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Keyword: womensissues

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  • Menopause Support Group on Facebook on a HYSTERICAL TIRADE against Trump

    08/27/2023 8:27:46 AM PDT · by SilvieWaldorfMD · 64 replies
    I'm 57 years old and last week I joined a Menopause Support Group on Facebook, basically to ask a few questions about certain cervical issues prior to attending an appointment with my OB-GYN in a few weeks for my annual check-up. First of all, joining this group was like joining an 18th Century Scottish secret society with a bunch of questions to answer prior to getting approval. After I was approved, I searched for my topic and scrolled down the page to read some posts/comments.Imagine my surprise (why would I be surprised by anything at this point?) when I came...
  • Meet The Flyover Women Pop Culture Ignores

    06/28/2021 8:44:51 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 12 replies
    The Federalist ^ | June 28, 2021 | Carry Gress
    The fly-over woman understands her womanhood and motherhood deep in her bones and doesn’t see maleness as a goal to achieve or person to conquer.Adherents of radical feminism are five decades into a powerful campaign that seeks to shape the way American women think. Politics, fashion, Hollywood, academia, and media propagate a singular vision of womanhood, relying on savvy use of optics, messaging, and even make-up. These radical feminists have done a remarkable job of silencing or sidelining their critics. Ironically, whether they know it or not, feminists’ unspoken premise insists men are superior to women and women must become...
  • The Surprising True Story Of The Women Behind Mother’s Day

    05/07/2021 9:09:44 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 3 replies
    The Federalist ^ | May 7, 2021 | Christine Weerts
    Any mother who has had to bury her child — one of the most devastating and enduring tragedies of motherhood — can take heart on Mother’s Day. You are not alone. The mother who was the very inspiration for the holiday, Ann Marie Reeves Jarvis, lost seven of her 11 children during the mid-1800s in rural Virginia. The dedication to honoring and supporting mothers displayed by Ann Marie Reeves Jarvis inspired her daughter Anna Jarvis, who never married or had children, to lobby for a holiday to honor “the best mother who ever lived — your mother.” After a few...
  • Kamala Harris will go one-on-one with Bill Clinton on Friday...

    03/23/2021 8:46:49 PM PDT · by kiryandil · 128 replies
    POLLUTICO on Twitter ^ | March 23, 2021 | Chris Cadelago, oblivious Politico news stooge
  • The Left Hates Amy Coney Barrett Because She Disproves All Their Lies About Women

    09/28/2020 8:58:58 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 10 replies
    The Federalist ^ | September 28, 2020 | Joy Pullman
    Her very existence repudiates the left's binary thinking about womanhood, that women have to deny what makes women different from men to achieve professionally. And that's why they hate her. Newest Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett is almost the polar opposite of the “Sex and the City” chimera of female empowerment: a serious Christian who eschews hookup culture and has seven kids. Half of her resume consists of behavior the leftists who control feminism constantly attack as anti-woman: big-time motherhood and big-time religion.Fertile women who are serious about prayer get derided as brainless sex slaves, with the “Handmaid’s Tale”...
  • 11 Pregnancy Must-Haves And Other Recommendations From A Mom Of Six

    08/14/2020 12:16:46 PM PDT · by Kaslin · 4 replies
    The Federalist ^ | August 14, 2020 | Joy Pullman
    Pregnant women get lots of ads and advice, but I bet that almost none of the people making all the other lists have as much pregnancy practice as I do. Pregnant women get lots of ads and advice, but I bet very few of those giving it have as much pregnancy practice as I do. While our family of eight is a pretty normal size by historical standards and on other continents, itÂ’s not among comparatively much more wealthy Americans. That means I have almost surely had more babies than any of your friends or any other internet writer recommending...
  • Four Years After Her Passing, Feminists Are Still Losing to Phyllis Schlafly

    06/02/2020 10:11:10 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 8 replies
    The Federalist ^ | June 2, 2020 | Peter Burns
    'Mrs. America' tries to paint Phyllis Schlafly as cold and unforgiving, but the conservative icon my grandmother and I knew was nothing of the sort. My grandmother was in a Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter with Phyllis Schlafly from 1965 to 1990. A few years before she died, I had the privilege to intern for Mrs. Schlafly. So, during quarantine, as we watched the FX series “Mrs. America” together, we became filled with growing frustration and disgust at seeing the woman we had known misrepresented and defamed. What is most striking about “Mrs. America,” however, is how little it...
  • Democrats Rush To Damage Women’s Rights With Deceptive Equal Rights Amendment

    02/13/2020 9:56:25 AM PST · by Kaslin · 7 replies
    The Federalist ^ | February 13, 2020 | Inez Feltscher Stepman
    The sweeping language of the Equal Rights Amendment provides a practically endless number of potential legal hooks for gender-bending social engineering from the bench. On Monday evening, feminist legal icon Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg repeated her view that advocates for Equal Rights Amendment, among whom she counts herself an enthusiastic member, have to start from the beginning in the ratification process.Despite even Ginsburg’s misgivings, on Thursday, the House will vote on the question of reviving the defunct and ruinous ERA. If they choose to remove the long past-due deadline on the amendment’s ratification, they will not only be endorsing an...
  • Some women are happy to let the march pass them by

    03/09/2019 12:55:31 AM PST · by blueplum · 13 replies
    Yahoo News ^ | 07 Mar 2019 | Lisa Belkin
    ...for all the talk of “women’s issues” and “women’s power” and “what women bring to the table,” there are some — arguably a third of American women — who don’t feel that this is about them at all. In these divisive times, women are as divided as the nation as a whole, and “what women want” depends on which women you ask. “I don’t want these women who are marching and hollering and celebrating to represent me,” says Beth Ann Arnett, 49, a home health aide from North Judson, Ind., who has also worked in a fiberglass factory and driving...
  • Mika Brzezinski: Ivanka Hired Someone I Brought to Her on “Women’s Issues”

    11/16/2017 4:18:33 AM PST · by governsleastgovernsbest · 20 replies
    FinkelBlog ^ | Mark Finkelstein
    Has this been previously reported? If not, it’s something of a bombshell . . . On today’s Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski said that, after the election, Ivanka Trump hired someone Brzezinski had “brought to her” as an advisor on “women’s issues.” Mika Brzezinski: the liberal who at the beginning of the 2016 primary season was urging Elizabeth Warren to run. Mika, who when Warren made it clear she wasn’t running, jumped on the Bernie bandwagon. Get the rest of the story and view the video here.
  • Bill Clinton: GOP 2016 field "kind of scary" ("everything Hillary touched she made better")

    01/04/2016 12:51:14 PM PST · by presidio9 · 54 replies
    CNN ^ | Mon January 4, 2016 | Eric Bradner
    Bill Clinton made his speaking debut on the 2016 campaign trail Monday by telling voters about the softer side of his wife, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton. In a speech at the Nashua Community College in New Hampshire, Clinton told stories about the early days of their relationship. "I thought she was the most amazing person," he said, describing the two meeting and falling in love nearly 45 years ago. "Everything she touched, she made better," he said. Clinton hit Republicans presidential candidates, though not by name, saying the entire field is "kind of scary." Clinton's understated speech marked the...
  • It's on: Trump slaps Fiorina as she surges to 4th Place.

    08/11/2015 3:19:24 AM PDT · by Din Maker · 170 replies
    The Washington Examiner ^ | August 10, 2015 | Paul Bedard
    Turning his horns on another female critic, front-running GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump ripped surging Republican challenger Carly Fiorina, claiming she has "zero chance" of winning and is somebody who gives him "a massive headache." In a tweet following Fiorina's latest hit on Trump's "offensive" comments about Fox debate host Megyn Kelly, Trump said: "I just realized that if you listen to Carly Fiorina for more than ten minutes straight, you develop a massive headache. She has zero chance!" Fiorina surged the most after the debate, jumping to fourth place in a new NBC News Online Poll conducted by SurveyMonkey....
  • Dems returned $20G check to father of White House aide linked to prostitution scandal

    10/11/2014 2:49:58 PM PDT · by george76 · 13 replies
    FoxNews ^ | October 11, 2014 | Kelley Beaucar Vlahos
    The father of a White House advance team member connected to the Secret Service prostitution scandal was refunded a hefty Obama campaign donation, records show, around the same time additional details about that possible link were made public. The $20,000 donation was made by Leslie Dach -- whose son Jonathan has been linked to the scandal -- on Sept. 19, 2012, to the Obama Victory Fund.
  • White House Aide Involved in Prostitution Scandal Now Works in Office on Global Women's Issues

    10/09/2014 3:50:30 PM PDT · by george76 · 33 replies
    Breitbart News Network ^ | 9 Oct 2014 | John Sexton
    The White House had information two years ago indicating that one of their advance travel volunteers, the son of a major Democratic donor with ties to the White House, was involved in the Secret Service prostitution scandal. That former aide now works for the State Department's Office on Global Women's Issues. State recommends a "zero-tolerance" government policy on prostitution even when, as in this case, it is legal in the country in question. The Washington Post published a blockbuster story Wednesday night which alleges that 25-year-old Jonathan Dach, a White House volunteer working on the advance travel team for the...
  • Republican men need more sensitivity on women's issues, Boehner says

    12/05/2013 5:35:22 PM PST · by Third Person · 77 replies
    The Hill ^ | December 5th, 2013 | Russell Berman
    Republican men in Congress “aren’t as sensitive as they ought to be” when it comes to running against female candidates and appealing to female voters, Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Thursday. “We’re trying to get them to be a little more sensitive,” Boehner said at his weekly Capitol press conference. “You look around the Congress, there are a lot more females in the Democratic caucus than there are in the Republican caucus. And some of our members just aren’t as sensitive as they ought to be.” The Speaker was responding to a question about an article in Politico reporting that...
  • The Irony: Obama's Female Debate Coach Complained About 'Hostile Workplace' at White House

    10/17/2012 1:08:40 PM PDT · by SeekAndFind · 18 replies
    Weekly Standard ^ | 10/17/2012 | Daniel Halper
    Last night, President Obama presented himself as a crusader for women's issues. He later tweeted:  Mitt Romney still won’t say whether he’d stand up for equal pay, but he did tell us he has “binders full of women.” OFA.BO/LMVWmZ— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) October 17, 2012 What's interesting about this is President Obama's own history with women in the work place.When one of President Obama's debate coaches, Anita Dunn, worked at the White House, this is what she reportedly had to say about her experience there: “This place would be in court for a hostile workplace. ... Because it actually fit all of...
  • Dark Tunnel Has No Spot Light! (An Iraqi woman speaks out the treatment of women in the Middle East)

    10/11/2010 12:42:09 PM PDT · by Mister Ghost · 1 replies
    Eastern Liberty ^ | Monday, October 11, 2010 | Freedom
    Excuse me people, I'm going to talk with strong words about women's issues. I realized that violent is not only coming from men but also coming from women themselves like mother to her daughter , or sister to her sister..but the worse one is that coming from the other gender (male), the problem here in our community especially in those closed-minded societies; that woman is a piece of furniture & if she will ask for her rights they would be judge her as a bad person, that she wouldn't obey to manly societies!!! [...] When I talked to women who...
  • I Have Something To Say! (Eastern Liberty from Iraq)

    09/15/2010 1:07:14 PM PDT · by Mister Ghost
    Eastern Liberty ^ | Wednesday, September 15, 2010 | Freedom
    -What should I do to feel better about any bad events that I had lived or seen? -What is the meaning of new life? forgetting the past, deleting it or just fix the mistakes of current moments? -What is our messages as human being to the world? -Do you think our people in all the world acting their humanity in best way? if they do then why we have poverty, wars, all kind of crimes & extortion for human rights & women rights? I think I'm reaching to point, to find answers about everything even those tiny small silly things!...
  • Human Life & Bioethics (FRC - Family Research Council)

    01/31/2009 6:12:51 PM PST · by Coleus · 331+ views
    FRC ^ | October 5, 2007
    Family Research Council recognizes and respects the inherent dignity of every human life from conception (whether by natural or artificial means) until death. FRC desires to help build a culture of life, holding that all human life is a gift to be treasured. The life of every human being is an intrinsic good, not something whose value is conditional upon its usefulness to others or to the state.Threats to human life include abortion, euthanasia, and many new forms of biotechnology. However, human beings need not prove their moral worth by demonstrating sentience, or self-awareness, or a certain level of cognitive...
  • Indonesia left deep imprint on Obama family

    03/23/2008 1:38:38 PM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 15 replies · 1,068+ views
    al Reuters via Yahoo! News ^ | March 22, 2008 | Ed Davies
    JAKARTA (Reuters) - A small group of Indonesians in their late 40s who attended the same elementary school in central Jakarta recently gathered for a reunion and to pledge their support for an absent former classmate -- Barack Obama. Obama's late mother came to Indonesia with her young son in the late 1960s to join her second husband knowing next to nothing about the huge, developing Southeast Asian nation. While her son left after four years to study in Hawaii, for the Kansas-born mother of the Democratic Party presidential hopeful the relationship with Indonesia was to grow into a lifetime...