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Keyword: organdonor

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  • Our little warrior Jaxson needs your prayers again

    12/21/2019 8:24:09 PM PST · by AzNASCARfan · 1,020 replies
    Self | December 21, 2019 | AzNascarFan
    I am trying to get the prayer chains going again... For those of you unfamiliar with Jaxson's journey, We have had some previous prayer threads for him over the past few years... Here are links to them to give you some background on Jaxson's condition if you don't know it. July '16October '16February '18March '18 My Daughter, Katie, had a page that has his history on it up to about May '18 here Jaxson's got guts until she stopped updating there and moved it to Facebook... I don't think she has done much updating anything since she started school and...
  • Organs harvested while family challenged 'brain dead' opinion

    09/28/2019 6:34:59 AM PDT · by stars & stripes forever · 41 replies
    World Net Daily ^ | 9/27/2019 | WND Staff
    LLDF contends the family wasn't given due process and was presented with inadequate information about organ donorship. Vati was admitted to the hospital on Sept. 11 and declared "brain dead" by doctors four days later. "Immediately the Donor Network of America swooped into claim Ruben's organs," LLDF said.
  • Cancer Spreads from Organ Donor to 4 People in 'Extraordinary' Case

    09/17/2018 7:26:25 AM PDT · by BenLurkin · 41 replies ^ | September 15, 2018 09:28am ET | Rachael Rettner,
    It's well known that organ transplants can pass infectious diseases from donors to recipients in rare cases. But even more rarely, transplants can transmit cancer, as a new case shows. In what's being described as an "extraordinary case," four people in Europe developed breast cancer after they received organs from the same donor, according to a new report. Three of the patients died from the cancer, which underscores the "often-fatal consequences of donor-derived breast cancer," the authors wrote in their report, published in the July issue of the American Journal of Transplantation Passing cancer through an organ transplant is "a...
  • Prayer Request for my Grandson Jaxson

    03/28/2018 9:54:06 PM PDT · by AzNASCARfan · 69 replies
    Jaxsons Got Guts ^ | March 28, 2018 | AzNascarFan
    My grandson and our family need your prayers again. He had an intestinal transplant almost 6 weeks ago now, and things are NOT getting any better. He is in severe rejection and they are removing the transplanted organs in the morning. He will have to heal up for a year and then will go back in the transplant list to try this again. Please pray for him and his Doctors tomorrow and strength for our family in these trying times.
  • Prayer Request for my Grandson

    02/15/2018 2:35:53 PM PST · by AzNASCARfan · 84 replies
    Feb. 15, 2018 | AzNascarFan
    I am asking for a prayer request today, My grandson who has been on a transplant list since shortly after he was born, who will now be 5 in April and we just got the call that he will get his transplant.
  • Man tells dispatchers he’s killing himself, they need to “hurry up” because he’s an organ donor

    07/25/2017 10:13:34 AM PDT · by Responsibility2nd · 7 replies
    Assoc. Press ^ | 07/24/2017 | Assoc. Press
    SKOWHEGAN, Maine — A Maine man told a 911 dispatcher he was killing himself and first responders needed “to hurry up” because he was an organ donor. Skowhegan police Chief David Bucknam says the man was still breathing when first responders arrived Sunday night, July 23rd — but he died a few minutes later. ~snip~ There was no organ donation in the end. The man’s body was sent to the state medical examiner’s office in Augusta, precluding the harvesting of organs.
  • Organs removed from young woman against family's wishes

    11/23/2014 9:49:01 AM PST · by Shimmer1 · 80 replies ^ | Nov 15, 2014 | The Associated Press contributed to this report.
    The organ donation process has been completed for the young woman whose family was fighting against it. According to family members of 26-year-old Martha Perez, her organs were removed on Friday against their wishes. Fox 4 spoke to the family before the removal and they said the third woman confirmed dead of injuries sustained in an Arlington wreck involving a suspected drunk driver was technically still alive. more.....
  • Frankenstein Science: Head Transplants Are Now Possible?

    08/18/2014 3:25:03 PM PDT · by NYer · 33 replies
    Seasons of Grace ^ | August 18, 2014 | Kathy Schiffer
    “Potentially unethical.” That’s how one expert described an Italian scientist’s plan to perform a “head transplant” by severing two heads at the same time, then cooling and flushing out the ‘recipient’ head before attaching it to its new body with polymer glue.That is “POTENTIALLY unethical?” Making one person out of two, and throwing away the unused halves, is only “potentially” unethical?Shock and awe.* * * * *Neuroscientist Sergio Canavero is undeterred by criticism, however. Canavero now reports that it’s possible to merge bone marrow, surgically cut with an ultra-sharp knife, when fusing one person’s head onto another person’s spine. The...
  • Centralizing organ removal may benefit transplants

    02/24/2014 11:07:19 PM PST · by Olog-hai · 11 replies
    Associated Press ^ | Feb 25, 2014 1:28 AM EST | Marilynn Marchione
    For decades, surgeons have traveled to far-off hospitals to remove organs from brain-dead donors and then rushed back to transplant them. Now an experiment in the Midwest suggests there may be a better way: Bring the donors to the doctors instead. A study out Tuesday reports on liver transplants from the nation’s first free-standing organ retrieval center. Nearly all organ donors now are transported to Mid-America Transplant Services in St. Louis from a region including parts of Missouri, Illinois and Arkansas. Removing organs at this central location near the four hospitals that do transplants saves money, the study found. The...
  • Organ donation opt-out plan backed (UK)

    07/03/2013 7:27:11 AM PDT · by fruser1 · 4 replies
    The Belfast Telegraph ^ | 7/3/2013 | unknown
    Wales will become the first country in the UK where people will be presumed to have consented for their organs to be donated unless they opt out... ...A Bill for Wales to adopt a system of presumed consent passed its final stage in the Welsh Assembly - despite objections from religious groups on moral grounds as well as concerns about it adding greater distress to bereaved family members. AMs voted in favour of the Bill by 43 votes to eight, with two abstentions... ...Ministers insist the scheme will be implemented sensitively...
  • Ethicist’s Stunning Challenge: Why Wait Until a Patient Is Dead to Harvest Organs?

    04/09/2013 8:51:14 AM PDT · by Nachum · 33 replies
    The Blaze ^ | 4/9/13 | Liz Klimas
    We’ve seen ethicists discussing the controversial topic of time of death and organ donation before. Now, another ethicist is discussing the “moral insignificance of death” when it comes to organ donation in the latest issue of Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. As pointed out by BioEdge, Walter Glannon, a Canada Research Chair in Medical Bioethics and Ethical Theory and professor at the University of Calgary, is among the many ethicists that have begun questioning whether it’s necessary to wait until death before harvesting organs, especially in light of recent shortages. Glannon’s abstract states (the full article is available for purchase)...
  • Woman Dies After Receiving Smoker's Lungs in Transplant

    12/19/2012 9:23:13 AM PST · by Baynative · 37 replies
    GMA news ^ | 12/19/12 | LIZ NEPORENT |
    Jennifer Wederell, a 27-year-old British woman with cystic fibrosis, died of lung cancer after she received the lungs of a heavy smoker in an organ transplant.
  • Doctor disputes common acceptance of ‘brain death’

    11/22/2012 8:17:35 PM PST · by Coleus · 26 replies
    The Catholic Free Press ^ | 11.15.12 | Patricia O’Connell
    Organ transplants are big business and patients are often declared “brain dead” in order to harvest their organs, neonatologist Dr. Paul A. Bryne said during a talk last Sunday at the Knights of Columbus hall. The event was sponsored by the St. John the Baptist Pro-Life League of Saint Benedict Center in Still River. Dr. Byrne, past president of the Catholic Medical Association (USA), has directed the neonatology and pediatrics departments at Charles Mercy Hospital in Oregon, Ohio. He is president of Life Guardian Foundation, a pro-life organization based in Vancouver, Washington. He has appeared on television’s “Good Morning America”...
  • I'm Not An Organ Donor.

    05/12/2012 10:09:45 AM PDT · by JoanVarga · 65 replies
    Primordial Slack ^ | 5/12/2012 | Joan Varga
    If that plain statement offends you, then you can take the measure of just how far your thinking has been influenced by the “Imagine” crowd. Specifically, the “imagine no possessions” set. You have no right to my organs after I’m gone. Sorry. I have every right to be this way without being judged as selfish. Here I draw the line on the march of the boundary-challenged fascists: No. Hands off. Find some other way to save a life that doesn’t involve the inherent corruption of the medical profession when an unscrupulous and hardened surgeon is tempted with my shiny, perfectly...
  • What You Lose When You Sign That Donor Card (Have doctors blurred the line between life and death?)

    03/14/2012 11:55:30 AM PDT · by NYer · 48 replies
    WSJ ^ | March 13, 2012 | Dick Teresi
    The last time I renewed my driver's license, the clerk at the DMV asked if she should check me off as an organ donor. I said no. She looked at me and asked again. I said, "No. Just check the box that says, 'I am a heartless, selfish bastard.'" Becoming an organ donor seems like a win-win situation. Some 3.3 people on the transplant waiting list will have their lives extended by your gift (3.3 is the average yield of solid organs per donor). You're a hero, and at no real cost, apparently. But what are you giving up when...
  • 21-Year-Old Man Wakes From Coma Before Doctors Take Organs

    12/22/2011 11:11:04 AM PST · by julieee · 59 replies ^ | December 22, 2011 | Steven Ertelt
    21-Year-Old Man Wakes From Coma Before Doctors Take Organs Tucson, AZ -- A 21-year-old man has awaken from a coma just hours before doctors were ready to shut off life support and take his organs for donation purposes.
  • Presumed consent organ donation to be Welsh law by 2015

    11/06/2011 5:48:08 AM PST · by markomalley · 14 replies · 1+ views
    BBC ^ | 11/6/11
    The Welsh government says it plans to have a new law in place for presumed consent of organ donation by 2015. The legislation would require people to opt out of donating their organs when they die, rather than opting in by signing the donor register. A White Paper setting out a timetable is set to be published this week. Opponents say they do not believe it will work and it will hit trust in the system but supporters claim it will save more lives. The Welsh government has told the BBC Wales Politics Show that it is planning a system...
  • Gunman, 15, Picks Legally Armed Man to Rob - (Temple Student)

    09/06/2011 6:13:12 PM PDT · by Kid Shelleen · 38 replies
    NBC News (Philly) ^ | 09/06/2011 | Teresa Masterson
    A 15-year-old boy allegedly pulled a gun on a Temple University student early Monday, but got a startling response: The 21-year-old pulled his own legal-to-carry gun and the two shot each other, police say.
  • Utah woman offers organ donation, then shoots self

    07/15/2011 5:13:43 PM PDT · by Free ThinkerNY · 22 replies
    Associated Press ^ | July 15, 2011
    ST. GEORGE, Utah (AP) -- A Utah woman has committed suicide shortly after telling emergency personnel she wanted her organs harvested. St. George Police Captain Scott Staley says the 57-year-old woman made a call Friday morning to 911 to say she wanted to be an organ donor.
  • Palestinian organ donation saves 3 people

    09/25/2010 12:18:04 AM PDT · by BlackVeil · 5 replies
    Y-net news ^ | 9 June 2010 | Dr. Itay Gal
    Three people have been granted the opportunity for a new life, after the family of a Palestinian child who died in a mishap donated his liver and lungs. The transplants recipients are all in stable condition and are currently recovering at hospital. The tragic incident took place about 10 days ago, when three-and-a-half-year-old Abdul Hai Salhut of east Jerusalem's Jabel Mukaber fell and sustained grave injuries near his home. His family drove him to a local hospital, and from there he was taken to Jerusalem's Hadassah Ein Karem medical center. The child was taken directly into surgery where doctors struggled...