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Keyword: renewables

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  • Germany Already Rationing Energy…”Avoid Using Electric Appliances Until After 11 A.M.!

    01/05/2025 5:38:35 AM PST · by george76 · 74 replies
    Watts Up With That ^ | January 4, 2025
    Welcome to Germany’s green economic miracle. The year is 2025! Germany’s so-called Energiewende (transition to renewable energies) has had one unmistakable result: Germany now finds itself rapidly nearing the brink of a third world country where the power supply is no longer reliable and brownouts becoming more and more a daily routine. What’s happening is the opposite of what was once promised by the know-it-all climate wisemen: “Green energies would lead to a clean and prosperous country that would be the envy of the world. So much for their fantasies. The reality, as reported yesterday by Germany’s leading daily, Bild...
  • You'll Never Guess What Collapsed the Same Day as the German Coalition Government

    11/23/2024 4:58:52 PM PST · by SeekAndFind · 31 replies
    Hotair ^ | 11/23/2024 | Beege Welborn
    German coalition government may not survive the night.From trusted sources in Berlin.Fallout from election of Trump, who asking other things is Germany's most famous energy critic.Here is the chance needed to save Germany's nuclear plants.— Mark Nelson (@energybants) November 6, 2024THE WIND DIED ALONG WITH THE GOVERNMENT COALITIONAnd the cold weather came in just as it did. Part of the reason the government fractured? Ruinous green energy policies which exploded the price of electricity thanks to transitioning to unreliable renewables....The Greens are woke on steroids. Some years ago, their parliamentarians even floated the idea of legalizing pedophilia and incest. They...
  • 14-Year-Old Casper Wind Farm Has Not Turned A Blade In At Least 3 Years

    11/22/2024 10:51:45 AM PST · by CFW · 39 replies
    Cowboy State Daily ^ | 11/20/24 | By Robert Schmad
    Casper — For the past 14 years they have loomed over the landscape of northeastern Casper, once the symbol of the county’s first step into green energy. Now some say they are just an eyesore. The blades of the 11 240-feet high, 450,000-pound turbines haven’t caught the wind for a few years. Casper resident Terry Wingerter said he was one of the Natrona County commissioners who approved the initial project in 2009. He wishes now he would have voted differently on the wind farm. “They were the first towers in this area, and we had several neighborhood meetings out there,”...
  • Impact of the IRA on U.S. Renewable Energy Manufacturing and Supply Chains

    09/13/2024 9:29:27 AM PDT · by ProtectOurFreedom · 8 replies
    Power Magazine ^ | September 13, 2024 | Mark Turley
    The Inflation Reduction Act was designed to enhance domestic manufacturing and secure domestic supply chains...the bill extended the Clean Energy Tax Credit of up to 30% credit for qualifying investments in wind, solar, energy storage and other renewable projects that meet prevailing wage standards and employ a sufficient proportion of qualified apprentices from registered apprenticeship programs. Plus, a bonus credit of up to 10 percentage points for qualifying clean energy investments in energy communities. The federal tax credit stands at 30% until 2033, then 26% in 2034. From the onset of the IRA, sections 48C and 45X were lacking in...
  • New York to Pay $155 Per Megawatt Hour for Wind, Current Rate is $36 Per MWH

    08/26/2024 5:16:42 PM PDT · by george76 · 76 replies
    MishTalk ^ | August 24, 2024 | Mike Shedlock
    It currently costs NY about $36 per MWH for energy. But the state demanded wind. Let’s discuss the amazing bottom line results. So Much for So Little The Wall Street Journal asks Why Is New York Paying So Much for Wind Power? New York state signed a contract in June to buy electricity generated by two large wind farms, Empire Wind 1 and Sunrise Wind, off the coast of Long Island. The projects are expected to begin in 2026 and 2027, with power delivered to Brooklyn (Empire) and Long Island (Sunrise). The state will pay $155 and $146 per megawatt-hour,...
  • New York's Massive Off-Shore 'Empire Wind' Farm Goes Blade Tips Up

    01/04/2024 3:20:12 PM PST · by CaptainK · 33 replies
    Hotair ^ | 01/04/24 | Beege Welborn
    As far as I’m concerned, this New Year is off to a resounding start, with the wind industry and Green cabal already taking a pounding right out of the proverbial gate. Yesterday’s late good news is so, SO schweet. Another huge blow for renewable energy to fight climate change: BP and Equinor have scrapped a massive offshore wind power project off New York's Long Island. Empire Wind 2 can't go forward b/c of cost increases. The whales win again!
  • Federal Judge Sides With Osage Nation, Orders Removal Of 84 Wind Turbines

    12/26/2023 12:00:41 PM PST · by billorites · 36 replies
    Substack ^ | December 23, 2023 | Robert Bryce
    The Osage Nation won a massive ruling in Tulsa federal court on Wednesday that requires Enel to dismantle a 150-megawatt wind project it built in Osage County despite the tribe’s repeated objections. The tribe’s fight against Rome-based Enel began in 2011 and is the longest-running legal battle over wind energy in American history. As reported by Curtis Killman in the Tulsa World on Thursday, the ruling grants the United States, the Osage Nation, and Osage Minerals Council permanent injunctive relief via “ejectment of the wind turbine farm for continuing trespass.” The decision by U.S. Court of International Trade Judge Jennifer...
  • Biden Admin Sent Billions in Tax Dollars to Fraudulent Solar Company

    12/08/2023 9:19:53 AM PST · by Red Badger · 63 replies
    SLAY News ^ | December 8, 2023 - 11:54 am | Frank Bergman
    An investigation has been launched into the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) after Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration was found to have sent billions of dollars in taxpayers’ money to a fraudulent solar company. Biden’s DOE recently gave a $3 billion award to a solar energy company that has been accused of scamming vulnerable customers. Republican leaders in the House and Senate are probing the DOE over the move. The investigations are being led by House Energy and Commerce Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Senate Energy and Natural Resources Ranking Member John Barrasso (R-WY). In a letter to DOE...
  • Deloitte Report Highlights Growth in Renewables, Challenges for 2024

    12/05/2023 11:32:38 AM PST · by ProtectOurFreedom · 6 replies
    Power Magazine ^ | December 5, 2023 | Darrell Proctor
    Investments in renewable energy resources across the U.S. continue to grow, supported by increased federal funding, legislation that improves project economics, and growing demand for cleaner energy. Deloitte, which provides insights and solutions for several industries including the energy sector, on Dec. 5 released its industry outlook for 2024 for renewable energy in the U.S., highlighting opportunities for growth in the clean energy sector while also noting continued challenges for renewable deployment. The group said measures such as the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) have supported renewable energy while also bringing new issues....
  • Tri-State Closing Arizona, Colorado Coal Plants Early, Investing in More Renewables

    12/04/2023 12:27:21 PM PST · by ProtectOurFreedom · 53 replies
    Power Magazine ^ | December 2, 2023 | Darrell Proctor
    Colorado-based cooperative Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association will accelerate the closure of a coal-fired unit in the northwestern part of CO, and announced a retirement date for an Arizona coal plant. Tri-State said it wants to acquire at least another 1,250 MW of renewable energy generation over the next several years. The not-for-profit company, which serves rural electricity consumers across four western states, said the ERP filed with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission seeks to take advantage of funding from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s $9.7 billion Empowering Rural America program, part of the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act. The...
  • Nuclear fusion breakthrough: 'Holy grail' of power production is closer to reality as the world's biggest reactor - capable of reaching 200 MILLION degrees Celsius - is turned on in Japan

    12/04/2023 7:32:09 AM PST · by Alas Babylon! · 95 replies
    The Daily Mail ^ | 4 December 2023 | Jonathan Chadwick
    It could usher an era of limitless clean, safe and affordable energy to meet the world's demand. Now, the 'holy grail' of power production – nuclear fusion, which makes the sun and the stars shine – has come a step closer. Scientists have switched on JT-60SA, a £500 million fusion device measuring around 40 feet in diameter, located in Naka north of Tokyo, Japan. JT-60SA contains swirling plasma heated up 200 million degrees Celsius (360 million degrees Fahrenheit). This is the threshold where hydrogen atoms can begin to fuse into helium, releasing sustainable energy in the process that could put...
  • 16 Million Trees Cut Down to Make Way for Wind Farms, Scottish National Party Reveals

    07/30/2023 9:37:41 PM PDT · by threefinger · 54 replies
    MRC TV ^ | July 24, 2023 | Craig Bannister
    16 Million Trees Cut Down to Make Way for Wind Farms, Scottish National Party RevealsNearly 16 million carbon-catching trees have been cut down in Scotland since 2000 – in order to erect carbon-saving wind turbines – the Scottish National Party (SNP) admitted last week. An estimated 15.7 million trees – or about 1,700 per day – have been cut down on public land managed by Forestry and Land Scotland, Scottish Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon revealed in a letter to Scottish Tory MSP (Member of Scottish Parliament) Liam Kerr, who called the news “astonishing.” Sacrificing trees to build wind farms...
  • Sweden Stuns Europe with Major Push Back on Globalist Agenda – Warns Western Nations to Follow Suit

    06/30/2023 3:28:23 PM PDT · by RoosterRedux · 20 replies
    Sweden, long the darling of progressives for its climate change policies, has gone nuclear on the green scheme. On Tuesday, the Swedish parliament made a language change with major reverberations in the energy sector, according to Reuters. Parliament set the nation’s goal to become “100% fossil-free” electricity, instead of “100% renewable” as a way to both reach the growing electric power demand it projects for 2040 and achieve its goal of net zero emissions by 2045. “This creates the conditions for nuclear power,” Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson said. “We need more electricity production, we need clean electricity and we need...
  • Colorado legislators introduce legislation requiring energy companies to remove decommissioned wind turbines

    06/17/2023 5:42:45 PM PDT · by george76 · 25 replies
    Denver Gazette ^ | Jun 16, 2023 | Scott Weiser
    The blight on the landscape of abandoned and decommissioned wind turbines stimulated Colorado's U.S. Reps. Ken Buck, Doug Lamborn and Harriet Hageman, Wyoming, to introduce the Production Tax Credit Reform Act. According to a press release, the bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to require energy companies remove decommissioned wind turbines from leased land as a condition of receiving federal tax credits. Currently energy companies are not obligated to remove wind turbines from leased land once they are decommissioned, putting the onus on landowners — typically farmers and ranchers — to remove the turbines. According to the United States Geological...
  • Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Turning First World Economies Into First Order Disasters

    06/06/2023 10:04:20 AM PDT · by george76 · 11 replies
    Sky News - stop these things ^ | 30 May 2023 | Peta Credlin
    Make electricity unreliable and unaffordable and you’ll soon turn your economy to ashes. Australia is on the brink of a major recession, and energy costs are front and centre. Power prices will jump by 25 to 30% next month following the closure of yet another perfectly operable 2,000MW coal-fired power plant. Since the Federal Government’s Renewable Energy Target was ramped up by the Labor government in 2010, Australians have been hit with double-digit percentage increases in their power bills every year since. Households are being hammered by rising interest rates and power bills that they simply cannot afford. Then there...
  • Dozens of giant turbines at Scots windfarms powered by diesel generators

    05/22/2023 5:37:19 PM PDT · by george76 · 32 replies
    Sunday Mail ^ | 5 FEB 2023 | John Ferguson
    Scottish Power admitted 71 of its windmills were hooked up to the fossil fuel supply after a fault developed with their power supply. Dozens of giant turbines on Scotland’s windfarms have been powered by diesel generators, the Sunday Mail can reveal. Scottish Power admitted 71 of its windmills were hooked up to the fossil fuel supply after a fault developed on the grid. The firm said it was forced to act in order to keep the turbines warm during very cold weather in December. But a whistleblower has told the Sunday Mail the incident is among a number of environmental...
  • A wind energy company has pleaded guilty after killing at least 150 eagles

    05/19/2023 7:14:54 PM PDT · by grundle · 35 replies
    BILLINGS, Mont. — A wind energy company was sentenced to probation and ordered to pay more than $8 million in fines and restitution after at least 150 eagles were killed over the past decade at its wind farms in eight states, federal prosecutors said Wednesday. NextEra Energy subsidiary ESI Energy pleaded guilty to three counts of violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act during a Tuesday court appearance in Cheyenne, Wyoming. It was charged in the deaths of eagles at three of its wind farms in Wyoming and New Mexico. In addition to those deaths, golden and bald eagles were killed...
  • Most power ever produced in January from wind energy [Ireland]

    02/07/2023 11:22:05 PM PST · by Olog-hai · 28 replies
    RTÉ News ^ | Wednesday, 8 Feb 2023 07:01
    Irish wind farms had a strong start to the year with a new record for the most electricity ever produced in the month of January. The January Wind Energy Report showed that 41% of the country’s power came from wind last month, up 9% on January 2022. However, the industry warned delays in the planning system were slowing the delivery of new wind farms. Wind farms produced 1,479 gigawatt-hours of electricity last month, up 200 GWh on the previous January best, and the seventh best month on record for wind power. This is equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of...
  • Sumitomo Electric plans long-life battery plant in North America

    02/07/2023 5:02:41 AM PST · by FarCenter · 5 replies
    OSAKA -- Japan's Sumitomo Electric Industries plans to build a new battery plant in North America as the U.S. accelerates its shift to sustainable energy, Nikkei has learned. Sumitomo wants to produce large-capacity batteries called "redox flow cells" which are used to store electricity generated by wind turbines and other forms of renewable energy. The batteries are less prone to degradation than conventional lithium-ion batteries. Their battery life of up to 30 years is expected to be twice as long as that of lithium-ion batteries. The battery market in North America is expected to expand to 1.7 trillion yen ($12.9...
  • California City Gives Up On 100% Renewable Plan: Huntington Beach City Council votes to dump its plan for 100% renewable energy.

    01/23/2023 8:14:04 PM PST · by SeekAndFind · 13 replies
    Oilprice ^ | 01/23/2023 | Julianne Geiger
    As California goes, so goes the nation, or so they say. If that rings true, the nation is set for a reversal of some of its strictest renewable energy plans, after the Huntington Beach City Council voted to dump its plan for 100% renewable energy...Huntington Beach, California, is changing the plan it had in place with the Orange County Power Authority (OCPA) - a nonprofit offering clean energy.But its recent history in a rather unfavorable media limelight has given the city council pause.And Huntington Beach wasn’t the first municipality to pull out - Orange County bailed on the green power...