Keyword: krusgnet
need 15 more minutes folks. Hold on, its coming.
BISHKEK, KYRGYZSTAN - The shock waves from Kyrgyzstan's lightning revolution are spreading around the former Soviet Union - and into the heart of Russia - leading analysts to wonder which regimes might be next to face the peoples' wrath. Recent days have seen a spate of copycat protests launched by opposition groups that were perhaps hoping their own local authorities might fold and flee under pressure, as did Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev when demonstrators stormed his Bishkek complex last week. About 1,000 people rallied last Friday in the capital of Belarus, where President Alexander Lukashenko runs the last Soviet-style dictatorship...
<p>Shots have been fired at the Smith County courthouse. Four shot, two confirmed dead. Suspect is in custody at Highway 271 and Gentry. Stay tuned to KLTV and for more.</p>
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has alienated a lot of different interest groups with his ambitious plans to overhaul state government, but a host of experts agree with him on one big point. By taking on teachers, unions, pensions, legislative redistricting and Democrats all at once, he's transformed what would have been an off-election year in California into a fierce political battlefield with potentially profound national implications. "It's huge on the national radar screen," said Kevin Spillane, a Republican political consultant in Sacramento. "There's no doubt the special election will be the biggest political story this year." Democrats and organized labor accuse...
The Illuminati rule America! Who are the super rich "elite" Illuminati and their associates? The Queen of England, her husband Prince Philip and the Royal House of Windsor, the hierarchy on the board of directors of the Vatican, including the Pope; the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Duponts, Fords, Carnegies, Melons, Bush's etc. To get the details of who the Illuminati are, put Illuminati in It is not the American people who choose the President and Vice President of the United States of America, but rather the super secret "shadow government" called the Illuminati/New World Order who choose them! Various researchers,...
I just got "The Zot?" and was thrown in with a group of names..that are unfirmilliar. If you are tracking IP adresses, it could be from my school. We all use the same wireless internet. The Only SN i noticed was my own, KYGOP44 Please Explain this!
What's the deal with all the dead scientists?
This is RyanV of the Battle Mountain conservative Student Revoltionary Chapter of out OF Vail,Co(protestwarrior an anti liberal counter protest movement) notifying you of a leftist threat in the denver area. Please mobilise people to counter this threat, and see if maby you could join up with the Colorado Protestwarriors. We dont have many active members and need as much help as we can get in combating this liberal threat. Thank you for your time.
Is it really necessary that on ever thread somebody puts that it's Bush's fault? Can we pls get over it and move forward?
No No, All of the people in the picture survived. This due to quick acting by-standers who immediately helped two people with mouth2mouth but all others did not need help, but rather minor medical attention to cuts and bruises. The cameraman on the van/truck survived as well.
I was once a loney freeper. A freeper without a "1", pleasently picking on user "Ash" daily, now I have a (one)"1". What did I win to become a 'one'? Back in the days of Teddy Roosevelt, I signed on to FR. (May, 98.) Then somebody hit the wrong button and BOOFF! I was eliminated, disenfranchised, erased from memory. Gone, Capute! Subsequently, posing as a lurker, I saw an old thread I had started from July, '98. I tried to post to it. Nothing. I tried again. Nothing! I emailed JimRob. He said my user ID was gone! Not banished,...
For the past several months, fate has conspired to keep me away from the computer. I haven't posted nearly as much on FR as I used to. With the holidays, though, I've had an opportunity to catch up a bit. What I found on my return is a bit disconcerting. While there's always been an element here that refuses to reason and does little more than insult Democrats and RINOs, it seems that this mentality has taken over a large portion of our membership. I've encountered more shrill, radical nonsense in the past couple of days than I had in...
Okay, so I'm doing my nightly FReeper thing, reading new posts, visiting the threads that I've been pinged to, etc..etc. Nothing new, I've been doing this for several years now, pretty much on a daily basis. I don't start too many threads (because frankly, nobody really wants or needs my 2 cents). But tonight I've had it. I can't bite my tongue any more. I've got to vent. Why are there A LOT of Freepers who insist on commenting on topics that they have no idea what the hell they're talking about? I just got done reading the thread about...
This is fantastic! I have always wanted to put the similarities of the liberal voices out in the open to reveal the patters in what they trot out. Fantastic!
where's my friggin scoll bar!!!! (windows xp)
1st team in Baseball History to force a game 7
Is there a formal definition of "blog" or "blogger". I have a rough idea what they mean. Those terms have been used a lot lately in reference to increasing sources of news and opinions on the internet. Thanks in advance
Sorry for the stupid question, but I see the words Vanity and Zot on some of the posts, and I have no idea what they mean. Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks
how can I post phtos to this seite? Please help me!