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Keyword: churchill

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  • What might Winston Churchill think of Donald Trump?

    11/30/2024 5:19:18 PM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 23 replies
    The Hill ^ | 11/30/2024 | Robert Schmuhl
    “What do you think Donald Trump would make of Winston Churchill?” That out-of-the-blue question was asked the other day at Churchill’s home, Chartwell, outside London, where I was speaking about the former British prime minister’s relationships with Franklin Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower during the 1940s and 1950s. Haltingly, with some reluctance to discuss American politics in such a historic setting, I responded that Trump prominently displayed a bust of Churchill in the Oval Office throughout his previous White House term. Churchill’s face of bulldog, never-surrender tenacity often appeared over the president’s left shoulder in photographs and television reports. The presence...
  • The Tragic Reality of Christian Illiteracy

    10/21/2024 4:27:40 PM PDT · by CondoleezzaProtege · 19 replies
    Culture Watch: History Matters ^ | Oct 2017 | Bill Muehlenberg
    When I speak of Christians being illiterate, I have far more in mind than just the inability of some to properly read and write – in that they are simply the product of the modern Western education. But I am speaking here of a wider sort of illiteracy, one that is as regrettable as it is widespread. I refer to historical illiteracy, theological illiteracy, biblical illiteracy, church history illiteracy, etc. Far too many Christians in the West today are woefully ignorant of that which they should not be ignorant. They know little about their own faith, their own Christian culture...
  • Pamela Harriman: 'Churchill's Secret Weapon' in the Fight Against the Nazis

    10/19/2024 2:09:42 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 12 replies
    Winston Churchill's aristocratic daughter-in-law and confidante Pamela Harriman is considered "the greatest courtesan of her era". Decades after her death, she still divides opinion – was she a smart power player, or "shameless" and "repellent"? You could call her by her six names: Pamela Beryl Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman – a British aristocrat who ended up a Washington power player and the US ambassador to France, having touched many famous lives in 20th-Century politics and culture. When she was just 20, her father-in-law Winston Churchill engaged her as "his most willing and committed secret weapon" (as a new biography puts...
  • Grocery store in Denver’s Capitol Hill neighborhood to close soon

    10/02/2024 9:05:20 PM PDT · by george76 · 50 replies
    KDVR ^ | Oct 2, 2024 | Brooke Williams
    DENVER — The Natural Grocers store in Denver’s Capitol Hill neighborhood is set to close at the end of the month. Natural Grocers, headquartered in Lakewood, has 169 stores in 21 states. On Wednesday, the company announced that the Denver store located at 1433 Washington St. will close on Oct. 31. The company said operational challenges like retail theft and safety issues are impacting the store’s performance. “We have been actively working to address the theft and safety issues impacting our store at Colfax and Washington for some time. Despite our investment in security and loss prevention strategies over the...
  • WWII historian rips Tucker Carlson guest who trashed 'villain' Churchill: 'Complete rubbish'

    09/13/2024 6:56:56 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 75 replies
    Christian Post ^ | 09/13/2024
    A prominent historian of World War II and the life of Winston Churchill recently criticized the "popular historian" who has taken flak for telling Tucker Carlson that the former British prime minister was a psychopathic villain.Darryl Cooper — whom the former Fox News host described as maybe "the best and most honest popular historian in the United States" during their two-hour interview earlier this month — suggested that Churchill was "the chief villain of the Second World War," guilty of "rank terrorism" and "primarily responsible for that war becoming what it did, becoming something other than an invasion of Poland."During...
  • Historical Revisionism: No, Churchill wasn’t the bad guy

    09/11/2024 6:21:54 AM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 23 replies
    Christian Post ^ | 09/11/2024 | John Stonestreet, Glenn Sunshine
    Last week’s online controversy was the interview with Darryl Cooper, whom host Tucker Carlson called “(maybe) the best and most honest popular historian in the United States.” In the interview, Cooper not only claimed that Winston Churchill was a psychopath but also that he was “the real villain” of World War II. Though Cooper admitted Hitler was evil, he also argued that history’s most notorious villain was, in fact, backed into a corner by Churchill, who was bent on war from the beginning. Thus, it is Churchill and not Hitler, Cooper claimed, who should bear most of the blame for...
  • No, Churchill Did Not Instigate WWII Against Hitler

    09/04/2024 6:24:54 PM PDT · by marcusmaximus · 115 replies
    Providence Magazine ^ | 9/4/2024 | Miles Smith
    Tucker Carlson recently had Darryl Cooper on his podcast to discuss history. The most prominent talking point of Cooper, a historian of sorts, was the ostensibly avoidable nature of the Second World War. It’s not a new thesis; there has always been an American polemic that the United States’ involvement in WWII was unnecessary and unwinnable. Charles Lindbergh and the 1930s America First movement did not think the United States’ involvement was inevitable. A long and often-times inconsistent tradition of Anglophobia convinced many Americans—Lindbergh being the most notable—that Great Britain was tricking the United States into a war it had...
  • Tucker Carlson’s Favorite Historian Has Repeatedly Suggested Hitler Wasn’t So Bad

    09/03/2024 4:22:24 PM PDT · by Miami Rebel · 108 replies
    mediaite ^ | Ahmad Austin Jr.Sep 3rd, 2024, 4:57 pm | Ahmad Austin Jr.
    Darryl Cooper, the historian deemed by Tucker Carlson to be the “best and most honest” in the U.S., appears to have a strange fondness for Adolf Hitler. Cooper recently joined Carlson on an episode of The Tucker Carlson Show. During their conversation, Cooper claimed that Winston Churchill was the “chief villain” of World War II because he “was primarily responsible for that war becoming what it did.” He also claimed that the Holocaust was some kind of unintended consequence of Germany being “completely unprepared to deal with the millions and millions of prisoners of war.” According to Cooper, millions “ended...
  • Tucker Carlson Starstruck By Historian Who Calls Churchill, Not Hitler, the ‘Chief Villain’ of WW2 and Casts Holocaust as Accident

    09/03/2024 11:35:58 AM PDT · by Miami Rebel · 74 replies
    Mediaite ^ | 9/3/2024 | Isaac Schorr
    Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson fawned over Darryl Cooper, whom he described as “the best and most honest popular historian in the United States,” during a recent interview in which Cooper identified Winston Churchill as the “chief villain” of World War Two and appeared to argue that the Holocaust was an accident. Cooper’s claims followed Carlson’s profession to be “highly distressed by the uses to which the myths about World War Two have been put in the context of modern foreign policy — particularly the war in Ukraine.” “You know, Churchill’s the good guy, Neville Chamberlain’s the bad guy....
  • Ron DeSantis uses FAKE Winston Churchill quote in final message to voters as he ends disastrous presidential campaign

    01/21/2024 7:05:07 PM PST · by RandFan · 42 replies
    Daily Mail ^ | Jan 21 | By CLAUDIA AORAHA
    Ron DeSantis ended his campaign to become the GOP's presidential candidate by using a fake statement attributed to British wartime leader Winston Churchill. The Florida Governor signed off his campaign with the quote: 'Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts,' underneath the video where he announced he was removing himself from the running. But the motivational words, which he attributed to Churchill, where never actually used by the statesman and former UK Prime Minister, according to history experts.
  • The Old Man (Hitchens on Trotsky)

    06/25/2004 7:24:35 PM PDT · by BluegrassScholar · 16 replies · 2,303+ views
    The Atlantic ^ | June 25, 2004 | BluegrassScholar
    Two images have been with me throughout the writing of this essay. Between them they seem to show the alternative paths for the intellectual. The one is of J. M. Keynes, the other of Leon Trotsky. Both were obviously men of attractive personality and great natural gifts. The one the intellectual guardian of the established order, providing new policies and theories of manipulation to keep our society in what he took to be economic trim, and making a personal fortune in the process. The other, outcast as a revolutionary from Russia both under the Tsar and under Stalin, providing throughout...
  • Winston Churchill had an exemption from Prohibition in 1932

    12/09/2023 11:31:30 AM PST · by RandFan · 41 replies
    Twitter/X ^ | Dec 9 | @historyinmemes
    @historyinmemes Winston Churchill's doctors note that allowed him unlimited alcohol during the prohibition in the United States, 1932.
  • Was Joseph Stalin The Hero Of World War 2? | 1941 And The Man of Steel | War Stories

    08/30/2023 2:02:52 PM PDT · by Eleutheria5 · 49 replies
    War Stories ^ | 26/11/22 | David Reynolds
    In this BBC Documentary historian David Reynolds reassesses Stalin’s role in the life and death struggle between Germany and Russia in World War Two, which he argues was ultimately more critical for British survival than ‘Our Finest Hour’ in the Battle of Britain itself War Stories is your one stop shop for all things military history. From Waterloo to Verdun, we'll be bringing you only the best documentaries and stories from history's most engaging and dramatic conflicts.
  • Ron Paul. A Great Libertarian. Would He Agree With Pat Buchanan On Churchill ?

    08/20/2023 6:05:26 PM PDT · by Ozguy1945 · 4 replies ^ | 20th August, Pittsburg time | Ozguy1945
    Ron Paul, who is, in my view, perhaps the single greatest living libertarian politician in the world, was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, on August 20, 1935. He came to my attention through his “what if” speech on YouTube. I consider it to be a truly great poem. I throw up for contrast with some of Paul’s thought a book title from Paleoconservative Pat Buchanan: “Churchill, Hitler and The Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World.” To what extent would his fellow libertarian, Ron Paul, agree? Here is a taste of Paul’s thought: “There is...
  • Parent Outrage as Oregon Teacher Asks Students to Share Sexual Fantasies for School Health Assignment

    03/14/2023 9:26:05 AM PDT · by lightman · 57 replies
    epoch times ^ | 14 March A.D. 2023 | Scottie Barnes
    A Eugene, Oregon, health teacher asked his freshmen students to describe their sexual fantasies in one writing assignment and to list fellow students with whom they would like to have sex in another. Parents were furious and Churchill High School is now reconsidering its under-fire curriculum. The teacher and sports coach wrote that students must, “Write a short story of a paragraph or two [about] a sexual fantasy …” Students were instructed to “choose 3 items [romantic music, candles, massage oil, feather boa, flavored syrup,] to use in your story. “Your story should show that you can show and receive...
  • Pelosi Compares Zelensky Addressing Congress to Churchill Asking America to Join WWII

    12/21/2022 2:13:35 PM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 92 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 12/21/2022 | Jacob Bliss
    Outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) compared Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky’s address to Congress to when former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Winston Churchill’s 1941 address asked the United States to go to war with Europe. Pelosi said in her letter to lawmakers that she has “great pride and solemnity” to welcome Zelensky on Wednesday to Congress, where he will address both chambers in a Joint Meeting of Congress. The outgoing speaker, leaving a “personal note,” compared Zelensky’s congressional visit to Churchill’s historic wartime address in the Senate Chamber when he spoke before an informal meeting of Congress the...
  • Just one in five of Generation Woke admire Churchill, poll reveals... Twenty years after he was voted the greatest Briton of all time

    11/05/2022 4:22:01 PM PDT · by DFG · 54 replies
    UK Daily Mail ^ | 11/05/2022 | Julie Henry
    He has been voted the greatest Briton of all time – a heroic wartime leader who took on Hitler against the odds. But Winston Churchill, it seems, is no longer so universally admired. Just one in five 18-to-24-year-olds say they have a positive view of the former Prime Minister, compared with 58 per cent of over-65s, a poll has revealed. Educational experts say the findings are down to changes to the school curriculum, which have led to Britain’s past being portrayed in increasingly negative ways. The survey, commissioned by the think tank Policy Exchange, revealed views of history depended not...
  • Kinzinger: Liz Cheney Acted with ‘Courage’ – Like Winston Churchill

    09/13/2022 8:47:59 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 61 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 09/13/2022 | Pam Key
    Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that his colleague on the January 6 House Select Committee, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), has acted with courage, comparing her to Winston Churchill. Kinzinger said, “I’ll say about Liz, you know people always in their life dream about this opportunity to kind of stand up alone in a crowd and do the right thing, and only a few people actually get that chance. What I’ve noticed is that even fewer that get that chance have the courage to do it. It’s one thing to read something in a history book...
  • REPORT: FBI ‘Point Man’ Timothy Thibault Suppressed Intel Provided by Hunter Biden

    09/05/2022 9:59:54 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 13 replies
    Republic Brief ^ | 09/05/2022 | Kari Donovan
    Tony Bobulinski, one of Hunter Biden’s former business associates, is worried that former elite FBI agent Timothy Thibault may have helped hide information he provided the bureau about his relationship with the Biden family, directly familiar sources told The Washington Free Beacon. Except that wasn’t supposed to happen: “Someone please remind Democrats that according to the precedent established during Alexander Vindman, nobody gets to question the veracity, the motives and the integrity of great Patriot and naval veteran Tony Bobulinski while giving testimony to the Senate tomorrow. Check and mate.” Bobulinski was brave enough to give his story to the...
  • Like Churchill in the ‘50s, Biden is just too old to lead his nation (Like Churchill???)

    08/04/2022 6:46:11 AM PDT · by frogjerk · 62 replies
    NY Post ^ | 7/29/2022 | John Podhoretz
    “I have been humiliated by my own decay.” Thus spoke Winston Churchill in 1953 during his second stint as Britain’s prime minister. Churchill, perhaps the greatest democratic figure of the 20th century, had been sworn in 18 months earlier — just a few weeks shy of his 77th birthday. Joe Biden was sworn in as president two months after his 78th birthday. The humiliation for Churchill came from an argument he lost with the American secretary of state, John Foster Dulles, who was shockingly dismissive of his concerns. Churchill’s “decay” was a serious concern. Joe Biden is 79 now —...