Posts by rrdog

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  • Press Coordinates Question to Ask Romney (At what point does this idiocy become a crime?)

    09/12/2012 2:02:39 PM PDT · 3 of 27
    rrdog to rrdog

    Seriously, this is just stunning to me. The media have become a bunch of high school sophomore kids plotting against the popular kids.

    Here’s the thing, these people aren’t just biased to the left, they are incredibly stupid people. I believe this kind of reporting, coming from NBC and CBS is actually not so much an indictment of the liberal bias, but the absolute failure of public education from K-12 right through the university system. These people are simply not that bright.

  • Press Coordinates Question to Ask Romney (At what point does this idiocy become a crime?)

    09/12/2012 2:00:02 PM PDT · 1 of 27
  • Jeb Bush to GOP: Time to change the tone on immigration

    08/26/2012 10:53:11 AM PDT · 12 of 73
    rrdog to exbrit

    Yeah I don’t get this at all. Democrats and GOP both have members that want an amnesty plan of some sort. The problem is neither side can say how it could possibly work. Right now illegals depress wages, keep unemployment artificially high and consume much more in costs than they contribute.
    GOP believes that without illegals wages will rise and thus cost of goods. Of course they will, so what? You will also lower the cost government services, lower unemployment and thus raise revenues to the Federal government.

    I think far too many politicians want to be politically correct and put the old brain on cruise control instead of rationally considering the issue. Illegal entry into a nation causes a wide range of big problems, both economically and socially. If you desire amnesty it requires a premise other than “We need the illegals to become legal so they can vote for us.”
    Which is all the Democrats have ever had, and which now a few in the GOP would like.

    Never forgot that the best and brightest of this nation rarely go into politics. As Republicans we should simply push Jeb Bush to the Democratic party where he would be more comfortable.

  • Video: Mika Brzezinski takes Obama campaign to task for lying about cancer ad

    08/09/2012 11:51:09 AM PDT · 13 of 19
    rrdog to Kaslin

    This Stephanie Cutter should go to jail for a long long time. For too long (and far too often) the GOP has let this kind of illegal activity slide. It is corrupting the very Democracy and is essentially thus treason. Those on the left will say that it hyperbole but it is not. A long jail sentence for Cutter is the only logical punishment, and the only thing that will stop this.
    What is the absolute worst thing you can do against the people of a Democracy? Corrupt the election process.

    This is what is happening by Cutter and others. Left or right there should be no room for any crimes against the democracy. IF the rank and file GOP do not push this and demand a prosecution and stiff sentence if found guilty, than they have no one to blame but themselves for election losses.

  • George Will is missing an important piece of logic in his analysis of Roberts decision.

    06/29/2012 11:03:25 AM PDT · 1 of 32
  • Voter Fraud Explodes in Wisconsin; Eye Witnesses Speak Out

    06/05/2012 3:20:10 PM PDT · 38 of 63
    rrdog to Signalman

    We the people must put pressure on the politicians to make sure this happens. Voter fraud in a Democracy is the highest level of treason and should be treated as such. If convicted the sentence should be ten years mandatory without parole. If convicted of helping others commit fraud the punishment should be life in prison, no parole.

    Voter fraud is simply treason.

  • 'Obama was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii': President claims he WAS born in Africa

    05/17/2012 2:40:12 PM PDT · 43 of 148
    rrdog to Brown Deer

    This is a big story. Despite what the left and media would have us believe, this is huge. The circumstantial evidence is reaching the tipping point of being overwhelming. There is a high likelihood that the birthers have been right all along.

    Oddly it is the left who are most at risk from the damage. Any future president could remove Sotomayor and Kagan from the bench, and all other Federal judges appointed by Obama. There would be no recourse from the courts against this move because if Obama is legally ineligible the courts themselves would be the corrupted entity.

    The next president (or any future president) could also simply void all of Obama’s legislation without intervention from the courts. It would take an impeachment to overturn the rulings of said future president. And that might be a hard one to pulloff considering evidence would need to be presented to prove his U.S. birth. Something that has so far eluded Mr. Obama.

    At some point even the halfwitted likes of Brian Williams and Diane Sawyer would have to realize that this man may very well have been born in Kenya, and in fact is not eligible to hold the office of President. When they face that realization they may realize that the person most duped and abused in all of this was in fact the talking heads of the media.

    It’s kind of priceless in a way to observe someone so obviously devoid of either character or intelligence founder around this issue.

  • George Will: Deporting All Illegal Immigrants Is Never Going To Happen

    07/03/2011 9:03:53 PM PDT · 106 of 133
    rrdog to reasonisfaith

    Absolutely correct. An even easier solution would be to pass a law that say if you are in this nation illegally thirty days from now, you can never become a U.S. citizen, and we reserve the right to jail you forever.

  • Mystery GOP Candidate?

    06/01/2011 2:27:00 PM PDT · 1 of 4
    Got this from someone on another site I visit, so I'm guessing it must be a friend of his. I'm open to just about anyone at this point. But I still think Bachmann is underrated. She's a smart lady.
  • Looking at the Beeb

    03/23/2011 6:37:27 PM PDT · 3 of 5
    rrdog to george76

    More and more I believe there is no such thing as a true contradiction. The left could care less about gay rights, women’s rights or the environment. What they do care about is power. And if the gay or environmental movement will help them get it, they’ll be happy to offer some lip service in return.

  • Rand Paul's budget may be our last best hope.

    03/20/2011 8:49:22 AM PDT · 98 of 105
    rrdog to Theodore R.

    I actually if you believe that the cuts will stimulate the economy it would get is into the black even quicker than they say it will balance the budget. With these cuts interest rates could stay low, taxes could be cut, and most importantly, faith would be restored in the dollar which should lower unemployment. If unemployment were below 5% the savings should be four or five hundred billion per year. Tack that on to the existing cuts and we could actually pay down the debt we’ve left for those of us under the age of about 70.

    It’s no longer being passed to our children, we owe it now.

  • Rand Paul's budget may be our last best hope.

    03/18/2011 8:42:58 PM PDT · 8 of 105
    rrdog to Windflier

    Yeah I thought the same thing. It actually makes you feel like their are at least a few politicians who understand how bad the monetary and fiscal situations actually are when put in proper historical perspective. I just love this plan on so many different levels, but mostly on its bold approach.

  • Rand Paul's budget may be our last best hope.

    03/18/2011 8:28:01 PM PDT · 1 of 105
    I think we all need to get our representatives to at least give this a fair hearing and force the GOP to get an up down vote on it.
  • Ed Schultz just said that "the Republicans are trying to DEFUND the progressive movement".

    02/24/2011 7:37:30 PM PST · 21 of 82
    rrdog to TexasPatriot1

    Just came to post the exact same words. If this is eye opening to Shultz, he is dumber than I had imagined. And I think he’s pretty damn dumb.

  • We need to get together and help the Republicans with the message in Wisconsin and other states.

    02/23/2011 7:19:18 PM PST · 1 of 12
    Long story short: We need to make sure the politicians working for us keep the story straight honest and true. This is nothing but government unions demanding more and more money from us taxpayers.
  • If you're planning on watching the HBO special on HBO, Don't waste your time.

    02/07/2011 7:53:43 PM PST · 1 of 17
  • U4prez giving $10,000 to the top amateur politician.

    01/26/2011 1:15:18 PM PST · 1 of 1
  • Juan Williams: Sarah Palin "Can't Stand on the Intellectual Stage With Obama" (Video)

    12/26/2010 2:26:40 PM PST · 97 of 114
    rrdog to Renderofveils

    This is the thing that so few understand because of the job the media has done on Palin. I know quite a few CEOs and presidents of businesses. Intelligent people most if not all. The dirty little secret is that Palin is not only more intelligent than Obama, she is much more qualified than he to be president. Palin is not a blow-hard know it all, and she often questions her own knowledge on specific issues. Well guess what, this is what ALL intelligent people do, and this is the way they think. You work towards a logical conclusion. What is even more interesting to me is how many truly intelligent people believe (as I do) that she was much more qualified and intellectually curious than McCain.
    For those who believe a government piece of paper from a state sponsored educational factory (run by unions) certifies you as an intellectual, then of course she probably does come across as stupid. These people are largely arm chair pundits who simply parrot the rhetoric of the latest talking head. Witness Paul Krugman using terms like “blackmail”, “hijacked” and “insane” to describe the GOP. This Nobel winning economist doesn’t even bother to come up with his own terms of derision much less derive a logical intelligent debate. What you see in so much of the media is no longer even properly termed “bias” reporting. It is simply laziness. Their friends say the conservatives are blackmailing and hijacking, so they say the same. Much easier than cracking a serious history book and checking the sources. The problem in this country is that there is one thing that no one wants to do. This one thing drives politicians and pundits alike. It also drives much of public academia and virtually all of college education in America. That one thing they must not, cannot do is...
    to think.

  • Earth: Rock of Ages or Young Planet?

    12/15/2010 5:50:33 AM PST · 25 of 312
    rrdog to ImProudToBeAnAmerican

    Time is relative. If you were standing at the point of the big bang (where God would have been) The entire Universe would be, about six days old. I’m relying on a physicists calculations here, but that’s what several have come up with. People think just speed effects time, it is also mass.

  • Obama's Economic View Rejected on World Stage

    11/13/2010 1:19:09 PM PST · 10 of 18
    rrdog to T.L.Sink

    I think the story should be Obama’s economic view rejected by anyone who has every had fourth grade history class.