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  • Outsmart a Narcissist: A Proven 4-Step Plan to Take Your Power Back | Mel Robbins Podcas

    01/07/2024 2:32:18 PM PST · by Eleutheria5 · 41 replies
    Mel Robbins ^ | 20/11/23 | Rebecca Zung
    Is it possible to be around narcissistic people and not lose your power? Especially when it's your mom, dad, ex, or boss who’s acting toxic? Today, Mel is joined by Rebecca Zung, an expert on narcissism and a globally recognized high-conflict negotiator. Rebecca is also a top-ranked trial lawyer who has studied narcissism so that she could win against them in the courtroom. She’s written the playbook, SLAY the Bully: How to Negotiate with A Narcissist and Win. She is here to make the case that you CAN stay in power no matter how toxic the people are around you....
  • More US-Russia prisoner swaps possible after Brittney Griner, Putin says

    12/09/2022 8:47:29 AM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 16 replies
    NY Post ^ | 12/09/2022 | Yaron Steinbuch
    Shortly after Brittney Griner landed in Texas early Friday, Russian President Vladimir Putin said more prisoner exchanges are possible between the two countries. Putin said “everything is possible” when asked about future swaps, noting that “compromises have been found” to clear the exchange of the WNBA star for notorious arms dealer Viktor Bout. “We aren’t refusing to continue this work in the future,” the Russian strongman added after a summit in Kyrgyzstan. “Whether this could set stage for a dialogue with the U.S. is a separate issue,” the leader said. “We didn’t set the task to move from those talks...
  • Zelensky insists on recognition of Ukraine's borders as of 1991

    03/17/2022 9:05:07 PM PDT · by Renfrew · 75 replies
    Ukrinform ^ | 17.03.2022
    The stance of President Volodymyr Zelensky on the war with Russia remains unhindered and fundamental, i.e. the recognition of Ukraine’s international borders as of 1991. This was stressed by Oleksiy Arestovych, adviser to the head of the Ukrainian President’s Office, at a briefing on Thursday, an Ukrinform correspondent reports. “The new topic of powerful special information operations is that Ukraine is allegedly refusing to engage in or losing negotiations. I’d like to remind you that the core position of the Ukrainian president is that Ukraine must be recognized within its international borders as of 1991. This is the first thing....
  • Is Nothing Happening? Or is Trump Channeling Sun Tzu?

    12/29/2020 10:12:41 AM PST · by Red Badger · 4 replies ^ | December 29, 2020 | By Brian C. Joondeph
    I’m impatient, as I expect most American Thinker readers are as well. We have been promised a coming storm that will be biblical, or a Kraken released on Deep State conspirators. Despite Attorney General Barr acknowledging spygate as “one of the greatest travesties in American history,” there has not yet been a reckoning. A mid-level FBI attorney, Kevin Clinesmith, pled guilty to falsifying a document which became one of the lynchpins of a FISA warrant on Carter Page and subsequent spying on Donald Trump and his campaign, but he has yet to be sentenced. His co-conspirators are writing books, teaching...
  • Bill Barr is a class act

    12/21/2020 12:12:45 PM PST · by MarvinStinson · 74 replies
    nypost ^ | December 20, 2020 | NY Post Editorial Board
    Bill Barr started his term as President Trump’s second attorney general maligned by the left and is ending it under attack from both sides. But the man is a class act who has consistently done the nation great service. Barr announced his resignation, with a departure date of Dec. 23, in a classy letter to the president. Barr has done all he can to ensure those who abused their power to harm first candidate and then President Trump will be held accountable. In October, he made John Durham, the former US attorney he’d tasked with investigating the origins of the...
  • Trust The Scam: Barr Resigns After Covering Up Epstein Case, Hiding Hunter Biden Investigation

    12/15/2020 6:03:37 AM PST · by Red Badger · 67 replies ^ | Chris Menahan | Dec. 15, 2020
    Attorney General William Barr announced his resignation on Monday in a letter to President Trump. In the letter, Barr massaged Trump's ego and announced he "will spend the next week wrapping up a few remaining matters important to the administration, and depart on December 23." The Wall Street Journal reported over the last few days that Barr personally ordered the DOJ to keep the Hunter Biden investigation under wraps. From the WSJ on Monday, "Barr Kept Hunter Biden Probes From Public to Avoid Election Politics": Attorney General William Barr, in the weeks before November's election, instructed prosecutors and senior colleagues...
  • President Trump Responds to SCOTUS: “The American People Deserve Answers....

    12/12/2020 6:35:56 AM PST · by White Lives Matter · 101 replies
    GP ^ | December 12, 2020 | Joe Hoft
    Overnight President Trump responded to the Supreme Court’s action to threw out his case with Texas and twenty states over the absolutely rigged election of 2020: No court will judge the President’s case on its merits:

    12/07/2020 6:29:39 PM PST · by ransomnote · 86 replies ^ | December 5, 2020 | Howell Woltz
    And is that why the Marxist media refused to air his 46-minute presentation yesterday?Remember the Obama gang and CNN Bobbleheads running on about ‘Russia, Russia, Russia’ for four years, starting back in 2016?Well there was a reason – they actually believed Hillary’s hoax, of course, but that’s not all – they needed ‘evidence’ of foreign interference on Trump’s behalf to destroy him, and not just politically.They intended to ruin him financially, down to taking crisps from the bins of cupboards in his lavish Trump Towers home, leaving him destitute.You see, Obama snuck in some harsh Executive Orders (13694 & amended...
  • Trump Is a Champion for the Black Community—The Platinum Plan Is Just Another Example Of What He’s Doing

    10/21/2020 9:49:35 AM PDT · by rktman ^ | 10/21/2020 | Paris Dennard
    One of the hallmarks of President Donald J. Trump’s success in the private sector, and now the public sector, is his openness to working together with a diverse group of people to get things done. As a businessman, President Trump worked with the NAACP in 1987 and was named chairman of the New York Citizens Committee for their 78th NAACP Convention. In subsequent years he worked with Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Push Coalition Wall Street Project where he attended and spoke two years in a row. In fact, President Trump donated space for the civil rights organization to raise awareness...
  • Trump says he'll sign order with 'road to citizenship' for DACA recipients

    07/10/2020 5:46:24 PM PDT · by zeestephen · 179 replies
    The Hill ^ | 10 July 2020 | RAFAEL BERNAL
    "I'm going to do a big executive order. I have the power to do it as president and I'm going to make DACA a part of it," Trump responded....Asked whether the executive order would provide temporary relief for DACA recipients, Trump said its scope would be much wider..."But one of the aspects of the bill is going to be DACA. We're going to have a road to citizenship," he [Trump] added.
  • Supreme Court rules existing civil rights law protects gay and lesbian workers

    06/15/2020 7:25:08 AM PDT · by John W · 94 replies
    NBC News ^ | June 15, 2020 | Pete Williams
    The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday that existing federal law forbids job discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, a major victory for advocates of gay rights — and a surprising one from an increasingly conservative court. The decision said Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which makes it illegal for employers to discriminate because of a person's sex, among other factors, also covers sexual orientation. It upheld rulings from lower courts that said sexual orientation discrimination was a form of sex discrimination. Across the nation, 21 states have their own laws prohibiting job discrimination based on...
  • Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley Apologizes for Joining Trump on Church Walk

    06/11/2020 11:36:55 AM PDT · by BlackFemaleArmyColonel · 113 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 11 June 2020 | JOSHUA CAPLAN
    Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley on Thursday apologized for accompanying President Donald Trump on his walk to St. John’s Episcopal Church earlier June. “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics,” Milley told National Defense University graduates in a pre-recorded speech. “As a commissioned uniformed officer, it was a mistake that I have learned from, and I sincerely hope we all can learn from it.” Milley, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, and Attorney General William Barr accompanied President Trump to Lafayette Square after protesters were cleared from...
  • Generals WIN battle with Donald Trump as 82nd Airborne soldiers are REMOVED from D.C.

    06/04/2020 2:16:03 PM PDT · by livius · 266 replies
    UK Daily Mail ^ | June 4, 2020 | Katelyn Carrlaye
    Generals WIN battle with Donald Trump as 82nd Airborne soldiers are REMOVED from D.C. after chairman of joint chiefs publicly slammed president telling troops to 'uphold the Constitution' Soldiers with the 82nd Airborne division of the Army were ordered out of Washington, D.C. and back to Fort Bragg, North Carolina on Thursday night The about 200 active duty troops were kept on standby at bases near the nation's capital and were never called into the city in the midst of riots The move is a clear reversal after Donald Trump faced backlash for calling in the military to serve as...
  • Trump: U.S. terminating relationship with World Health Organization

    05/29/2020 12:04:42 PM PDT · by conservative98 · 28 replies
    WFLA ^ | May 29, 2020 / 02:58 PM EDT / Updated: May 29, 2020 / 03:01 PM EDT | WFLA 8 On Your Side Staff
    President Trump has announced the United States is terminating its relationship with the World Health Organization and directing its payments to other public health organizations.
  • With his tweets about Scarborough’s intern, Trump set a trap for Twitter

    05/28/2020 5:53:26 AM PDT · by RoosterRedux · 68 replies
    American Thinker ^ | Andrea Widburg
    Even Trump supporters have wondered about Trump’s tweets implying that MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough had something to do with a young intern’s death in his office when he was still a Florida congressman. It’s true that Scarborough and his co-host and wife Mika Brzezinksi have spent three years accusing Trump of treasonous collusion with the Russians, but Trump’s venom still seemed strange. I, however, don’t think it was strange at all. Trump is one of the most calculating, rational people ever to occupy the White House. He’s been faced with a serious problem, which is the fact that the immensely powerful...
  • Video: Trump’s Lawyer Alan Dershowitz – You Have No Constitutional Right To Refuse Vaccinations

    05/18/2020 8:18:30 AM PDT · by USA Conservative · 138 replies
    Red State Nation ^ | 05.08.2020 | Sarah Hall
    Professor Alan M. Dershowitz is a Brooklyn native who has been called “America’s most public Jewish defender” and “Israel’s single most visible defender – the Jewish state’s lead attorney in the court of public opinion.” He is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. Dershowitz, a graduate of Brooklyn College and Yale Law School, joined the Harvard Law School faculty at age 25 Love him or hate him he knows a thing or two about our constitution. Dershowitz, 81, insists he isn’t a political supporter of President Trump and that he backed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in...
  • Graham to start hearings on Russia probe, Flynn in June

    05/14/2020 12:40:54 PM PDT · by yesthatjallen · 29 replies
    The Hill ^ | 05 14 2020 | Jordain Carney
    Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said on Thursday that the Senate Judiciary Committee will start hearings in June on the FBI's investigation into Russian election interference and President Trump's campaign. Graham said in a statement that the hearings will deal with the Justice Department's decision to drop its case against former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn, the warrant applications against former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page and if former special counsel Robert Mueller should have been appointed. “The Judiciary Committee will begin holding multiple, in-depth congressional hearings regarding all things related to Crossfire Hurricane starting in early June," Graham...
  • Why Does President Trump Keep Pushing The Covid-19 Tests Numbers That We All Know Are Fake? (Question)

    05/13/2020 12:16:12 PM PDT · by Enlightened1 · 22 replies
    World Meter ^ | 05/13/20
    First it was fake news and now we have fake test results! I am trying to understand why President Trump, Fauci, Birx, the CDC and the W.H.O. keep saying the Covid-19 testing is what matters? At the very same time we are hearing and reading the "test results" for Covid 19 are being artificially inflated and extremely unreliable? For instance, it is admitted in States like New York and Ohio that everything is being labeled Covid-19. This includes people that were never tested! Even with this artifactual inflation of the numbers, the death count numbers are 20 times lower than...
  • Did Trump Err in Criticizing Gov. Brian Kemp?

    04/28/2020 5:34:29 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 96 replies
    American ^ | April 28, 2020 | Bill Dunne
    Did we see a serious political stumble by President Trump in his spat with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp last week? While some may wonder, he seems over all to be handling the coronavirus crisis deftly enough. He’s been giving due deference to the medical brain trust of Drs. Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx -- perhaps too much, some fear. At the same time, he’s hammering away at the need to limit the brutal economic consequences of the lockdown as soon as possible. All this while parrying relentless attacks from the press and, of course, from an opposition party desperate to...
  • Bankrupting America

    04/08/2020 4:55:29 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 60 replies ^ | April 8, 2020 | John Stossel
    Two weeks ago, President Donald Trump signed the largest stimulus bill in U.S. history: more than $2 trillion. For once, both Republicans and Democrats agreed. The Senate voted 96-0. The House didn't even bother with a formal vote. At the White House, a reporter asked the president, pointing out that the bill includes $25 million for the Kennedy Center, "Shouldn't that money be going to masks?" "The Kennedy Center has suffered greatly because nobody can go there," Trump responded. "They do need some funding. And look -- that was a Democrat request. That was not my request. But you got...