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I need help with my turn page paper on the collapse of communism
| 4/30
| johnmartineu, author of the NY Times bestseller, "kittens ripped my turn page paper"
Posted on 04/30/2004 10:13:23 AM PDT by johnmartineu
Hi! My name is John Martineu. Im 18 and a student of Dover high School in Dover Delaware. I have been assigned a final term project. We are to do a 20 page turn paper on different subjects. I am doing one on the collapse of communism. Since you coservatives know alot about this, I was wondering if you could help me out.
First Id like to know what communism is and how it is different from socialism? Second I would also like to know about why Russia collapsed. Third could you tell me why you refer to certain people such as Ann Goodman and Helen Thomas as Communists? Finally Id like to know the advatages of Captialism.
Every bit of information will help me with typing this up. Its due in a month and I hope to pass with flying colors. I might even post it on Freerepublic when it's done. Thanks alot guys
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To: johnmartineu
WHAT THE HELL IS A DU TROLL? A DU troll is an under educated liberal who uses profanity and has no respect for the English language.
They gravitate to democratic blog to attain instant intelligence by adopting left wing irrational thought.
Then they sign up on this forum and start a vanity post.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:27:43 AM PDT
(Baruch Habba B'Shem Adonai)
To: cinFLA
You are not a conservative?He's rationality, a recycled DU troll. He has this lamed-assed troll M.O. where he creates a supposedly innocent persona asking questions about why we believe what we believe.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:27:48 AM PDT
(John Kerry - Hillary without the fat ankles and the FBI files...)
To: NittanyLion; camle; Xenalyte; All
He's in college ... And not even using basic English grammer?
Forget spell-check.
He's in college, and needs to "right" a "term paper" in less than a week - that the teacher (?) just "handed out" (assigned?) .... but has no idea what Communism/socialism even "is" ?????
posted on
04/30/2004 10:28:07 AM PDT
Robert A Cook PE
(I can only donate monthly ... But Kerry's ABBCNNBCBS press corpse lies every day.)
To: NittanyLion; camle; Xenalyte; All
He's in college ... And not even using basic English grammar?
Forget spell-check.
He's in college, and needs to "right" a "term paper" in less than a week - that the teacher (?) just "handed out" (assigned?) .... but has no idea what Communism/socialism even "is" ?????
posted on
04/30/2004 10:28:15 AM PDT
Robert A Cook PE
(I can only donate monthly ... But Kerry's ABBCNNBCBS press corpse lies every day.)
To: johnmartineu
Here's some starter info. Socialists like the govt to take care of them, do the hard work for them, and eliminate risk. Capitalists are entrepreneurial, willingly taking on risk for greater reward, and lean toward self-dependency.
Limiting yourself to quick and easy online research may be a part of your problem. If you really want to understand communism, socialism, and capitalism, take the time to buy and read David Horowitz's book 'Radical Son'. You can easily read it over the weekend, and it will prepare you to ask specific questions that will get you a much better response.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:28:32 AM PDT
Diddle E. Squat
(When did Pro-Life become Pro-Defeatist? Why have the manic-depressives been allowed to take over?)
To: johnmartineu
Hi! My name is John Martineu. Im 18 and a student of Dover high School in Dover Delaware. I have been assigned a final term project. We are to do a 20 page turn paper (term paper?) on different subjects. I am doing one on the collapse of communism. Since you coservatives (conservatives) know alot (a lot) about this, I was wondering if you could help me out (delete 'out').
First Id (I'd) like to know what communism is and how it is different from socialism? (replace ? with .) Second I would also like to know about why Russia collapsed. Third could you tell me why you refer to certain people such as Ann Goodman and Helen Thomas as Communists? Finally Id like to know the advatages of Captialism.
Every bit of information will help me with typing this up (completing this assignment). Its (It's) due in a month and I hope to pass with flying colors. I might even post it on Freerepublic when it's done. Thanks alot guys (, after a lot).
John: Are you really a high school senior?
To: johnmartineu
I would look into thee major issues regarding the collapse of Communism in the USSR.
1. The Resolve of the U.S. and the West from 1949-1991. Important people being Reagan, Thatcher, Churchill, Kennedy (not Teddy) Nixon and Ike.
2. The collapse of oil prices in the mid 1980's and how that effected the Soviet economy as well as how it effected the US economy. Think of windfall for U.S. Arms Production and crisis for the Soviet economy.
3. The Islamic uprisings in the Muslim Soviet Republics and their effort to crush the seeds of that uprising in Afghanistan.
To: Tijeras_Slim
posted on
04/30/2004 10:28:52 AM PDT
The kings dead
(O.C.-Old Cracker:"It's time for some of our freedoms to get curtailed for the sake of the Republic.")
To: johnmartineu
For the diarama, chain Ken and Barbie and Blues Clues to the inside of a shoebox painted like a gulag. Then have GI Joe rip it open and free them.
You can make those cool machine gun noises with your mouth and then (ask your teacher first!) light the whole thing on fire when you're done.
HA! HA! Thats funny but no thanks. I think the gulag is a good one to put down. I'll remember that. thanks.
To: johnmartineu
Maybe you have some stuff on Mcarthyism, the berlin air drop or the Cuban missile crisis? Sure. Here goes:
The Cuban Missile Crisis was experienced when Cuba ran out of missiles and therefore could not defend itself from American attacks during the Berlin Airdrop. Jenna McCarthy has since gained great fame due to her significant role in the Berlin Airdrop, when she shot down the famous German flyer Amelia Earhardt. "McCarthyism" has since come to be associated with "MTV", as well as breast implants.
That's "some stuff" for you.
To: pabianice
To: johnmartineu; The kings dead
I have students like you who wait till the last minute. Then they have difficulty thinking for themselves. it's sad. Now I know you're gonna blame me, or FR for your failure to find anything coherent.
As for the diarama, I'd recommend pepto-bismol:-)
posted on
04/30/2004 10:29:24 AM PDT
(keep your mind open and somebody will fill it with something for you))
To: johnmartineu
I have to type ten pagesFunny, you said this in the initial post:
We are to do a 20 page turn paper on different subjects.
A friendly hint, rationality, so you can at least make the troll hunting a bit more sporting for us - try and write down your lies in advance and stick to them.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:29:29 AM PDT
(John Kerry - Hillary without the fat ankles and the FBI files...)
To: RightWhale
A diarama is a three-dimentional display with events depicted chronologically. It's something more often used in grade school and maybe junior high. If he's doing them in high school, odds are he's in one of those "special" classes.
To: NittanyLion
could you be a little more specific.
To: johnmartineu
I think the 'diorama' is a great idea!
Perhaps you could fashion a miniature GULAG with skinny little Zeks and big fat socialist guards. Nothing could get the essential point of Socialism across better than that!
Your public school guard, er...programmer,, teacher will surely admire you for your courage!
posted on
04/30/2004 10:29:55 AM PDT
(Spirit of '76 bttt!)
To: Xenalyte
That's turn page paper. It's a really, really good paper. You can't put it down.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:30:02 AM PDT
(Vote Toomey April 27)
To: pabianice
Better yet, John, do your own work. Why should we do your homework for you?
posted on
04/30/2004 10:30:08 AM PDT
(Liberal= in need of therapy, but would rather ruin lives of those less fortunate to feel good)
To: dead
Good idea.
Or make one of 100 Stalinist prisoners (Ken dolls) all chained together marching through the Siberian wilderness as slaves going to dig gold.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:30:12 AM PDT
Robert A Cook PE
(I can only donate monthly ... But Kerry's ABBCNNBCBS press corpse lies every day.)
To: johnmartineu
Second I would also like to know about why Russia collapsed. It was not "Russia" that collapsed. It was the Soviet Union that collapsed (and with it Russian Communism).
3 people to study: Ronald Reagan, Pope John Paul, and most importantly Lech Walesa.
Another precursor to investigate, the "Velvet Revolution" in Czechoslovakia.
posted on
04/30/2004 10:30:13 AM PDT
(JFinKerry used the words Medals and Ribbons interchangeably before he didn't.)
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