Keyword: wesley
The sabbath begun in the finishing of the work of creation; so will the everlasting sabbath in the finishing of the work of providence and redemption; and we observe the weekly sabbath in expectation of that, as well as in remembrance of the former, in both conforming ourselves to him we worship. He hath himself blessed the sabbath day and sanctified it. He hath put an honour upon it; it is holy to the Lord, and honourable; and he hath put blessings into it which he hath encouraged us to expect from him in the religious observation of that day....
PITTSBURGH, PA—A rowdy gang of angry, riled-up Arminian believers gathered to pull down a statue of Reformer John Calvin standing in front of Calvin Reformed Bible College & Seminary, authorities confirmed Friday. The band of Wesleyan troublemakers brought a rope, lassoed it around the neck of the stone likeness of Calvin, and yanked it down while yelling rallying cries like “Down with limited atonement!” “You’ll never take our free will!” and “For Servetus!” Mob members then stomped on the statue and spray-painted crude Arminian slogans on the downed Reformer, according to police reports. “We encourage all citizens to stay indoors...
Pilgrim Governor William Bradford wrote: "As one small candle may light a thousand, so the light here kindled hath shone unto many, yea in some sort to our whole nation." An example of "one small candle" lighting "a thousand" occurred in the early 1700s, with a rich young ruler. Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf was born in 1700 into a noble German family, with his ancestor being Maximillian I, the Holy Roman Emperor from 1508 to 1519. When Nikolaus was six weeks old, his father died. His mother remarried, and at the age of four, he was sent to live...
300,000 miles on horseback -Francis Asbury, Circuit Riding Preacher "one of the builders of our nation" The King of England was the head of the Anglican Church from the time of Henry VIII. Beginning in 1535, all English subjects, including those in English colonies, were required to the Oath of Supremacy: "I (state your name) do utterly testify and declare in my Conscience, that the King's Highness is the only Supreme Governor of this Realm ... in all Spiritual or Eclesiastical things ... So help me God." For most of England's history from 1535 to 1829, not to take the...
Wesley Snipes has been ordered to pay back taxes despite trying hard to convince the Internal Revenue Service that he doesn't have the funds, according to the Hollywood Reporter. The outlet reported Thursday that the IRS originally attempted to collect $23.5 million from the actor, to which he responded with an offer-in-compromise (OIC) for $850,000, a mechanism that would have let him settle his debt and have the tax lien against his home withdrawn. But the IRS rejected the offer, which prompted Snipes to file a petition to overturn the decision. On Thursday, however, tax court Judge Kathleen Kerrigan delivered...
<p>The Parkland survivor has chosen to insert himself into an important national policy debate. We who disagree with his views on guns have a duty to speak up against them.</p>
<p>David Hogg, the telegenic 17-year-old who survived the shooting in Parkland, is not a crisis actor, an FBI plant, or the secret brainchild of a Soros-backed CNN plot. He’s a political advocate engaged in a political debate, and he should be treated as such.</p>
New York (CNN)Florida high school shooting survivor David Hogg wants to say thank you to all the conspiracy theorists and detractors he believes have helped amplify his real message. Hogg, 17, said the people attacking him online as a "crisis actor" who's been "coached" on anti-gun talking points are really just "great advertisers."
The Insanity Of The Left And Its New Spokesman From The Hill: Stoneman Douglas student David Hogg on deputy who did not enter school during shooting: "Who wants to go down the barrel of an AR-15, even with a glock? And I know that's what these police officers are supposed to do, but they're people too." So, media-annointed Mr. Spokesman, who "magically" got a checkmark on Twitter too all of a sudden, has decided that it's perfectly-acceptable to virtue signal when people fail to do the job they're hired to do. Does anyone want to stare down the barrel of...
(LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM) communities and for people of sexually or gender dissident communities. The goals of Open House include generating interest in a celebration of queer life from the social to the political to the academic. Open House works to create a Wesleyan community that appreciates the variety and vivacity of gender, sex and sexuality.
Why Did God Kill Onan? Luther, Calvin, Wesley, C.S. Lewis, & Others on Contraception Genesis 38:9-10: “But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so when he went in to his brother’s wife he spilled the semen on the ground, lest he should give offspring to his brother. 10 And what he did was displeasing in the sight of the Lord, and he slew him also.†It is an historical fact that no Christian communion sanctioned contraception until the Anglican Lambeth Conference in 1930. Protestant historian Roland Bainton states casually that the Church “very early forbade contraceptionâ€...
CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Wesley College's 20th-ranked football team defeated Division I (FCS) Charlotte, 35-28, in front of 14,534 fans on Saturday afternoon at Jerry Richardson Stadium. The Wolverines, who outgained the 49ers, 522 to 353, and held the ball for over 38 minutes, are now 7-2 on the season while Charlotte now stands at 4-6. Tied going into the fourth quarter at 21, Charlotte took the lead with a 1-yard touchdown run by Kalif Phillips with 14:56 remaining, his second of the game. Wesley got a first down on its first play of its ensuing possession on a 15-yard reverse...
From 1739 onward, Wesley and the Methodists were persecuted by clergymen and magistrates for various reasons. Though Wesley had been ordained an Anglican presbyter, many other Methodist leaders had not received ordination. And for his own part, Wesley flouted many regulations of the Church of England concerning parish boundaries and who had authority to preach. This was seen as a social threat that disregarded institutions. Ministers attacked them in sermons and in print, and at times mobs attacked them. Wesley and his followers continued to work among the neglected and needy. They were denounced as promulgators of strange doctrines, fomenters...
The Arminian Doctrine of Infant Damnation Having noticed one objection to the doctrine of predestination, we proceed to a second, viz. "It leads to the idea of infant damnation;" "brings with it the repulsive and shocking opinion of the eternal punishment of infants;" "causes not only children not a span long, but the parents also, to pass through the fires of hell."The above are samples of the manner in which this charge is reiterated by every controversial Arminian author that has come under our notice. The reader will be surprised to learn that the "shocking and re-pulsive doctrine" here objected...
Part 1 1 Woe! To the men, on earth who dwell, Nor dread th’ Almighty frown, When God doth all his wrath reveal, And shower his judgments down! Sinners, expect those heaviest showers, To meet your God prepare, When lo! The seventh angel pours His vial in the air! 2 A voice out of the temple cries, And from th’ eternal throne, And all the storms of vengeance rise, When God declares ’TIS DONE! TIS DONE! Ten thousand voices join T’ applaud his righteous ire, And thunders roll, and light’nings shine, That set the world on fire. 3 The mighty...
If one goes by the Pentagon’s recent report on the Ft. Hood terrorist attack, the Pentagon’s PC putzes wouldn’t recognize a Muslim terrorist if one jumped up and bit them on the butt. So in the interest of national security, I have collected some statements made by folks over the years, which might point the Pentagon in the right direction. One lives in hope—the poor dears are awfully slow on the uptake though. “Ever since the religion of Islam appeared in the world, the espousers of it…have been as wolves and tigers to all other nations, rending and tearing all...
Lots of outrageously outraged e-mails flowing in about this, although it’s interesting to me mainly as a First Amendment curio. The footage comes from Jim Moran’s health-care town hall on Tuesday night. The question: Can a congressman bar signs, or certain types of signs, from an event at which he’s speaking? The answer (and the ambiguity) turns, I assume, on whether the event is “public” or “private.” It’s a public school and Moran is very much a public official, but recall that Claire McCaskill evidently got away with imposing a “no signs” policy at her own town hall where the...
AN Islamic organisation warning of the return of an empire founded 700 years ago has hacked into the website of a Wollongong church and published disturbing images and messages. For several days, anyone who visited the website of Wollongong's Wesley Church was greeted by anti-war messages flanked by pictures of the Turkish flag, masked soldiers and an image of US President George W Bush with a cross over his face. While the text on the website was not in English, other websites on the internet hacked by the same group, AdReNaLin, identified those responsible as "sons of the Ottoman...
Imagine, if you will, that you are a missionary. You have taken the classes you will need to get around in this new country. You know the common language well enough. You understand the customs and are confidant you won’t make a scene your first day on the ground. There has been very little progress made in this locale, and that is why you were sent. It is your first missionary assignment, and you hope that God will use you to do great things among the people. You are in a high place. The top of a building, or maybe...
Wesley Clark exploits his fellow Vietnam veteran’s bad combat luck to disparage his service record Sent to Dear General Clark, I am copying you on this piece, which I am posting to several blogs to which I write, because I don’t need to say behind someone’s back what I won’t say to his face. Furthermore, I added the word “sickening” in the subject line for those blogs. Per “Clark hits McCain’s military credentials” at, you said “I certainly honor his service as a prisoner of war. He was a hero to me and to hundreds of thousands and...