Keyword: kabul
KABUL, AFGHANISTAN – Sergei Shoigu, Secretary of the Russian National Security Council, has arrived in Kabul at the head of a high-level delegation for talks with senior Taliban officials. This marks the highest-ranking Russian delegation to visit Afghanistan since the Taliban takeover.
Former Congresswoman and Trump ally Tulsi Gabbard went on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Dana Bash on Sunday to discuss President Trump’s visit to Arlington National Cemetery. President Trump visited Arlington Cemetery with Gold Star Families on the anniversary of the Kabul bombing that killed 13 US servicemembers. Joe Biden’s botched Afghanistan withdrawal in August 2021 led to the death of 13 US servicemembers and many more wounded. Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, and the fake news media shamelessly attacked President Trump for honoring the Gold Star families.
Fuming Kamala Harris supporters are calling for the director of the Arlington National Cemetery to be "fired" for allowing Donald Trump to attend a Monday memorial service for fallen soldiers. Democratic media figures and activists expressed their fury at Arlington National Cemetery director Karen Durham-Aguilera, a longtime senior Army official, after Trump marked the third anniversary of the Kabul airport terrorist attack by attending a wreath-laying ceremony with the families of the fallen service members. The Gold Star families invited Trump to attend the service. Thirteen American soldiers were killed and 18 wounded in the Abbey Gate suicide bombing during...
Former President Donald Trump received a rowdy reception when he walked into a Vietnamese restaurant in northern Virginia on Monday. The 45th president visited the Truong Tien Vietnamese Restaurant in Falls Church, Virginia, along with Virginia U.S. Senate candidate Hung Cao. The Naval Academy graduate and combat veteran is running to replace incumbent Democrat Sen. Tim Kaine. “In Florida, we go down and we have large groups of people, always dressed perfectly, with the red and the silver. I say, ‘You’re the most beautiful dressers I’ve ever seen,'” he added. Trump then turned to the senate candidate and said, “I...
13 US servicemen and women were killed in the attack. Today marks the third anniversary of the devastating Kabul Airport bombing that claimed the lives of 13 brave U.S. servicemen and women. President Trump honored the 13 U.S. service members who tragically lost their lives three years ago during this chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan after Joe Biden surrendered to the Taliban. Conspicuously absent from the ceremony were Joe Biden and Kamala Harris—Biden is reportedly on vacation, while Harris is busy campaigning, disconnected from the painful memories still fresh in the hearts of many Americans. On August 26, 2021, a suicide...
Vice President Harris, the Democrat nominee for president, marked the third anniversary of the suicide bombing at the Kabul airport, when 13 U.S. service members were killed. “Today and everyday, I mourn and honor them. My prayers are with their families and loved ones. My heart breaks for their pain and their loss. These 13 devoted patriots represent the best of America, putting our beloved nation and their fellow Americans above themselves and deploying into danger to keep their fellow citizens safe,” she said in a statement. She named the 13 service members and said she is also thinking about...
At least five police officers were killed and a priest was beheaded in terrorist attacks in Dagestan on Sunday. BREAKING: Islamist terror attack in Dagestan, Russia against a synagogue and a church. At least 5 police officers k*lled and 1 priest beheaded. The bearded terrorists are all dressed in black and are shouting “Allahu Akbar” — Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) June 23, 2024 Bearded gunman dressed in black attacked the synagogue and a church. BREAKING: Coordinated Islamist terror attacks in Dagestan, Russia. Bearded gunmen dressed in black have attacked a synagogue and a church. At least 6 people k*lled
Republican Texas Rep. Michael McCaul sent a letter Wednesday morning to former White House press secretary Jen Psaki’s lawyer threatening a subpoena after she failed to respond to an original request to appear for a transcribed interview as part of the committee’s probe into the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the letter, which was sent to Psaki’s lawyer, Emily Loeb. In it, McCaul, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, mentions the fact that Psaki is a private citizen who recently published a book about her time in the Biden White House....
On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” Washington Post Associate Editor and MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart denied that President Joe Biden’s threat to withhold certain weapons from Israel if they invade Rafah’s population centers was motivated by politics because Biden has “done a lot of things on the world stage that, domestically, have hurt him,” such as “the withdrawal from Kabul and how disastrous that was.”
The organization, CSTO, is a Russian-led security alliance that includes Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan “Radicals from Central Asia have accounted for a notable share of recent Islamic State-inspired or -directed plots and attacks in the United States, Europe, Turkey, and Iran,” Lucas Webber and Riccardo Valle wrote in a Hudson Institute analysis last year. In September 2022, ISKP – which vehemently opposes Russia’s support for the regime of Bashar al-Assad in Syria – claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing at the Russian embassy in Kabul which left six dead. Despite repeatedly warnings from foreign sources – including the U.S....
Bad optics for the censorious Regime.. Last Updated on March 7, 2024 Steve Nikoui, the father of fallen Marine Kareem Nikoui, interrupted Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Thursday night. The man’s son, Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui, was among 13 U.S. military servicemen who died during Joe Biden’s disastrous “Abbey Gate” pullout from Afghanistan. A terrorist attack felled the American troops at a Kabul airport named for Hamid Karzai, the Bush administration’s puppet leader of Afghanistan after the U.S. invasion. The Capitol Police confirmed that they arrested Nikoui. Steve Nikoui attended the event as the guest of Florida...
President Joe Biden is insisting that he made the right decisions on the withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, despite the deaths of 13 service members during a suicide bombing outside the Kabul airport as the evacuations were taking place, according to a new book. "No one offered to resign, in large part because the president didn't believe anyone had made a mistake," Politico's Alexander Ward wrote in "The Internationalists: The Fight to Restore Foreign Policy After Trump," reported Axios. "Ending the war was always going to be messy." After the withdrawal, Biden told his top aides, including national security adviser...
Two years later, people are still paying the price for the catastrophe of Old Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. And people will be paying the price for decades to come. The Associated Press reported on August 22 that “more than 200 extrajudicial killings of former Afghan government officials and security forces have taken place since the Taliban took over the country two years ago, according to a U.N. report.” These were people the Taliban had promised not to kill, but as Muhammad said, “War is deceit” (Bukhari 4.52.268). Nine days before that, the Daily Mail reported that “militants who left...
Gold Star dad and father of a US Marine killed during the terrorist attack at the Kabul airport in Afghanistan exploded at Joe Biden on Tuesday, saying he is a “disgrace to this nation” and has “more American blood” on his hands “than any president in US history.” Mark Schmitz, the father of Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, who was killed in a bomb blast on Aug. 26, 2021, during a military evacuation at the Kabul airport, participated in a roundtable discussion before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “Not a single person has been held accountable,” Schmitz said. “Our so-called...
President Biden was personally involved in solving problems at the Kabul airport during the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, directing people on the ground to find ways to get Afghans at risk out of the country, a new book details. The first excerpt of Atlantic staff writer Franklin Foer’s “The Last Politician: Inside Joe Biden’s White House and the Struggle for America’s Future” was released on Tuesday. The excerpt, “The Final Days: Joe Biden was determined to get out of Afghanistan—no matter the cost,” recalls the U.S. troop withdrawal in August 2021. The book’s release comes as the country marks...
Exactly two years ago, 13 United States troops were killed in a tragic suicide bombing in Kabul during the chaotic withdrawal of Afghanistan, and while families continue to grieve, some are "pissed off" and are dismayed they still haven't had answers from the Biden administration. Thirteen families, *** have a trauma bond that connects them: they lost a son, brother, daughter, or sister on August 26, 2021, when a suicide bomber killed them, and nearly 200 people total in Afghanistan. The bombing occurred at Abbey Gate, one of the perimeter entrances to Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, while U.S....
In the days before a suicide bomber killed 13 service personnel at Kabul airport in 2021, U.S. military commanders were aware of the threat and twice missed chances to take out the deadly terrorist network behind the plot, according to a new book. The Taliban, who had seized control of Afghanistan, refused a request to raid a hotel that was a known staging post for ISIS-K, who carried out the atrocity. And at around the same time, superior officers vetoed a plan for a drone strike elsewhere because of the 'negative response' of the Taliban to such a raid.
Biden has a disgusting habit of making moments when he should be offering gratitude to service members and their families about himself instead.Two years after a suicide bombing in Kabul took the lives of 13 American service members during the Biden administration’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, the mother of 20-year-old Marine Lance Cpl. Dylan Merola, who was killed in the attack, blasted the president for falsely claiming to “know how” it felt to lose a child in combat.“His words to me were, ‘My wife, Jill, and I know how you feel. We lost our son as well and brought him...
A Marine sniper serving during the Afghanistan evacuation recently gave testimony to the House Foreign Affairs Committee on the Afghanistan evacuation. His pain was palpable. A revelation worth examining was his identification of the possible suicide bomber prior to the incident. After the sniper, Sgt Vargas-Andrews, confirmed the target with multiple agencies, he asked his Battalion Commander, LtCol Whited, for permission to shoot. The answer from Whited, one in which Vargas-Andrews said he’ll never forget, was, “I don’t know.” Not found in the media or Congressional testimony is that Whited, a former peer of mine, corroborated this version of events...
Impeachable Offense In July 2021, Joe Biden abandoned Afghanistan’s Bagram Airfield in the middle of the night after nearly 20 years of US occupation. The Biden regime shut off the electricity and slipped away in the night without notifying the base’s Afghan commander, who discovered the Americans’ secret departure more than two hours after they left. The Taliban quickly took control of Bagram Air Base, which is only 30 miles north of Kabul on August 15th and released thousands of terrorists held at its prison. The Biden regime, Mark Milley and the Afghans left the Taliban military equipment, uniforms, rations...