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Keyword: andrewbreitbart

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  • Upstream

    01/04/2025 5:03:30 AM PST · by MtnClimber · 7 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 4 Jan, 2025 | David Prentice
    Andrew Breitbart had a maxim, that politics are downstream from culture. Thanks to Trump, his team, and a once-in-a-lifetime realignment, we find ourselves on the positive side of this equation. We find ourselves upstream, in a positive move that is unique. Historic, and breathtaking. Clearly God-sent. Consider the remarkable transformation that is happening. So many extraordinary changes since the election. Epic changes toward the renewal of American ideals and positive events concerning America. Even though Trump has not taken office yet, the trajectory of events is moving faster in a good direction than one might have considered. It is true...
  • Ann Coulter joins Board of Gay Conservative Group GOProud

    08/09/2011 10:10:05 PM PDT · by hout8475 · 65 replies · 1+ views ^ | 08/09/2011
    Pundit Ann Coulter has joined gay conservative group GOProud as Honorary Chair of its Advisory Council, the group announced today: Coulter’s official title will be “Honorary Chair and Gay Icon.” “Ann Coulter is a brilliant and fearless leader of the conservative movement, we are honored to have her as part of GOProud’s leadership,” said Christopher Barron, Chairman of GOProud’s Board. “Ann helped put our organization on the map. Politics is full of the meek, the compromising and the apologists – Ann, like GOProud, is the exact opposite of all of those things. We need more Ann Coulters.” “I am honored...
  • 10 Years: Watch the Legacy of Andrew Breitbart All-Star Tribute

    03/01/2022 1:52:22 PM PST · by ProgressingAmerica · 6 replies ^ | 1 Mar 2022 | Breitbart News
    Ten years ago, today, we lost a giant: Andrew Breitbart. He was a visionary. We could go on and on about how Andrew was ahead of his time—about how he saw, over a decade ago, what we are seeing play out today in culture, media, and politics. We could talk about how many people he influenced in the conservative movement and how he taught those people how to enjoy the fight and how to fight to win—how to “walk toward the fire” as he would always say. Andrew was about something bigger than himself. He was about the movement as...
  • Nolte: Far-left Axios Is Mad Conservatives Are Building Their Own Internet

    12/07/2021 10:45:49 AM PST · by conservative98 · 15 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 12/7/21 | John Nolte
    “Right wing builds its own echo chamber,” the far-left, fake news site Axios warned in a recent headline. They cancel us, they blacklist us, they shadow ban us, they memory-hole inconvenient truths about Hunter Biden’s laptop, Kyle Rittenhouse’s innocence, and the coronavirus lab-leak theory, and now they’re all butthurt because we refuse to sit there, shut up, and take it. Hey, can you blame them? After decades of dealing with the right’s castrated, house-trained McCains, Romney’s, Bushes, Kristols, and National Reviews, the media are still shell-shocked over this new generation’s awesome belligerence towards them (which our founder Andrew Breitbart deserves...
  • Media Matters: Andrew Breitbart’s Attack on Critical Race Theory ‘Appears to be Working’

    07/02/2021 11:01:15 AM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 14 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 2 Jul 2021 | JOEL B. POLLAK
    Media Matters for America, a George Soros-funded organization that attempts to censor conservative media, complained Thursday that Andrew Breitbart’s original 2012 attack on Critical Race Theory “appears to be working,” nine years later.Media Matters’ Spencer Silva notes that today’s backlash against Critical Race Theory in communities all across America began with Breitbart News drawing attention to the doctrine, then a “little known academic study of systemic racism.”Critical Race Theory is a doctrine that claims all the political, social, and economic institutions of the United States are inherently racist because they were developed during a time when black people could be...
  • Andrew Breitbart's Triumph Over Anthony Weiner: 10 Years Later

    06/08/2021 5:19:35 PM PDT · by Kaslin · 22 replies ^ | June 8, 2021 | Larry O'Connor
    Source: Screenshot via CBS News/YouTubeTen years ago this week, Andrew Breitbart took the podium at Anthony Weiner's hastily arranged press conference in New York City. It was just hours after Breitbart's Big Government website (the precursor to what is now known as Breitbart News) published a series of damning selfies of the New York congressman in various states of undress. 10 Years Later: Larry Remembers The Andrew Breitbart Anthony Weiner Press ConferenceThe photos were proof that the congressman had been lying and falsely accusing Breitbart and his employees (including myself) of "hacking" his Twitter account with pornographic imagery. The evening...
  • Twitter Posthumously Strips Andrew Breitbart Of Verified, Blue Check Status

    03/04/2021 6:36:47 AM PST · by Red Badger · 15 replies ^ | MARCH 3, 2021 | NATALIE WINTERS
    Twitter posthumously stripped Andrew Breitbart of his account’s verified status. The Twitter account of Breitbart, who passed away in March of 2012, no longer contains a blue checkmark. Archived webpages of the legendary conservative journalist’s Twitter, however, show that his account had the symbol through at least January 11th, 2021. The following archive of Breitbart’s Twitter page, from February 20th, 2021, lacks a checkmark next to his name.
  • 9 Years (Andrew Breitbart - March 1, 2012)

    03/01/2021 3:11:28 PM PST · by ProgressingAmerica · 27 replies ^ | March 1, 2021 | Breitbart News
    It’s been nine years since we lost Andrew Breitbart. For those familiar with him, you already know how compelling and prescient he was. For those who may have arrived at Breitbart News after his passing, just a few of his quotes below will show you the unparalleled insight he had into what was coming and what is here now. That insight has been our driving force as a news organization and has infused not only our team, but also our readers with the spirit of Andrew.
  • (Vanity) Like pulling a thread on a sweater...

    10/28/2016 4:29:11 PM PDT · by ameribbean expat · 2 replies
    Breitbart at Rep. Weiner's press conference. Published on Jun 6, 2011 In Full: Andrew Breitbart came forward at Rep. Anthony Weiner's New York City press conference to defend himself against allegations claiming he hacked the congressman's Twitter account.
  • Today's Quotefall Puzzle by Andrew Breitbart

    07/10/2019 7:40:56 AM PDT · by GOP Congress · 3 replies
    Self-Published | 7/10/2019 | Self-Published
    Today's Quotefall Puzzle features a quote by Andrew Breitbart. Click image (or click here) for full size rendition, then use your browser's print command to print puzzle. Andrew Breitbart, along with Matt Drudge, are two of the most prolific Internet seers who predicted both the rise of opprosessive authortarian efforts by the Deep State to stifle conservative speech. Unfortunately, he died of "natural causes," while Drudge has capitulated by "moderating" his main site in an attempt to appease the Left. All hints, along with the answer, are provided in the first reply comment below, using filtered font to prevent accidental spoilers. Please...
  • Andrew Breitbart Steps Down From GOProud Board After it Outs Perry Advisor

    12/10/2011 2:20:25 PM PST · by rintense · 146 replies
    NY Magazine ^ | 12/9/2011 | Andre Tartar
    It's not all that surprising that, in the wake of Rick Perry's much-maligned anti-gay ad the other day, the gay conservative group GOPRoud ended up at the center of the ensuing media storm, fielding requests from reporters left and right. Except it seems that the group's director and chairman (inadvertently, they claim) created a gay-bashing brouhaha of their own by letting slip the true sexual orientation of Tony Fabrizio, a top strategist on the governor's presidential campaign. In an e-mail to the rest of the board — acquired by the Daily Caller — GOProud leaders Chris Barron and Jimmy LaSavlia...
  • Anthony Weiner indictment unsealed- Andrew Breitbart vindicated

    05/17/2018 5:47:01 AM PDT · by freedomlover · 85 replies
    Populist Wire ^ | Today | Keri Donovan
    Thursday, the United States District Court Southern District of New York order an indictment to be unsealed for Anthony Weiner, the husband of Huma Abedin, who was the longtime aide of Hillary R. Clinton. Exploring the content of the laptop has been highly anticipated because the contents of his laptop include the missing Clinton emails, which are expected to be disturbing and provide further evidence of criminal culpability for Clinton and other Democrats. ...
  • #WAR

    04/30/2018 7:29:03 AM PDT · by NOBO2012 · 5 replies
    MOTUS A.D. ^ | 4-30-18 | MOTUS
    Do you remember Kurt Schlichter’s column from February 2017? The one where he noted that “…finally, the Right has taken Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and shoved it up where #TheResistance don’t shine”? [ed. - MOTUS has been at it for nearly 10 years.] It’s the one where he points out that of all the people who might have become Andrew Breitbart’s standard bearer, the one person who took it up was the the least likely candidate: Bizarrely, the guy who picked up the standard and carried it forward when our beloved commander was felled by fate was a New...
  • Facebook Labels All Breitbart Stories ‘Intentionally Misleading’ with Wikipedia Pop-Up

    04/05/2018 1:59:18 PM PDT · by davikkm · 29 replies
    breitbart ^ | ALLUM BOKHARI
    Facebook is displaying a link to Wikipedia’s smear-job description of Breitbart News next to all Breitbart articles shared on the site. The linked Wikipedia article describes Breitbart as a “far-right site” that publishes “falsehoods, conspiracy theories, and intentionally misleading stories.” The social network, which has been under pressure from Democrats and the mainstream media since the election of Donald Trump in 2016, has added a button marked “about this article” next to all posts linking to Breitbart News pieces on the site. Currently only viewable for American users, the button brings up a pop-up screen that displays Wikipedia’s misleading description...
  • Andrew Breitbart Is Our President

    07/05/2017 5:02:21 AM PDT · by NOBO2012 · 1 replies
    MOTUS A.D. ^ | 7-5-17 | MOTUS
    Interesting article: Culture Precedes PoliticsThroughout history, changing a country’s politics and statutes has been the final goal of forceful popular attempts to contain power, but mass refusal to accept political abuses has always begun in the culture. “Culture” is a vague term so let us define it as the sum of actions of the citizens of a country, the attitudes that drive their responses to events, their expectations of what they may do and the memories of what they, and perhaps their ancestors, have always done. The founding of the United States is just one example of this process. In...
  • In Which the Better Angels of Our Nature Turn Out to be Avenging Angels

    06/03/2017 5:07:29 AM PDT · by NOBO2012 · 7 replies
    MOTUS A.D. ^ | 6-3-17 | MOTUS
    Look out Libs, you’re never going to know what hit you:  Five Reasons Why America Is About To Become A Very Conservative Country In summation, everything liberals have relied on to bolster their ranks, propagate their ideas, and pass their laws, are failing. So there shouldn’t be any doubt. Over the next few decades, America is going to become a very conservative place. – Zero Hedge For years we’ve wondered if the left could ever cross a bridge too far; thanks to Kathy Griffin we finally have the answer and it’s yes. As Kurt Schlichter wrote last week, after decades...
  • FBI sued over Andrew Breitbart’s records

    04/09/2017 10:54:03 AM PDT · by Sean_Anthony · 3 replies
    Canada Free Press ^ | 04/09/17 | Matthew Vadum
    The FBI has been bad about processing FoIA requests for years now. It’s about time somebody did it, even if it’s the goofy cat-video website Buzzfeed. I’m talking about suing the Federal Bureau of Investigation which is apparently violating federal law by failing to process Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) requests in a timely manner. In this case Buzzfeed wants the FBI file for the late Andrew Breitbart and hasn’t been getting it.
  • Democrats Embrace Conservative Conspiracy Theorist to Lead Russia Hysteria [Louise Mensch]

    03/22/2017 3:19:21 PM PDT · by markomalley · 12 replies
    The Observer ^ | 3/22/17 | Michael Sainato
    Since her short-lived political career, Louise Mensch has developed a reputation among Clinton partisans as a constant purveyor of Russian election interference allegations and conspiracy theories. Like several Clinton partisans, her Twitter feed is completely focused on the anti-Russia narrative.On November 2016, the pro-Brexit former Conservative member of Parliament managed to transmogrify a tweet about the passing of Leonard Cohen—who is Canadian—into a pro-America, anti-Russia attack. In January 2017, she claimed without any evidence that a terrorist attack at a nightclub in Istanbul was a false-flag Russian operation. On March 20, Mensch retweeted a tweet claiming, “We are at war with Russia.” Mensch has previously called for all out war on Russia, with “precision bombing raids. Bank...
  • Andrew Breitbart, Controversial as Ever Five Years After his Death

    02/28/2017 9:35:26 AM PST · by Sean_Anthony · 14 replies
    Canada Free Press ^ | 02/28/17 | Roger Aronoff
    “An ascendant and President Trump are truly Andrew Breitbart’s greatest legacy Wednesday, March 1 marks the fifth anniversary of the death of conservative icon Andrew Breitbart. We think it is important to remember his legacy, as his name is heard often these days, and his influence looms large. For those not familiar with him, Andrew was a larger than life character who figured in the establishment of several prominent media institutions that play significant roles in today’s journalistic landscape. He was first associated with the Drudge Report, famous for scooping Newsweek on its Monica Lewinsky story; The Huffington Post,...
  • A 2011 tweet feeds theories about the existence of a pedophile network in Washington

    11/30/2016 3:46:20 PM PST · by FR_addict · 123 replies ^ | Nov. 30, 2016 | RT
    In a tweet, Andrew Breitbart an American political journalist had written that John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign director, was covering a network of minor sex slaves. The tweet has resurfaced thanks to the efforts of Internet users. The Pizzagate, a scandal over alleged pedophile networks that has been stirring up internet for several weeks, experienced an unexpected rebound on Tuesday (November 29th). The founder of the news site Breitbart News seems to bring water to the mill of the Internet "conspiracy". A user of the social network Reddit, found a tweet journalist dating from 2011 that revived the controversy. He...