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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)
Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate
why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!
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To: tuliptree76
Last weekend, we were in the 35,000 range. At my current rate of reading posts, I'll be dead before I get to where we're at right now.
posted on
11/05/2004 6:22:09 PM PST
RKBA Democrat
(Posting with a sense of peace, joy, and optimism for the future.)
To: RKBA Democrat
Fortunately, things for us Democrats are about to get nice and lively real soon. The Year of the Long Knives has started.
(For the pubbies in our viewing audience, be sure to cook up some popcorn, open a brewski, and enjoy the fireworks.) RKBAD, welcome back! I am sorry to hear of the nastiness that is about to ensue on your side of the aisle, and I would beg that the Undead Threaders refrain from engaging in Schadenfreude. There are some good folks across the aisle and if we remain nice, kind and polite where requisite we may bring them over. And if not, we may still find common ground. I have been there in the past...
posted on
11/05/2004 6:25:01 PM PST
(NYT/Cbs: "It's fake but true!" | Iran Azadi | Traditional Anglicans:
To: RKBA Democrat
When I wandered in here, I didn't bother to go back very far to read prior posts. Today I just skimmed the stuff that I missed since yesterday.
To: RKBA Democrat
(For the pubbies in our viewing audience, be sure to cook up some popcorn, open a brewski, and enjoy the fireworks.) Some of those guys I will enjoy watching go down. People who call me a redneck moron tend to get my back up. :)
Actually, providing you do it right, (no pun intended) so should you.
I did a little looking at some trends lately and I can only come to the conclusion that your party is in deep deep trouble and has been for 40 years if not longer. This may be the chance for you to set things right. I wish you well.
Having said that I will say no more.
So pull up a chair and tell us what non-political thing you would like to discuss.
posted on
11/05/2004 6:35:00 PM PST
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Watch out! I have bunny slippers and I am not afraid to use them!)
To: Darkchylde; LibreOuMort
Our spanish teacher was raised in a military family, even spending time in Spain. The only thing she left out were things like teaching us to use the word "vosotros". She said it's only used in Spain. She pointed out the differences in the spanish language. Castilians speak with a kind of lisp. Um. Well, you're straining my memory now, but I remember attending some Spanish RC services a decade or so ago, and I'd be pretty certain they used "vosotros"!
But then again, in my Anglican church the language used in the service is definitely not street English and even a bit archaic, though it is required by our rules to be in a "tongue understanded of the people."
posted on
11/05/2004 6:36:34 PM PST
(NYT/Cbs: "It's fake but true!" | Iran Azadi | Traditional Anglicans:
To: tuliptree76
I've been gone for a day Welcome back!
posted on
11/05/2004 6:37:52 PM PST
(NYT/Cbs: "It's fake but true!" | Iran Azadi | Traditional Anglicans:
To: sionnsar
Thanks! Now that I've been sucked into the UT, I have to keep checking back. ;)
To: sionnsar
Good to be back. I'd made the strategic and tactical decision to not post from just before until after the election. If it was a positive result (and I think it was..well beyond my expectations), I'd come back soon. If not, I'd lurk like mad for awhile longer.
(Why I did that....I was on another conservative website in the days after 9/11 and left during the post 9/11 purges. Good advice from another FReeper and Lesson learned: when furniture is flying, don't be in the way).
Anyway, I'm happy, optimistic, over-joyed and all those good things. I think we're finally at the point where some positive change can occur on my side of the aisle. It's kind of like the folks at AA teach: you can't start to want to get help until you hit rock bottom. Perhaps there is a more rocky bottom out there to hit, but I'm failing to see it.
posted on
11/05/2004 6:40:58 PM PST
RKBA Democrat
(Posting with a sense of peace, joy, and optimism for the future.)
To: Harmless Teddy Bear
Lessee. What's not political.
Lord, I live for politics.
Ahh. Travel. Battlefields worth seeing. I saw three in the last week: Antietam, Harper's Ferry and Gettysburg. I spent election day at Antietam. Very profound and moving experience and well worth the trip, as was Harper's Ferry. IMHO, skip Gettysburg. To me it was a field in the middle of a city with lots of monuments for northerners.
I went and got some local yankee-food while I was there and have some insight as to why the north won the war: if you could eat that slop over a long period and survive, you could endure anything.
posted on
11/05/2004 6:49:35 PM PST
RKBA Democrat
(Posting with a sense of peace, joy, and optimism for the future.)
To: sionnsar
Some Democrats seem to excel at nastiness. At my very low level in the pecking order, I don't expect to expereince much of the skulduggery.
But you never know. Goodthink (aka Political Correctness)has never been my strong suit.
posted on
11/05/2004 6:57:31 PM PST
RKBA Democrat
(Posting with a sense of peace, joy, and optimism for the future.)
To: sionnsar
"Vosotros" is old Spanish mostly. Even in Spain they don't use it much. Sort of like Thee or Thou in English.
You will find it used in Church as it is part of the Our Father.
It is a useful designation, it means a group of you's.
There are IIRC three ways of saying you in Spanish.
Usted, which is the formal, used with people you do not know well and those who are your superiors, your boss, child to parent you use Usted.
Tu is the familiar form of you it is used with friends and those you love. Parent to child.
Vos is a group of yous.
posted on
11/05/2004 7:04:08 PM PST
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Watch out! I have bunny slippers and I am not afraid to use them!)
To: RKBA Democrat
skip GettysburgI went to Gettysburg over 10 years ago. I thought Eisenhower's home was pretty interesting. Gettysburg is pretty built up. I like seeing historical places when they are closer to the original state.
To: RKBA Democrat
Ah you need to come to Michigan and have some proper Polish food. No battle fields though but it does have some interesting history. Did you know Detroit is the only Michigan city to have had four flags flown over it? It has been claimed by france, Britain, Spain and of course the US.
And now we are trying to give it to Canada but they won't take it unless we throw in the Red Wings.
posted on
11/05/2004 7:08:54 PM PST
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Watch out! I have bunny slippers and I am not afraid to use them!)
To: Harmless Teddy Bear
The spanish teacher described "vosotros" as "we", but a group of "we".
We never learned "vos" either. We learned yo, tu, usted, nosotros & ellos.
posted on
11/05/2004 7:12:29 PM PST
(Resistentialism - seemingly spiteful behavior manifested by inanimate objects)
To: Darkchylde
That is what it used to mean. Used a lot as the royal "We"
Currently it is used to address a group but not including yourself. When it is used at all that is. I don't believe I have ever heard it used outside of Church and the occasional historical Spanish movie.
Usteds is usually used for small groups two or three people.
posted on
11/05/2004 7:25:25 PM PST
Harmless Teddy Bear
(Watch out! I have bunny slippers and I am not afraid to use them!)
To: Harmless Teddy Bear
Vos is a group of yous.
What's a yout?
posted on
11/05/2004 7:27:34 PM PST
(The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game)
To: tuliptree76
I strongly suggest Antietam. I'd read a semi-fictional account of the area before visiting, and it is very interesting to see. It's not in a built up area, and is largely in the same condition it was in the 1860's. The cornfield is still a cornfield, and the bloody lane is still a lane.
posted on
11/05/2004 7:28:27 PM PST
RKBA Democrat
(Rumors of the demise of the conservative Democrat have been greatly exaggerated)
To: RKBA Democrat
Welcome welcome welcome
Saving the Schadenfreude for other threads. But on those I've laid it on pretty thick.
posted on
11/05/2004 7:29:54 PM PST
(The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game)
To: RKBA Democrat
The Year of the Long Knives has started. They are eating their young at DU. Even a whole thread trashing Clinton.
You can't BUY this kind of entertainment.
posted on
11/05/2004 7:31:00 PM PST
(The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game)
To: RKBA Democrat
I strongly suggest Antietam
posted on
11/05/2004 7:32:59 PM PST
(The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game)
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