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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)

Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate

why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!

KEYWORDS: 0; 00; 00000000; 00000000000000000000; 0000000000000000000a; 000000000000000boo; 000000000000000himom; 0000000000000asphalt; 000000000zeroshaveit; 00000001; 000000conspiracyguy; 00000kerrylies; 0000irishthatcherite; 0000monkeyfistmofo; 000morezeros; 000reneewazherefirst; 00darkshearewuzhere; 00doublegooseegg; 0347thlancerbrigade; 0conspiracyguyrewls; 0darkshearewuzhere; 0hughseriesmoose; 0nickybobaieeee; 0nickybobbadbadbad; 0nickybobevilevil; 0nickybobisbad; 0nickybobisbadaieee; 0nickybobisbadaqieee; 0nickybobisgreat; 0nickybobrunaway; 0nickybobsaveuslord; 0nickybobweirdnos; 0thanos; 100beerclub; 11111111111111111111; 121504stillgoing; 12345678900987654321; 1984; 1bigpoop; 1putyourhansup; 22222222222222222222; 25kposts; 28000; 2bornot2b; 2stpawayfrmthekywrds; 33333333333333333333; 3seszoththread; 44444444444444444444; 4cjisnotamember; 4moreyears; 4mycountryskeyword; 4weddingsandazot; 5; 55555555555555555555; 65535; 65535byacaguy; 66666666666666666666; 666michaelmoore; 77777777777777777777; 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To: NYC GOP Chick

Genetics? Well, in that case I'm a throwback. Nobody else in my family's gone gray this early.

I'll admit you have to look pretty darn closely to see the gray, but it's there. What makes me laugh is that I'm still asked for ID fairly often, and not just in poor light, either! What gives?

5,941 posted on 07/12/2004 12:23:55 AM PDT by KangarooJacqui (Advice to Kerry/Edwards: "Stop that, it's silly.")
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To: The Scourge of Yazid

I'm not surprised that you have saved your old turds!

5,942 posted on 07/12/2004 12:24:13 AM PDT by NYC GOP Chick (Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! -- RIP, President Reagan)
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To: NYC GOP Chick

Belly rings, on the other hand, nearly made me pass out in agony.

5,943 posted on 07/12/2004 12:24:46 AM PDT by KangarooJacqui (Advice to Kerry/Edwards: "Stop that, it's silly.")
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To: KangarooJacqui
Genetics? Well, in that case I'm a throwback. Nobody else in my family's gone gray this early.

Well, on my mom's side of the family, they (my blood relatives) just don't seem to go gray. She died at 48, with no gray; her mother had few grays when she died -- in her 80s; and my 70-year-old has no gray that I can her almost black hair.

I'll admit you have to look pretty darn closely to see the gray, but it's there. What makes me laugh is that I'm still asked for ID fairly often, and not just in poor light, either! What gives?

We just need to savor those times and not question them. :)

5,944 posted on 07/12/2004 12:26:08 AM PDT by NYC GOP Chick (Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! -- RIP, President Reagan)
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To: NYC GOP Chick; The Scourge of Yazid
This thread is actually 35% NCAA-certified Thanos turds.
5,945 posted on 07/12/2004 12:27:03 AM PDT by KangarooJacqui (Advice to Kerry/Edwards: "Stop that, it's silly.")
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To: KangarooJacqui
Belly rings, on the other hand, nearly made me pass out in agony.

If gallstone attacks couldn't make me pass out in agony (although I came close a few times), nothing will.

5,946 posted on 07/12/2004 12:27:26 AM PDT by NYC GOP Chick (Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! -- RIP, President Reagan)
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To: NYC GOP Chick

Does he keep a diary discussing his bowel movements in detail like Bob Graham?

5,947 posted on 07/12/2004 12:27:47 AM PDT by lavrenti (I'm not bad, just misunderstood.)
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To: KangarooJacqui
5,948 posted on 07/12/2004 12:28:24 AM PDT by NYC GOP Chick (Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! -- RIP, President Reagan)
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To: lavrenti

I fear that is so.

And I'm still contemplating if I should disprove that you "look like a wizened old fool." Hehehehe. ;)

5,949 posted on 07/12/2004 12:29:36 AM PDT by NYC GOP Chick (Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! -- RIP, President Reagan)
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To: NYC GOP Chick; Fedora; lavrenti
Well, take into consideration the fact that this is Thanos.

His feces contain more innate energy than Mt. Vesuvius, the Dimona nuclear reactor, the forcefield surrounding the planet Krypton and the exertions that go into prepping John Edwards for an appearance on Good Morning America...


I mean, these things are so friggin' powerful that they cannot even be measured by normal physical constants, like calories or joules.


5,950 posted on 07/12/2004 12:30:00 AM PDT by The Scourge of Yazid (Where you are, well, there you is! That's all there is to it. Isn't there?)
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To: NYC GOP Chick

Why would you have photos of me?

I certainly hope you don't have that 17-year-old Paul Weller-damaged punk rocker dude photo from 1979.

5,951 posted on 07/12/2004 12:30:30 AM PDT by lavrenti (I'm not bad, just misunderstood.)
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To: KangarooJacqui
Those are grade A turds too!

See above.

5,952 posted on 07/12/2004 12:31:25 AM PDT by The Scourge of Yazid (Where you are, well, there you is! That's all there is to it. Isn't there?)
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To: NYC GOP Chick
What, you don't believe me? *collapses in helpless laughter*... I'm sorry, I think I got up too early this morning. I tend to get very manic when I don't get enough sleep. As in, Scourge-like manic.
5,953 posted on 07/12/2004 12:32:29 AM PDT by KangarooJacqui (Advice to Kerry/Edwards: "Stop that, it's silly.")
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To: lavrenti
Why would you have photos of me?

Oh, I have my ways of acquiring photos...

I certainly hope you don't have that 17-year-old Paul Weller-damaged punk rocker dude photo from 1979.

Yeah, I have that one. But I was referring to something more recent -- something which would prove that you do NOT "look like a wizened old fool." Shall I post it? It's totally up to you. :)

5,954 posted on 07/12/2004 12:36:48 AM PDT by NYC GOP Chick (Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! -- RIP, President Reagan)
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To: KangarooJacqui; NYC GOP Chick
I'm in a state of, mmm, manic-panic...

Patti Labelle.

I think.

Then again, I don't remember any other lyrics from the song, so I'm probably wrong about the singer.

What can I tell you?

This ain't MY FAIR LADY.

5,955 posted on 07/12/2004 12:36:52 AM PDT by The Scourge of Yazid (Where you are, well, there you is! That's all there is to it. Isn't there?)
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To: KangarooJacqui

I just don't understand why the NCAA would be certifying turds?!

5,956 posted on 07/12/2004 12:37:19 AM PDT by NYC GOP Chick (Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! -- RIP, President Reagan)
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To: NYC GOP Chick

Naaah. Lord Lavrenti knows the photos in question. He does not look like a wizened old fool. Yet he finds many flaws.

How in the world did you get those photos, pray tell?

5,957 posted on 07/12/2004 12:38:34 AM PDT by lavrenti (I'm not bad, just misunderstood.)
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To: The Scourge of Yazid
Hey Sister, Go Sister, Soul Sister, Go Sister
Hey Sister, Go Sister, Soul Sister, Go Sister

He met Marmalade down in Old New Orleans
Struttin' her stuff on the street
She said "Hello,
Hey Joe, you wanna give it a go?" Mmm, Mmm.

Itchi Gitchi Ya Ya Da Da
Itchi Gitchi Ya Ya Here
Mocha-choca-lata Ya Ya
Creole Lady Marmalade

Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?

Sat in her pool watched while she freshened up
Boy drank all that night don't know why
On the black satin sheets where he started to freak

Itchi Gitchi Ya Ya Da Da
Itchi Gitchi Ya Ya Here
Mocha-choca-lata Ya Ya
Creole Lady Marmalade

Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?

(Instrumental bridge)

Hey, Hey, Hey
Touch o fher skin feelin' silky smooth
The colour of cafe au lait
Made the savage beast inside
Roar until it cried. More, More, More

Now he's at home doing 9 to 5
Living his grey flannel life
But when he turns off to sleep
Old memories keep. More, More, More

Itchi Gitchi Ya Ya Da Da Da
Itchi Gitchi Ya Ya here
Mocha-choco-lata Ya Ya
Creole Lady Marmalade

Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?
Voulez-vous couchez avec moi ce soir?
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi?
Mmm, Hmmm

Itchi Gitchi Ya Ya Da Da
Itchi Gitchi Ya Ya Here
Mocha-choco-lata Ya Ya
[repeat to end]

5,958 posted on 07/12/2004 12:39:54 AM PDT by NYC GOP Chick (Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! -- RIP, President Reagan)
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To: NYC GOP Chick; KangarooJacqui
The FDA has too much on its plate for the time being.

Farming out work to college athletic's governing body.

What, no one told you?(!)

5,959 posted on 07/12/2004 12:40:20 AM PDT by The Scourge of Yazid (Where you are, well, there you is! That's all there is to it. Isn't there?)
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To: The Scourge of Yazid

You spelled Actung wrong.

It's Achtung.

You may thank me tomorrow.

5,960 posted on 07/12/2004 12:40:39 AM PDT by Brad’s Gramma (Hair? Ya wanna talk about hair? President REAGAN had a NICE head of hair!!)
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