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Keyword: abuabbas

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  • The Bizarre Death - and Life - of Publicist/CIA Operative Michael Sands (Exclusive)

    04/15/2012 3:45:36 PM PDT · by null and void · 11 replies
    The Wrap ^ | Published: April 13, 2012 @ 12:31 pm | Frank Swertlow
    Michael Sands, an effusive Hollywood publicist, has died after a bizarre accident in the deli section of an upscale supermarket in Century City, where he choked to death on a sample of meat. Best known as the brains behind Mr. Blackwell’s annual Worst Dressed List, Sands also was an inveterate self-promoter who claimed to be an undercover CIA operative who may have helped in the capture of Abu Abbas, the terrorist behind the hijacking of the Achille Lauro cruise ship in 1985. He was 66. “He was eating a beef sample, and since he has narrow airways due to Chronic...
  • Muslim group claims royal wedding is legitimate terror target

    04/28/2011 12:49:11 AM PDT · by Libloather · 20 replies
    Telegraph ^ | 4/27/11 | Victoria Ward
    Muslim group claims royal wedding is legitimate terror targetThe royal wedding is a “legitimate target” for a terrorist attack because of Britain’s foreign policy and the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, a radical Islamic group has claimed. By Victoria Ward 1:57PM BST 27 Apr 2011 Muslims Against Crusades, which had its application to protest on Friday turned down by police, yesterday urged Muslims to stay away from central London when Prince William marries Kate Middleton and to avoid all means of public transport due to the heightened risk of an attack. Assad Ullah, leader of the extremist campaign group, insisted...
  • Iraqi Army, Police and Coalition advisors arrest 10 Ansar Islam operatives

    08/04/2009 1:34:52 PM PDT · by Cindy · 2 replies · 776+ views ^ | August 4, 2009 | n/a
    Note: The following text is a quote: MULTI-NATIONAL FORCE-IRAQ PRESS DESK BAGHDAD, Iraq Press Release A090804-02 August 4, 2009 Iraqi Army, Police and Coalition advisors arrest 10 Ansar Islam operatives BAGHDAD – Mosul Special Weapons and Tactics and Iraqi Army soldiers, with Coalition advisors, conducted a series of raids on July 24 that targeted and successfully captured key leaders and operatives of Ansar al Islam in Mosul. Fakri Hadi Gari, also known as Abu ‘Abbas and Mullah Halgurd, assessed to be the deputy commander for Ansar al Islam was arrested during this raid. He is believed to be responsible...
  • Saddam friendly to terror groups

    03/21/2008 9:48:43 AM PDT · by george76 · 23 replies · 678+ views
    The Washington Times ^ | March 21, 2008 | Rowan Scarborough
    Newly declassified documents show a number of links between the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein and violent terrorist or Islamist groups, many of them dating from the early 1990s. A Pentagon-funded study of the documents failed to find a direct link between Saddam and al Qaeda, the group that carried out the September 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S. But it did establish Iraqi support for Egyptian Islamic Jihad, whose leader Ayman al-Zawahri merged the group with al Qaeda years later. The papers also show that Saddam's Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS) maintained a working relationship with Palestinian terrorist groups, secretly...

    04/01/2007 7:48:56 AM PDT · by Valin · 3 replies · 369+ views
    On February 20, The Jamestown Foundation published information on a new Sufi insurgent group in Iraq, known as The Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order (Terrorism Focus, February 20). The group had declared its existence by posting a video on January 17 of what it claimed were operations against coalition troops, displaying attacks on Humvees along with other operations (Terrorism Focus, February 20). On March 14, the group released a new posting, claiming two more attacks on coalition interests in Iraq. The group's announcement explains that the operations were to avenge the memory of Muhammad Abbas, also known...
  • At Home in Baghdad

    08/09/2006 10:44:05 AM PDT · by ikez78 · 10 replies · 562+ views
    The American Spectator ^ | 8/9/2006 | Laurie Mylroie
    Abu Abbas, head of the Palestine Liberation Front, was captured in Iraq shortly after the fall of Baghdad and died of natural causes in U.S. custody the following year. Notorious for the 1985 hijacking of the Achille Lauro, Abbas's most deadly terrorist attack actually occurred in 1974, when a PLF assault in northern Israel killed 36 people. Abbas was also behind a foiled attack on a Tel Aviv beach in May 1990, when the U.S. was first trying to establish a dialogue with the PLO. Abbas's assault interfered with those efforts, and Iraq's invasion of Kuwait two months later halted...
  • The Overwhelming wrong 'Palestinian' Arab Muslims

    06/16/2006 11:47:19 AM PDT · by PRePublic · 6 replies · 617+ views
    FreeIsraelNow ^ | June 16 2006
    The Overwhelming wrong "Palestinians"A terrible majority & mainstreamI do try to be tolerant to everyone, frankly, their 70% support for genocide does not help me. The entire "Palestinian" society is a sick system, from the indoctrination to the death cult (recruiting to or glorifying mass murderers as "martyrs") to their mainstream media to their mainstream schools/Mosques, etc. Suffice to say, Watch a normal Israeli TV program VS a "normal" 'Palestinian' one, an all out warning if you attempt to listen to their Friday sermons from the mosques., the problem is not just with a "fringe" group, or just...
  • Islamofascism, the broader, deeper & wider reality - How radical Islam makes you into a fascist!

    06/17/2006 10:56:58 PM PDT · by NeoOldCon · 1 replies · 1,471+ views
    How [radical] Islam makes one into a fascist, whether you are Arab, black, etc. The broader view of the deep & wide reality of Islamofascism What do the Arab Muslim massacre in NYC WTC, The Pakistani Muslim bombing in London, the Arab Muslim bombing in Madrid, an Indonesian attack on Australians in Bali, an Arab Muslim racist attack on an ordinary Jew in Paris, Arabs' onslaught in the genocide campaign in Sudan, WW2's Bosnian Muslims attacking Christian Serbs, Jordanian Arab murderer: Zarqawi that seperated (Nazi style) between Shiite & Sunni kids on a bus, Arab slave masters in Mauritania, a...
  • Leon Klinghoffer: 20 Years Later (Debbie Schlussel On A Unpunished Atrocious Crime Alert)

    10/11/2005 1:48:53 AM PDT · by goldstategop · 9 replies · 793+ views ^ | 10/11/05 | Debbie Schlussel
    Recently, Lisa Klinghoffer e-mailed me about an important anniversary: the murder of her father, Leon Klinghoffer, by Islamic terrorists. 20 years ago, this past Saturday (October 8), Leon Klinghoffer -- a helpless 69-year-old in a wheelchair on a cruise ship -- was cruelly murdered for the dual crimes of being a Jew and an American. After hijacking the ship, cowardly Palestinian terrorists assassinated Klinghoffer by gunshot and threw his body overboard, a plot masterminded by Abu Abbas. Leon Klinghoffer: American Hero in Life & Death Here's what one of many, who've written posthumous notes to Klinghoffer over the years through...
  • President Bush Urged To Protest Antisemitic Broadcast At White House Meeting with Abbas

    05/27/2005 6:48:13 PM PDT · by CHARLITE · 11 replies · 548+ views
    The Simon Wiesenthal Center has urged President Bush to protest the broadcast of an antisemitic sermon by Palestinian TV during his May 26th White House meeting with PA President Abbas. The request to the President by Rabbis Marvin Hier and Abraham Cooper, dean and associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center (respectively) came on the heels of a May 13th genocidal sermon broadcast live on Palestinian Television by Gaza cleric Sheikh Ibrahim Mudairis. In that sermon, Mudairis, who appears frequently on Palestinian Television, charged that, "The Jews are the cancer spreading all over the world...the Jews are a virus like...
  • Clinton Talks Tough on the Palestinians; Sharon Eases Up-(sly Hillary, political chameleon!)

    05/25/2005 7:22:01 PM PDT · by CHARLITE · 12 replies · 387+ views
    NYSUN.COM ^ | MAY 25, 2005 | ELI LAKE
    New York's junior senator yesterday was sharper in her criticism of the Palestinian Authority than Israel's Likud prime minister at the annual policy conference for America's largest pro-Israel lobby. Before thousands of activists of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, Senator Clinton, a Democrat of New York, criticized Palestinian textbooks and other materials that "infect" young minds with anti-Semitism. "Using children as pawns in a political process is tantamount to child abuse," she said to cheers from activists. "And we must say it has to end now." By contrast, the main speaker at the conclusion of the Aipac conference, Prime...
  • Top Al Qaeda Aid Captured (Abu Abbas)

    05/10/2005 12:08:56 AM PDT · by Qwinn · 15 replies · 1,398+ views
    The Australian ^ | 05/09/05
    Top al-Qaeda aide captured May 09, 2005 IRAQ says security forces have captured a key aide to the al-Qaeda leader in Iraq, Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. A government statement today said Amar al-Zubaydi, also known as Abu Abbas, was captured three days ago in Baghdad. It said he helped plan an attack on Abu Ghraib prison in April in which up to 60 insurgents attacked a US base with suicide car bombs and rocket-propelled grenades, wounding at least 20 US troops and 12 detainees. Zubaydi was also involved in a string of car bombings in Baghdad in April, the...
  • Iraq says captures key aide to Zarqawi

    05/08/2005 9:16:12 AM PDT · by TexKat · 75 replies · 1,403+ views
    Reuters ^ | 5/8/05
    BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq said on Sunday that security forces had captured Amar al-Zubaydi, a key aide to the al Qaeda leader in Iraq, Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. A government statement said Zubaydi, also known as Abu Abbas, was captured three days ago in Baghdad. It said he helped plan attacks on Abu Ghraib prison in April that wounded U.S. troops and several inmates as well as a string of car bomb attacks in Baghdad.
  • Fatah gunmen attack Palestinian police station

    03/04/2005 3:18:38 PM PST · by Alex Marko · 6 replies · 408+ views
    NABLUS, West Bank, March 4 (Reuters) - Palestinian militants fired on a Palestinian police station on Friday in an incident that underscored difficulties new President Mahmoud Abbas faces in trying to impose law and order in the West Bank and Gaza. The incident began when a member of the militant al-Awda Brigades, part of Abbas's Fatah faction, came to the station in the West Bank city of Nablus to visit his jailed brother, but was refused permission to see him by police. The militant shouted threats at police and was then beaten by them before he called in other gunmen...
  • WSJ: Oil for Terrorism -- The U.N. scandal details get worse by the day.

    11/23/2004 5:57:52 AM PST · by OESY · 18 replies · 2,016+ views
    Wall Street Journal ^ | November 23, 2004 | Editorial
    Last week certainly was instructive about the epic... United Nations Oil for Food program. First came Monday's hearings in Norm Coleman's Senate Subcommittee on Investigations where we learned that Saddam Hussein gamed the program for twice as much unmonitored revenue as previously thought -- $21.3 billion, up from $10 billion. Also fascinating was chief weapons inspector Charles Duelfer's testimony that he believes, based on what high-level Iraqi sources have told him, that U.N. Oil for Food director Benon Sevan did in fact profit from Iraqi oil vouchers. Mr. Sevan continues to deny the allegation. Then on Wednesday Henry Hyde's House...
  • What Wilson Didn’t Say About Africa: Joseph Wilson's Silent Partners

    10/25/2004 12:32:12 PM PDT · by Fedora · 182 replies · 20,950+ views
    Original FReeper research | 10/25/2004 | Fedora
    What Wilson Didn’t Say About AfricaJoseph Wilson's Silent PartnersBy Fedora with help from a few FReeper friends Former ambassador Joseph Wilson has been a leading spokesman for critics who accuse President Bush of basing his case for war against Iraq on forged documents purporting that Iraq attempted to buy uranium from Niger. Wilson’s charge has been discredited by a Senate investigation,1 but what remains unanswered are questions arising from what is now known about French intelligence’s role in pushing the forged documents on British and US intelligence. The role of France and Wilson in undermining Bush’s case for war looks...
  • - PROOF of links between Saddam and global terrorists (MUST READ)

    10/21/2004 2:26:09 AM PDT · by igoramus987 · 14 replies · 1,164+ views
    National Review ^ | October 20, 2004 | Deroy Murdock
    Americans who still believe Saddam Hussein had no ties to terrorists in general or al Qaeda in particular should visit This website is adapted from a speech I delivered on September 22 at Stanford University's Hoover Institution. includes photographs of Baathist-supported terrorists, pictures of the mayhem they have perpetrated, and portraits of those they have killed, including American citizens. It offers disturbing proof that Saddam Hussein and his regime operated a one-stop-shop for terrorists, including cash, diplomatic assistance, safe haven, training, and even medical care. Readers may be startled to see, among other things, copies of checks given...
  • Could There Finally Be A Link Between the Oil for Food Scam and Terrorism?

    05/03/2004 2:38:32 PM PDT · by Tailgunner Joe · 16 replies · 557+ views
    Freedom Alliance ^ | April 28, 2004
    Dulles, Virginia – “Evidence provided to Chairman Chris Shays' (R-CT) House Subcommittee investigating the Oil for Food scandal suggests that at least 270 individuals, organizations and businesses stretching from the UN to Paris to Moscow to the Vatican to the Middle East and elsewhere may have benefited from the scheme including the person at the UN, Benon Sevan, who was responsible for running the program. One of the most chilling aspects of the scandal was brought out by Rep. Doug Ose (R-CA) who noted that among the 270 names included, one was the late Abu Abbas, one of the world's...

    03/30/2004 11:47:29 PM PST · by Edward_Daley · 8 replies · 368+ views
    The Daley Times-Post ^ | 03/31/04 | Edward L. Daley
    THE TRUTH BE KNOWN By Edward L. Daley A recent MSNBC news story titled 'Hussein loyalists fade as factor in violence' ( states that foreign and Iraqi Islamic extremists (terrorists) are the dominant forces responsible for attacks on civilians and security forces in Iraq. Upon reading this story I found myself asking the following question. Why are so many people convinced that the Iraq War is not a part of the war on terrorism? All year long I have been hearing leftists in both the U.S. and abroad reiterating that claim, yet the current situation in Iraq contradicts their assertion....
  • Palestinians honor Achille Lauro hijacker

    03/25/2004 10:47:13 PM PST · by JohnHuang2 · 5 replies · 184+ views ^ | Friday, March 26, 2004
    TROUBLE IN THE HOLY LANDPalestinians honor Achille Lauro hijackerTerrorist responsible for killing Jewish American 'great national fighter' Posted: March 26, 20041:00 a.m. Eastern © 2004 Known globally for ordering an attack in which a wheelchair-bound Jewish American tourist was shot and thrown overboard from a cruiseliner, Muhammad Abbas nevertheless was eulogized by Palestinians this week as a "great national fighter." Abu Abbas The leader of the Palestine Liberation Front terrorist group, who died in a U.S. prison in Baghdad, was buried Tuesday in Syria. He was responsible for the 1985 hijacking of the Achille Lauro in Italy in which Leon Klinghoffer...