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Keyword: frenchrevolution

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  • 2024 Is 1800 All Over Again, Because Free Speech Is On The Ballot

    10/19/2024 2:09:37 PM PDT · by Starman417 · 10 replies
    Flopping Aces ^ | 10-19-24 | Vince
    Sex, sexual ambiguity, race, incompetence, war mongering and foreign interventions. While those are familiar issues in 2024, they’re merely echoes of earlier times… like the election of 1800! The presidential campaign of 1800 was the sequel to the first truly contested American presidential election in 1796 and featured the same two primary players. John Adams won and Thomas Jefferson lost and became vice president – the only time in history that’s happened. Although friends, the men became viscous rivals – although never actually campaigning themselves – and the campaigns were as brutal as any seen in modern times. With the...
  • 7/14/1789 Thomas Jefferson & The Storming of the Bastille

    07/14/2024 8:13:54 PM PDT · by CondoleezzaProtege · 12 replies
    Thomas Jefferson, as the American Minister to the Court of Versailles, witnessed the opening chapters of the French Revolution in the late 1780s. In September 1789, he returned to the United States, but, assuming the position of Secretary of State, he continued his involvement in American foreign policy. The French Revolution, continuing into the 1790s, would have an ongoing effect on Jefferson's career. When French revolutionaries violently stormed the "Bastille" in mid-July, Jefferson was taken aback by the "astonishing train of events."[7] By August, however, he was ready to defend the actions of the mob...He was certain too that the...
  • "Murder, butchery, and be completely justifiable

    01/11/2016 7:54:20 AM PST · by stars & stripes forever · 12 replies
    On July 4, 1798, Timothy Dwight gave an address in New Haven titled "The Duty of Americans at the Present Crisis." A grandson of Princeton president Jonathan Edwards, he could read at age 4 and entered Yale at 13. He was a chaplain in the Continental Army until his father died. Then, as the eldest of 13 children, he worked the family farm to pay off debts. He served in the very first session of the Massachusetts State Legislature. His name was Timothy Dwight IV, and he died JANUARY 11, 1817. Timothy Dwight IV was Yale's 8th president, serving from...
  • Archbishop Aguer: Pope Francis’ Vatican has ‘adopted the ideology of the French Revolution’

    05/24/2024 4:33:51 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 8 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | May 24, 2024 | Archbishop Héctor Agüer
    Archbishop Aguer: Pope Francis’ Vatican has ‘adopted the ideology of the French Revolution’he Holy See – to the envy of universal Freemasonry – has adopted the ideology of the French Revolution: 'Liberté, egalité, fraternité.' Where has it filed away Jesus’ command to Peter and the Eleven to make all peoples His disciples?“Pope summons 30 Nobel Prize winners to reflect on fraternity,” reads a La Prensa headline of a story from the outlet EFE. It refers to the recent “World Meeting on Human Fraternity,” whose theme was “Be Human.” The objective was “to elaborate a new worldwide Pact of Fraternity and...
  • Who is Riddhi Patel, the Indian-American protester held for threatening to 'murder' lawmakers?

    04/13/2024 6:21:52 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 36 replies ^ | April 13, 2024, 6:03:16 PM IST | CNBC TV 18
    An Indian-American woman was arrested and charged for giving severe threats to a mayor and city council members at a Bakersfield City Council meeting in California on Wednesday. Riddhi Patel's outburst came during the public comment section of the meeting wherein she threatened to murder Republican Mayor Karen Goh and the council members for not backing a ceasefire resolution against Israel, besides installing increased security measures at the government building in the wake of the ongoing anti-Israel protests. Who is Riddhi Patel? The 28-year-old is a pro-Palestine protestor and is facing 16 felony counts. Of these, eight counts are for...
  • How Napoleon Ended The Terror Of The Spanish Inquisition | Files of the Inquisition | Real History

    03/15/2024 7:32:56 PM PDT · by Texan4Life · 33 replies
    Real History Channel ^ | 15 March 2024 | Real History Channel
    In his conquest of Europe Napoleon encounters and abolishes the Inquisition and its ongoing atrocities in France, Spain and northern Italy. But with Napoleon's fall from power the Inquisition returns with vengeance. Despite causing substantial public relations damage to the Catholic Church in the modern era it is not substantially curtained until the Church is conquered by the newly unified nation of Italy.
  • Comes Thermidor

    03/02/2024 4:37:51 AM PST · by MtnClimber · 20 replies ^ | 26 Feb, 2024 | James Howard Kunstler
    “Democratic Party elites such as those on CNN are not just angry but genuinely confused by the fact that American voters don’t obey them.” — Glenn Greenwald. What’s most amazing about the fiasco that was the French Revolution is that it happened at exactly the same time that the United States successfully organized themselves into an orderly and effective government following the American Revolution. George Washington was elected and sworn-in by April of 1789, with the backing of an exemplary constitution assembled by the best minds in the land. The Bastille fell in July that same year. France then fell...
  • Napoleon, review: blunt-force charisma from Joaquin Phoenix in Ridley Scott’s dark, epic biopic

    11/26/2023 8:06:44 PM PST · by Rummyfan · 156 replies
    UK Style Yahoo ^ | 22 Nov 2023 | Robbie Collin
    If, at 85, Ridley Scott has reached the final season of his filmmaking career, Napoleon is the ideal work of wintry grandeur to mark it. Scott’s 28th feature is a magnificently hewn slab of dad cinema with a chill wind whistling over its battlefields and round its bones: its palette is so cold, even the red in the tricolore is often the shade of dried blood. Spanning 32 years, from the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 to its title character’s death on St Helena in 1821, it casts Napoleon Bonaparte’s rise, reign and downfall as both a prickly...
  • The West Will Be Full of Remorse

    02/08/2006 6:01:59 PM PST · by STD · 52 replies · 3,334+ views
    MEMRI ^ | February 7, 2006 | Khaled Mash'al
    Hamas Leader Khaled Mash'al at a Damascus Mosque: The Nation of Islam Will Sit at the Throne of the World and the West Will Be Full of Remorse – When it's Too Late The following are excerpts from an address by Hamas leader Khaled Mash'al at the Al-Murabit Mosque in Damascus. The address was delivered following the Friday sermon at the mosque, and was aired on Al-Jazeera TV on February 3, 2006. "We Say to This West... By Allah, You Will Be defeated" Khaled Mash'al: "We apologize to our Prophet Muhammad, but we say to him: Oh Prophet of Allah,...
  • The Rise of Jacobin Justice

    10/30/2023 4:25:24 AM PDT · by MtnClimber · 21 replies
    American Thinker ^ | 30 Oct, 2023 | Jack Cashill
    The judicial mob tyranny under which we’re now living didn’t begin with Trayvon Martin and Black Lives Matter, but it certainly got a lot of traction there. Earlier this week, I attended the theatrical debut of Dinesh D’Souza’s compelling new documentary Police State. As much as I liked the movie, there was one subject left unexplored: the ironic fact that, today, among those most vulnerable to the “police state” are local police. Searching for a more inclusive metaphor than “police state” to describe our current state of peril, I reached into the past and came up with “Jacobin Justice.” In...
  • Study: Devoted Leftists Often Are Narcissists and Psychopaths

    05/24/2023 6:17:21 PM PDT · by E. Pluribus Unum · 24 replies
    The New American ^ | May 24, 2023 | Selwyn Duke
    It’s well known that left-wing Soviet leader Joseph Stalin was a psychopath, a dark status that led to his exterminating 20 million human beings. Yet the people who help vault such tyrants to power — sometimes pejoratively called “useful idiots” — are well-meaning but naive sorts, right? Perhaps not always. In fact, a new study informs, Stalin has much psychopathic (and narcissistic) company among leftists, including among today’s variety. Moreover, the researchers found that authoritarian-minded left-wingers often don’t care a whit about the altruism and “social justice” they trumpet, but instead “use political activism to endorse or exercise violence against...
  • [Catholic Caucus] 230 Years - Louis XVI, Saintly King, true Martyr: a Catholic going to death and His Last Will and Testament

    01/21/2023 6:06:45 PM PST · by ebb tide · 17 replies
    Rorate Caeli ^ | January 21, 2023 | Fr. L. Demets, FSSP
    [Catholic Caucus] 230 Years - Louis XVI, Saintly King, true Martyr: a Catholic going to death and His Last Will and TestamentProcession to eternityOn January 20, 1793, the National Convention condemned Louis XVI to death, his execution scheduled for the next day. Louis spent that evening saying goodbye to his wife and children. The pope following day, January 21, dawned cold and wet. Louis arose at five. At eight o'clock a guard of 1,200 horsemen arrived to escort the former king on a two-hour carriage ride to his place of execution. Accompanying Louis, at his invitation, was a priest, Henry...
  • "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing" --Edmund Burke & the French Revolution - American Minute with Bill Federer

    07/03/2022 12:25:06 PM PDT · by Perseverando · 4 replies
    American Minute ^ | June 29, 2022 | Bill Federer
    Edmund Burke is considered the most influential orator in the British House of Commons in the 18th century. Born January 12, 1729, one of his first notable writings was an anonymous publication A Vindication of Natural Society, 1756, which was a satirical criticism of the intolerant "woke" deism promoted by Lord Bolingbroke: "Seeing every mode of religion attacked in a lively manner, and the foundation of every virtue, and of all government, sapped with great art and much ingenuity ... the same engines which were employed for the destruction of religion, might be employed with equal success for the subversion...
  • Better to Die Than Not Live Free

    06/11/2022 8:31:43 PM PDT · by neverevergiveup · 21 replies
    1788 | Camille Desmoulins
    Better to Die Than Not Live FreeEverything gives umbrage to a tyrant.If a citizen have popularity, he is becoming a rival to the prince. Consequently, he is stirring up civil strife, and is a suspect. If, on the contrary, he flee popularity and seclude himself in the corner of his own fireside, this retired life makes him remarked, and he is a suspect.If he is a rich man, there is an imminent peril that he may corrupt the people with his largesses, and he becomes a suspect. Are you poor? How then! Invincible emperors, this man must be closely watched;...
  • The French Won't Be Allowed To Vote Unless They're Injected

    07/22/2021 4:12:04 PM PDT · by Enlightened1 · 95 replies
    Twitter ^ | 07/22/21
    The list of confirmed zones that will be unavailable to the unvaccinated in France grows by the hour.Polling stations: no vaccination, no entry "The list of confirmed zones that will be unavailable to the unvaccinated in France grows by the hour. Polling stations: no vaccination, no entry."

    07/17/2008 1:03:25 PM PDT · by nanetteclaret · 43 replies · 148+ views
    The French Revolution reveals the titanic struggle between good and evil. During the terror, over 40,000 Frenchmen were executed just for holding fast to the Catholic Faith and objecting to the worst excesses of the Committee of Public Safety. The blood lost in the years of 1792-1794 staggers the imagination even in the retelling and the campaign against the Church was as diabolical as it was cruel. Contemplative religious communities had been among the first targets of the fury of the French Revolution against the Catholic Church. Less than a year from May 1789 when the Revolution began with the...
  • The French Revolution Is Attacking the American Revolution

    03/08/2021 8:41:11 PM PST · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 22 replies
    The Epoch Times ^ | March 8, 2021 | Wesley J. Smith
    “That’s insane!” These days, how often do we say those words? The litany could go on and on. Dr. Seuss is suddenly persona non grata, six of his books removed from publication because they are “racist” and “hateful.” That’s insane! Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has become a widely reviled personality because she claims that boys are born male and girls, female? That’s insane! Statues of Abraham Lincoln are being torn down and schools named after the Great Emancipator renamed in the cause of fighting racism. That’s insane! Woke educators decry mathematics education focused on getting “the right answer” as...
  • Barruel Memoirs Illustrating The History Of Jacobinism

    01/20/2021 4:33:36 AM PST · by otness_e · 9 replies ^ | 1799 | Augustin Barruel
    Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism (French: Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire du Jacobinisme) is a book by Abbé Augustin Barruel, a French Jesuit priest. It was written and published in French in 1797-98, and translated into English in 1799. In the book, Barruel claims that the French Revolution was the result of a deliberate conspiracy or plot to overthrow the throne, altar and aristocratic society in Europe. The plot was allegedly hatched by a coalition of philosophes, Freemasons. The conspirators created a system that was inherited by the Jacobins who operated it to its greatest potential. The Memoirs purports...
  • Reflections on the Revolution in America

    11/12/2020 9:22:56 AM PST · by WTanner1776 · 4 replies
    Gen Z Conservative ^ | 11/11/2020 | Professor Garrett Sheldon
    When the conservative philosopher Edmund Burke wrote REFLECTIONS ON THE FRENCH REVOLUTION he described, with horror, the total destruction of the ancient regime in France, and the replacement of this elegant civilized (if imperfect) Medieval Country with a barbaric, mad, chaotic Reign of Terror. If the Democrats prevail in this election, America will suffer a similar fate: Obamaism on steroids: floods of illegal immigrants; Drug Cartel money and destruction; human slave trafficking; return to Globalist Control with China, EU, and Iran. Total censorship by Big Tech, politicized and weaponized federal agencies and education. Use of medicinal lockdowns to control the...
  • The Guillotine Mystique. The French Revolution has long inspired progressive radicals ready for change at any cost.

    11/03/2020 1:54:49 PM PST · by karpov · 12 replies
    Reason ^ | December 2020 | Cathy Young
    Last summer, when the short-lived "Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone" in Seattle renamed itself the "Capitol Hill Occupied Protest," one protester explained to a reporter that the acronym CHOP was a tribute to the Reign of Terror in France more than 200 years ago. "What happened to the people who did not get on board with the French Revolution?" he asked, to which the assembled crowd responded, "CHOPPED!" This scene was just one manifestation of the guillotine fad that has been sweeping America's resurgent progressive left. #Guillotine2020 is an actual hashtag on lefty Twitter, mostly (if hyperbolically) dedicated to the malfeasance...