Posted on 07/10/2013 12:39:11 PM PDT by Perdogg
Mark Levin's new book - "The Liberty Amendments: Restoring The American Republic"
I cannot wait!
No print copy available?
Yes the print copy will be available on the 13th of August.
To pass even a single amendment requires support of upwards of 75% of voters.
We can win a simple majority election, why in the world are we pining for amendments?
Of course, if we could consistently win simple majority elections, we wouldn’t need the amendments.
Not sure of the premise of Levin’s book, but have been winning on issue after issue, but lost at the ballot box. We have a huge majority of statehouses and governors. Our ideas seem to get muddled in the blur of the national elections.
I often wonder why we’ve had no action on amendments in most of my lifetime. They have been a regular occurrence through most of our history. I get that many feel like we are opening a new can of worms if we give the left the idea of pursuing amendments, but I also wonder if it isn’t worth the risk.
I think one of the new amendments should be “the right of record”, which would cover using a recording device to record the goings on for both your property and within arms reach of your person.
Alot of corrption would go away if sanitized by the light of private citizens releasing video and audio of miss deeds
We don’t need any more laws.
We need to return to, and enforce, the original intent of the Constitution.
I love Mark Levin. I have read most of his books.
I think the Power of the State is such that there is no "legislative" way back (at the Federal level) towards a limited government. My reading of history says that only a cataclysmic event will present the opportunity to made a sudden move back towards Liberty.
I believe when the "event" happens, the States offer they last peaceful chance to roll back the Federal Leviathan.
If you read history, true Liberty is only gained in a short period of time (a decade or less). You can't transition over a long period towards smaller government.
In other words, after a collapse, actions must be taken to quickly and relentlessly dismantle all unconstitutional parts of the Federal Leviathan. Large numbers of Federal workers must be fired and must have their pensions revoked. The courts below the S.C. must be dissolved.
For America to once again have Liberty, the counties around D.C. must become impoverished.
I’ll be buying the book and look forward to getting it with great eagerness.
That said, I fear that such noble ideas may end up a very hard and bitter “If only we had” regret in years future. I am concerned that the title would indicate making efforts to right the wrongs via the existing framework. Marxists will never afford us such opportunity, especially if it requires working within the system that the Ruling Class and Obama have corrupted.
I know Mark is not oblivious to the fact that the leaders in government and their agents, no longer listen to, respect or fear We The People. They hold us in utter contempt and loathing, as we do them. Tyrants respond to resistance to their edicts and measures with criminalization and use of brute force. That is historical fact.
History shows and demonstrates that there is only ONE WAY (Well two - but that requires a religious obligation in conjunction with the other) to restore rights that have been violated and rendered irrelevant.
John Adams understood this, as McCullough noted in his autobiography of our Second President who made this argument during the debates for Independence:
powder and artillery are the most efficaciously sure and infallible conciliatory measures we can adopt.
Maybe Mark addresses such history in his new book.
When the rule of law has been usurped, and the rules changed to benefit and ensure perpetuity of the tyrant - there is no ability to work within a corrupted framework to redress grievances. None.
Of that fact, history speaks.
It will be very interesting to listen to Mark tonight.
Amendments only pass when there is a national consensus on an issue. We are divided on just about every issue, so no amendment.
Also we have been “reinterpreting” or just ignoring the Constitution when it suits us since 1930. So no real need to amend.
The last substantive amendment, IMO, was the 22nd in 1951. Since that merely formalized a long-standing tradition, the last “real” amendment was arguably the 19th in 1920.
Deductions of revelations of the consolidations of power, arms, ammunition and rhetoric against Conservatives, would indicate that the Regime WANTS some kind of cataclysmic event. News today has Obama sending Holder's People down to Florida to AGITATE the protests against George Zimmerman.
As I ponder the title as listed at Amazon, Restoring The American Republic - given the history of other republics before us is not going to happen without the use of force.
And even then, I do not think there is a single case in history where a republic-turned Democracy ever restored itself from tyrants. They simply collapsed into oblivion.
The of course, there is what John Adams warned:
"A Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it
" John Adams - letter to Abigail, 1775
Our Founders were brilliant and wise, true statesmen.
Today's politicians are mostly scum...
Mark's book will likely be another wonderful book. Unfortunately, the reality is it will likely have little impact...
So, it appears Mark’s plan is to use Article 5 and have the State Legislatures request Amendments be made and ratified to restore liberty.
It will be interesting to hear how Mark thinks this idea is going to get past the abolishment of the 10th Amendment or SCOTUS acting on behalf of our dictator to somehow gum up the works and either hijack this plan - or render it null and void by people in black robes.
If the people in a state who sign petitions in overwhelming numbers for a Proposition to amend their state Constitutions, only to have the Federal Courts strike them down as ‘unConstitutional’ - not sure how Mark thinks that any propositions passed in a state legislature will not strike down any Restoration Amendments in deference to Federal Laws and Executive orders.
Mark seems confident in this plan to introduce 11 Amendments in the State legislatures to restore the Republic.
I do not know the details - but look - if the people of a state, in an attempt to introduce an amendment to their STATE Constitutions to prohibit Federal or other States to impose homosexual marriage upon them (by designating marriage as between one man and one woman) - has that entire Amendment THROWN OUT and DECLARED Unconstitutional, or as in Arizona’s case to enforce laws to secure it’s own borders having been thrown out as an unConstitutional infringement upon Federal power and jurisdiction - I have no confidence that ANY State legislative Amendment to the FEDERAL Constitution would not meet the same exact fate.
I hope Mark recognizes that you cannot reason with the unreasonable.
I hope he knows that you cannot be civil with the uncivilized.
You cannot get the lawless to abide the lawful.
Tyrants NEVER allow any opposition to their rule go without punishment and physical violence to silence and put down ‘rebellion’ to their rule.
If the tyrants will not abide the Constitution NOW - how can any of us expect they would abide any NEW Amendments?
The Ruling Class will never allow themselves or their monuments to be amended out of power.
Not without bloodshed.
That’s historical fact.
We have to count the cost.
I feel very encouraged.
I'm in!
I'll pre-order it if it's possible. (haven't pre-ordered from Amazon before - can it be ordered now?).
If nothing else, it would bring sunshine to pressing and consequential issues.
BO and his minions will always push big government.
Conservations are for less government and grass roots activity.
Still, we don't have the unions and goons; there will always be fraudulent elections, but I need to get guidelines of how we might be able to turn it around. Mark supplies the guidelines; I trust him to steer us in the correct direction. The rest is up to us.
If not in my lifetime, I want to be involved in helping America regain its glory; for Emily, Eva, Riley, James and Danny (my nieces and nephews who deserve better than what is going on now) to bring America back.
In a way, you could say Obama and Big Government mirror George III and we are the colonies. IMHO.
I think its like a companion piece to AMERITOPIA.
Ameritopia sets the current stage - The Liberty Amendments are the way out of this current stage.
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