Keyword: marks
On Wednesday, Joe Biden delivered an address from Camp David, condemning the recent terrorist attack in New Orleans and reaffirming the nation’s commitment to combating terrorism. But rather than uniting the country, the brief speech, riddled with slurred words and bizarre facial injuries, has only fueled speculation about Biden’s health and ability to lead. From a hangar at Camp David, Biden condemned the New Orleans attack, in which 15 lives were lost when a rented truck plowed into a Bourbon Street crowd. The attacker, identified as Shamsud-Din Jabbar, was killed in a firefight with law enforcement. Explosives and an ISIS...
The House Weaponization Committee shone a big bright light on a concerning action by Bank of America that should concern all Americans. Now, the House GOP is taking action.On Thursday, the House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) said they would be investigating what they’d learned from whistleblower testimony — how Bank of America, without any legal process from the FBI, turned over to the FBI a list of all its customers who purchased anything within the neighborhood of the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area between Jan. 5 and Jan. 7, 2021. That means they turned over...
Subpoenas went out Wednesday to local election officials and a former Republican Party chair in a rural Georgia county, with attorneys seeking to find out how a covert team of 2020 election conspiracy theorists were able to improperly access and copy a voting system server last year. The eight subpoenas, issued by attorneys representing voting rights activists in an ongoing lawsuit, were greenlit by U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg. She expressed “great concern” last week about the unauthorized access of a voting system server following an investigation by The Daily Beast that revealed details about who was involved in this...
CNN host Jim Acosta appeared to compare the derision he endured at the hands of former President Donald Trump to being physically abused on Monday. During Monday's handover between his fill-in hosting gig and "Don Lemon Tonight,"a Acosta said he still had "marks on my back" from his tenure at the White House, seemingly referring to the tumultuous relationship he had with Trump, as well as the criticism he often received from the latter.
Democratic strategist Donna Brazile said Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that President Joe Biden had “a lot to brag about” after his first year in office.
BREAKING: In a major blow to vaccine efforts, senior FDA leaders stepping down Two of the FDA’s most senior vaccine leaders are exiting from their positions, raising fresh questions about the Biden administration and the way that it’s sidelined the FDA. Marion Gruber, director of the FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research & Review and 32-year veteran of the agency, will leave at the end of October, and OVRR deputy director Phil Krause, who’s been at FDA for more than a decade, will leave in November. The news, first reported by BioCentury, is a massive blow to confidence in the agency’s...
NBC anchor Chuck Todd said Tuesday on “MSNBC Live” that the United States’ chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan will damage President Joe Biden’s image of competency. Jackson asked, “Why were we so caught off guard here? Chuck, what do Afghans need to hear from the administration broadly this morning?” Todd said, “From the point of view of Afghans…how long is this process of evacuating Afghans going to last, how open will we be to bringing out more Afghans who want out? Where are we going to take them? How is the process worked? Are we cutting red tape? All of those...
"I'm the government, and I'm here to help you." I know it's a youtube video, but if you are on covid forbearance, you have to see this. What happened to these people is unbelievable!
"Democratic Campaign Workers Forged Absentee Ballots... They Used the Names of People Who Were Serving Time in Prison" Mon Nov 9, 2020 Daniel Greenfield Don't get too excited. This is from Philly. But it's also from 1994 when a crucial election flipped the State Senate to the Republicans because of Democrat voter fraud. In writing today's article, American Coup, I mentioned how prevalent and blatant the voter fraud is in Philly. In 1994, the fraud in one Philly election was so bad that a federal judge ruled that a Democrat State Senator had to be replaced by a Republican shifting control of...
Michigan’s Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed an executive order Friday that goes into effect Monday mandating face masks in public indoor and crowded outdoor spaces. It introduces a misdemeanor charge with a $500 fine for violators who refuse. “The heroes on the front lines of this crisis have gone hours without taking their masks off every day, doctors, nurses, child care workers, grocery store workers. We owe it to them to wear our masks when we’re on a trip to the grocery store or pharmacy,” Whitmer said in a press release. “For the sake of your loved ones, let’s all...
Interior Minister Aryeh Deri granted residency status to A., a Palestinian who saved the Mark family in 2017 after a terrorist attack in which the father of the family, Rabbi Michi Mark, was murdered. "Rabbi Mark was murdered in front of his children and you bravely displayed great humanity," said Deri. "You helped the children, you took care of these children. I know you paid a high price for this in your circles. Once the case reached us, we want to make life easier for you and give you status in Israel so that you can live. You belong here....
Featured Term (selected at random:FIFTEEN MARKS OF THE CHURCH The fifteen features of the true Church developed by St. Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621), cardinal, Archbishop of Capua, and Doctor of the Church. As a contemporary of the original Protestant Reformers, he expanded the traditional four marks to fifteen, as follows: 1. the Church's name, Catholic, universal, and worldwide, and not confined to any particular nation or people; 2. antiquity in tracing her ancestry directly to Jesus Christ; 3. constant duration in lasting substantially unchanged for so many centuries; 4. extensiveness in the number of her loyal members; 5. episcopal succession of...
Perhaps the most hard-fought Senate race this year will be ColoradoÂ’s showdown between Democratic senator Mark Udall and Republican congressman Cory Gardner. The RealClearPolitics average of polls in the race shows Gardner holding a lead of 1.3 percentage points. The outcome may determine control of the U.S. Senate, and the margin of victory could be less than the 11,000-vote margin by which Democratic senator Michael Bennet was reelected in Colorado in 2010. But there is a significant difference in this yearÂ’s Senate race. In 2013, a new Democratic state legislature rammed through a sweeping and highly controversial election law and...
The Talk Shows March 30th, 2014 Guests to be interviewed today on major television talk shows: FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): Sens. Angus King, I-Maine; John Barrasso, R-Wyo.; Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich.MEET THE PRESS (NBC): Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.; Michael Leiter, former White House adviser on counterterrorism.FACE THE NATION (CBS): NCAA President Mark Emmert; Michael Hayden, former head of the CIA and the National Security Agency; Michael Morrell, former deputy CIA director and member of NSA Surveillance Review Group; Cmdr. William J. Marks, U.S. Navy 7th Fleet, which is involved in the search for the missing Malaysian Airlines jet.THIS WEEK...
In the wake of lawsuits and complaints against Broomfield for attempts to cover up and ignore problems in the error-riddled November election, city officials now admit finding a box containing about 75 ballots that for unknown reasons were not counted or reconciled to the voter records. ... Unknown is where the ballots came from, why they were tossed in a box, who had access to them and why they were not properly processed – even spoiled ballots are processed and documented to reconcile election records. Blank ballots are processed through the voting machines and accounted for. The box of ballots...
On Thursday, in the aftermath of South African iconic leader Nelson Mandela’s death at age 95, President Obama’s White House account tweeted a tribute to Mandela – a picture of Obama in Mandela’s Robben Island prison cell, along with a quote from Obama about Mandela: (Photo/Tweet) Even in paying tribute to a historic figure, President Obama couldn’t help but make it about him.
The Baltimore Catechism Revised Edition (1941) Part One: The Creed The Marks and Attributes of the Church Lesson 12 from the Baltimore Cathechism152. Which is the one true Church established by Christ? The one true Church established by Christ is the Catholic Church.And other sheep I have that are not of this fold. Them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd. (John 10:16)153. How do we know that the Catholic Church is the one true Church established by Christ? We know that the Catholic Church is the...
The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light, I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight. My wife was asleep, her head on my chest, my daughter beside me, angelic in rest. Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white, Transforming the yard to a winter delight. The sparkling lights in the tree, I believe, Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.
House Republican Leader John Boehner is marking the 90-day anniversary of health care reform with a 43-page report "designed to chronicle ObamaCare’s three-month journey from hype to harsh reality." The document outlines problems that Republicans say have been exacerbated or created by the reform law and forms the basis of their argument that the law should be repealed and replaced. “Public calls for repeal of the new law are rising – and Republicans are on offense, calling attention to steadily mounting evidence that President Obama’s massive health care law is raising health care costs and crushing small business job creation...
Already facing the loss of federal government funding, the community-organizing group Acorn also has run afoul of one of its big corporate partners, Bank of America Corp. In response to questions from The Wall Street Journal, a spokesman for the banking company said it has "suspended current commitments" to Acorn Housing, an affiliated group, and "will not enter into any further agreements with Acorn or any of its affiliates," pending assessments by the bank of the organization's operations. Acorn, officially the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, has been under fire since the recent release of secretly recorded videos...