Keyword: dyson
Political commentator Michael Eric Dyson said Thursday on CNN’s “The Lead” that former President Donald Trump was a “bitter bigot.” Dyson said, “We’ll find out later her ability to talk about cutting taxes or boosting housing construction, or talking about a federal ban on price gouging at the grocery store. I’m looking forward to that one for sure. But the values thing is real because we got a president who was a malignant narcissist, who was incurable, imbecilic and continues to hurl with lethal intensity epithets against this woman that are unconscionable.”
VIDEO AT LINK.............. Health Canada is warning that a battery sold on Amazon for Dyson vacuum cleaners could pose a risk of fire and burns after a report of “significant” property damage. The FirstPower 4000mAh V6 battery replacement for Dyson V6 Series vacuums were sold online between January and April 2022. According to the product manufacturer, the battery is also compatible with the following Dyson vacuum cleaners: SV04, DC58, DC59, DC61, DC62, DC72, DC74, Absolute Animal Motorhead Slim, SV03, SV04, SV05, SV06, SV07, SV09. PICTURED: FirstPower replacement battery for Dyson Vacuums sold to 1,731 Canadians on Amazon. Health Canada The...
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report shares a clip from Joy Reid’s MSNBC show where she gets her guest Michael Eric Dyson to share his thoughts on newly elected Virginia Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears. His woke racism couldn’t be more evident as she is described as being a puppet for white supremacy and white ideas.
On Friday, HBO’s Bill Maher fired back at leftist Vanderbilt University professor Michael Eric Dyson after Dyson claimed parents were “spooked by Critical Race Theory.” Maher retorted, “I find that a disingenuous argument because I don’t think that is what people are objecting to.” Dyson stated, “The point is parents who were spooked by Critical Race Theory, none of whom can define it, when you ask them what it is, they don’t know.” “I find that a disingenuous argument because I don’t think that is what people are objecting to, Maher responded. “They are not objecting to black history being...
Vanderbilt University professor Michael Eric Dyson said Thursday on MSNBCs “The ReidOut” that Republican Winsome Sears, who was elected lieutenant governor on Tuesday in Virginia, is a “black mouth moving” that is “speaking on behalf of a white supremacist legacy” of the GOP. Host Joy Reid said, “What Republicans are now doing is they basically demand credit any time any of them ever voted for anybody black or if there’s a black guy on the Supreme Court that’s conservative. Any black conservative is supposedly or the black president having ever been elected, right? The fact that he was elected, period,...
Vanderbilt University professor Michael Eric Dyson suggested Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that white people could help the Black Lives Matter movement by holding their racist relatives “to account” at family gatherings such as Thanksgiving. Dyson said, “There are many things that white brothers and sisters can do. First of all, they can operate within their own sphere, within their own comfort zones. When you go home for Thanksgiving, and you know that there are some nasty viewpoints being expressed and you know that there are some vituperative expressions being made against Black people, you got to hold your family to...
<p>Dyson has received an order from the UK government for 10,000 ventilators to support efforts by the country’s National Health Service to treat coronavirus patients.</p>
<p>James Dyson, the company’s billionaire founder, confirmed the order in a letter to employees shared with CNN on Wednesday.</p>
Dyson, the company behind high-tech vacuums and hand dryers, says it has received an emergency order from the United Kingdom for 10,000 ventilators, and that it has already designed a new machine. James Dyson, the billionaire founder, wrote in a letter to employees later obtained by CNN that he received a call from U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson regarding the short supply of ventilators. Just 10 days later, Dyson wrote that the company has designed and built a new ventilator called the “CoVent.” "This new device can be manufactured quickly, efficiently and at volume," according to Dyson. It has been...
Inventor James Dyson shows electric cars are too easy to make. That’s why his US$2.5 billion project was doomed to fail Dyson has now abandoned its £2 billion plan to branch out and take on the likes of Tesla and Volkswagen Whereas cars with a combustion engine need about 30,000 components, an electric vehicle needs just 11,000 parts, according to Goldman Sachs Dozens of start-ups have entered the fray over the past few years, from Tesla and Lucid Motors in the US, to Byton and NIO in China. Since 2011, electric vehicle start-ups have raised US$18 billion in funding, and...
Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Live,” Georgetown University sociology professor Michael Eric Dyson compared the Betsy Ross American flag with the 13 stars representing the original colonies to the Nazi swastika and a burning Ku Klux Klan cross. While discussing Nike canceling a release of shoes featuring the Ross flag after former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick objected, Dyson said, “It hails from the revolutionary period of this nation’s founding which was deeply embroiled in, you know in enslavement, of the owners of slaves, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and the like. But also it’s the recent use of this flag that has been...
Princeton, New York - May 2016 I interviewed theoretical physicist and mathematician Freeman Dyson (1923), as part of the documentary "The Uncertainty Has Settled". Below a selection of the almost 3 hours conversation I had with Freeman Dyson.  - Obviously we are living in an era where we are pushing major changes in terms of fighting global warming and reducing carbon dioxide. Are we saving the world or missing the point? I would say missing the point. I mean, roughly speaking there are two totally different things going on in the natural world. It’s the carbon dioxide in the climate that everybody talks about and there...
Sir James Dyson is lithe, rangy, tanned, beadily alert and, despite never using his own award-winning Supersonic dryer, boasts gloriously fluffy hair. ‘It blows my hair to smithereens and gives too much root uplift,’ he says. This week he was particularly busy, even by his exactingly high standards as Britain’s best-known inventor. On Wednesday, fed up with trying to get politicians to do something about the dire lack of engineers in this country, he opened a university to train them; the Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology. And, oh yes, he took on Jean-Claude Juncker. When the European Commission president...
Georgetown Professor Michael Eric Dyson prescribes a paralyzing pill to African-Americans. Michael Eric Dyson is the University Professor of Sociology at Georgetown University. One website listed the average tenured professor's 2012 salary at Georgetown at $167,000, three times the median US income. No doubt a professor occupying an elevated position such as Dyson's, in 2017, earns more. Dyson received his PhD from Princeton, ranked by US News as the best American university, beating out Harvard. Dyson is the author of five bestselling books and the recipient of numerous awards. His three children have six degrees including from Ivy League schools....
When astronomers discovered a strange pattern of light near a distant star called KIC 8462852 back in October, it was like nothing anyone had observed before. When a planet passes in front of star, the star’s brightness usually dips by around 1 percent, but KIC 8462852 has been experiencing dips of up to 22 percent, suggesting that something huge is zooming past. And now a second star with strange dips in brightness has been identified. Named EPIC 204278916, the star is estimated to be about the size of our Sun in diameter, but has only half its mass. It was...
by John UrbanTop Right News How much longer will the once-legendary NBC News permit the unhinged freak show at MSNBC to continue? Reacting to the news that A&E was reversing its "indefinite suspension" of 'Duck Dynasty' star Phil Robertson, after a massive viewer revolt -- the inmates at the MSNBC asylum are truly losing it. After panelist Gregory Angelon advocated for a dialogue between left and right, saying “we’re getting into a dangerous point in this country right now, where it is almost an us versus them culture,” guest host 'professor' Michael Eric Dyson responded. Conveniently ignoring that there is...
On Monday's All In with Chris Hayes, MSNBC political analyst Michael Eric Dyson declared that George Zimmerman has become "a kind of patron saint of the right wing in a very serious way" as he complained that he has "been made an icon" and will receive external support in his freedom. Host Hayes fretted that Zimmerman would not sufficiently have to face his conscience as he quoted a tweet. Hayes: You know, someone said this thing on Twitter, I think it was a guy named Jim Henley who I really like and follow. And he said, you know, I hope,...
MSNBC pundit Michael Eric Dyson appeared on the Martin Bashir Show Tuesday and stoked racial unrest by claiming that, if George Zimmerman is acquitted, it sends the message that "the children of poor and people of color in this country do not have the same quality of justice as given to those who are able to muster up resources and defend themselves against such a charge."
While appearing on MSNBC's "Martin Bashir" Thursday, Dr. Michael Eric Dyson called Attorney General Eric Holder "the Moses of our time," claiming that the attorney general is the "chief law giver" of the nation, the Washington Free Beacon reported. "I think the attorney general should step down too -- off of that plateau where he resides on high principle and whip some head. But he shouldn’t give up his office," he told Bashir after being asked about calls for Holder's resignation.
Finding ET in the Data by Paul Gilster on April 17, 2013 As we saw yesterday, the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) has been the source of data for a number of searches for unusual infrared signatures. The idea is to look for the artifacts of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations, under the assumption that a sufficiently advanced culture will be capable of engineering projects that could be detected from light years away. A Dyson sphere, existing either as a completely enclosed star or as a swarm of artifacts around a star, is but one example of such engineering, but it’s a sensible...
Forget Wimpy Plans and NIMBYs, Let's Solve the Energy Crisis by Blowing Up Mercury Posted by Derek_Mead on Wednesday, Apr 04, 2012 Save this post NextPrev Add This With all the squabbling about oil killing us all, climate change screwing with polar bears, nuclear plants falling apart, solar panels sucking on a cloudy day, and wind turbines scything through migratory birds with a gory violence best explained by an Omega Crom song, there’s a big point that all the complainers in the energy debate are ignoring: These days, we are being huge wimps. Millennia ago us humans were building...