Posted on 05/24/2023 6:17:21 PM PDT by E. Pluribus Unum
It’s well known that left-wing Soviet leader Joseph Stalin was a psychopath, a dark status that led to his exterminating 20 million human beings. Yet the people who help vault such tyrants to power — sometimes pejoratively called “useful idiots” — are well-meaning but naive sorts, right? Perhaps not always.
In fact, a new study informs, Stalin has much psychopathic (and narcissistic) company among leftists, including among today’s variety. Moreover, the researchers found that authoritarian-minded left-wingers often don’t care a whit about the altruism and “social justice” they trumpet, but instead “use political activism to endorse or exercise violence against others to satisfy their own ego-focused needs.”
The study authors, Ann Krispenz, a postdoctoral associate; and Alex Bertrams, the head of the Educational Psychology Lab at the University of Bern, published their research in March in the journal Current Psychology. The phenomenon they studied is called “left-wing authoritarianism” (LWA), and they related its indicators.
They are “anticonventionalism (i.e., the absolute endorsement of progressive moral values), top-down censorship (i.e., the preference for the use of governmental and institutional authority to suppress any speech that is considered as offensive and intolerant), and antihierarchical aggression (i.e., the motivation to use force and aggression to overthrow established hierarchies),” quotes the two researchers as saying.
Of course, leftists’ dogmatism and censorship efforts are notorious, the latter being the reason industrialist Elon Musk bought Twitter. As for “antihierarchical aggression,” left-wing violence began with the bloody French Revolution (1789) and continues to this day, perpetrated by groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
Not surprisingly, the researchers found that someone high in LWA tendencies may “endorse the use of violence to reach their own political goals.” In fact, they wrote at Current Psychology, citing others’ scholarship, some “left-wingers are more likely than right-wingers to endorse...”
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Shocked I tell you. Shocked.
No kidding.
Positions of fame, power, money always seem to attract psychopaths and sociopaths. Then you have the psychopathic and sociopathic women that are attracted to men who have such.
In fairness, PsyPost points out that those exhibiting “right-wing authoritarianism” are also more likely to be psychopathic. Yet it is notable that most of today’s authoritarians — and all the ascendant ones — occupy what’s called the “Left.” …There is no such thing as “right-wing authoritarianism”; that is an oxymoron. Only those that buy the doublethink of fascism/national socialism possibly being “right wing” in any way rather than the species of left wing they have always been could think that you could have “right-wing authoritarianism”.
Reagan once said there are no right or left wings. Just up and down.
Tell me something we didn’t know Capt. Obvious.
Morally, certainly.
“left-wing authoritarianism”. Yup. If you cannot be intelligent and persuasive, then become a dummy and use force.
A study that confirms what we here on Free Republic have known most of our lives.
So true! Liberals always offer something voluntarily, but if enough people don’t go along, they “begin to lose patience,” as Biden put it shortly before instituting mandates for the covid non-vaccines. And they do that All The Time.
Perhaps almost never.
Conservatives want to tell you what to do.
Liberals want to force you to do things their way.
While the Conservatives may be annoying all you have to do is say, "no thank you" and that is the end of it.
Liberals tend to report you to people with guns who will shoot you if you do not do what the liberals want you to do.
I don’t even think lefties are human beings!
Once you understand that Leftism is a death cult, it all makes sense.
Exactly. The Nazis identified as a socialist workers’ party. No socialist workers’ party is conservative or right wing.
See my tag line.
Willie and Hillary are proof.
But, but Brandon said Extreme MAGA and White supremacy….
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