Keyword: doma
How Far Have We Fallen Merely Since 1996? (My Title) “In a short twenty-five years, we have cascaded from the Defense of Marriage Act (which prohibited same-sex marriage) getting eighty-four votes in the senate in 1996, including Senator Joe Biden’s; to the US Supreme Court declaring same-sex marriage constitutional in Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015; to President Biden appointing two high-profile transvestites to his administration in 2021; to the proliferation of Americans identifying as LGBT, evidenced by a rise to 21 percent among those born between 1997 and 2003 in 2021, or double what it had been just four years...
A bipartisan group of lawmakers on Monday introduced legislation to officially repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and require federal recognition for same-sex and interracial marriages nationwide. The measure’s introduction comes in response to an opinion by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas last month following the court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that established the constitutional right to an abortion. Thomas wrote that the court’s “substantive due process precedents” set in cases like Obergefell v. Hodges — which legalized same-sex marriage in all 50 states — should be revisited, creating widespread uncertainty and panic among...
"Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive!" wrote Sir Walter Scott in his poem "In Marmion" (1808, canto VI, stanza XVII). On AUGUST 19, 1785, Thomas Jefferson wrote to Peter Carr: "He who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it a second and third time, till at length it becomes habitual; he tells lies without attending to it, and truths without the world's believing him. This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good dispositions." The Greek philosopher...
Hillary Clinton popped back into the news cycle on Thanksgiving in the worst possible way, after the Guardian quoted her as saying, basically, that Europe needs to get harsher on migrants and refugees or else people like Donald Trump will keep winning elections. Just to reiterate this is a bad and terrible stance that only some kind of ultra-warped center-think could come up with. The interview took place before the midterms, according to the Guardian, and was published as part of the paper’s new “The New Populism” series, which might explain why they decided to drop the quotes on Thanksgiving...
Gay rights activist Edith Windsor, whose same-sex marriage fight led to a landmark US ruling, has died aged 88. Her death was confirmed to the New York Times by her wife Judith Kasen-Windsor. Ms Windsor's Supreme Court case struck down the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013, granting same-sex married couples federal recognition for the first time. She had sued the US government after being ordered to pay $363,053 (£224,940) in federal estate tax after her previous wife died. The couple had been partners for 44 years and had married in Canada in 2007. Ms Windsor argued that the provision...
A U.S. federal judge has upheld Puerto Rico's ban on same-sex marriage and ruled that the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling last year that legalised gay marriage does not apply to Puerto Rico since it is an "unincorporated territory" and not a U.S. state. In his decision, U.S. District Court Judge Juan Perez-Gimenez wrote, "One might be tempted to assume that the constant reference made to the 'States' in Obergefell includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Yet, it is not the role of this court to venture into such an interpretation." He said, "For the foregoing reasons, the court concludes that...
As President, Bill Clinton infuriated many in the gay community by signing into law the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which blocked federal recognition of same-sex marriages, and "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," which required gay members of the military to remain in the closet about their sexual orientation or be ejected from service. Arguably, Clinton didn't exactly have a lot of room to maneuver. DOMA passed by an overwhelming, veto-proof majority. While it was introduced by Republicans in 1996 (by Bob Barr, who would eventually run for president as a Libertarian Party candidate in 2008 and apologize for sponsoring the...
Bernie Sanders says that Hillary Clinton’s explanation of her husband’s decision as president to sign legislation banning same-sex marriage is bogus. And he has a point. At issue is the Defense of Marriage Act, which passed Congress with overwhelming bipartisan majorities at the height of the 1996 presidential campaign, when Bill Clinton was seeking a second term. It’s now a relic of history, thanks to a Supreme Court ruling earlier this year, but the fact that Bill Clinton signed it in the first place has long infuriated gay rights supporters.
Rand Paul shook off an awkward comment comparing same-sex marriage to beastiality and made a trip Friday to the early primary state South Carolina in the early stages of a potential presidential campaign. The Kentucky senator, reacting to a comment from Glenn Beck wondering if the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the bulk of the Defense of Marriage Act could lead to legalized polygamy, Paul extended Beck's logic. "This is a conundrum, and it gets back to what you were saying… whether or not churches should decide this,” Paul said. “And it is difficult, because if we have no...
How Laws are Made in Modern Americaby PGYankeStep 1. Identify the social cause you wish to champion. Step 2. Make a law the prohibits that social cause. Step 3. Argue your case to the USSC that Step 2 law is unconstitutional. Step 4. Law is declared unconstitutional by USSC and social cause is now mandatory. Example 1: Step 1. Social cause is Gays in the Military. Step 2. Pass "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." Step 3. Go before court to argue against your own law. Step 4. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is unconstitutional according to USSC, so now the military must...
Having totally predicted the outcome of today’s ObamaCare decision, I feel obliged to try to guess the vote count on tomorrow’s (or next week’s?) gay-marriage outcome too. In some ways this is an easier call than King v. Burwell, in some ways it’s harder. It’s easier in the sense that the outcome isn’t in doubt. There was, at least, a chance (according to some people, not me) that Roberts and Kennedy would side with the other conservatives and strike down federal O-Care subsidies. To predict King correctly, you had to guess the outcome before you guessed the votes. The gay-marriage...
BROWNSVILLE — A U.S. District Court judge ordered federal immigration authorities on Tuesday to rescind three-year work permits for 2,000 immigrants in the country illegally that had been issued in violation of his injunction. “I expect you to resolve the 2,000; I’m shocked that you haven’t,” Judge Andrew Hanen told Justice Department lawyers at a hearing in Brownsville. “If they’re not resolved by July 31, I’m going to have to figure out what action to take.” Hanen has mentioned possible sanctions against the government after he learned it had issued the work permits and deferrals from deporation for three years...
Members of the Supreme Court questioned on Tuesday whether now is the right time to force states to allow same-sex couples to marry, pointing to how quickly public opinion has shifted on the issue of marriage equality. Justice Anthony Kennedy, who was a key figure in striking down the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013, suggested that he might be worried about the court moving too quickly to force states to marry same-sex couples. “This definition has been with us for millennia,” Kennedy said of male-female marriages. The justice also said it would be very difficult for the court to...
Since the U.S. Supreme Court rejected hearing Alabama’s appeal on gay marriage earlier this week, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has taken the firmest stance of all potential Republican presidential candidate on the issue. Cruz introduced the State Marriage Defense Act just two days after the high court’s decision, which would allow states to decide on how to define marriage, rather than federal judges. While Republicans have long been the party supporting only traditional marriage, media reports have recently stressed how slow likely Republican 2016 presidential have been to speak out on the Alabama matter. The Supreme Court opted not to...
States can simply nullify unconstitutional laws and rulings, for how can they be forced to follow these federal laws and rulings if they are illegal from a constitutional point of view, in the first place? An email I received recently asked about the Exceptions clause in Article III of the United States Constitution. Here is my reply: Dear XXXXXX, First, we must establish a proper premise. Part of the problem with dealing with folks that either oppose the Constitution, or have fallen for the “case law” interpretation, is that they don’t understand the argument because they are operating from a...
Look behind the incredible speed of same-sex marriage judicial victories, including Monday’s Supreme Court decision, and you’ll find federal employees. They are not high-profile politicians or appointed officials. You won’t find them on the Sunday morning talk shows or in the national headlines. But they have been in the vanguard of the marriage equality movement even as they toil in their everyday, low-key jobs. The first lawsuit against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which prevented the federal government from recognizing same-sex marriages, was filed in 2009 by a postal worker in Massachusetts.
Republicans in the Missouri State House have brought three charges of impeachment against Democratic Governor Jay Nixon. The main charge relates to an Executive Order by Nixon that allows same-sex couples who "marry" in other states to file tax returns jointly in the state. Nixon said he was forced to make the decision because of how the state and federal tax codes are linked, but Republicans say it violates the state's voter-approved constitutional amendment banning same-sex "marriage." "This is such a blatant and serious violation of Missouri's constitution and Missouri law that the governor should be removed from office," said...
Gay marriage has its second hearing at the federal appellate level Thursday as lawyers for two Oklahoma women and the county clerk who would not give them a marriage license square off in a Denver courtroom. The appeal of a lower court’s January ruling that struck down Oklahoma’s gay marriage ban is the second time the issue has reached appellate courts since the U.S. Supreme Court shook up the legal landscape last year by finding the federal Defense of Marriage Act was unconstitutional. The same three-judge panel of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals heard a similar Utah case...
Vice President Joe Biden has never lacked for passion. And his occasional failure to restrain his enthusiasm has sometimes gotten him in trouble. But his over-the-top rhetoric was right on point when he gave the keynote address Saturday evening at the Human Rights Campaign’s gala in downtown Los Angeles. Biden told a story I had never heard, about the first time he saw two men kissing (at minute 14 of the video above). He was in junior high, and his father was driving him to apply for a lifeguard job. “We stopped at a red light and I looked over...
The head of the Russian Pensioners' Party has come up with an initiative to change the Constitution and define marriage as only being between a man and a woman. Igor Zotov, who is also a Lower House MP has explained his move by his assertion that Russia's traditional values are under threat from the latest modern tendencies. "I got this idea from members of the Pensioners' Party. These people are extremely concerned over the processes that are currently taking place all over the world, in particular by the fact that the laws allowing gay marriage have been passed in 15...