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  • What are Russia's four main contributions to Iran's nuclear program?

    11/22/2006 10:31:26 PM PST · by GodGunsGuts · 15 replies · 1,572+ views ^ | Edward Jay Epstein
    What are Russia's four main contributions to Iran's nuclear program? Russia, as the prime subcontractor for Iran's nuclear program, is providing: 1) Six nuclear reactors for Iran. Four are at Bushehr and two are at Akhvaz. 2) A uranium-conversion plant at Bushehr that can be used for uranium enrichment. 3) An exemption in the UN resolution on Iran. In its draft resosultion the Russians have exempted “materials, equipment, technology" used at Bushehr 1. This exemption will allow Iran to convert the lightly-enriched fuel in the light-water nuclear reactor into weapon-grade 235. It need only remove fuel rods from Bushehr, then...
  • Former Argentine President Claims Obama Asked Her To Provide Enriched Uranium To Iran

    04/02/2018 5:16:14 AM PDT · by gaggs · 34 replies
    Former Argentine President: In 2010 The Obama Administration Tried To Convince Us To Give Iran Enriched Nuclear Fuel According to former President de Kirchener, in 2010 Gary Samore, the White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction, approached her, requesting her government send enriched uranium to Iran. Samore admits this, and says he also approached Russia and France asking the same of them! All three countries refused his request! When the Argentinians asked the Obama Administration to put it in writing all communications ceased and the administration went silent.
  • Clinton backers nix Israel 'occupation' add to Democratic platform

    07/10/2016 1:26:50 AM PDT · by ErikJohnsky · 11 replies
    Supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Saturday rejected a proposal to include a statement in the party's platform calling for Israel's "end to occupations and illegal settlements," CNN reported. ... While the committee voted against the addition 95-73, CNN reported that the move garnered the loudest negative response of the day from the audience. ... One crowd member was escorted out of the meeting after he stood up and yelled that the party had "sold out" to AIPAC (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee).
  • Crazy Christiane Amanpour

    07/09/2016 10:22:02 AM PDT · by Rummyfan · 24 replies
    NRO ^ | 8 July 2016 | Andrew Badinelli
    She’s a walking parody of an unhinged leftist ‘reporter.’...But even among leftist hacks, Amanpour is a special case: It’s almost as if she’s trying to mock herself — a Trump-is-a-Clinton-plant conspiracy theory, if you will, but in the mainstream media. She referred to devout Christianity as “totalitarian” in her August 23, 2007, CNN profile “Christian Warriors.” But in 2008, she fawned over the “progress” achieved by Fidel Castro, and in 2013 she wished Zimbawean dictator Robert Mugabe a happy birthday. If a higher-profile (read: important) person had such a rich historical cache of commentary, they would have already been driven...
  • Palestine—Quartet and Two-State Solution Sink into Political Oblivion

    07/07/2016 7:50:15 AM PDT · by Sean_Anthony · 4 replies
    Canada Free Press ^ | 07/07/16 | David Singer
    The time has surely arrived for trilateral negotiations to be commenced between Israel, Jordan and Egypt to allocate sovereignty in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) and Gaza between their respective sovereign States The Quartet—America, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations—has effectively consigned any negotiated two-state solution to political oblivion with its latest Report. Two statements in the Report stymie any resumption of negotiations—stalled since April 2014.
  • Iran’s next target could be our electrical grid

    07/07/2016 6:09:53 AM PDT · by rktman · 20 replies ^ | 7/6/2016 | Raffi Williams
    Franks said that one strategic strike could create blackouts nationwide. And the consequences of this could be a field day for hackers, cripple our military defense system, and that’s not even mentioning what life would be like for normal Americans if they had no power. The risk of an EMP attack has been around since the Cold War but according to Franks, “we’re a thousand times more vulnerable than we were even 50 years ago.”
  • Iranian commander: Ground is ready to destroy 'Zionist regime'

    07/06/2016 10:55:16 PM PDT · by Eleutheria5 · 41 replies
    Arutz Sheva ^ | 7/7/16 | Elad Benari
    A senior commander in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) recently threatened Israel, saying the ground is ready for the annihilation of “the Zionist regime”. The comments by IRGC Deputy Commander Hossein Salami were made at a sermon in Tehran this past Friday prior to prayers marking Al-Quds Day. He also declared that Iran has over 100,000 missiles waiting in Lebanon alone and that tens of thousands of other missiles were placed throughout the Muslim world in order to wipe "the accursed black dot" – that is Israel – from the map of the world. Salami also threatened Kurdish leaders...
  • Reports Of Russia Readying Bombshell Data Dump Of Bulk Clinton Emails - Can Putin Save America

    07/06/2016 7:35:55 PM PDT · by Signalman · 108 replies
    all news pipeline ^ | 7/6/2016 | Susan Duclos
    Days before FBI Director James Comey completely destroyed his agency's credibility by admitting Hillary Clinton was guilty of criminal negligence, but proving once again that laws were meant for the "little people," but not the Clinton family when he recommended no prosecutorial actions be taken against Hillary Clinton for her crimes, reports came out that "U.S. intelligence agencies are said to be closely watching Russian online blogs and other postings for any signs that Moscow hackers have covertly obtained the bulk of Hillary Clinton’s email messages stolen from her private email server and are preparing to make them public. (Source)...
  • Iranian military official: We have 100,000 missiles in Lebanon ready to hit Israel

    07/04/2016 2:36:20 PM PDT · by Roberts · 32 replies
    Jerusalem Post ^ | 7/3/16 | Ariel Ben Solomon
    President Hassan Rouhani said the last year’s nuclear deal “was the cheapest way to achieve Iran’s goals and interests.” Speaking in Tehran on Saturday at an iftar meal breaking the Ramadan fast, Rouhani said the pre-Iran nuclear-deal era is past and Iran now needs to take advantage of the new atmosphere to pursue its “national interests more than before,” Iran’s Islamic Republic News Agency reported. The country’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Saturday called for student associations to establish a “unified anti-US and anti-Zionist front” among the Muslim world’s students, Tasnim News Agency reported. “By using advanced means of...
  • In anger, Obama questioned necessity of Israel's qualitative military edge

    06/20/2016 4:41:43 PM PDT · by Nachum · 51 replies
    Jerusalem Post ^ | 6/20/16 | Michael Wilner
    WASHINGTON -- Frustrated over a stall in an arms sale to Saudi Arabia, Obama once questioned the necessity of maintaining Israel's qualitative military edge in the region, former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said on Monday. Panetta was confirming a report from Atlantic writer Jeffrey Goldberg, who attributed the claim to him in an article on Obama's foreign policy doctrine published last March. The former Pentagon chief said the White House, at the time, was deeply concerned that Israel was preparing to unilaterally strike Iran. Simultaneously, the administration was also hoping to complete with Riyadh a significant sale of fighter jets....
  • First [Muslim] Call to Prayer Inside Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia in 85 Years

    07/06/2016 9:31:48 AM PDT · by marshmallow · 9 replies
    A muezzin’s call to prayer reverberated inside the sixth-century Istanbul landmark Hagia Sophia for the first time in 85 years on July 1. The building in the city’s historic Sultanahmet district broadcast the azan from its minarets following July 1’s Laylat al-Qadr, or night of power, marking the first revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad. The broadcast of the morning call to prayer from within Hagia Sophia is likely to reignite controversy over the use of the building, which was designated a museum in 1935 under Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the modern Turkish Republic. Although the...
  • The continuing reign of terror in Iran

    07/04/2016 3:34:37 AM PDT · by Keyvan Salami · 9 replies
    Keyvan Salami
    Three years into the tenure of Hassan Rouhani who himself and many in the West promised to be a “moderate” and “reformist” poised to bring about change in Iran, we have only witnessed an unprecedented spike in human rights violations, including horrendous public floggings and especially executions. Overt 2,400 executions in the past three years is the report card Iran and Rouhani carry, with Amnesty International and many other international human rights organizations registering Iran sent nearly 1,000 people to the gallows in 2015 alone. Various religious minorities, including Arabs, Baha’is, Christians, Jews and others have also been targeted...
  • What They Said Then, What We Know Now about the Iran Nuclear Deal

    07/03/2016 5:21:48 PM PDT · by violin5426 · 12 replies
    Foreign Policy Initiative ^ | June 30, 2016 | Tzvi Kahn
    Nearly one year ago, the United States and its international partners reached a landmark agreement with Iran that would curtail Tehran’s nuclear program in exchange for robust sanctions relief. In multiple speeches, interviews, and congressional hearings that followed, U.S. officials defended the accord, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), by hailing its intrusive inspections regime, pledging to continue sanctioning Iran for non-nuclear misbehavior, and asserting that the deal may spur the regime to moderate its policies. This FPI Analysis evaluates these claims by compiling the administration’s own statements in defense of the agreement, and comparing them...
  • Vladimir Putin to send Russia’s largest warship to Syria to destroy ISIS once and for all

    07/03/2016 1:37:08 PM PDT · by WilliamIII · 45 replies
    The U.K. Sun ^ | July 3 2016 | The Sun
    President authorises navy ship to transport 30 fighter jets & attack choppers to the Med in bid to rid the world of death cult
  • Coulter: This Hidden Fact Predicts Terrorism

    07/01/2016 9:50:43 AM PDT · by Capt. Tom · 12 replies
    The Truth Revolt ^ | June 30, 2016 | Ann Coulter
    How'd you like to be running a presidential campaign dependent on Muslims not acting up again between now and Nov. 8? It's getting awfully hard for the media to keep being indignant about Trump's proposed Muslim ban, as long as Muslims keep blowing things up and shooting people. I'm assuming here that The Washington Post has not already ruled the Muslims who blew up the Istanbul Airport to be self-hating gays infected by America's culture of homophobia. It turns out, Omar Mateen, the Orlando nightclub shooter, also wasn't a self-hating gay, despite media excitement over that rumor. The FBI has...
  • Following the deadly ISIS attack in Turkey, LET'S TALK ABOUT TRANSGENDERS! [Vanity]

    06/30/2016 10:54:31 AM PDT · by CivilWarBrewing · 5 replies ^ | June 30, 2016 | CivilWarBrewing
    Following the deadly ISIS terror attack in Turkey, Ash Carter is busy delivering a speech about transgenders in the U.S. military..
  • Report: US sailors ill-prepared for Iran encounter in Gulf

    06/30/2016 7:12:47 AM PDT · by Olog-hai · 41 replies
    Associated Press ^ | Jun 30, 2016 9:58 AM EDT | Robert Burns
    Weak leadership, poor judgment, a lack of “warfighting toughness” and a litany of errors led to the embarrassing capture and detention by Iran of 10 U.S. sailors in the Persian Gulf in January, according to a Navy investigation released Thursday. Six officers and three enlisted sailors have been disciplined or face disciplinary action. The trouble began even before the sailors left port in Kuwait aboard two 50-foot boats on a short-notice, 300-mile journey to Bahrain. They were delayed, unprepared, poorly supervised and ill-suited for the mission, the report said. …
  • Trump gets it right on Jerusalem

    06/29/2016 7:11:44 AM PDT · by RoosterRedux · 9 replies
    CNN ^ | Jason Greenblatt
    It seems to be a regular feature of the U.S presidential election cycle: Candidates from both parties solemnly pledge to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital, only to sidestep the issue upon taking office. Shouldn't the selection of a capital city rest solely with the people of the country who reside there? Donald Trump believes it should. As president, he would recognize the right of the Israeli people to choose their capital city (a choice, incidentally, that has remained unchanged throughout 3,500 years of uninterrupted Jewish presence in Israel). That choice is Jerusalem. Ever since King David established Jerusalem as the...
  • Istanbul airport attacks: 28 killed, 60 wounded in suicide attacks at Ataturk airport in Turkey

    06/28/2016 2:19:42 PM PDT · by Enterprise · 45 replies ^ | 28 JUNE 2016 | David Lawler
    Istanbul governor: 28 killed and 60 wounded We have just received an update on the casualties from the attack from Istanbul's governor. At least 28 people have died, with approximately 60 more wounded.
  • Ayatollah Khamenei is Dead, but Remains Alive [DEBKA]

    06/25/2016 2:08:08 PM PDT · by Jumper · 259 replies
    Debka ^ | June 25,2016 | self
    Ayatollah Khamenei reported Dead