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TERRI SCHINDLER SCHIAVO CALLING ALL FREEPERS Pt2 Disabled FL woman given Death Sentence by FL Courts
| pc93
Posted on 09/21/2003 12:13:53 PM PDT by pc93
Terri's Call to Action Part 1 is over 5000 posts. If you don't want to get caught up to speed at Part 1:
Simply visit Terri's official web site at:
There are contact numbers at her web site for her core media team, legislators, media and for press updates.
See flash movies of Terri interacting with her mother, responding to a physician and see for yourself that she's not in PVS "persistant vegetative state").
In addition to access a text file with a lot of information see:
If you want to join Terri's fight, it's important for us to CONTACT BUREAUCRATS, THE MEDIA and also your friends and family. It's up to you how you choose to Help Terri.
Pinellas Pasco Judge Greer set October 15, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. for her feeding tube to be removed. There's something wrong with Florida's exit protocols and the way the courts handle new information re: criminality (misrepresentation, attempted murder, etc.) affecting a case. There was no living will, only the assertion of a very suspect, so-called husband, his brother, etc. that Terri would not want to live on life support. Terri is not on life support, she is not comatose or PVS and she is not living "artificially". She does get sustenance from a feeding tube but only because she has been denied rehabilitation by her so-called husband after he won a malpratice lawsuit three years after her collapse (cause unknown but probably due to strangulation or physical abuse, or both) which is why Terri needs an army of supporters to spread her story from coast to coast. Terri has retained rights that are being sidestepped because she is disabled and has been denied rehabilitation! The technologies of rehabilitation have greatly improved exponentially yet Judge Greer has not let Terri have a chance to learn to eat or to be able to learn to speak/communicate again. Also new information bearing on the case which shows criminality on husband's side has not been considered by the 2nd District Court of Appeals who handed down Mandate for termination of Terri's feeding based upon testimony of criminal husband and brother as above stated. Who is next?
Let's make a difference! Thank you for your efforts.
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What a disgusting democrat morass Florida has become.
Do you think FL's descent into the abyss is a result of liberal northerners (PA,NY,NJ,MD,CT,MA in particular) coming into the state for financial reasons (no state income tax, among other benefits)? Or do you think it is the liberal views of most elderly people who look for government support to make their golden years more green? FL continues to elect liberal Democrat judges and two liberal Democrat senators (one a little less liberal than the other), but it has Republicans in the other branches. I wonder what percent of the FL population is not born in FL? FL also was targeted by the euthanasia and hospice movement years ago because of its large elderly population. All in all FL is not the state it was in 1960. In 1940, FL was actually smaller in population that nearby SC.
To: sfRummygirl
Beck used to be good but he's become as emotional as a woman. I also can't stand it when he starts his motivational guru schtick. I liked the old (We Hate) Glenn Beck much better.
posted on
09/22/2003 3:11:18 PM PDT
(Deconstruct the Left)
To: johnb838
I had not heard of the Beck program until Terri's fight got on Free Republican. And I have still never heard the program. If he is emotional in regard to Terri, it is probably just common decency and humanity, something sorely lacking in American public life these days.
To: Deo volente; kimmie7; All
Has anyone heard anything about the federal hearing yet? I still find nothing, but wonder if anyone else has had any luck.
To: Deo volente
I wish I were on vacation! Mama not doing well, (me), baby not doing well - virus/cold. We were taking a much needed nap. ;-) I'll keep my eyes open for news, though.
posted on
09/22/2003 4:11:14 PM PDT
(Terri's story must be told to the masses. Pray with us for this woman and her family.)
To: Ohioan from Florida
No mention of any hearing AT ALL on or
posted on
09/22/2003 4:18:13 PM PDT
(Terri's story must be told to the masses. Pray with us for this woman and her family.)
To: kimmie7
Attorneys for Terri Schiavo's parents seek to block tube removal
Associated Press Writer
TAMPA, Fla. --
The parents of a brain-damaged woman at the center of a life-or-death court fight sued their son-in-law in federal court Monday seeking to block the removal of the feeding tube which has been keeping her alive.
Terri Schiavo's feeding tube will be removed Oct. 15 under a state judge's order issued last week. Her parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, arguing the removal of the tube would violate her constitutional rights.
The Schindlers and their son-in-law, Michael Schiavo, have been engaged in a long legal battle over the fate of the 39-year-old woman, who suffered severe brain damage following a heart attack more 13 years ago.
Michael Schiavo has said his wife never would have wanted to be kept alive artificially.
"I would hope that the federal judge looking at this realizes this is just an attempt to rehash what has gone on before," said George Felos, Michael Schiavo's attorney. "I think a federal judge is well aware that he doesn't have jurisdiction. Beyond that, it must be pointed out that so much of what is in this complaint is just an out-and-out lie."
The lawsuit alleges a conspiracy between Pinellas Circuit Court Judge George Greer and Michael Schiavo in seeking to end Terri's life.
"It just shows how desperate they are becoming," Felos said.
Pat Anderson, who is representing the Schindlers, wouldn't comment on the filing.
The Schindlers accused their son-in-law of blocking attempts to rehabilitate his wife, despite pledging to do so when he testified in a medical malpractice lawsuit filed against his wife's doctors.
The Schindlers contend their daughter can be rehabilitated and in the lawsuit said their daughter's caregivers have reported hearing her say, "help me" and "mommy."
They also accuse Michael Schiavo of using more than $700,000 awarded Terri Schiavo won in the malpractice case for her care instead to pay for attorneys in the court fight to end her life.
The Schindlers are seeking to have Michael Schiavo removed as his wife's guardian and are arguing she has a right to swallowing therapy that could teach her to eat and drink if she were disconnected from the feeding tube.
Greer last week ordered her feeding tube be removed after state appeals courts backed his ruling that Terri Schiavo has suffered such severe brain damage she is in a permanent vegetative state.
Both the Florida Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court have refused to consider the case.
Monday's lawsuit is amended from a complaint filed in federal court earlier this month. U.S. District Judge Richard Lazzara has said he was not convinced the federal court has any jurisdiction in the case, but allowed the Schindlers a chance to present their case on pape
posted on
09/22/2003 4:22:01 PM PDT
(Live from the People's Republic of Cambridge)
To: libravoter
The above (post #187) was just released on the AP wire .
posted on
09/22/2003 4:24:07 PM PDT
(Live from the People's Republic of Cambridge)
To: pc93; nutmeg; kimmie7; MarMema
Bill O' Reilly is now doing an investigation of prez candidate Howard Dean because a freeper inadvertently stumbled upon unsavory details about who some of his supporters are. It falls in line with Terri's fight.
If you're watching the President on local Fox, everyone should watch Monday night's FACTOR on Fox in re-runs at 11:00 pm or tune in at 8:00 p.m.
O' Reilly/The Factor really does real viewer email. Have we got Hannity & Colmes covered by email? Colmes is a liberal but this may be too much for him too. Kimmie, please ping the list. FV
posted on
09/22/2003 4:30:27 PM PDT
floriduh voter
To: MeeknMing
O' Reilly tonight is going to cover Howard Dean, who is pro-euthanasia and has atheists and agnostics among his supporters. THEY ARE FOR TOTAL SEP OF CHURCH AND STATE!
bttt for
posted on
09/22/2003 4:32:23 PM PDT
floriduh voter
To: Ohioan from Florida
Try to watch The Factor/Bill O' Reilly tonight. He got a tip from a freeper and he's covering Howard Dean tonight, proving that our emails are being read. Howard Dean is pro-euthanasia and that's just the beginning.
Sometimes I think O' Reilly takes an adversarial position to play devil's advocate. At least The Factor follows up on leads.
posted on
09/22/2003 4:35:46 PM PDT
floriduh voter
To: GWB and GOP Man
If you're in Georgia, why don't you email CHARLIE DANIELS. He's a good guy.
posted on
09/22/2003 4:37:18 PM PDT
floriduh voter
To: pc93
IMO, you can add keywords any time. I've never been able to add a topic myself.
posted on
09/22/2003 4:38:52 PM PDT
floriduh voter
To: libravoter; phenn
Thanks for your post, libravoter ... I'll be looking for phenn's comments on the day's events ... + Continuing in prayer ...
posted on
09/22/2003 4:41:33 PM PDT
('Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His Word ...)
To: stanz
O' Reilly may end up helping Terri. Anyway, this isn't his doing. It's judicial activism, faulty exit protocols, death crazy attorneys, biggest Hospice in the world, and a cheatin' spouse. Watch O' Reilly tonight. Just see how he makes mincemeat out of Howard Dean (I hope). Thanks to a freeper tip off.
Further, David Limbaugh has a new book about Christian persecution in the U.S. by the left. That topic also fits in with Terri's fight. Terri is being persecuted, as Terri's supporters we know that for certain.
posted on
09/22/2003 4:47:20 PM PDT
floriduh voter
To: No More Gore Anymore
There's a Terri Schindler-Schiavo thread re: Bill O' Reilly from the other night. You can find it if you just do a search under her name. Scroll down until you see the thread re: Bill O' Reilly. We covered everything.
posted on
09/22/2003 4:49:32 PM PDT
floriduh voter
To: RedRidingHood; yhwhsman; TheSpottedOwl; pc93; dandelion; GHCubana; iowamomforfreedom; Lovergirl; ...
ping to 189 per FV's request.
IMO, Alan Colmes is not ALL bad. He is a liberal, but he does seem to have some semblence of a heart. I don't like to watch the show, though, he reminds me too much like Keith Richards. They're both so pale they look to have been embalmed years ago. LOL. I don't mean that to me onery, but he IS really, really pale! LOL
posted on
09/22/2003 4:52:05 PM PDT
(Terri's story must be told to the masses. Pray with us for this woman and her family.)
To: TheCookMan
The fastest way to help Terri is to email the media. The most columnists and the best are located at which is Creator's Syndicate. You can also visit and email the reporters who are working on Terri's story.
Hannity has covered this on the radio before but not on Hannity & Colmes. You can email him from They'll send you a confirmation email.
posted on
09/22/2003 4:53:06 PM PDT
floriduh voter
To: kimmie7; floriduh voter
posted on
09/22/2003 4:56:04 PM PDT
(Live from the People's Republic of Cambridge)
To: kimmie7; floriduh voter; MarMema; syriacus; windchime; All Legalized Murder: Terri Schiavo and Death by Starvation
Phil Brennan,
Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2003
Increasingly across America, the sick and elderly, some with terminal illnesses, are being murdered simply by withholding food and water.
When a new edition of his book "Forced Exit, The Slippery Slope from Assisted Suicide to Legalized Murder" was published, author Wesley J. Smith couldnt have known that America was so far down that slope that Florida courts were ordering the killing, in a most barbaric way, of a disabled but conscious woman.
Smith, a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute and an attorney and consultant for the International Task Force on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide, wrote the first version of the book six years ago.
He decided that an update was needed as a result of the increased pressure by advocates of assisted suicide and those backing euthanasia, which they call "mercy killing."
Smith notes that "health care" policies have gone well beyond euthanasia at the request of the sick person. Today doctors and families are taking the life-and-death decision into their own hands and purposely withholding food and water to kill the patient.
Often the intention might be good, such as to save the patient from a terminal disease and pain. But the result, Smith says, is the same: It is an act of murder. Even if the patient consents, euthanasia is a form of suicide.
Already, assisted suicide and euthanasia have been made legal or deemed acceptable in European countries, as well as Australia and South Africa.
The Doctor Decides
In America, he writes, there is now a movement promoting what is known as the "futile care" theory when a doctor decides on his own that when a patients quality of life is not worth living, further medical care would be futile and could be denied.
"Today," Smith writes, "there is a systematic, nationwide attempt by many in the bioethics movement to impose futile care upon the populace through formal hospital protocols that give anonymous ethics committees the power to turn thumbs up or thumbs down to wanted medical treatment deemed inappropriate."
Those protocols, he warns, are already designed to "stack the deck" against the patient if the doctor or hospital wants to refuse treatment.
Now a new threat has emerged, dramatized by the horrific case of Theresa Schiavo: the demand that patients deemed no longer worth saving be killed by the inhuman process of "dehydration" refusing nourishment to conscious, cognitively disabled people who need feeding tubes to stay alive. In other words, condemning them to an excruciatingly painful death by starvation.
The practice has become commonplace in America, Smith told
"Dehydration of cognitively disabled patients occurs in all 50 states in the United States of America," Smith explained.
"Quite often it occurs to conscious people who could feel the 10- to 14-day agony that dehydration entails. The only way it gets stopped is if family members disagree on the medical course. Absent family disagreement, this happens as a matter of routine."
When Smith published the new edition of his book, the case of Theresa Schiavo, who collapsed from cardiac arrest in 1990, had only just been brought to his attention. Since then it has become a national cause celebre thanks to a court decree, temporarily stalled by an injunction, ordering that she be put to death by dehydration.
When Is That Bitch Gonna Die?
The case of Terri Schiavo is a classic example of how far America has traveled down the road to legalized euthanasia and officially sanctioned death sentences for the disabled.
Smith reviewed the Schiavo case for
"In Florida, in order to dehydrate somebody there has to be a finding that the patient is unconscious, which is what Judge Greer has done in the Schiavo case.
"But if anybody has seen a video of Schiavo available on, the video shows they will see that she is no way unconscious. An unconscious person is utterly unreactive in fact thats how its basically defined in Florida law."
On one video a doctor is shown asking Terri, who has her eyes closed, "Please open your eyes, Terri" and her eyes flutter and open.
In another video her mother comes over to her bed, leans down and says, "Hi, sweetie, how are you?" and Terri looks over, sees her mom and gets a huge smile on her face.
That, says Smith, is not a mere reflex; "that is recognition of a mother and the enjoyment of being loved. To say that shes unconscious is unconscionable."
Incredibly, the court has these facts, Smith said.
"And the court has other facts that it is also ignoring. Michael Schiavo, Terris husband, filed a medical malpractice suit regarding his wifes injury that caused her to be cognitively disabled. He promised that he would provide her care for the rest of her natural life because shes not on intensive care or anything of that sort. He brought to the jury a rehabilitation expert with a plan to help Terri get better, but as soon as the money was in the bank, which was $750,000 in a trust fund for Terri," he refused to allow any rehabilitative treatments whatsoever.
"He also got $300,000 more for loss of consortium, and the money went to lawyers," Smith explained.
"Not one day, not one hour, not one minute of rehabilitation time has Terri been given so she could get better. Its unconscionable.
"This despite that there are doctors testifying under penalty of perjury, not only is Terri not unconscious, but that they believe she could be better. Theres a speech pathologist who has testified most recently under penalty of perjury that he believes that Terri can be weaned from the feeding tube."
Smith said, however, that "as soon as the money was in the bank, Michael put a 'do not resuscitate' order on the chart, realizing back in the early 1990s he would inherit $750,000 if Terri died, and began to refuse medical treatment such as antibiotics for infections and so forth. In 1998, when Terri didn't die he filed a request with Judge Greer to be allowed to remove her feeding tube, and thats how this whole business started."
In a stunning sworn affidavit, Carla Sauer Iyer, a registered nurse who was employed at Palm Garden of Largo Convalescent Center in Largo, Fla., from April 1995 to July 1996, while Terri Schiavo was a patient there, testified: "Throughout my time at Palm Gardens, Michael Schiavo was focused on Terri's death. Michael would say 'When is she going to die?' 'Has she died yet?' and 'When is that bitch gonna die?'"
Others at Palm Garden also testified similarly in sworn affidavits. All swore that Terri had spoken to them frequently and backed Iyer's recollections.
Zeroing in on Michael Schiavo's possible motives, Smith emphasized that it was important to realize that Michael Schiavo is engaged to be married.
"He has had one baby by his fiancée, she is pregnant with a second child, they live together and want to get married, and the reason they cant is that Michael's wife is still alive.
"Its an astonishing statement of insensitivity that a judge would allow this man with incredible conflicts of interest both financial, if any money's left from that trust fund, and personal.
"Its outrageous," he added, "to [allow him to] have anything to do with how his wife is treated, and yet Judge Greer just ignores these clear conflicts of interest, refuses to allow Terris blood family, who want to care for her for the rest of her life and want to give her the therapy that might make her better, to be her guardians, and instead is bound and determined and intent on dehydrating this helpless citizen to death."
Michael Schiavo has accused his in-laws, Bob and Mary Schindler, of trying to control his wife's assets, and "the Schindlers now suggest their son-in-law tried to strangle their daughter the night she collapsed and that's why he has fought so hard to keep her quiet," the Orlando Sentinel reported. Schiavo's attorney has denounced the accusations as "malicious" and "garbage."
In late August Gov. Jeb Bush asked a judge to delay setting a date for removal of the feeding tube so a guardian could be appointed.
The governor's intervention is "crazy," Michael Schiavo said. "This case has been in litigation for five years, and all of a sudden Gov. Bush wants to be involved? This isn't his concern, and he should stay out of it."
'An Extremely Agonizing Death'
In his book, Wesley J. Smith describes the intense suffering imposed on those being starved to death.
"Proponents of dehydration contend that deaths by dehydration are peaceful," Smith wrote.
Noting that "the patients we are discussing are not terminally ill" and that those who are conscious can feel hunger and thirst, Smith quotes Dr. William Burke, a neurologist in St. Louis, who described the agonizing process.
"A conscious person would feel it (dehydration) just as you and I would. They will go into seizures. Their skin cracks, their tongue cracks, their lips crack. They may have nosebleeds because of the drying of the mucous membranes, and heaving and vomiting might ensue because of the drying out of the stomach lining. They feel the pangs of hunger and thirst. Imagine going one day without a glass of water. Death by dehydration takes ten to fourteen days. It is an extremely agonizing death."
The next step, Smith predicts, will be the abandonment of dehydration in favor a much simpler and faster way to kill death by lethal injection, now popular in prison death chambers.
In his book Smith concludes by asking if we will "take the hard turn down the slippery slope towards a coarsening of our view of the afflicted, the dying, the chronically ill, the disabled, and those in pain or depression, to the point where we feel they have a duty to die and get out of the way?
"Will we choose to love each other, or abandon each other?"
In the case of Terri Schiavo, the authorities have chosen abandonment.
posted on
09/22/2003 5:06:32 PM PDT
(Why is it illegal to starve an animal but not a human being?)
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