Posted on 10/30/2023 4:25:24 AM PDT by MtnClimber
The judicial mob tyranny under which we’re now living didn’t begin with Trayvon Martin and Black Lives Matter, but it certainly got a lot of traction there.
Earlier this week, I attended the theatrical debut of Dinesh D’Souza’s compelling new documentary Police State. As much as I liked the movie, there was one subject left unexplored: the ironic fact that, today, among those most vulnerable to the “police state” are local police.
Searching for a more inclusive metaphor than “police state” to describe our current state of peril, I reached into the past and came up with “Jacobin Justice.” In the way of background, the left-wing Jacobins were the most powerful political faction to emerge during the French Revolution.
The power of this bourgeois elite derived from their ability to manage the Parisian mobs. To satisfy the mob’s bloodlust, the Jacobins imposed a state of revolutionary justice untethered to any traditional sense of Judeo-Christian morality. The result was a reign of terror that saw more than 10,000 people tried and executed.
There have been outbreaks of mob justice throughout American history, but it is only really in the last ten years or so that America’s Jacobins, our “best people,” gave mob justice their blessing. To be sure, Jacobins have been using mobs since the emergence of the Soviet Union a century ago, but largely for propaganda purposes.
By the year 2012, however, the Jacobins were finding common ground not with Atticus Finch, but with Robespierre. Instead of resisting the mob as Atticus did, they sided with the mob, managed it, encouraged it. Instead of defending the transparently guilty, they felt free to condemn the transparently innocent. Oddly, almost no one noticed what may have been the darkest turn in judicial history.
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Our Neo Jacobins should remember what happened to Robespierre.
I’m waiting for the pendulum to swing the other way. I may have to wait forever. But I’m hoping I see rivers of blood.
The witch hunts worked for Robespierre...until they splashed back.
Don't forget the granddaddy of them all... Robespierre. Mindless class envy and blind ferocity toward authority is not new.
He is 93 years old. He is likely to escape earthly punishment.
Most of the people tried and executed were the nobility who had raped and pillaged France for ever. The Revolution that exterminated them was justified
Such a revolution is going to be necessary to save America from Progressive Tyrants
There is no law at present
President Trump is being prosecuted for fudging the numbers on applications for loans which he paid off years ago.
There was extreme premium pressure, yes. The city was burning down,” Sweasy’s fellow prosecutor, Patrick Lofton, said in his deposition.
Lofton, you are a coward to your core. No one like this should have any authority. Prosecutors indeed. Cowards. Worthless and no account. All that rioting and these #%^^ go unharmed? Where is the justice?
The people that were left in France to become Jacobins were descendents of the mobs that had, with bloodbaths of their own, driven the Huguenots from France.
No, not in the sense of equal, blind justice. Most people haven’t yet realized that we now have only the illusion of law and justice.
Atticus Finch is fictitious but in To Kill a Mockingbird he is defending someone who is clearly innocent of what he is being accused of.
Better to seek a real justice system. Laws that make domestic terrorists of folks trying to keep their property from burning down are not justice.
In government, large industries, academia now the military promotion can hinge on whether or not you showed publicly enthusiasm for the social justice flavor-of-the-day now called DEI.
All very very Louis Antoine Léon de Saint-Just nicknamed the Archangel of Terror! A close colleague of Maximilien Robespierre! Possibly the first to preach the idea of constant revolution. He demanded punishment of those who just tried to keep their head down and just get by.
The only ones who raped and pillaged France were the likes of Voltaire, Rousseau, and the Marquis de Sade (and Sade, while of noble origin, sided with and even helped deliberately instigate the Jacobins by lying about Bastille. Bastille Day was literally founded on a lie by the guy who invented Sadism). Read Operation Parricide or especially Timothy Dwight’s 1799 sermon about the French Revolution, and you’d realize it. One of the biggest lies was against Marie Antoinette (she if anything was the type to give HER cake to the starving masses, not say let them eat cake. It was a lie written by Rousseau.). The only thing the nobility was guilty of was being feckless in actually trying to STOP Voltaire before he poisoned so many people’s minds.
And such a revolution WON’T be necessary to save America from them (and BTW, said Progressive Tyrants if anything are direct descendants of the Jacobins in terms of ideology). If anything, the only thing that will be necessary would be something akin to the American War of Independence.
And then today, we have some who still persist in darkness and eschew enlightenment.
America was founded by the enlightened to the chagrin of their darkness dwelling peers
The Enlightenment is PRECISELY what led to this darkness. Or have you forgotten just how big of a role Voltaire, Diderot, Rousseau, and Sade played in the Jacobins’ actions, and ultimately in Karl Marx’s creation of Marxism, and Antonio Gramsci’s creation of Cultural Marxism, and all of that?
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