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Keyword: ak2010

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  • Breaking: Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski wins re-election to Senate as write-in candidate

    11/17/2010 12:15:12 PM PST · by TonyInOhio · 219 replies
    The Wall Street Journal ^ | 11/17/10 | Unattributed
    Breaking: Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski wins re-election to Senate as write-in candidate
  • Murkowski Pulls Ahead In Senate Race

    11/15/2010 7:54:11 PM PST · by Southnsoul · 59 replies · 1+ views ^ | November 15, 2010
    Lisa Murkowski has officially pulled ahead in the race to be Alaska's next senator. The latest numbers from Juneau show Joe Miller with 90,458 votes. That includes 10 write-ins credited to him. The Division of Elections has counted 92,164 votes to Lisa Murkowski. That number includes 7,601 votes challenged by the Miller campaign. Ballot counting is finished for Monday. Elections workers and volunteers will return Tuesday and continue to pore over ballots. Lt. Gov. Craig Campbell says that could continue likely until the end of the week. Absentee votes represent the last big batch of outstanding ballots from the Nov....
  • Spokesman: Murkowski intends to caucus with GOP

    10/31/2010 8:39:20 PM PDT · by Free ThinkerNY · 37 replies
    Associated Press ^ | Oct. 31, 2010 | BECKY BOHRER
    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) -- A spokesman for U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski says she fully intends to caucus with Republicans if she wins re-election as a write-in candidate. Questions about Murkowski's intentions caused a flurry on Twitter Sunday after she told CNN she would return to a new Congress to represent the interests of Alaskans and not the GOP.
  • PPP (D) Poll: Miller leads in Alaska (Miller 37%, Leesa Merkowskee 30%, McAdams 30%)

    10/31/2010 8:45:01 PM PDT · by Chet 99 · 148 replies
    SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2010 Miller leads in Alaska Joe Miller is favored heading into the final two days of the US Senate campaign in Alaska. 37% of voters say they'll pick him while 30% plan to vote for Scott McAdams and another 30% plan to write in Lisa Murkowski. Miller is winning despite having the worst personal favorability numbers of the three candidates. Only 36% have a positive opinion of him while 59% view him in a negative light. McAdams is by far the most popular with 50% rating him favorably to only 30% with an unfavorable one. Voters aren't...
  • ATTENTION ALASKA POLL WATCHERS: Here's how Lisa will lose votes

    10/31/2010 4:24:05 PM PDT · by no dems · 33 replies
    October 31, 2010 | no dems
    Spread the word to all GOP poll watchers in Alaska: When one writes in a candidate's name, they MUST ALSO DARKEN IN THE OVAL CIRCLE. If they don't do that, the vote does NOT count. Keep a close eye, Poll Watchers and thank you for your service.
  • On the Record (Fox News) Murkowski Interview [Won't rule out caucusing with Dems]

    10/31/2010 7:49:18 PM PDT · by Duke C. · 32 replies
    10/31/10 | Duke C.
    If you didn't catch it, listen to the replay. Murkowski absolutley refused to confirm that she would caucus with the Republicans if elected! WOW!! Miller landslide is on the way...!
  • Lisa Murkowski may not be with Republicans

    10/31/2010 4:01:01 PM PDT · by CedarDave · 70 replies
    CNN - Twitter ^ | October 31, 2010 | Dana Bash
    Hot Link to Dana Bash Twitter:
  • Poll: Miller falls to last place

    10/30/2010 2:36:47 PM PDT · by South40 · 130 replies
    Poliico ^ | 10/29/2010 | SHIRA TOEPLITZ
    After several rough weeks on the campaign trail, a new poll out of Alaska shows Republican Joe Miller has fallen to last place in the three-way Senate race. A Hays Research Group poll released Thursday showed write-in candidates, presumably meaning Sen. Lisa Murkowski, in the lead with 34 percent, Democrat Scott McAdams with 29 percent and Miller with 23 percent. Murkowski is waging a write-in bid since losing the Republican primary to Miller.
  • Alaska Senate Candidate Joe Miller Endorses Federal Same-Sex 'Marriage' Ban

    10/27/2010 6:27:31 PM PDT · by topher · 30 replies
    Wednesday October 27, 2010 Alaska Senate Candidate Joe Miller Endorses Federal Same-Sex 'Marriage' Ban By Peter J. SmithFAIRBANKS, Alaska, October 27, 2010 ( – Alaska GOP Senate candidate Joe Miller stated recently that he would support a U.S. constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman, although he would prefer the matter left to the states.Miller, a pro-life candidate running neck-and-neck with incumbent and write-in candidate Lisa Murkowski for U.S. Senator, told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow that he would support a constitutional amendment, if that were seen as the solution to the challenge of legal...
  • Gov. Palin And Joe Miller At Combat Veterans Event In San Diego

    10/08/2010 11:48:25 PM PDT · by South40 · 30 replies
    Special Guest Gov. Sarah Palin and a number of celebrities will join the 27 Combat Veterans running for Congress October 9 at the Patriotic Gala in San Diego, an event organized by Combat Veterans for Congress. West Point graduate and Desert Storm veteran Joe Miller will be the Keynote Speaker. One of the 27 candidates from 18 states endorsed by the PAC, Miller was awarded the Bronze Star Medal and has been endorsed in his bid for the U.S. Senate by Gov. Palin. Comedian Norm Crosby will be a Special Guest Star at the event, which will be MC'ed...
  • Murkowski's 'Alaska Mafia' and the public dole

    10/06/2010 10:05:49 PM PDT · by freespirited · 14 replies
    Examiner ^ | 10/06/10 | Tim Carney
        Once insurgent conservative Joe Miller knocked off moderate Sen. Lisa Murkowski in Alaska's Senate primary, almost all Beltway Republicans lined up behind Miller. But thanks to Alaska's unique political culture, there is a small cadre -- mostly former staffers for Murkowski and other Alaska lawmakers -- supporting her quixotic write-in race for re-election.Murkowski's bid has brought attention to a quiet but significant clique on K Street composed of former aides to Murkowksi, her father, Frank, former Sen. Ted Stevens, and Rep. Don Young, who specialize in lobbying for energy interests, Alaskan natives, and Alaska's towns and cities. The...
  • A Dark Horse Emerges in Alaska: The Incumbent

    09/29/2010 9:23:32 PM PDT · by paudio · 27 replies
    NYT ^ | 9/27/10 | William Yardley
    So why do plenty of people here, from analysts to many rank-and-file Republicans, think that Ms. Murkowski, 53, who first came to office through the easiest route imaginable (her father, then the governor, appointed her in 2002), could well pull off the impossible? Because in a matter of weeks, she has morphed from establishment incumbent to renegade underdog. For many, it might seem crushing to go from sitting senator to plaintive write-in, but Ms. Murkowski is using it to her advantage, painting herself as the maverick in this race.
  • Lisa Murkowski to Run Write-in Campaign (Does the people lack grace and class or what?)

    09/18/2010 9:36:56 PM PDT · by This Just In · 35 replies
    The American Spectator ^ | September 17, 2010 | Jeffrey Lord
    <p>The Alaska is reporting defeated incumbent Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski will announce later today that she is going to run a write-in campaign against her victorious opponent Joe Miller. Miller being the Tea Party victor.</p>
  • Joe Miller Moneybomb

    09/18/2010 2:50:53 PM PDT · by WWRD · 34 replies
    Joe Miller - The Conservative Candidate for Alaska
  • (Alaska)Republican Party: We Stand Firm Behind Joe Miller

    09/17/2010 10:26:15 PM PDT · by onyx · 73 replies · 1+ views
    KTVA ^ | 09/17/2010 09:10:47 PM PDT | Alaska Republican Party Press Release
    Statement from Alaska Republican Party: Anchorage, Alaska - Today Senator Lisa Murkowski announced she would re-enter Alaska's US Senate race as a write in candidate. Regardless of her decision the Alaska Republican Party stands firm behind our elected Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller. "The Alaska Republican Party has been respectful of Senator Murkowski's service and tried to give her a moment of pause with which she could come to the right decision," said Alaska Republican Party Chairman Randy Ruedrich. "I am disappointed the Senator has decided not to respect the will of Alaska's Republican Primary voters. The 2010 Republican Primary...
  • Murkowski to run as write-in candidate; state GOP condemns move

    09/18/2010 3:20:16 AM PDT · by Clintonfatigued · 71 replies
    The Los Angeles Times ^ | September 17, 2010 | Kim Murphy
    The U.S. Senate race in Alaska was turned on its head in August, when Tea Party Express-backed candidate Joe Miller upset incumbent Lisa Murkowski in the Republican primary. On Friday evening, Murkowski stunned the state again with a decision to mount a write-in campaign to hold on to her seat. "This is a statement we must make for Alaskans. Together we can do what they say cannot be done. Alaska is not fair game for outside extremists. We are smarter than that … and we will not be had," Murkowski said as cheering supporters in Anchorage shouted, "Run, Lisa, run!"...
  • Murkowski Concedes Alaska Primary Race to Tea Party Candidate

    08/31/2010 8:23:34 PM PDT · by MaxCUA · 16 replies
    In a major upset, Sen. Lisa Murkowski has conceded her GOP Senate primary race to Tea Party Express favorite Joe Miller, who had the backing of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. "I don't see a scenario in which the primary will turn out in my favor," Murkowski said in her concession speech. Murkowski made the concession speech Tuesday night, a full week after the primary. Miller has never held elected office but he is now the immediate front-runner in the heavily Republican state. Murkowski trailed Miller, a Fairbanks attorney, by 1,668 votes after last week's primary. Election officials began counting...
  • Murkowski concedes GOP Senate race to Miller

    08/31/2010 8:10:43 PM PDT · by warm n fuzzy · 26 replies ^ | 31 August 2010 | ADN
    Incumbent Lisa Murkowski has conceded to challenger Joe Miller in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate. Speaking to reporters at her campaign headquarters in Anchorage, Murkowski said "based on where we are right now, I don't see a scenario where the primary will turn out in my favor." The concession come after a day of counting absentee ballots in which Murkowski gained little ground on Miller, the Fairbanks attorney backed by former Gov. Sarah Palin and the Tea Party Express. Murkowski trailed Miller by 1,668 votes after last Tuesday primary. Election officials began counting absentee and other outstanding ballots today....
  • Murkowski concedes Alaska GOP Senate primary

    08/31/2010 7:32:16 PM PDT · by STARWISE · 153 replies
    CNN ^ | 8-31-10
    <p>Republican U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski will concede tonight in the Alaska GOP senatorial primary which remained unresolved after last Tuesday's voting, ....</p>
  • Murkowski concedes GOP Senate race to Miller

    08/31/2010 8:20:39 PM PDT · by q_an_a · 18 replies · 1+ views ^ | 10.1.2010 | unknown
    Speaking at a news conference broadcast on live television from her campaign headquarters in Anchorage, Murkowski said "based on where we are right now, I don't see a scenario where the primary will turn out in my favor. And that is a reality that is before me at this point in time."