Posted on 06/03/2004 4:32:17 AM PDT by Mia T
Monday, May 31, 2004 10:53 p.m. EDT
Former Congressman John Leboutillier reports on a Memorial Day confrontation between Sen. John Kerry and a fellow Vietnam veteran:
Democratic senator - and certain presidential nominee - John F. Kerry gave the middle finger to a Vietnam veteran at the Vietnam Memorial Wall on Memorial Day morning, has learned.
Ted Sampley, a former Green Beret who served two full tours in Vietnam, spotted Kerry and his Secret Service detail at about 9:00 a.m. Monday morning at the Wall. Sampley walked up to Kerry, extended his hand and said, "Senator, I am Ted Sampley, the head of Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry, and I am here to escort you away from the Wall because you do not belong here."
At that point a Secret Service officer told Sampley to back away from Kerry. Sampley moved about 6 feet away and opened his jacket to reveal a HANOI JOHN T-shirt.
Kerry then began talking to a group of schoolchildren. Sampley then showed the T-shirt to the children and said, "Kerry does not belong at the Wall because he betrayed the brave soldiers who fought in Vietnam."
Just then Kerry - in front of the school children, other visitors and Secret Service agents - brazenly 'flashed the bird' at Sampley and then yelled out to everyone, "Sampley is a felon!"
Kerry was referring to an incident 12 years ago when Sampley confronted Sen. John McCain's chief aide, Mark Salter, in a Senate stairwell after McCain repeatedly offended POW families at a Senate POW hearing. Sampley, whose father-in-law at that time was MIA in Laos, followed Salter into the stairwell and, when they emerged, Salter had a bloody lip and a broken nose.
Sampley's group, Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry, has garnered huge national attention and has been featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post and on MSNBC's "Scarborough Country." Tens of thousands of Vietnam vets have registered their opposition to Kerry through Sampley's group.
Clearly Sampley has gotten under Kerry's skin once again.
Editor's note:
Breaking: The Real Story About John Kerry`s Vietnam Record -- Click Here!
And it's a false charge that Sampley is a felon. The assault incident happened but he was not charged with a felony.
I think Kerry has Turrets Syndrome of the fingers.
It was quite revealing that Kerry's televised appearance at The Wall was so vacant and sanitized, given that there were several thousand Vietnam vets hanging around that immediate area on Monday morning. It was as if Kerry was there all by himself.
So it was obvious they'd cleared The Wall of the Rolling Thunder riff-raff, which says a great deal about Kerry's relations with his "Band Of Brothers".
(Contrast with Ben Nighthorse Campbell or Gen. Richard Meyers hopping on their Harleys and joining the fray).
This morning on Fox & Friends, Brian Kilmeade stated someone took a picture of Kerry presenting the "finger" to Sampley. Since the photo hasn't surfaced yet, I suspect it was purchased by the Kerry campaign or taken by a Kerry supporter.
You've hit the nail on the head with this thread - UNFIT - says it all. Personally, I can't see how he's even qualified to be a gigolo.
vacant and sanitized bump
Personally, I can't see how he's even qualified to be a gigolo.
Speaking as a woman, I don't get it.
Says something about teresa's judgment, self-image and taste, doesn't it?
Thank you, I have been looking for verification of this now I can put it in this mornings update edition of
Kerry is "impulsive"; a man governed by his flesh! His notable accomplishments include snowboarding and cycling (on his $6000 bike)! He is a child - a spoiled and undisciplined child! And, he has a sugarmommy to keep the pacifier in his mouth!
This was posted yesterday by the Sampley himself I think?? and you can link the thread.
thx. yes it was.
But the point of my post is the flash movie. (The newsmax story is background.)
actually, you make a good point.
I probably shouldn't have listed newsmax in the header as the source; it may cause people to conclude that this is just a duplicate post.
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