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Keyword: seize

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  • Murphy: Trump Attempting to Seize Control of Power for ‘Corrupt Purposes

    02/09/2025 11:11:21 AM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 55 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 02/09/2025 | Pam Key
    Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that President Donald Trump was attempting to seize control of power for “corrupt purposes.” Partial transcript as follows: RADDATZ: You have used incredibly strong language. A Constitutional crisis. Grossly unconstitutional. Pretty alarming language. MURPHY: Yes, listen, I think this is the most serious Constitutional crisis the country has faced, certainly, since Watergate. The president is attempting to seize control of power and for corrupt purposes. The president wants to be able to decide how and where money is spent so that he can reward his political friends, he can punish...
  • Russian State TV Discusses Options For Seizing Alaska

    09/21/2024 3:50:57 PM PDT · by Timber Rattler · 124 replies
    Newsweek ^ | September 20, 2024 | Sophie Clark and John Feng
    Russian State TV recently broadcasted a segment of a talk show during which the hosts discussed the potential of Alaska joining Russia. In the show, the host makes a joke saying: "Do you know what they call Alaska? Ice Crimea." He then adds that Alaska will "one day return to its native shores." The hosts are referencing the fact that Alaska once "belonged" to Russia, before being sold to the United States in 1866. This echoes rhetoric used in the war in Ukraine, that Ukraine "belonged" to Russia, and therefore should rejoin its so-called native land.
  • Yellen sees 'possibility' of $50 billion Ukraine loan from seized Russian assets

    05/21/2024 10:43:37 AM PDT · by Tench_Coxe · 53 replies
    LONDON, May 21 (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said there was a possibility Group of Seven nations would support Ukraine by as much as $50 billion using loans linked to seized Russian assets, Sky News reported on Tuesday. "I believe it's important for the G7 to work together to show a united front and to show that we can generate meaningful resources to support Ukraine over the next several years," she told Sky News.
  • Gaza war: Rockets aimed at Israel destroyed

    03/29/2024 12:05:25 AM PDT · by Eleutheria5 · 4 replies
    Arutz Sheva ^ | 29/3/24
    The IDF's Spokesperson's Unit announced that the IDF and ISA are continuing the precise operational activity in the area of the Shifa Hospital while mitigating harm to civilians, patients, medical teams, and medical equipment. Over the past day, the troops have eliminated terrorists and located weapons and terrorist infrastructure in the area. IDF troops are also continuing operational activities in central Gaza. In cooperation with the IAF, the troops eliminated a number of terrorists over the past day. Based on IDF intelligence, the troops located and destroyed numerous rockets in the area, aimed toward Israel. During one of the activities,...
  • NY AG says she may seize Trump assets if he doesn’t pay $355 million fine

    02/20/2024 6:07:13 PM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 69 replies
    The Hill ^ | 02/20/2024 | Nick Robertson
    New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) is prepared to seize former President Trump’s assets if he does not pay the nearly $355 million verdict levied against him in a civil business fraud trial last week, she told ABC News on Tuesday. “If he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets,” she told ABC News. The $355 million verdict and additional $100 million in prejudgment interest handed down Friday are the largest financial penalty levied against Trump and his...
  • Joe Biden Proposal to Seize Certain Patents Raises Alarms

    02/19/2024 6:12:21 PM PST · by Tench_Coxe · 33 replies
    A Biden administration proposal concerning patent rights from institutions that take funding from tax dollars has raised alarms at one manufacturing group in Michigan, a key electoral swing state.The proposal in question, put forward by President Joe Biden's administration, concerns the federal government's ability to exercise "march-in rights" under the Bayh-Dole Act.Passed into law in 1980, the act allows certain entities, like universities and manufacturers, to own, patent, and profit from inventions produced by programs that received federal funding. The act also bestows the federal government with march-in rights, allowing it to compel these entities to license their federally-funded patents...
  • US Now Saying They’re Just Going to Seize Russia’s $300 Billion

    01/02/2024 2:39:15 AM PST · by davikkm · 65 replies
    Bretton Woods II was built on “inside money” (U.S. dollars) dominating “outside money” (hard money, gold, uranium, oil, etc.). Seizing Russia’s FX reserve balances in February 2022 marked the beginning of the end of Bretton Woods II. The internationally illegal precedent of Victoria Nuland and Samantha Power’s confiscation of said FX reserves to Ukraine will be the end of the end of Bretton Woods II.
  • Sixth Circuit Rules Owners of Cars Taken by Asset Forfeiture Have Constitutional Right to a Hearing Within Two Weeks of Seizure

    09/02/2023 11:19:46 AM PDT · by george76 · 14 replies
    Reason Foundation ^ | 9.1.2023 | Ilya Somin
    The decision provides important protection for property rights, and features a powerful concurring opinion by prominent conservative Judge Amal Thapar. In many states, asset forfeiture laws allow law enforcement agencies to seize valuable property based on mere suspicion that it was used in a crime, and then keep it even if the owner was never convicted of any crime. On top of that, some force owners to wait many months before they even have a chance to challenge the forfeiture in a hearing. Yesterday, in Ingram v. Wayne County, the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued a...
  • DOJ eyeing Americans ‘like ATMs,’ spending over $6 billion to aid civil asset forfeitures, watchdog says.

    08/10/2023 5:21:41 AM PDT · by Carriage Hill · 18 replies
    Fox News ^ | 8.10.2023 | Hannah Ray Lambert
    The Department of Justice is shelling out more than $6 billion to private companies to manage its asset forfeiture investigations, raising alarm from one nonprofit law firm that accuses police of "treating ordinary Americans like ATMs" and seizing their cash. "You've probably heard the adage, 'you've gotta spend money to make money.' Here, it's 'you've gotta spend money to take money,'" said Dan Alban, head of the Institute for Justice's National Initiative to End Forfeiture.
  • New proposals would let governments seize domain names

    04/30/2023 3:55:32 PM PDT · by Openurmind · 20 replies
    Reclaim the Net ^ | April 26, 2023 | Didi Rankovic
    Two US organizations – a non-profit and a corporation – are planning to “quietly” give governments around the world the right to seize domain names by means of canceling, redirecting, or transferring control. This is based on the “Proposed Renewal of the Registry Agreement for .NET” – recently published by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), and Verisign. Verisign is in charge of operating .COM and .NET TLDs (top-level domains, and while what critically-minded observers say the controversial paper now aims to change relates only to the .NET domain names, the fear is that the world is...
  • In the Wake of Bank Collapses, Biden Prepares to Seize Control of All U.S. Dollars

    04/12/2023 7:17:49 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 57 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 04/12/2023 | INVESTORPLACE (SPONSORED CONTENT)
    Your control of your money is about to be ripped away from you. Biden’s been busy resurrecting a government program that was the brainchild of Obama. His plan cannot be stopped even if he loses the 2024 election. You are running out of time to protect yourself. The plan is to take away control of all your cash. In the past few weeks, you’ve probably seen the news of banks collapsing in America and around the rest of the world. First, Silicon Valley bank, then Silvergate, Credit Suisse, and more. These bank collapses have paved the way for the government...
  • Larry Summers: ‘Seize’ Russian State Assets to ‘Support’ Ukraine

    02/27/2023 9:40:08 AM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 45 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 02/27/2023 | ROBERT KRAYCHIK
    Larry Summers, former U.S. secretary of the treasury and former president of Harvard University, called for the Western governments to “seize” Russian government assets held in international banking institutions to “support” Ukraine and other countries during an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria aired on Sunday. .@LHSummers says the U.S. should “seize” Russian assets held in international banks & redistribute them to Ukraine & “other nations” as well — Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 27, 2023 Summers framed reparations paid by the German government to the Soviet Union after World War II as a precedent for seizure of Russian government assets.
  • GOP seizes on voter hesitancy to attack EVs as costly to US

    10/31/2022 11:35:07 AM PDT · by Oldeconomybuyer · 69 replies
    The Associated Press ^ | October 31, 2022 | By HOPE YEN and MATTHEW DALY
    WASHINGTON (AP) — Heading into next week’s midterm elections, many Republican candidates are seeking to capitalize on voters’ concerns about inflation by vilifying a key component of President Joe Biden’s climate agenda: electric vehicles. On social media, in political ads and at campaign rallies, Republicans say Democrats’ push for battery-powered transportation will leave Americans broke, stranded on the road and even in the dark. Many of the attack lines are not true — the auto industry itself has largely embraced a shift to EVs, for instance, and some Republican lawmakers are quick to cheer the opening of EV battery plants...
  • Dutch Farmers Promise Fresh Protests After Govt Backs Plan to Forcibly Seize Farmland

    10/16/2022 7:30:47 AM PDT · by ChicagoConservative27 · 30 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 10/16/2022 | Kurt Zindulka
    Dutch farmers’ organisations have vowed to launch more protests in the Netherlands in response to advice from the government’s mediator, who has called for the forceable relocation of farming firms and the seizure of up to 600 farms deemed to be the heaviest nitrogen emitters. Farmers Defence Force leader Mark Van den Oever announced this week that Dutch farmers will once again take to the streets after the government expressed its intentions to adopt the plan presented by former deputy prime minister Johan Remkes to meet the nitrogen standards demanded by the European Union.
  • Russia Plans to Seize Local Units of Western Firms That Try to Exit Country

    05/27/2022 3:30:57 AM PDT · by blam · 25 replies
    Zubu Brothers ^ | 5-27-2022 | Reuters bureaux; editing by Elaine Hardcastle
    Russia is advancing a new law allowing it to take control of the local businesses of western companies that decide to leave in the wake of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, raising the stakes for multinationals trying to exit. The law, which could be in place within weeks, will give Russia sweeping powers to intervene where there is a threat to local jobs or industry, making it more difficult for western companies to disentangle themselves quickly unless they are prepared to take a big financial hit. The law to seize the property of foreign investors follows an exodus of western companies,...
  • Trudeau wants warrentless seizure of opponents' assets

    02/15/2022 3:24:40 PM PST · by Chad C. Mulligan · 46 replies
    TownHall ^ | Feb 15, 2022 9:45 AM | Matt Vespa
    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau finally did it. He did what all liberals want to do in the COVID era – use state power to crush those with whom they disagree. It's not enough to just accept people with differing opinions. They must go. The Canadian Freedom Convoy has been going strong for days. They set up shop in Ottawa. They were on the Ambassador Bridge before police cleared them out during the Super Bowl. Trudeau simply could just roll back all the COVID mandates since no one cares about them. No one is following them. The pandemic is over....
  • Russian space agency says Trump paving way to seize other planets

    04/08/2020 11:03:11 PM PDT · by LibWhacker · 59 replies
    The Russian space agency, Roscosmos, accused Donald Trump on Tuesday (7 April) of creating a basis to take over other planets by signing an executive order outlining US policy on commercial mining in space. The executive order, which Roscosmos said damaged the scope for international cooperation in space, was signed on Monday. It said the United States would seek to negotiate “joint statements and bilateral and multilateral arrangements with foreign states regarding safe and sustainable operations for the public and private recovery and use of space resources”. It said US citizens should have the right to engage in such activity...
  • Boats try to stop British tanker off Iranian coast

    07/10/2019 5:23:52 PM PDT · by VeniVidiVici · 40 replies
    Sky News ^ | 07-10-2019 | Sky News
    Five boats thought to be Iranian tried to stop a British oil tanker in the Strait of Hormuz, according to US officials. The boats withdrew after a warning from a British warship operating in the area. The incident comes as a Royal Navy warship was said to be offering extra protection to a second tanker in the Gulf following a threat from Iran to seize a British vessel. Sky News understands HMS Montrose, a Type 23 frigate, has been travelling with a tanker, British Heritage, according to a ship tracking website and a defence source. Tensions have been rising since...
  • Cohen attorneys say feds seized devices that have 'nothing to do' with warrant, rip 'unprecedented'

    04/16/2018 1:19:23 PM PDT · by Texas Fossil · 77 replies
    Fox News ^ | 4-16-2018 | Brooke Singman
    Attorneys for Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, ahead of a court hearing Monday afternoon, blasted the FBI for its “unprecedented” raid on his properties last week and claimed the feds seized items that “have nothing to do with the probable cause” on which the warrant was granted. .. During that hearing, Cohen’s attorneys also were instructed by Judge Wood to disclose the name of another Cohen client – which attorneys confirmed was Fox News host Sean Hannity.
  • Declare George Soros A Terrorist And Seize All Of His Organizations Assets

    08/21/2017 2:43:07 AM PDT · by Enlightened1 · 36 replies
    The White House Petition ^ | 08/20/17 | E.B.
    Whereas George Soros has willfully and on an ongoing basis attempted to destabilize and otherwise commit acts of sedition against the United States and its citizens, has created and funded dozens (and probably hundreds) of discrete organizations whose sole purpose is to apply Alinsky model terrorist tactics to facilitate the collapse of the systems and Constitutional government of the United State, and has developed unhealthy and undue influence over the entire Democrat Party and a large portion of the US Federal government, the DOJ should immediately declare George Soros and all of his organizations and staff members to be domestic...