder @EricHolder This is not about principle-it’s always been about power. Progressives need to be comfortable with the acquisition-and use-of power. We will be faced with serious questions after the election; we must use the power we have to create systems reflecting the interests of the people. =========================================================================== We should believe them when they say this: ============================================================================ Profile photo, opens...
On May 3, 2020, without warning or public comment, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio began dumping into luxury hotels near a Upper West Side residential neighborhood what would ultimately become a 730-man army of broken, derelict, homeless adult men in various stages of disintegration and crisis. On July 27, the mayor sent the most aggressive of these men—283 in total—to the Lucerne Hotel for quarter.In response to Covid-19, the mayor moved the men from downtown homeless shelters, where they had access to critical social services, to the hotels, where services are illusory. The Department of Homeless Services...
The U.S. Army has replaced the chaotic reception recruits entering basic training have long received from shouting drill sergeants with a training event designed to create a bond with their teammates and leaders.
We already have an inside look at what it would be like if social workers showed up at police calls. It's called CPS (Child Protective Services). Most CPS caseworkers don't investigate REAL child abuse because it's far too dangerous and politically incorrect. Instead CPS is merely a tool for divorced soccer moms to persecute their ex spouses (fathers) while on visitation with their children. How many times have you read an article about ACTUAL child abuse and how it is too late because the child is dead. Then it comes out that CPS had been called many times but nothing...
On Sunday, police arrested a man who confessed to starting a brush fire with a Molotov cocktail in Portland. They booked him in Multnomah County Jail. Portland being Portland, the authorities released the suspect that evening. The man then went on to start six more fires before the police arrested him yet again. The cops took him to a hospital for a mental evaluation. “On Sunday, September 13, 2020 at 4:35p.m., East Precinct officers were dispatched to assist Portland Fire and Rescue with a brush fire in the 9600 block of East Burnside Street,” the Portland Police Bureau (PPB) reported. “Officers saw that...
What if mental disorders like anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder aren’t mental disorders at all? In a compelling new paper, biological anthropologists call on the scientific community to rethink mental illness. With a thorough review of the evidence, they show good reasons to think of depression or PTSD as responses to adversity rather than chemical imbalances. And ADHD could be a way of functioning that evolved in an ancestral environment, but doesn’t match the way we live today. Adaptive responses to adversity Mental disorders are routinely treated by medication under the medical model. So why are the anthropologists who...
For years, gun-control advocates told us that it is the job of police to protect them. But now, the same people who want to ban gun ownership also want to defund police, replacing them with social workers who won’t do anything to stop violent crime. Police are extremely important in stopping crime. Indeed, academic research shows that they are probably the single most important factor in reducing it.
All of these things have been done by the cultural and political left over the last 50 years. The first thing you would do is take control of the education system and teach children that they are living in an evil country. Then you would undermine the police, the military, and law enforcement. You’d use every opportunity you can to divide people by race, religion, and class. You would attack churches, too. You’d teach children that there is no God, thus eliminating an important way of transcending racial tension, which is the knowledge that we are all created equal by...
All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men and women to sit silently by and do nothing. – Anyone who thought that the American Taliban’s – aka, Antifa/BlackLivesMatter – efforts to tear down monuments and erase U.S. history would be limited to heroes of the Confederacy was living in a fantasy world. Over the past few weeks, they came for Christopher Columbus, and good men and women did nothing to stop them. Then they came for Thomas Jefferson, and good men and women did nothing. Next they came for George Washington, and good men and women did...
Millennial Millie does an expose on who is behind the riot insurrections, the connection with the Green New Deal, the group that recruits school children as young as middle schoolers as foot soldiers in the ranks of Antifa and BLM, and who have gotten 16 of the 30 Democrat candidates they promoted elected in 2018 including Cortez, Omar, Talib and Presley. A must see.
Hundreds of inmates were released from Riker's Island in New York City to prevent the spread of the coronavirus in the prison. Officials knew the risks. And those fears have been realized, hundreds of times. New reporting from Melissa Russo reveals that at least 250 prisoners out of the 2,500 who were released early have gone on to commit at least 450 more crimes. **SNIP** Melissa Russo ✔ @MelissaRusso4NY 250 prisoners released early from Rikers bc of COVID-19 concerns have been arrested 450 times since. We take a look at one who has been rearrested 4X already. The NYPD is...
San Francisco's Mayor London Breed is setting up her city's social workers for potential bloodshed, offering a series of "reforms" that even her former police commissioner calls "pure political pandering." San Francisco police will no longer be called to settle disputes between neighbors, or to handle homeless people, or any non-criminal cases, according to a new plan announced by Mayor London Breed.
Mayor Bill de Blasio on Sunday fired back at Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s threat to shut down Manhattan again if the city didn’t enforce social-distancing better — saying through a rep that “imprisoning people” isn’t the answer. “We must balance safety with people’s need to reopen their businesses,” a City Hall spokeswoman said in an e-mail. “We had social distancing ambassadors out all weekend distributing masks and encouraging people to disperse after making their purchases.
At least 250 convicted and accused criminals freed from New York’s Rikers Island prison have been rearrested 450 times thanks to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) jailbreak directive. New York Police Department (NYPD) data reported by NBC New York’s Melissa Russo reveals that since Cuomo issued a statewide order demanding jails and prisons release inmates to abide by social distancing measures in late March, at least 250 inmates from Rikers Island have been rearrested.
Following George Floyd's death, the nation may not be ready for reparations on racism issues but the "church can lead the way in biblical restitution," according to the president and CEO of Christianity Today. Timothy Dalrymple said "repentance alone is not enough" for white evangelicals to atone for the nation's "original sin" of racism in an op-ed for the magazine. "The virus of racism infected our church, our Constitution and laws, our attitudes and ideologies. We have never fully defeated it," Dalrymple wrote.
Leftist activists who took over a portion of Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood earlier this week have released a list of insane demands. 1. The abolition of the Seattle Police Department and the city’s courts. 2. Free college for the people of Washington state. 3. New trials for every violent black convicted inmate “by a jury of their peers in their community.” 4. The “unrestricted right” for prisoners to vote while incarcerated. 5. The abolition of imprisonment, which would be replaced by “accountability programs.” 6. Racially segregated hospitals in Seattle, with black health care workers for black patients. 7. Educations reforms...