Posted on 05/21/2019 5:35:08 PM PDT by Kid Shelleen
Mark Levin's new book, Unfreedom of the Press, published today, is a remarkable achievement. If you often get angry at the press and want to understand how we ended up with a mass media establishment that has betrayed its responsibilities and now functions as an adjunct of the Democrats, this is the book for you. ---snip---
His treatment of the New York Times, in particular, is devastating to that newspaper, and not merely its behavior in the age of Trump.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I don’t think that I’ll ever get around how Levin spoke about Donald Trump during the primaries. I couldn’t believe it but it wasn’t just him. There were many ‘hi-profile’ individuals that spewed such sewage about Trump that I just can’t stomach listening to them or ‘reading’ their (another) books.
I think Mark Levin — as with myself — wasn’t so enthusasti aout the POTUS, at first. This is just akin to myself who grew to like the man I voted for more and more as time went on. Great minds think alike (snicker).
It was on my Kindle this morning, and now I'm a third of the way into it. Turns out a fiercely partisan press has been around in this country since its very beginning. The major difference now is it's so one sided.
Received mine yesterday... If I like it it, I’ll be getting one for each of my grandchildren (who are all, except for one, in their early 30’s.)
He is a wholly owned Chamber Of Amnesty mouthpiece, and there has never been a retraction.
Thank you for letting me know to make sure people I know don't buy his insincere drivel.
I hope that I can one day get over it but it was so appalling I think it will be awhile. Like I said it wasn’t just him (as you probably know) but other prominent individuals. To me, it showed their ‘hearts’ and it was ugly. It also showed that the Country means little to them. Their nasty remarks about Donald Trump contradicted everything they supposedly stood for.
I hope Levin sells enough books he can
stop pimping them on his radio show.
The forces that aim to undo the US did powerful work in the early 1900's, and one of the the efforts was to promotoe the myth of an objective press being vital to an informed electorate, therefore the press is objective.
I hope so
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