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TERRI SCHINDLER SCHIAVO CALLING ALL FREEPERS Pt2 Disabled FL woman given Death Sentence by FL Courts
09-21-03 | pc93

Posted on 09/21/2003 12:13:53 PM PDT by pc93

Terri's Call to Action Part 1 is over 5000 posts. If you don't want to get caught up to speed at Part 1:

Simply visit Terri's official web site at:

There are contact numbers at her web site for her core media team, legislators, media and for press updates.

See flash movies of Terri interacting with her mother, responding to a physician and see for yourself that she's not in PVS "persistant vegetative state").

In addition to access a text file with a lot of information see:

If you want to join Terri's fight, it's important for us to CONTACT BUREAUCRATS, THE MEDIA and also your friends and family. It's up to you how you choose to Help Terri.

Pinellas Pasco Judge Greer set October 15, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. for her feeding tube to be removed. There's something wrong with Florida's exit protocols and the way the courts handle new information re: criminality (misrepresentation, attempted murder, etc.) affecting a case. There was no living will, only the assertion of a very suspect, so-called husband, his brother, etc. that Terri would not want to live on life support. Terri is not on life support, she is not comatose or PVS and she is not living "artificially". She does get sustenance from a feeding tube but only because she has been denied rehabilitation by her so-called husband after he won a malpratice lawsuit three years after her collapse (cause unknown but probably due to strangulation or physical abuse, or both) which is why Terri needs an army of supporters to spread her story from coast to coast. Terri has retained rights that are being sidestepped because she is disabled and has been denied rehabilitation! The technologies of rehabilitation have greatly improved exponentially yet Judge Greer has not let Terri have a chance to learn to eat or to be able to learn to speak/communicate again. Also new information bearing on the case which shows criminality on husband's side has not been considered by the 2nd District Court of Appeals who handed down Mandate for termination of Terri's feeding based upon testimony of criminal husband and brother as above stated. Who is next?

Let's make a difference! Thank you for your efforts.

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To: sfRummygirl
1,081 posted on 10/03/2003 11:51:18 PM PDT by sfRummygirl (SAVE TERRI SHINDLER kimmie7)
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To: sfRummygirl
1,082 posted on 10/03/2003 11:51:39 PM PDT by sfRummygirl (SAVE TERRI SHINDLER kimmie7)
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To: Theodore R.
I read it the same way. This does not sound like good news to me as well but obviously there is something going on behind closed doors that I don't understand and will hopefully find out very soon.

I don't like this charade and these battles to beat those deadlines with death. I can promise everyone here, if this continues, sooner or later, they are going to go ahead and go through with starving Terri to death.

This must stop. This is inhumane, not only the actual removal of her feeding tube, but to even consider doing this as an option, is an outrage.

Michael Schiavo is at best, a cold, callous, barbaric, ignorant Neaderthal, and, at worst, an evil, dark, sinister, diabolical, demonic, sadistic monster from the bowels of hell. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that he physically abused Terri and this is how this all began.

I love Jeb and the Bush family. Always have. I hope he does not disappoint me.
1,083 posted on 10/04/2003 2:17:23 AM PDT by GWB and GOP Man (Conservative for Life)
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To: Theodore R.
>>So now Charles Crist (and presumably Bush as well?) is siding with Greer and the state against the Schindlers? really. He's just stating that the statutes are constitutional. He's not saying they've been applied properly in this case.
1,084 posted on 10/04/2003 3:40:52 AM PDT by phenn (
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To: sfRummygirl
>>Barring her own siblings from visiting her, after ASKING the doctors about spoon feeding Terri as a possibility?

Ain't that some smack? Can you imagine someone taking your only source of joy away from you - your own flesh and blood? And for what reason? I find the whole thing unimaginably cruel.

>>Felos will be mute

But then we would miss the pleasure of hearing him relate how he visualizes plane crashes and how light streams out of his body when he "soul speaks" to the dying.
1,085 posted on 10/04/2003 3:45:59 AM PDT by phenn (
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To: phenn
"...Hennessey said she finds it ironic and tragic that Florida officials were willing to act quickly to stop the on-stage suicide of a participant at a rock concert, yet have offered no help for a disabled woman.

''Within eight days time the county commissioners, the city of St. Petersburg, everybody mobilized to make sure this [the suicide] wouldn't happen,'' she said. ''And it was this guy's choice. He intends to take his own life. He's making that choice on his own, and they mobilized in eight days to stop him. Eight days. They passed a law to try to prevent it, and in five years time they can't get their act together to look after Terri and it is not her choice to die -- it's her husband's choice.

''What does that tell you about priorities in Florida?'' she exclaimed. "

Zinger, phenn! How can the elderly in FL be in favor of this? One stroke and they could be in Terri's bed. Has anyone contacted the AARP (American Association of Retired People/Persons?) to see how they feel about this?

1,086 posted on 10/04/2003 5:58:51 AM PDT by Ethan_Allen ( Gen. 32:24-32 'man'=Jesus
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To: sfRummygirl
"I truly think Hell has a special wing for these bastards. They had one built. Michael Schaivo will be in a constant state of starvation, and Felos will be mute, and subjected to the screaming medusa 24 hours a day for eternity.... "

Works for me!!
1,087 posted on 10/04/2003 6:19:15 AM PDT by Ethan_Allen ( Gen. 32:24-32 'man'=Jesus
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To: pc93; GWB and GOP Man; Theodore R.
FLA AG CRIST ANNOUNCES HE WILL STAY OUT OF TERRI'S FEDERAL CASE! GOOD NEWS FOR TERRI! Please ping Florida freepers... to under local news for the 3 paragraph article.

The Federal Court Hearing is October 10, 2003 before Judge Lazzara in Tampa. FV

1,088 posted on 10/04/2003 6:45:32 AM PDT by floriduh voter (
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To: Ohioan from Florida
NO, CRIST IS NOT INTERVENING. Human being vs. the rule of law - this time the human being won. Please tell freepers that Crist IS NOT INTERVENING even though he filed a brief. That means he won't be there arguing in Court. No closing, no statement of facts, no closing statement. He did the minimum imo.
1,089 posted on 10/04/2003 6:49:21 AM PDT by floriduh voter (
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To: yesnettv
FLA AG CRIST ANNOUNCES HE WILL STAY OUT OF TERRI'S FEDERAL CASE! GOOD NEWS FOR TERRI! Please ping Florida freepers... to to under local news for the 3 paragraph article.

The Federal Court Hearing is October 10, 2003 before Judge Lazzara in Tampa. Crist won't attend to argue for the state. FV

1,090 posted on 10/04/2003 6:50:41 AM PDT by floriduh voter (
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To: lakey
FLA AG CRIST ANNOUNCES HE WILL STAY OUT OF TERRI'S FEDERAL CASE! GOOD NEWS FOR TERRI! Please ping Florida freepers... to to under local news for the 3 paragraph article.

The Federal Court Hearing is October 10, 2003 before Judge Lazzara in Tampa. Crist won't attend to argue for the state. FV

1,091 posted on 10/04/2003 6:52:12 AM PDT by floriduh voter (
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To: Ethan_Allen
FLA AG CRIST ANNOUNCES HE WILL STAY OUT OF TERRI'S FEDERAL CASE! GOOD NEWS FOR TERRI! Please ping Florida freepers... to to under local news for the 3 paragraph article.

The Federal Court Hearing is October 10, 2003 before Judge Lazzara in Tampa. Crist won't attend to argue for the state. FV I am re-posting the same thing because I have to attend a memorial service & can't ping everybody at once.

1,092 posted on 10/04/2003 6:54:12 AM PDT by floriduh voter (
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To: floriduh voter
I am confused. Crist submitted a "friend of the court" brief in behalf of the State of FL and the "exit protocol" law. The brief says that the Schindlers have failed to show that the law was NOT followed properly. How is this staying out of the case? It is true that Crist said he takes "no position" on Terri's fight, but he then legally defends the Greer-Schiavo position. Please explain how this is "good news."
1,093 posted on 10/04/2003 7:07:36 AM PDT by Theodore R.
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To: Ohioan from Florida
I wonder if the Florida Statutes provide a mechanism through which the profoundly incapacitated can exercise their constitutional right to live

LOL. Those were almost exactly my thoughts. All the focus on the right to refuse "medical" care and none on the right to stay alive with it.

1,094 posted on 10/04/2003 7:10:03 AM PDT by MarMema
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To: GWB and GOP Man
I don't like this charade and these battles to beat those deadlines with death.

Well put, GWB. Just the charade of trying to remove the feeding tube TWICE EARLIER and now the pending Oct. 15, 2 p.m. deadline, is "cruel and unusual punishment" under the Eighth Amendment. Unfortunately, the Supreme Court says "cruel and unusual punishment" applies to criminal cases only, and this is "a civil case." Again, the convicted guilty have more rights than the innocent who have never even been charged. That makes me most uncomfortable with both U.S. and FL law.

You say in your profile that you are a member of the RNC. Doesn't the RNC have just 150 members -- a chairman from each state, a national committeeman from each state, and a national committeewoman from each state? So you must be either a chairman or a national committeeman!
1,095 posted on 10/04/2003 7:17:07 AM PDT by Theodore R.
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To: Theodore R.
It doesn't look like good news to me either. Perhaps we will find we were wrong someday soon and celebrate.

Having read about the incredible attempts to save the persons who went before Terri, and how so many of them failed, I just don't see how they can fight this. The only avenue of discord rests in discounting the husband's "clear and convincing" evidence that this is what Terri would have wanted.

Seems to me like the Schindlers would have been better off to try to get former friends to testify that Terri said she would never have wanted to die of dehydration.

Since the formal line is about what she would have wanted, though I think there is much more behind this... why not play the Cruzan game in reverse? To me, the whole legal issue rests on the husband saying this is what she would have wanted. As long as this is held up to be truth, I don't see any hope. In the past family members have always been able to stand in for the incapacitated person and speak for them - except in two instances - Michael Martin and Robert Wendland. But in those instances it was the dx of PVS that overcame the challenge, and I don't see Terri making it through this avenue.

1,096 posted on 10/04/2003 7:19:42 AM PDT by MarMema
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To: Ethan_Allen
Yes, indeed, the AARP supports euthanasia so as not to "be a burden" on the family when one is no longer aware that he is alive. Same with all the liberal orgaizations: NOW, ACLU, etc. Besides, Terri is too young to be a member of the AARP!
1,097 posted on 10/04/2003 7:23:02 AM PDT by Theodore R.
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To: Theodore R.
CRIST IS NOT DEFENDING GREER-SCHIAVO. By not intervening, Crist is going to allow Judge Lazzara to have a hearing without the state arguing, presenting facts and doing a closing argument. Go to the article and see that he announced Friday, yesterday, that he is not going to be there on October 10th. That's good!!! One less attorney in the courtroom and we'll have to just wait and see what happens on October 10th.

I can't address individual posters' questions day in and day out or their confusion on points of law. Yall need to learn how to do legal research on your own and read items that the rest of us point you to. "The sky is falling" type comments here when I brought encouraging news just isn't going to get my attention any longer. FV

1,098 posted on 10/04/2003 7:26:47 AM PDT by floriduh voter (
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To: floriduh voter
Quite a few spouses in other cases were living with another person and having a relationship with that new person, as I recall. Quite a few spouses in past cases, I know Michele Finn did this, stopped or refused rehab therapy as well as antibiotics etc, and got away with it. Michele Finn refused to allow her husband to have surgery to correct a malfunctioning shunt in his brain.

The only difference here would be the money Terri's husband won and pledged to use for her rehab care. Otherwise, it's all been done before and was ignored in the court.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with the law and everything to do with the judge. IMO.

1,099 posted on 10/04/2003 7:42:01 AM PDT by MarMema
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To: floriduh voter
Floriduh voter, I am sorry that my lack of understanding of the legal process in FL annoys you. It would have been helpful if layman's language had been used to interpret Crist's friend of the court brief when it was posted.

Again, how does submitting this friend of the court brief but NOT appearing in person actually help Terri? In fact, it has been my understanding that a "friend of the court" does not usually testify in person anyway.
1,100 posted on 10/04/2003 7:43:53 AM PDT by Theodore R.
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