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Keyword: undecidedvote

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  • 1 day left and still undecided

    11/03/2008 11:52:35 AM PST · by Berlin_Freeper · 55 replies · 1,123+ views ^ | November 03, 2008 | CNN
    Less than 24 hours before the presidential election, Kevin Sheen has yet to decide who will get his vote.
  • What Convinced an Undecided or Democrat to Vote for McCain? (Vanity)

    11/03/2008 1:04:13 PM PST · by Sneakyuser · 11 replies · 609+ views
    Was it a particular subject or conversation you had with a relative, friend, co-worker or neighbor? Or, articles that you emailed about Obama's views on his radical friends, abortion, the wars (and war on terror), the economy, explaining real capitalism vs. socialism/communism, or unfair media bias? Did you share crucial Youtube links or have people sample Fox News, talk radio and sites like this one? Were you able to at least clear up their unfounded beliefs about particular lies about Bush, McCain/Palin and Joe the Plumber?
  • Mason Dixon Virginia: Obama 47%, McCain 44% (9% undecided mostly white)

    11/01/2008 8:21:56 PM PDT · by mathwhizz · 68 replies · 2,345+ views
    A new poll commissioned by The Virginian-Pilot concludes the state remains up for grabs. The survey of 625 likely voters found 47 percent supported Obama, 44 percent preferred McCain and a crucial 9 percent were undecided. Because the poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points, the race is technically a dead heat. The telephone survey was conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research Inc. on Wednesday and Thursday. J. Bradford Coker, who oversaw the survey, said the ultimate outcome in Virginia and elsewhere might hinge on whether undecided white voters are willing to vote for...
  • Mason-Dixon: Obama 47, McCain 45 (7% mostly white are undecided)

    11/01/2008 5:51:28 PM PDT · by mathwhizz · 70 replies · 2,328+ views
    The poll, by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, shows Sen. Barack Obama leading Sen. John McCain 47 percent to 45 percent, well within the poll's 4-point margin of error. With the race essentially tied going into the last lap, Florida's 27 electoral votes remain the biggest battleground prize for either candidate. "To use a Florida analogy," said polling director Brad Coker, "these numbers have stayed in a very narrow cone for both candidates." McCain's best hope, he said, may be the fact that the 7 percent of voters who remain undecided are overwhelmingly white — and could decide to vote against...
  • 'Undecideds' Could Shift Toward McCain

    10/29/2008 12:16:06 PM PDT · by Free ThinkerNY · 22 replies · 1,067+ views ^ | October 29, 2008 | Dick Morris & Eileen McGann
    If current survey trends continue, Obama will finish with less than 50 percent in the polls. Even discounting the Nader vote (some people never learn), the undecided voters could tip the race either way. How will they break? Since there is no incumbent, they cannot automatically be assigned to the challenger; and since turnout is likely to be huge, the current undecided voters will probably make their way to the polls and cast their ballots. But for whom? At the beginning of this contest, Obama effectively made the case that the election was a referendum on Bush's performance in office....
  • Choosing Prosperity and Strength: The Polls Move Towards McCain

    10/29/2008 12:42:29 PM PDT · by pissant · 39 replies · 1,787+ views
    Townhall ^ | 10/29/08 | Hugh Hewitt
    Yesterday's Gallup shocker (a 2 point gap in the "likely voter" model) is going to have a follow up today if Drudge is right: A Rasmussen poll narrowing the gap to 3 points. Now we know why John McCain and Sarah Palin were both in PA yesterday. The election is tightening across the map as those of us who remember 1976 have been predicting all along. Barack Obama represents a much more radical alternative than Jimmy Carter did in '76, and Carter's unusual profile sent voters by the millions towards Gerald Ford in the closing days. The same thing is...
  • Undecided voters may already have decided, study suggests(Warm for Obama but Leaning McCain)

    10/28/2008 1:55:24 PM PDT · by Maelstorm · 28 replies · 1,642+ views ^ | 28-Oct-2008 | Brian Nosek
    Do "undecided" voters actually make their choices before they realize? That is a question University of Virginia psychology professor Brian Nosek and his colleagues are trying to answer. "Many people, especially early in the political process, declare themselves as undecided," Nosek said. "But while they have consciously said that they are undecided, they unconsciously may have already made a choice." And in a close election, undecided voters may determine the outcome the moment they make their decisions known on Election Day. Nosek and colleagues Mahzarin Banaji of Harvard University and Tony Greenwald of the University of Washington developed the Implicit...
  • Rove: Obama won't get any undecided voters?

    10/27/2008 9:00:13 AM PDT · by Brookhaven · 57 replies · 2,521+ views
    Fox news | 10-20-08 | Karl Rove
    Karl Rove made a statement in passing on Fox news got passed over, but as time has passed I've decided it is the unspoken key to this election. Paraphrased: Whatever Sen. Obama is polling on election day is the percentage of votes he will receive. That's what happened in the primaries. It's important for him to be over 50%. In those states where he is under 50% he will be in trouble. It took a while for it to sink it, but what he is saying is that the undecided vote will go almost 100% against Obama. When you look...
  • Call It 'The Obama Effect' (Why undecided voters will swing to McCain)

    10/27/2008 4:00:29 AM PDT · by DocT111 · 33 replies · 1,894+ views
    The Weekly Standard ^ | 10/27/08 | Arnon A. Mishkin
    As Election Day draws near, people are wondering if the presidential race will tighten. Will the undecideds swing to McCain, or will Obama continue to maintain his 4 to 11 point lead? Some point to a "Bradley effect" suggesting that voters are hiding their true feelings from pollsters because of Obama's race, while others say the Bradley effect either never existed or no longer exists. People who think there is a Bradley effect believe that the substantial majority of undecideds are likely to vote for McCain, enabling him to close some of the gap. McCain should win a larger share...
  • IBD/TIPP: O-45.8%, M-41.9%, Undec-12.2%

    10/25/2008 12:14:20 PM PDT · by tatown · 84 replies · 1,916+ views
    IBD/TIPP ^ | 10/25 | IBD/TIPP
    Obama-45.8%, McCain-41.9%, Undecided-12.2%
  • Neal Boortz: To The Undecided Voter (VERY long, but good)

    10/21/2008 11:10:35 PM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 21 replies · 1,607+ views
    Townhall ^ | October 21, 2008 | Neal Boortz
    This is long; very long. Hey, I’m a pretty entertaining writer … so give it a go. If you’re an undecided voter in this presidential election the least you owe your country is to try to base your final choice on some substantive facts. No, I don’t have all the facts here … but I have enough of them to perhaps convince you that voting one particular way on November 4th might not be the most brilliant move you’ve ever made. This election is my 10th. My 10th presidential election since I became a radio talk show host. My 10th...
  • Joe Biden: Undecided Voters are Racist!

    10/19/2008 11:12:01 AM PDT · by Perdogg · 51 replies · 1,821+ views
    Ace of Base ^ | 10.19.2008 | Jack M
    God love him, Joe from Scranton (which is west of Philly, and therefore a bastion of racism according to Democratic Rep. Joe Murtha) has decided he knows why so many undecided voters remain at this late date. They are racist. All of them.

    10/15/2008 7:26:22 AM PDT · by · 26 replies · 947+ views
    Rasmussen reports ^ | 10-15-08 | Rasmussen
    "Overall, 12% of voters remain persuadables who favor one candidate or the other but could change their mind. Those, plus the 3% who remain undecided, are the target audience for both candidates in tonight’s debate." Don't allow the media progandist polls to fulfill their intent-which is to disspirit you. And there's one sure fire way to close these polls overnight- and that's to allow Gov. Palin to give a national address, prime time. When Gov. Palin has appeared on national tv, unfiltered, we get a bump in the polls. McCain Camp, get "Prime Time Palin"- on national tv.
  • Myth of the Undecided Voter

    10/10/2008 6:45:34 PM PDT · by grandpa jones · 10 replies · 1,475+ views
    NN&V ^ | 10-10-08 | nuke
    You’ve seen them in interactive focus groups, and most recently in the Town hall debate: The Undecideds. It makes a normal voter wonder, “Where in the heck to they find these people?” The answer was inadvertently revealed at by Domenico Montanaro in his interview with “undecided” voter Oliver Clark, one of the Town hall debate questioners … …the Sunday before last, I received a call from the Gallop Poll. They asked a few questions regarding my choice in the Presidential election. They asked who I would vote for. I said most likely I would be voting for Barack Obama. They...
  • 'Undecided Voter' at Debate Wrote for Lefty Website

    10/10/2008 12:12:27 PM PDT · by Mount Athos · 11 replies · 761+ views
    NewsBusters ^ | October 10 | Bill Hobbs
    One of the "undecided voters" on the panel at the Town Hall Debate - Ben Raybin - describes the experience in a guest article posted at The tagline at the end of the article notes that Raybin, now a law student at Vanderbilt University, is "a former staff writer for BuzzFlash." Buzz Flash is a left-wing, pro-Obama, "independent media" website, as anyone can tell by looking at the site or even just their store, the BuzzFlash Progressive Marketplace, where you can support the cause by purchasing Obama stickers, liberal books and Joan Baez records. As for Raybin, when he...
  • Voters Haven't Decided Yet

    10/08/2008 8:22:05 PM PDT · by flyfree · 29 replies · 922+ views
    wsj ^ | Karl Rove
    Tuesday night's presidential debate was good entertainment. Both candidates were animated and loose throughout a wide-ranging discussion. Sen. Barack Obama did well in Sen. John McCain's favorite format. Mr. McCain was more focused and sharp than in the first debate, though the cameras above him made his balding pate more prominent. Tom Brokaw was often a distraction: Did he really need over a hundred words -- including the name "Sherard Cowper-Coles" -- to ask about Afghanistan? Mr. McCain's advocates were cheered by him advancing the theme that Mr. Obama lacks a record of accomplishment or bipartisanship in the Senate. Mr....
  • South Florida's Jewish voters, traditionally Democrats, mixed over Obama's qualifications

    10/04/2008 4:01:43 PM PDT · by lovesdogs · 55 replies · 1,410+ views
    Sun-Sentinel ^ | 10/04/08 | Dianna Cahn
    Nancy Factor listened intently as Halie Soifer, Jewish vote director for the Barack Obama campaign in Florida, laid out the senator's steadfast commitment to Israel. A Republican among Democrats at this gathering in West Boca, she raised her hand. "I came in confused and I am still confused," Factor said. "I guess my education is still based on hearsay. I keep hearing taxes, taxes, taxes, and the reverend," Obama's controversial former pastor, Jeremiah Wright. Still, Factor said Soifer's talk in the Orthodox Jewish, predominantly Republican neighborhood of Montoya Estates was amazing and she was considering voting for Obama. As a...
  • Focus group nearly unanimous: Palin won

    10/03/2008 7:31:23 AM PDT · by truthandlife · 38 replies · 1,831+ views
    Here is the YouTube video:
  • Fox and Friends/Luntz Recap (for those who missed it)

    10/03/2008 3:54:40 AM PDT · by LS · 56 replies · 2,928+ views
    Fox and Friends ^ | 10/3/08 | self
    For those who missed it, or who didn't follow all the post-debate activities, Frank Luntz had his infamous "focus group" of "undecided" (usually liberal) voters (although one guy used to be a Huckabee supporter. They substantially went for Obama in the presidential debate.
  • Rasmussen: 34% say VEEP Debate Key to Their Vote

    10/02/2008 8:52:08 AM PDT · by parksstp · 46 replies · 1,087+ views
    Just over one-third of voters (34%) say tonight’s vice presidential debate is Very Important to how they will vote, and over half (54%) view Joseph Biden as the more skilled debater, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.