Keyword: alitohearings
Former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese III last night condemned what he termed the vicious attacks by left-leaning groups and legislators against judicial nominees who favor judicial restraint. "Since 2001, the attacks on judges who are faithful to the Constitution have been systematic, prolonged and particularly vicious," he charged. Meese made his remarks during an appearance at the University of Richmond, presented by the Federalist Society of the T.C. Williams School of Law. He told an attentive crowd of about 100 that the recent hearings for John G. Roberts Jr. and Samuel A. Alito Jr. to be justices of the...
The phony drama of Judge Samuel Alito's confirmation has at last staggered to its foregone conclusion. Judge Alito is now Justice Alito. What are we to make of it? First, as they almost always have done for the past 26 years, Republicans have again outmaneuvered the Democrats. And that is what is really important to both sides, not whether the judge deserves the position. Using his tried-and-true playbook, President Bush first controlled the process, then set the criteria for approval, and then controlled the semantics. The latter was accomplished, as always, at the start, when Judge Alito was described as...
Thursday, Feb. 2, 2006 12:22 p.m. EST Alec Baldwin Blasts 'Chicken-Bleep' Dems Print Friendly Version Forward this Page E-mail NewsMax RSS Feed Reprint Information Hollywood Democrat Alec Baldwin is blasting his party's Senators for failing to block Samuel Alito confirmation to the Supreme Court, saying he's appalled that Sen. Ted Kennedy and other liberals could muster only 25 of the 41 votes needed mount a successful filibuster. The problem is there are too many "chicken-bleep Democrats in the Senate," the agitated actor told the New York Daily News. "We have a bunch of budding Zell Millers down there," he complained,...
On the night of Sunday, Oct. 30, the White House team charged with getting Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr.'s nomination through the Senate got a first look at the nominee. The meeting was held in the office of White House counsel Harriet Miers, who three days earlier was forced to withdraw her own name from consideration for the Supreme Court after withering attacks from the president's conservative allies. Without knowing Alito, Steve Schmidt, a top aide to Vice President Cheney designated to coordinate the nomination, and former Republican National Committee chairman Ed Gillespie, who was helping him, knew that Alito...
The 58-42 vote for Judge Samuel Alito to be the 110th Supreme Court Justice could very well culminate in a detrimental change in the role and operation of the Supreme Court. Progressives think that this is because Justice Alito will replace the so-called swing vote of moderate Justice Sandra Day 0’Connor. No, the risk is that the bitter partisanship associated with his confirmation could undermine the Court’s independence and authority.
BUSTED! We have (another) NY Times and MSM fabrication moment! Southack, in reply 139 in the thread "Alito: Two Nominee Strategies. One Worked." pointed out this made-up quote by the NY Times: "What that means on television sets where the American people are watching this is, you look good and they look bad. It was the central operating premise." This is a fabricated "quote" that CANNOT be real: the tense of the supposed "White House" source changes in mid-breathe. IT CAN'T HAVE BEEN SAID THIS WAY. Does it matter? Sure. The whole article attacks the White House (Rowe, in other...
The Senate's vote Tuesday to confirm Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court to replace Sandra Day O’Connor is — along with President Bush’s victory on Chief Justice John Roberts — the biggest domestic victory of his two terms as president.
Wouldn't you like to see Judge Alito and Chief Justice Roberts questioning the Democrat Senators to determine their qualifications for Public office? Just imagine matching the IQs of the Senators and the Judges! The questions might go like this............................. Judge Alito (JA): "Senator Kennedy, I see from your official resume that you attended Harvard University..." Senator Kennedy (SK): "Yes, your honor, I certainly did." JA: "Did you graduate?" SK: "Your honor, I respectfully ask that you not pry into my personal life..." JA: "Is it not true that you were expelled from Harvard for violating the honor code, to wit,...
In the game of poker it is called “Tilting”. This is when constant losing has finally gotten the better of a player. At this point they abandon every instinct towards strategy and good play in favor of being really, really mad. Usually tilting results in betting the mortgage when all you are packing is a lousy pair of 5’s and a big chip on your shoulder. Back in the glory days of liberal politics, Democrats would openly deny that there was a litmus test for the Supreme court while making the confirmation hearings about fictional claims of racism, class warfare,...
Democrats didn't make their case on Alito, Obama says BY JEFF ZELENY Chicago Tribune WASHINGTON - Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said he would vote Monday to filibuster Judge Samuel Alito's confirmation to the Supreme Court, but he conceded the effort would be futile and criticized Democrats for failing to persuade Americans to take notice of the court's changing ideological face. "The Democrats have to do a much better job in making their case on these issues," Obama said Sunday on ABC News' "This Week." "These last-minute efforts - using procedural maneuvers inside the Beltway - I think has been the...
On 12 January, 2006, the New York Times ran an article entitled “Thrust into the Limelight, and for Some A Symbol of Washington’s Bite.” It was a mini-biography of Mrs. Martha-Ann Alito, and it purported to explain the reasons for Mrs. Alito’s tears during her husband Samuel’s confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. It blamed them on a follow-up question by Senator Lindsay Graham, rather than on the verbal savaging of Judge Alito by the Democrats on the Committee, led by Senator Ted Kennedy. The Times should have gotten the story right, because one of the three reporters on...
There may be a more disgusting, nauseating spectacle than Teddy Kennedy sitting in judgment on a Supreme Court nominee’s ethics and integrity, but I’m not sure what this might be. But, there he was on national TV, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, asking his questions and making his points with all the skills of Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. Kennedy among other things: — Was suspended from Harvard because of cheating when he was caught getting another student to take a Spanish test for him. — Had his father get his Army duty changed to two years from the...
Apparently, C-Span has been editing its coverage of the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on the Alito nomination. Here's the tape they don't want you to see. At this time the Chair recognizes the senator from Delaware - Senator Biden. I'll be with you shortly. Senator, this committe is in session, so if you're not prepared, we'll come back to you later. Just hold on, I think I'm almost done. I'd like to remind my good friend that we don't have time to wait for him while he... And I'd like to remind my good friend that the American people want...
Now that the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito are over, what did we learn? That a nominee for the high court won’t answer questions he’s not supposed to answer? Or that liberals will then use those non-answers as a public rationale for opposition? We did learn (again) that televised Senate Judiciary Committee hearings featuring the questioning of a nominee have outlived their usefulness, if such usefulness ever truly existed. We also learned (again) what the left values and opposes in a judicial nominee. We learned that they hold results to be more important than old fashioned notions...
The pictures said it all. First was the shot of the unflappable judge, serenely gazing…waiting…hoping…that senator Joe Biden would finally get around to asking his question. Then the unforgettable image of judge Alito’s wife Martha-Ann, gasping at the accusation that her husband was a closet racist. And at the end of it all, there was Teddie Kennedy, his contorted face reduced to a helpless, choleric rage. Richard Durbin buried his brow in his hands. And poor Dianne Feinstein – she looked like she had just returned from a back-alley encounter with a pack of mating wildebeests. Much of the Judiciary...
Democrats don't need hearings Jan 23, 2006 by Kay Daly Judging from the microseconds between President Bush’s announcement of Samuel Alito to be the next Supreme Court Justice and the hysterical howls from the multitude of leftist organizations in the quickly formed anti-Alito chorus, it is clear that no matter how Judge Alito performed in the hearings, the Left would not be remotely interested in a fair confirmation process. It has been this way since the beginning of the Bush administration. President Bush’s hand was barely off the Bible in his first term when liberal legal activists, such as Abner...
Good morning, to all you political junkies. Today, at 9:30 am EST, the Senate Judiciary Committee meets to vote on the nomination of Samuel Alito be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. If you're around, make a fresh pot of coffee, and join us for the show.....
The bitingly contentious U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito are causing some senators to question the validity of the process. With Alito having answered 700 questions in 3 1/2 days last week, the 18-member panel is expected to confirm him Tuesday and forward his nomination to the full Senate in Washington. A filibuster is not foreseen. Sen. John Cornyn, a former state district judge in San Antonio and former Texas Supreme Court judge, said last Tuesday the episode was "a new low, not only because it was virtually unprecedented but also because it reflected a...
The following is Sen. Tom Coburn's (R.-Okla.) opening statement at the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Judge Alito, welcome. I know you're tired of this and I'll try to be as brief as possible. One of the advantages of going last is to be able to hear what everybody else has said. And as I've listened today, we've talked about the unfortunate, the frail. The quotes have been "fair shake for those that are underprivileged." We've heard "values, strong, free and fair, progressive judiciary." We've heard "the vulnerable, the more vulnerable, the weak, those who suffer."...
Perhaps the most revealing and underreported exchange during Judge Samuel Alito’s confirmation hearings began when Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D.-Calif.) tried to pin Alito down on whether Roe v. Wade is so powerful as to be a permanent fixture in our constitutional jurisprudence. Alito noted that the precedent in Roe, while important, “is not an inexorable command.” Feinstein’s sophisticated Roe radar went off. Former Chief Justice William Rehnquist, you see, once used this exact phrase in arguing for Roe’s reversal. Feinstein concluded that Alito had sent a subtle signal that he would vote to overturn the constitutional underpinning to abortion. Feinstein...