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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)

Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate

why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!

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To: King Prout

I understand, I always have a soft spot for the critters. I am always trying to save little wounded bunnies my kitty or dog catch. None have made it yet, but I have at least offered them some quiet respite from the attack in a safe box with soft bedding.

25,061 posted on 09/28/2004 1:32:59 PM PDT by HairOfTheDog (John Kerry... Almost as presidential as Jane Fonda.)
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To: fritzz

every aviform down here has/can have WNV.

bats are your friends.

crows are cool.

25,062 posted on 09/28/2004 1:34:45 PM PDT by King Prout (yo! sKerry: "Live by the flip, die by the flop." - Frank_Discussion)
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To: HairOfTheDog

my domestic idiots know now to kill quickly.

doesn't stop them from toying with the corpses.


25,063 posted on 09/28/2004 1:35:55 PM PDT by King Prout (yo! sKerry: "Live by the flip, die by the flop." - Frank_Discussion)
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To: King Prout
"The Sanctuary is the largest NON PROFIT wild bird hospital
in the United States that is dedicated to the RESCUE,
REPAIR, RECUPERATION, and RELEASE of sick and injured wild birds."

Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary
18328 Gulf Boulevard
Indian Shores, Florida 33785
(727) 391-6211
Region: FL

Or something similar. This particular outfit might know of someone near you who could help. Also try google and the yellow pages.

I took a bluejay away from a cat ages ago and found a wildlife rescue group in the yellow pages who took him off my hands. But he was too badly injured and they had to euthanize him. Be prepared to be hit up for a donation, however. I gave 'em twenty bucks and they seemed quite happy with it. Thought it was generous. Good luck!

And you're a good man! :-)

25,064 posted on 09/28/2004 1:43:35 PM PDT by LibWhacker (It is the black heart of Islam, not its black face, to which millions object)
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To: King Prout
We have one of those yards that always has robin nests, several finch nests, a returning humming bird nest, morning dove nests and a swallow nest. And, those cool crows eat more than their share the first hop out of the nest of the other birds. They are loud, they kill everything that is fuzzy and cute, and they are not cool.

I don't know why I typed 'bats', I meant to type 'rats'.

25,065 posted on 09/28/2004 1:44:05 PM PDT by fritzz
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To: Monkey Face

Pretty much.
They were going off of 'average rainfall' stats and said we had 11" of rain less than 'normal'.

25,066 posted on 09/28/2004 2:06:36 PM PDT by Darksheare (Hey DU, if I buy your servers, you'll have to be polite to me and call me your LORD AND MASTER.)
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To: Darksheare

But since we have been on this planet, we have only been recently "keeping records" so how do we know what "normal" is for anywhere?

25,067 posted on 09/28/2004 2:11:24 PM PDT by Monkey Face (If your legs bent the other way, what would a chair look like? (Gallagher))
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To: King Prout; Slings and Arrows; Glenn; quantim; republicangel; Bahbah; Beaker; BADROTOFINGER; ...


P.S. Anyone know how to take care of a wounded seagull? See this post for details.

Kitty Ping List alert!

[Freepmail me to get on or off the Kitty Ping List.]

25,068 posted on 09/28/2004 2:17:24 PM PDT by Slings and Arrows (Am Yisrael Chai!)
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To: Monkey Face

Don't know.
They seem to sometimes choose an arbitrary number and claimit as normal.

25,069 posted on 09/28/2004 2:20:13 PM PDT by Darksheare (Hey DU, if I buy your servers, you'll have to be polite to me and call me your LORD AND MASTER.)
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To: Darksheare

"They seem to sometimes choose an arbitrary number and claimit as normal."

Must be libs...

25,070 posted on 09/28/2004 2:31:50 PM PDT by Monkey Face (If your legs bent the other way, what would a chair look like? (Gallagher))
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To: King Prout

Well, if you aren't the King Of Ping!!

Congrats on 25,000.

25,071 posted on 09/28/2004 2:34:57 PM PDT by LakeLady (Do YOU have your bunny slippers on? Mine are hopping all over the place lookin' for yours.)
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To: Monkey Face

Actually didn't feel anything. I did get a flood of emails asking me if I was ok though. Thing is, I didn't know there was an earthquake, so I was a little puzzled by the increased interest in my well being.

25,072 posted on 09/28/2004 2:43:52 PM PDT by Stag (Kerry, Lenin, Chirac - which one doesn't belong? Kerry. The others love their country.)
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To: Dead Corpse

To everything, tern, tern, tern...

25,073 posted on 09/28/2004 2:45:42 PM PDT by Slings and Arrows (Am Yisrael Chai!)
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To: Stag

Hey! I thought of you!

I said, "Gee! I sure hope whatizname is OK!"

25,074 posted on 09/28/2004 2:46:14 PM PDT by Monkey Face (If your legs bent the other way, what would a chair look like? (Gallagher))
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To: Monkey Face

Thanks, but it isn't like the name is hard to remember - Stag. Only 4 letters.

25,075 posted on 09/28/2004 2:54:45 PM PDT by Stag (Kerry, Lenin, Chirac - which one doesn't belong? Kerry. The others love their country.)
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To: Monkey Face

NY state, libs of course.

25,076 posted on 09/28/2004 2:56:18 PM PDT by Darksheare (Hey DU, if I buy your servers, you'll have to be polite to me and call me your LORD AND MASTER.)
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To: Slings and Arrows


1. Goon isn't wounded: he's either sick or exhausted or both, but he has no evident injury of any sort. He did fly earlier this afternoon, only 300 yds but under full control, and was knackered as a result.

2. it turns out Goon is not a gull at all - he appears to be a Greater Shearwater, though if he is one he is damned big for one.

25,077 posted on 09/28/2004 2:57:11 PM PDT by King Prout (yo! sKerry: "Live by the flip, die by the flop." - Frank_Discussion)
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To: LakeLady

ackshoolie, that'd be JohnHuang2, but thankee!

25,078 posted on 09/28/2004 2:57:54 PM PDT by King Prout (yo! sKerry: "Live by the flip, die by the flop." - Frank_Discussion)
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To: LibWhacker


25,079 posted on 09/28/2004 2:59:35 PM PDT by King Prout (yo! sKerry: "Live by the flip, die by the flop." - Frank_Discussion)
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To: King Prout

Thanks for the update.

A Greater Shearwater, eh? Well, that explains everything. Yep, if I'd known Goon was a Greater Shearwater we could have avoided all this confusion and gotten right to brass tacks. A Greater Shearwater, that's a load off my mind.

By the way, what the Kerry is a Greater Shearwater?

25,080 posted on 09/28/2004 3:03:28 PM PDT by Slings and Arrows (Am Yisrael Chai!)
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