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Keyword: marklevinbook

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  • MARK LEVIN ATTACKED: @NPR book reviewer @Annalisa_Quinn Must Resign or Be Terminated

    05/26/2019 3:15:14 PM PDT · by Oscar in Batangas · 22 replies
    Doug Ross @ Journal ^ | May 25, 2019 | Doug Ross (?)
    You might think that an Amazon #1 bestseller -- as Mark Levin’s ninth book has become -- would merit serious reviews from serious people. Obviously, NPR’s choice of Annalisa Quinn, a sometimes contributor to The New York Times, is immediately suspect. Conflict of interest much? As one might have guessed from minute zero, Quinn’s review of Unfreedom of the Press is not about Levin’s book, but undermining its premise through insult, not argument. Beginning with ad hominem attacks and ending with emotional diatribes, Quinn’s “review” of an academically documented and nonfiction bestseller is an outrage, but -- as Levin has...
  • Mark Levin's Unfreedom of the Press available today

    05/21/2019 5:35:08 PM PDT · by Kid Shelleen · 10 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 05/21/2019 | Thomas Lifson
    Mark Levin's new book, Unfreedom of the Press, published today, is a remarkable achievement. If you often get angry at the press and want to understand how we ended up with a mass media establishment that has betrayed its responsibilities and now functions as an adjunct of the Democrats, this is the book for you. ---snip--- His treatment of the New York Times, in particular, is devastating to that newspaper, and not merely its behavior in the age of Trump.
  • The Heritage of Natural Law: Mark Levin on Rediscovering Americanism

    07/15/2017 12:38:47 PM PDT · by EveningStar · 25 replies
    National Review ^ | July 15, 2017 | Andrew C. McCarthy
    Is there an enduring American character? For those who view our nation as at a tipping point, the question is urgent. Others scoff, “Why?” After all, if the American character is truly enduring, it will endure — the ship eventually will right itself to the extent it is off course. And if not, history will inevitably evolve it into something better, right? My friend Mark Levin would counter that this is the wrong way to look at it. The foundation of Americanism, he posits, is natural law. That does not just spontaneously appear, nor passively persevere. Understanding our natural-law roots,...
  • Another Mark Levin Best-Seller Spiked

    07/06/2017 5:49:57 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 25 replies ^ | July 6, 2017 | Brent Bozell
    Polls out for Independence Day hit a sobering note: Our patriotic feelings are on a steady decline. Gallup found the number of people describing themselves as "extremely proud" Americans has dropped from 70 percent in 2003 to just 52 percent in 2016. Just 34 percent of Americans ages 18 to 29 picked "extremely proud." That's also demonstrated in the latest poll from YouGov, which finds that while 61 percent of people 65 and older describe themselves as "very patriotic," only 20 percent of those under 30 describe themselves as "very patriotic," while 35 percent said they were "not very patriotic"...
  • Mark Levin's 'Rediscovering Americanism'

    06/30/2017 6:57:11 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 30 replies ^ | June 30, 2017 | David Limbaugh
    My friend Mark Levin is nothing if not a patriot of the first order. He loves the United States and its founding principles -- and his latest book, "Rediscovering Americanism," explains his passion and encourages ours. Levin believes that America's greatness lies in its unique founding ideals -- and documents -- and correctly observes how far we've strayed from those principles and the structure of government they inspired. In his other books, Levin has outlined the problems confronting us and proposed solutions, but in this book, he takes a deeper look into the Framers' vision and examines the anatomy and...
  • Mark Levin book condemning media, progressives, debuts No. 1 Amazon

    06/27/2017 6:19:30 AM PDT · by huldah1776 · 24 replies
    Washington Examiner ^ | June 27, 2017 | Paul Bedard
    Mark Levin's new book, "Rediscovering Americanism," an assault on the media and progressives and a call for Americans to take back their country, debuts today at No. 1 on Amazon. Showing the draw of the New York Times bestselling author and top syndicated radio host, his book is already on the way to becoming another big seller. "My new book covers a lot of territory — philosophy, history, economics, law, culture, etc. And I look deeply into what is meant by Americanism, republicanism, individualism, capitalism. What do we mean by natural law, unalienable rights, liberty, and property rights? From where...

    "Conservative Review Editor-in-Chief Mark Levin made a surprise announcement on his radio program Thursday evening. Levin has finished writing his newest book and said it's his “best book.” He gave his listeners the title during the broadcast."
  • Mark Levin’s New Blockbuster ‘Plunder and Deceit’ Sets the Stage for the 2016 Debates

    07/05/2015 4:17:04 PM PDT · by Rockitz · 29 replies ^ | 5 Jul 2015 | Stephen K. Bannon
    Radio host Mark Levin’s new book warns America about the impending crisis that will doom the next generation: ... Levin’s sixth book is a “fire bell in the night” to our nation, especially its young people, about the attack on liberty and prosperity and the coming crisis, manufactured by a Leviathan-like government, that threatens to swallow future generations. The power of Levin’s book is in his taking virtually every major problem facing the country — the debt, entitlements, open immigration, radical environmentalism, education, minimum wage, national security, the Constitution, and others — and compellingly laying out the case against big...
  • Mark Levin's new book - "The Liberty Amendments: Restoring The American Republic"

    07/10/2013 12:39:11 PM PDT · by Perdogg · 26 replies
    Mark Levin's new book - "The Liberty Amendments: Restoring The American Republic"
  • Mark Levin and The 17th Amendment III (We can’t continue like this)

    06/22/2013 12:58:51 PM PDT · by Jacquerie · 26 replies
    The Mark Levin Show | June 21st, 2013 | Mark Levin
    As his fans know, Mark finished another book. Every night it seems, he wants to bust out and talk about it, but his publishers have put the ixnay on too much disclosure. Still, he shows a little leg now and then. That happened yesterday, in the first hour of his show. Mark Levin: I want to explain an aspect of this that hasn’t been discussed. We have United States Senators, and we have for a hundred years, since 1913, . . . and the 17th Amendment, which I believe must be repealed. We now have individuals in the US Senate...