Keyword: thankful
God works in mysterious ways. Raises up men to be leaders from places you would never expect. The right men at the right place, at the right time. Glory, Glory Hallelujah! Praise the Lord, praise the Lord! It's especially great to be living during these historic times. We are so blessed. All glory to God.
This Thanksgiving we got a reminder of what might-have-been. And what we have been unburdened by. We should be truly grateful. For this was the week in which Kamala Harris broke her post-election silence. And I think anyone who saw it can agree: the vice president is not doing well. In an almost 10-minute-long word salad, the former presidential candidate told her supporters such things as: “You have the same power that you did before November 5, and you have the same purpose that you did. And you have the same ability to engage and inspire, so don’t ever let...
President Biden said he is thankful for a “peaceful transition” of power, among other things, during his visit to a fire department in Massachusetts on Thanksgiving. The commander in chief said Thursday he was thankful for “my family, the peaceful transition of the presidency, and I’m thankful by the grace of God we were able to make more progress in the Middle East, I’m really thankful for being able to get the first peace done in Lebanon,” when asked about it, according to the pool report. He was referencing the recent ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon that Washington...
"You know what people are missing as they hoard toilet paper and hand sanitizer? They are missing that our lives are gifts. We are blessed to ever be here in the first place. Everything we have in life is a blessing. Our families. Our homes. Our jobs. You may think you earned it all, but none of it would be without a loving God who created you and the world." An Uber driver told me this. On one of my last Uber rides for a while, I suspect. He is Muslim and seemed to have some real peace about him...
It's Thanksgiving week in a country whose warring political tribes are not much inclined to give thanks. But any American with a reasonable historic perspective can easily find reasons to do so. For one thing, it's clear that we are a much fairer nation than we were in the past. Women, black Americans, immigrants and minorities of any perceptible kind are treated more fairly and in a more friendly manner than was the case within the memory of many of us now living. Evidence of this comes from the strained attempts of those who criticize the country and desperately insist...
A 3-year-old North Carolina Boy who had been missing since Tuesday was found alive Thursday night, the Craven County sheriff said. Casey Hathaway was found in Craven County at around 9:30 p.m., NBC affiliate WITN of Washington, North Carolina, reported. The Craven County Sheriff's Office said on Facebook that Casey was found by professional search and rescue crews and he is in good health and is being evaluated at a hospital. "He is with his family. Thank you all for helping us #FindCasey," the sheriff's office wrote. Craven County Sheriff Chip Hughes told WITN that Casey was alert and able...
I normally like to post this 2 minute video from poet Baxter Black on Thanksgiving in an effort to avoid spoiling my mood with political talk. But, I forgot to do it this year.
POLL: Are you thankful that Donald Trump is President?NoYes
Please don't waste this chance... I am thankful for the Trumpennium. A thousand years of Truth, Justice, and the American Way. I hope. But we are not out of the gulag yet. No. We still face the apparently lunatic wrath of the Prog Horde. Their hitherto-concealed insanity explains their fascination with the walking dead, zombies, vampires, werewolves, pornography, filthy lyrics, and the other stagnant sludge of diseased minds. Now I get it.
I just want to tell Jim Rob and my wonderful Freeper family that I am very, very thankful for you all. Your intelligence, cleverness and incredible sense of humor helped me stay informed and smiling during this last very stressful presidential election. I love you all, have a blessed and enjoyable Thanksgiving! XOXO
New Weekly Gratitude Thread. Please notify me if you want to be on the ping list.
Mom and Dad had suffered through the depression and then through the war. Money was hard to come by. Dad worked rotating shifts in a mill and Mom in an office downtown. Every purchase they made was with deliberation and study so not one cent was wasted. But they gave a tithe, 10%, to our church, down to the penny because God would honor their giving. And you know that is what He did, we seemed to avoid problems that plagued others. As a teenager I was fretted at my parents because other kids had cars and the latest clothes...
I don't know how many have seen this commercial, and I know it's by JP Morgan, but dang if it didn't get my heart to swell with the message.
Isn’t it just wonderful when two different people or items are paired to make a perfect combination? When I first met my wife, we discovered that we both loved to dip our french-fries into our Wendy’s Frosty (yes, that was back when Frostys were only chocolate). It was a wonderful coming together of flavors. Of course, there are other items that fit well together, beans and bacon, apple pie and vanilla ice cream, chips and salsa, and fried fish with malt vinegar! Ah… enough about food. How about Jeeps and mud? Goofy hats and babies? Doctors with small hands? A...
July 8, two friends of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation and pro-liberty bloggers were arrested in Baku, Azerbaijan and held in custody on charges of hooliganism after they were beaten in a restaurant for exercising their rights to free speech. For more information visit Link is to a 1 minute YouTube account of their situation -- in jail, awaiting a trial.
Thanksgiving Street I knew a man whose name was Horner Who used to live in grumble corner; Grumble corner in crosspatch town And he never was seen without a frown. He grumbled at this, and he grumbled at that, He growled at the dog. He growled at the cat. He grumbled at morning. He grumbled at night, And to grumble and growl was his chief delight. He grumbled so much at his wife that she Began to grumble as well as he. And all the children, wherever they went, Reflected their parents discontent. If the sky was dark and betokened...
This video’s song is; Come and Dine, sung by my wife Cheryl! Jesus wants us to dine with Him through His Word the Holy Bible and Holy Spirit. Have Love for one another and always pray to our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ His Son!
My Video of flowers is to Free-Republec readers and members for viewing and comments that were good and not so good. :) Thanks, Revski
This video arrangement is of family pets and the love we receive from our every day life shared with our pets. The song is Southern Gospel, “Saved by the Hands”, sung by Ivan Parker. The pets in our family are cats, dogs, and parakeet. Also in the video, is my wife, some children, some grandchildren and myself.
This video arrangement is of family pets and the love we receive from our every day life shared with our pets. The song is Southern Gospel, “Saved by the Hands”, sung by Ivan Parker. The pets in our family are cats, dogs, and parakeet. Also in the video, is my wife, some children, some grandchildren and myself.