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why do you guys keep banning me? (Zot! Because we can) (Juwish modz totally rewl!)

Posted on 06/30/2004 10:19:24 AM PDT by jj_fate

why do people keep banning me everytime I put up interesting articles? I work for a website I think some of you are familiar with called phantirath weekly world news and each time we put somthing up on FR no matter how conservative it is it keeps getting banned. Whats the matter with it?! Damn man what are you marxist socialists communists? I just got a call this mroning from a Juwish friend of mine who said that you banned an important article about Zionism and Noam Federman and about how we were to support israel. I thought you guys supported Juws and others like him!? I mean you know that god is going to punish you if you dont support them and others like Noam Federman who are being downtrodden by the leftists and the Arabs! EVEN Pat Buchanan would be outraged by this! The Juws are wonderful people who have been a blessing to this nation and other nations in the world! Why is it you hypocrites complain about bias and then you shut us up just because you dont agree with us!? Who made you god and told us what we had to do anyway! This website has got to be the most fascist naziast place ive ever been! The Juws will win someday and when the Arabs are gone and when the Juws and rightous gentils go up top you will be atr the bottom! I demand an explanation for why you are doing this to me and my boss and the Juws!

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To: Monkey Face
At least you had the decency to use asterisks!!! :-)

Didn't want to offend anyone. :-)

25,041 posted on 09/28/2004 1:10:35 PM PDT by Not A Snowbird (Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Duchess of Green Leafy Things)
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To: SandyInSeattle


I've already been stuned by the "w" word once today, so I may be immune. I have my epople ready, just in case...

25,042 posted on 09/28/2004 1:12:09 PM PDT by Monkey Face (If your legs bent the other way, what would a chair look like? (Gallagher))
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To: King Prout

I nursed an injured crow once by keeping it in a horse stall that it could fly out of on it's own when it recovered. I fed it meat and scraps until it was just gone one morning.

25,043 posted on 09/28/2004 1:13:40 PM PDT by HairOfTheDog (John Kerry... Almost as presidential as Jane Fonda.)
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To: Monkey Face

if this is a raptor of any sort, I am several dutchmen

it is some kind of gull/gulloid

25,044 posted on 09/28/2004 1:14:00 PM PDT by King Prout (yo! sKerry: "Live by the flip, die by the flop." - Frank_Discussion)
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To: HairOfTheDog

that's an idea

25,045 posted on 09/28/2004 1:14:53 PM PDT by King Prout (yo! sKerry: "Live by the flip, die by the flop." - Frank_Discussion)
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To: King Prout

Maybe it'a like that one that got lost from Africa, not too long ago...?

Can't remember what it was...just that it was WAY off course...

25,046 posted on 09/28/2004 1:15:40 PM PDT by Monkey Face (If your legs bent the other way, what would a chair look like? (Gallagher))
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To: SandyInSeattle
We'll flog you too.

Glad I wore my Flog proof underwear today...

25,047 posted on 09/28/2004 1:15:43 PM PDT by Dead Corpse (Albanian: O Zot! Kam sakice ne koke!)
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To: Dead Corpse

Now where is the fun in that?

25,048 posted on 09/28/2004 1:16:53 PM PDT by Monkey Face (If your legs bent the other way, what would a chair look like? (Gallagher))
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To: Monkey Face
Sounds like a tern,...

One good tern deserves another.

Leave no tern unstoned.

Tern a new leaf.

Tern right at the corner...

You just had to say it didn't you. Guess we are gonna have to tern this thread around and go back...

25,049 posted on 09/28/2004 1:18:55 PM PDT by Dead Corpse (Albanian: O Zot! Kam sakice ne koke!)
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To: Monkey Face
Now where is the fun in that?

Where it is supposed to be. On the inside...

25,050 posted on 09/28/2004 1:19:35 PM PDT by Dead Corpse (Albanian: O Zot! Kam sakice ne koke!)
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To: Dead Corpse

Ooooohhhhhh! I'm tellin'!

25,051 posted on 09/28/2004 1:23:37 PM PDT by Monkey Face (If your legs bent the other way, what would a chair look like? (Gallagher))
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To: King Prout

I haven't read the rest of the thread to see if anyone has offered any other tips. If you can find a wildlife rescue place, that'd be a good bet. I dropped off a nest of robin babies (and a check donation to the cause) at our area wildlife rehab place this year that fell from a tree with no mamma in sight. Maybe it was because of the check, but they called me when my robins were released and said all had gone well!

My crow was attacked by a dog and had some small open wounds. I sprayed it only once with disinfectant.... it was not an experience I wanted to repeat, and neither did the bird. Crows and gulls both being scavengers, I would think you could feed it most anything you have handy.... he may make it, he may not, but it's worth a shot if you have a soft spot for the critter and a way to make a fence like my horse stall setup that offers some protection and also a way to escape when he's better.

25,052 posted on 09/28/2004 1:23:52 PM PDT by HairOfTheDog (John Kerry... Almost as presidential as Jane Fonda.)
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To: Monkey Face

Had a really rainy year here.
AND they're still claiming 'drought conditions' in some areas.

25,053 posted on 09/28/2004 1:25:01 PM PDT by Darksheare (Hey DU, if I buy your servers, you'll have to be polite to me and call me your LORD AND MASTER.)
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To: HairOfTheDog

he's an endearing critter, for a rat with wings.

25,054 posted on 09/28/2004 1:25:13 PM PDT by King Prout (yo! sKerry: "Live by the flip, die by the flop." - Frank_Discussion)
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To: Darksheare

That must be more of that "global warming" the sky is falling...

25,055 posted on 09/28/2004 1:26:59 PM PDT by Monkey Face (If your legs bent the other way, what would a chair look like? (Gallagher))
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To: Monkey Face

I hope it isn't a Least Tern! They're protected birds, so King Prout's backyard will have to become a protected wetland for as long as the bird chooses to live there.

25,056 posted on 09/28/2004 1:29:06 PM PDT by Not A Snowbird (Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Duchess of Green Leafy Things)
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To: Monkey Face

HAH -- you and your puny hurricanes...I am feeling the Earth move out here.

All your geological beebers are mine!!! The stunes were rolling down the hill.

25,057 posted on 09/28/2004 1:29:11 PM PDT by Stag (Kerry, Lenin, Chirac - which one doesn't belong? Kerry. The others love their country.)
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To: Stag
...I am feeling the Earth move out here.

Is Michael Moore out for a jog?

25,058 posted on 09/28/2004 1:30:26 PM PDT by Not A Snowbird (Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Duchess of Green Leafy Things)
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To: King Prout
he's an endearing critter, for a rat with wings.

Crows in Idaho are the carrier for West Nile disease. That's pretty close to a bat, and now it actually worse.

25,059 posted on 09/28/2004 1:31:35 PM PDT by fritzz
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To: Stag

Ah yes! I read about that. I hope you were able to keep your feet on the ground...

25,060 posted on 09/28/2004 1:31:40 PM PDT by Monkey Face (If your legs bent the other way, what would a chair look like? (Gallagher))
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