Posted on 10/11/2010 12:42:09 PM PDT by Mister Ghost
Excuse me people, I'm going to talk with strong words about women's issues.
I realized that violent is not only coming from men but also coming from women themselves like mother to her daughter , or sister to her sister..but the worse one is that coming from the other gender (male), the problem here in our community especially in those closed-minded societies; that woman is a piece of furniture & if she will ask for her rights they would be judge her as a bad person, that she wouldn't obey to manly societies!!! [...]
When I talked to women who are just agreed with this "unfair" society; I asked them " Are you contented with this situation, with this ignoring, being second & obey men with bland eyes???"
They answered me with this words " We are living here, in middle-east, we aren't living in west countries", " this is our traditions, & if we don't be like that, the community will scratch our reputation"
I can't change their thinking way, It is like drilling on the stone!
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Hate to tell this woman the bad news, but one of the reasons that the west pulled away and eclipsed the east was due to Christian mores with respect to women. Christian didn’t marry their daughters off until they reached 18 y/o, pagans and now muslums at ages beginning at 10. Christian society fully employed women in the life of the church and revered the miracle of birth that women held. Pagan and now muslum viewed women as a necessary burden, much like a goat. If this woman wishes to help her fellow mid-east women, she should preach the blessings of Christ and forget about appealing to reason. Muslums by definition are beyond reason.
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