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Keyword: israeliarabs

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  • Parents in fear as daycare workers praise Jerusalem terror attack

    01/30/2023 10:11:42 AM PST · by Eleutheria5 · 21 replies
    Arutz Sheva ^ | 29/1/23
    Employees at the Kochav Yam daycare center in Herzliya shared words of joy on social media following the massacre at a Jerusalem synagogue on Friday night, praising the terrorist who carried out the attack. The employees shared images from the scene of the attack as well as celebrations from the Arab street, adding PLO flags and a finger emoji of the victory sign to their posts. Frightened parents came across the words of praise for the attack, and turned to the daycare administrators demanding action against the employees. The kindergarten administrators told the parents that the workers would no longer...
  • Pallywood: MK Ahmad Tibi, Anti-Israeli organizations publish a photo of a boy who fell off his bicycle and was injured as if he had been attacked by "settlers" in Hebron

    11/22/2022 5:02:02 AM PST · by Conservat1 · 6 replies
    Yoseph Haddad ^ | Nov 22, 2022
    Yesterday Ahmed Tibi and anti-Israeli organizations spread the image of the innocent Palestinian child attacked in Hebron by Jews on the networks and the reactions provoked incitement of hatred and rage. But what is the truth (and the boy's family confirmed it themselves) - the boy actually fell off the bike and was injured, no one touched him. Tibi did not delete or apologize. Blood libel by a (Islamist) member of the Knesset!
  • A huge hug from the people of Israel to the girl from the Negev: "The holy mothers are reaching out to you" (victim of Islamist rape at the age of 10 in 2021)

    11/21/2022 8:22:05 AM PST · by Words Matter · 2 replies
    INN ^ | 21 November 2022
    A huge hug from the people of Israel to a girl from the Negev: "The holy mothers are reaching out to you" The singer and composer Tova Gadot came to the home of the girl's family who was affected by a Bedouin attacker in the Negev and gave her a unique Bat Mitzvah gift. Ido ben Porat, 27 in Cheshvan, 11/21/22 Tova Gadot with the child - photo courtesy of the photographer Tova Gadot, a singer and creator, collected from the public an amount of 26,000 NIS for the girl from the Negev, who was injured two years ago by...
  • Ahmad Tibi will participate in an anti-Israel conference that calls for "ending (so-called) apartheid" [AMP founded by pro-Jihad racist Hatem Al Bazian]

    11/16/2022 7:33:33 AM PST · by Conservat1 · 4 replies
    Srugim, et al ^ | Nov 16, 2022 | B Rubin
    Knesset member Ahmad Tibi is expected to fly to the United States to participate in a conference of a Palestinian-American organization under the title "End Apartheid". Tibi himself will speak on the panel about the issue of the Temple Mount.MK Ahmad Tibi, chairman of the Hadash-Ta'al faction, will participate next week in an anti-Israel conference to be held in the city of Chicago in the United States, under the title: "End (so-called) apartheid". The conference on behalf of the "Organization of Muslims in the United States for Palestine" on November 24-26, where MK Tibi is expected to speak alongside a...
  • This is the Arab mayor who is waiting for Ben Gvir at the Ministry of Internal Security (to restore Law & Order)

    11/13/2022 9:56:55 PM PST · by Words Matter · 6 replies
    Maariv ^ | 13 November 2022
    Rahat Mayor Faiz Abu Sahiban was interviewed by Channel 13 and said that he is waiting for Itamar Ben Gvir to be the Minister of Internal Security, and according to him, the situation in his city may change. In addition, the mayor of Rahat invited Ben Gvir to visit the city Maariv online 11/13/2022 Rahat Mayor Faiz Abu Sahiban was interviewed today (Sunday) on Channel 13 and said that he is waiting for Itamar Ben Gvir to be the Minister of Internal Security, and according to him it is possible that this will change the situation in his city. In...
  • The father of the girl who was attacked in her bed: "It would have been better to be judged by the Bedouins" | A chilling interview (Bir Hadaj Arab-Islamic rape case)

    11/13/2022 9:34:19 PM PST · by Words Matter · 4 replies
    Now14 ^ | Nov 13, 2022
    A., the father of the 10-year-old girl who was attacked by a Bedouin burglar about two years ago on the eve of Holy Shabbat in her bed, while she was still dressed in her Shabbat dress, tells in a chilling interview with Erel Segal about the testimony the girl gave to the police: "He took out a contraceptive and opened it, she thought it was a pill" - The reason for their agreement to the plea deal: "A lawyer told us that in light of the findings - if we don't sign a plea deal there will be no conviction"...
  • It turns out that we are apartheid (Israel: pro-Arab, against Jews - that is)

    11/12/2022 3:51:15 PM PST · by Conservat1 · 4 replies
    INN ^ | Nov 12, 2022 | S Cohen
    Sometimes it takes 70 years to sober up, sometimes you have to admit unpleasant things and sometimes it turns out that there is something more important than the country. Don't blame the Shin Bet Anyone who passionately claims (and even without passion) that the Shin Bet was not aware of the serious actions of Avishi Raviv and his incitement of Yigal Amir to assassinate the Prime Minister, accuses the Shin Bet of very serious things, such as the organization's lack of control over its agent, ignoring The heads of the organization warn public figures of the actions of their agent,...
  • Ben Gvir initiates doubling the prison sentence against sex offenders on a nationalistic basis (racist Arab-Islamist sexual crimes)

    11/11/2022 10:20:20 AM PST · by Words Matter · 6 replies
    The designated Minister of Internal Security Itamar Ben Gvir is initiating the doubling of the prison sentence for a sexual offense that will also be recognized as a nationalist crime, with the light sentence given to the (bir-hadaj) Bedouin youth who sexually assaulted a 10-year-old girl in her parents' home. Ben Gvir demands the doubling of the punishment for offenses with a lower threshold, such as an indecent act. Channel 13.
  • Ben Gvir: "I am not generalizing all Arabs." (Otzma Yehudit / "J Strength" - clarifying again)

    11/10/2022 12:59:31 PM PST · by Words Matter · 1 replies
    Commentary at DP ^ | 10 Nov 2022
    [] MK Ben Gvir: "I will work to explain the positions of Otzma Yehudit in the entire world" News 0404, 09/11/2022 The chairman of Otzma Yehudit, MK Itamar Ben Gvir, referred to the audio segment in which Herzog was talking about when he thought the microphones had been turned off. "President Yitzhak Herzog and I have had many fruitful conversations in recent weeks. More than once he has pointed out to the president that the close familiarity with my views and plans has succeeded in swaying hundreds of thousands in Israel and that he is confident that if I speak...
  • Israeli father of 10-years-old girl sexually abused at her bed by racist Muslim-Arab while his accomplices await him, upon light sentence: 'Courts [always] seek leniency to Arabs'

    11/10/2022 7:05:19 AM PST · by Words Matter · 5 replies
    Kann News, YNet ^ | Nov 9, 2022
    Kann News @Kann_news Nov 9, 2022: A., the father of the girl who was sexually attacked in the south, and after the sentence to the attacker: 'I did not expect anything from the court. They are looking to relieve minorities [Arabs] and not thoughtful of deterrent and the victims. The state has abandoned its children. I do not live with confidence at all, but in the intention of all the time, why wouldn't this happen again with such penalties?' @Mayarachlin. ____Ilana Curiel, 5 years in prison for a young man who sexually assaulted a 10-year-old, in a case that rocked...
  • Arab Balad's : "A lot of American liberals money went into Arab society to prevent Netanyahu from returning to power."

    11/05/2022 11:33:52 PM PDT · by Conservat1 · 9 replies
    A bombshell on Ayala Hasson's broadcast this evening. Sami Abu Shehadeh describes millions of dollars invested from abroad in the Arab sector to increase the percentage of the vote by foreign associations and foreign countries @AyalaHasson
  • Smotrich: "This is an expression of confidence in our resistance against Abbas and the Muslim Brotherhood"

    11/01/2022 3:18:57 PM PDT · by Conservat1 · 9 replies
    Ynet ^ | Nov 1, 2022
    R' Zionist Chairman Bezalel Smotrich commented on the sample results of the 25th Knesset elections, saying that "this is a broad expression of confidence in our resistance against Abbas and the Muslim Brotherhood. We stood as a wall against this, we fought and exposed Abbas' fraud." He added: "The entire national camp united with us - together with the Likud led by Netanyahu and the religious parties, we managed to overthrow this evil government. With God's help we will establish a government of the national camp."
  • History of Palestine and Palestinians [basic stuff]

    10/30/2022 10:57:53 AM PDT · by Words Matter · 16 replies
    After the revolt of Bar Kokhba against the Roman Empire (132-135 C.E.), the Judea province was renamed Syria Palaestina by the Roman Emperor Hadrian to detach the Judean province from Jewish identity. In recent history, the area called Palestine includes the territories of the present-day Israel and Jordan (see the map). From 1517 to 1917 most of this area remained under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. During World War I, in 1917, the British army occupied Jerusalem. On November 2, 1917, the British foreign secretary Arthur James Balfour issued the Balfour Declaration for "the establishment in Palestine of a...
  • Security cameras, which documented the lynching in Jaffa by a large number of Arabs, tell a difficult story about a violent and indifferent society, of rioters and those watching from the sidelines

    09/18/2022 4:26:59 PM PDT · by Conservat1 · 6 replies
    Shvii ^ | May 28, 2021 | A Shomron
    ... a minute of breaking cruelty. Animalistic. And there are the randomness: dozens of Jaffa Arabs, one probably does not know each other, joining together, from the moment to the moment, like the Lynch in Ramallah, to abuse the Jew. Dror Tamir, 43, who went for a walk the, on the sidewalk on Yefet Street in Jaffo, fell victim - was pushed by an Arab female. ...about 10 Arabs ran towards him. The first jumped and kicked him to the stomach. His ribs cracked. The second, with the blue vest and white T-shirt punched in his face, the others continued...
  • 'Confidential police report: 52% of fatal accidents are the responsibility of drivers from the Arab sector' (Arabs - overwhelmingly Muslim)

    08/15/2022 11:46:59 AM PDT · by Conservat1 · 52 replies
    ILH ^ | Aug 14, 2022 | I. Saban (journslist on police matters)
    Drivers from the Arab society are involved in causing traffic accidents far beyond their share in the population • According to the report, drivers in the sector are involved in 36% of the total number of accidents • Police officials: This is a national problem, the punishment mitigates and there is no deterrence. The carnage on the roads: a confidential report by the Israel Police states that despite their proportion in the population in general and among those with driver's licenses in particular, the involvement of the residents of the Arab society in Israel in fatal road accidents is much...
  • More on racist Ahmad Tibi, including anti-black and anti-Druze bigotry the (Arab-Islamic MK)

    08/10/2022 6:47:40 PM PDT · by Conservat1 · 6 replies
    DP ^ | Aug 10, 2022
    More on racist Ahmad Tibi, including anti-black and anti-Druze bigotry the (Arab-Islamic MK) 1999 "אתה דרוזי משתף פעולה; הנעל שלי נקייה יותר מהעדה שלך" - גלובס 29.04.1999 השוטר הדרוזי, הטוען שאחמד טיבי גידף ותקף אותו, העיד היום (ד') בבית המשפט המחוזי בירושלים. "אתה דרוזי משתף פעולה. הנעל שלי נקייה יותר מהעדה שלך" - כך תיאר השוטר הדרוזי על התקרית עם טיבי סמוך למחסום ישראלי באיזור רמאללה. לדברי השוטר, אחמד טיבי לא היה בכלי הרכב שנעצר לביקורת והוא הגיע למקום רק לאחר שהוא הוזעק למקום ע"י נהגו. השוטר ציין בעדותו, כי לאחר הגידופים הראשונים, תקף אותו טיבי במכת אגרוף ואף אמר...
  • Racist Arab-Islamist Ahmad Tibi and his jihadism

    08/08/2022 7:16:56 AM PDT · by Conservat1
    DP ^ | Aug 7, 2022
    Tibi's statements are tainted with racism and incitement" - ONE, Feb 26, 2015. "Tibi's statements are tainted with racism and incitement." Beitar Yam responded to the words of MK Tibi in "Voters Sport": "provoking for his voters... MK Regev: "Who expects the terrorist Arafat's advisor to tell the truth?" Member of Knesset Miri Regev responded to Tibi's words: "Ahmed Tibi as usual continues to lie. The things said by him were aimed at infiltrators and not at the foreign workers and long live the small difference between infiltrators and migrant workers with a permit." The MK added: "Who expects Tibi...
  • Arab Media Debunks the Palestinians’ Apartheid Lie

    08/04/2022 7:54:46 PM PDT · by Words Matter · 3 replies
    Israel Today ^ | Jul 28, 2022
    Saudi magazine highlights success of Israeli Arabs, both Muslims and Christians, who choose to join the IDF and defend Israel. By Israel Today Staff | July 28, 2022 | Topics: Israeli Arabs [IDF Lt. Col. G., the first deputy chief of Israel's elite Unit 8200, the Military Intelligence Directorate's main information-gathering unit. Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit] Who better to debunk the lie championed by the Palestinians and their apologists that Israel practices “apartheid” against Arabs than mainstream Arab media in the Middle East? That’s what happened this week when a Saudi monthly magazine ran a feature story highlighting the success...
  • An Arab from Umm al-Fahm was arrested on suspicion of raping a Ukrainian citizen in Jaffa (Allah Akbar?)

    03/29/2022 7:56:34 AM PDT · by Conservat1 · 4 replies
    0404 ^ | Mar 29, 2022
    Police have in recent days arrested an Arab resident of Umm al-Fahm, in his forties, on suspicion of raping a 50-year-old Ukrainian citizen at her home in Jaffa and stealing her money. The suspect was brought for questioning at the Jaffa station on suspicion of climbing into the woman's house, raping her and then stealing her money. At the end of the investigation, the suspect was imprisoned and today (Tuesday) his detention was extended in the Magistrate's Court in Tel Aviv until next Thursday.
  • What does the [Arab socialist] Hadash Party really think about the war in Ukraine? [sides with Putin, invasion]

    03/06/2022 2:25:04 AM PST · by Conservat1 · 3 replies
    MakorRishon (he) ^ | Mar 3, 2022 | Y Friedman
    In the Hadash party, Russia and Putin are "victims" of Ukraine, which is generally aggressive. The Hadash party defends the small and attacked country, Russia The left-wing Hadash party de facto stands to the right of Vladimir Putin. This is an event reminiscent of their historic support for the tyrannical Syrian ruler, Bashar Assad, who murdered his people with terrible cruelty with the help of the Russians. Although every reference of this party begins with a "no no no" to Putin, with a statement of "yes to peace and no to war" but at the end come the statements and...