Keyword: heresy
TIMECODES 00:00 Trump signs executive order for a U.S. sovereign wealth fund 00:32 The risks of a government-controlled investment fund 01:07 How sovereign wealth funds breed fraud and corruption 02:37 Why politicians have no skin in the game with public funds 03:24 The dangers of unlimited government-controlled capital 05:24 Historical lessons from the Mississippi Bubble 07:00 Could the U.S. sovereign wealth fund trigger hyperinflation? 08:48 The potential benefits of a sovereign wealth fund 10:05 The role of U.S. gold reserves in funding the program 12:14 Challenges in funding and implementing the sovereign wealth fund 13:17 Political greed and the risk...
During a recent sermon at The Potter’s House in Dallas, T.D. Jakes suggested that when God breathed life into Adam, He “breathed Eve into Adam,” and that ‘Adam was Eve’s momma’, implying a bizzare maternal role. We’ve recently written about Jakes when he noted how he disgraced his wife with his twerking comments, joined Joel Osteen for a conference where tickets cost $1000.00 , and is known to frequently wear insanely expensive designer shoes, clothes and watches that cost more than many of his congregants make in a year. (See endnotes) Jakes, who has continued to be platformed by those...
I listened to it, and now you have to. Coming at you from Wall Street United Church in Ontario, Canada, here is the hottest new track from the pervy idolatrous groomers over at the United Church of Canada, entitled "Quirky, Queer, and Wonderful." (Sorry in advance.) VIDEO AT LINK............... Here are the bonkers lyrics to this gem. Quirky, Queer, and wonderful, Distinct, unique, and odd... All of our humanity Reveals the face of God No 'normal' can encompass Or comprehend the range Of all the kinds of people That God considers strange! From Jesus we learn riddles; He said the...
The far-left Episcopal bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington (D.C.), Mariann Budde, directed predictably misguided left-wing remarks to newly inaugurated President Trump in a sermon at a now widely publicized interfaith “Service of Prayer for the Nation” held at the Washington National Cathedral the morning after Trump’s inauguration (Jan. 21). She focused on “unity” for most of her message, which she said is “not partisan.” Yet her message conveyed the opposite on both counts: It was neither unifying nor nonpartisan to anyone who doesn’t embrace her leftwing views, least of all to Trump. With the Trumps and Vances sitting...
Pope Francis on Monday appointed Sister Simona Brambilla to head the Vatican office that oversees religious orders for both men and women — including more than a quarter of the world’s priests — making her the first woman to reach the No. 1 position in an office in the Holy See. The choice reflects Francis’ avowed aim to give women greater leadership roles in the Roman Catholic Church. He has named several women to high-ranking positions, including the director of the Vatican museums. Sister Brambilla is the first prefect of a department of the Roman Curia, as the central administration...
When arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland is not giving false prophecies about COVID being destroyed, throwing someone in a wheelchair to the floor, casting away bald spots in Jesus’ name, or even running his own bizarro Bible college, the most prosperous prosperity preacher in America can be frequently found making up stuff about Jesus and justifying his personal theological idiosyncrasies for personal gain. Earlier this month, during a message at Eagle Mountain International Church, Copeland shared what God has revealed to him about the next few years, claiming unique insights and revelation into the future. Notably, while his conscience is so seared...
On this very day nearly 17 centuries ago, St. Nicholas made history by punching the heretic Arius for claiming that Die Hard is not a Christmas movie. While church historians through the ages once believed that St. Nicholas' swift uppercut was in response to Arius' views on Christology, later scholarship confirmed that it was actually because Arius persisted in heretical attacks on Die Hard. "Even saints have their limits," said Benjamin Hundre, an archaeologist and early Christianity scholar at Cambridge. "Arius just kept up his stupid little bit about how Die Hard was released in July, and how just because...
Tony Campolo, a bestselling author, teacher and evangelist preacher known for championing a movement called “Red Letter Christianity,” has died. He was 89. Campolo’s death was announced on his Facebook page on Tuesday evening. The message to his friends and followers said the notable preacher “died at his home in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania,” where he was “surrounded by his family and loved ones.” “His life was a testament to faith, love, and the transformative power of relationships, and his influence will be felt for generations to come,” the announcement added. “For more than six decades, as a pastor, distinguished professor,...
[Catholic/Anglican Caucus] A Prophet Among BishopsAs U.S. bishops gathered at their annual meeting, Bishop Strickland stood outside and decided to pick a fight; he confronted the expanding Babylon.The autumn sky above the old shot-and-beer city was a deep and endless blue. Woodsmoke hung in the air and small boats chugged out purposeful routes on waterways. The Ravens are playoff-bound, and the youth-strapped Orioles made it to the postseason again. All was right on Baltimore’s harbor Wednesday—perfect even—as joggers politely zig-zagged through the 200 or so folks who’d gathered to pray the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary alongside the world’s loneliest...
[Catholic Caucus] Fr. Heimerl: Pope Francis leads a ‘magisterium of lies and heresy’ with his ‘Pseudo Synod‘In a nutshell, what Francis calls 'synodality' is just a complex system of lies, and the 'Synod on Synodality' was already a lie in itself. It was not a true 'Synod' because a quarter of the participants were not bishops, but lay people.(LifeSiteNews) — Perhaps you were also surprised when Pope Francis first claimed that “synodality” is part of the essence of the Church. After all, to this day, nobody knows what he means by this term, and it does not appear anywhere in...
[Catholic Caucus] Swiss Bishop: All of Francis' Synods Failed - "We Are Going Round in Circles"Ideological activists like Timothy Radcliffe are looking for every semantic loophole in the final document of the ex-synod in order to continue with their homosexual and feminist agendas, Swiss Auxiliary Bishop Marian Eleganti comments in his blog on 2 November."The synodal harvest of the previous synods is meagre," he writes. The Youth Synod (2018) literally fizzled out. The huge amount of preparatory work was useless, as was the post-synodal letter: "I never heard or read anything about it again."The Amazon Synod (2019) was a disappointment,...
[Catholic Caucus] Synodality—and ‘controversial’ issues—are here to stay: Takeaways from the Synod’s final documentWe have completed our work as synod delegates and have, with the approval of the Holy Father, published our final document: “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation and Mission.” This is the fruit not only of our prayer, dialogue and discernment over these past two years in Rome, but even more importantly, reflective of the broad consultation that began in 2021 with the People of God in every diocese in the world. What are the highlights of this document? As I see it, they are as follows:1....
What are the consequences of Francis's Theology? - an in-depth personal analysis, by Dr. John LamontAt least since the Synod of the Family in 2014, much concern has been expressed about words and actions of Francis that do not seem compatible with the Catholic faith. These words and actions have been exhaustively examined and discussed. This process of examination and discussion has been taken as far as it can usefully go. It is now imperative to consider the consequences of these words and actions for Francis and for the Catholic Church. These consequences depend on whether or not Francis must...
The Damnable Nonsense of the Synod on Synodality’s Final DocumentIn the November 21, 1963 entry in his My Journal of the Council, Yves Congar wrote the following in all caps: “I SEE THAT THERE IS A PROFOUND AMBIGUITY UNDERLYING THE SAME WORD “ECUMENISM,” BETWEEN THOSE WHO SEE ONLY REUNION WITH THE CHURCH (FAVORED BY CHARITY) AND THOSE WHO SEE SOMETHING QUITE NEW AHEAD OF ALL OF US, THAT CALLS FOR A PROFOUND REFORM.” Congar counted himself among those in this latter group — he saw the need for profound reform, as he emphasized in the 1967 preface to the revised...
[Catholic Caucus] Live updates: The Synod on Synodality debates the Catholic Church’s futureThe Catholic Church’s final session of the multiyear Synod on Synodality is coming to a close this weekend.The story so far Oct. 25: ‘Not over the hump yet’: Synod delegates anxiously await the final documentFor those concerned about making sure the Synod on Synodality doesn’t open the way to contested changes in Church teaching and practice, the draft version of its final document appears to be good enough.But it might not stay that way: 1,000 amendments to the text are currently being incorporated into the final document by...
For years, North Point Community Church, led by Andy Stanley, has been partnering with and promoting affirming LGBTQ+ organizations when desperate parents come to see them for help with their struggling gay children, all done through their Parent Connect Ministry. Parent Connect is (was formerly?) led by Amy Blakeslee, an openly affirming queer woman, and is overseen by Debbie Causey, a gay-affirming, long-tenured pastor at North Point Community Church and the director of their Care network of ministries. Causey is also a board member at Renovus, a pro-LGBTQ+ activist and advocacy group led by many leaders within North Point church...
A California-based transgender Lutheran pastor said the Bible 'wasn't written for 2024' and intends to make a more inclusive ministry for the LGBTQ+ community. Ordained minister Drew Stever, who identifies as a transgender man, works for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Hope Lutheran Church in Hollywood. He says the notion that God created two genders that are clearly defined in the Bible is outdated. 'It's hard to relate it to modern-day time because it wasn't written for 2024, it was written for them. 'When we read in the scripture that God created man and woman, yes, and God created...
The Lausanne Movement, founded in 1974, presents itself as a global evangelical network aimed at fulfilling the Great Commission. However, it has since evolved into a platform for globalist ideologies, aligning closely with organizations like the World Economic Forum. Prominent evangelical leaders within Lausanne, including false teachers such as Tim Keller, David Platt, and Rick Warren, push for social justice, wealth redistribution, and environmental activism. This movement subtly repackages Christianity to support a socialist agenda, undermining the true gospel in favor of worldly philosophies and a distorted social mission. The Lausanne Movement not only aligns with these globalist ideologies but...
[Catholic Caucus] Chatgpt's disturbing "prophecy" of a pontificate in the hands of SatanThe following article originally appeared in Spanish at InfoVaticana.New technologies and artificial intelligence are here to stayFaced with the lack of regulation and control, there are more and more voices calling for greater regulation and education on everything that concerns the various artificial intelligence tools that threaten to replace man in many tasks.Chatgpt is one of the first tools to be born as a result of artificial intelligence. This kind of 'human brain' is a useful tool for many people in their daily lives. To test this tool,...
[Catholic Caucus] Prof. de Mattei's defence of Francis' legitimacy fails—here's whyOn 25th September 2024, Voice of the Family published an article by the historian Professor Roberto de Mattei, entitled “On the problem of the heretical pope.”This article defends Francis’ claim to the papacy, which de Mattei argues continues to be legitimate in spite of the three heretical comments made recently about false religions.1For reasons discussed elsewhere, these comments arguably constitute apostasy.In my opinion, writing in defence of Francis’ claim at this point is a serious misuse of time and energy. Nonetheless, in this piece, we shall analyse de Mattei’s article...