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i'm curious to see how eager harper will be for such a meeting with bush. it might hurt him domestically, so he might hold off a while and keep it low-key
ugh, get off my tv, belinda stronach!!!
Canadian Outrage: where would you place the probability of Western Canadian sovereignty in the next... 20 yrs?
why did the results in both germany and canada both fall short of expectations? do conservatives outside of the u.s. poll better than they run?
as of now, conservatives -3 in BC... not good! NDP is gaining big in BC
conservatives leading the popular vote by 5%.... a far cry from the 10% forecast by a lot of polls
just called for paul martin, by 800 or so votes
what % of polls reporting? it's an eastern seat, it must be fairly far along by now...
CBC doesn't even have a picture for the green candidate running against harper
federalism. the tories favor more decentralization, which the bloc is, of course, in favor of.
the CPC and bloc now have 156 votes between them. a govt. can be formed with what we have now
time to pour some canadian single malt!
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